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Presidentin' Is...The Thing...You Know...The Thing!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1201 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Voice Of Ponyboy Clarity...
RayR Offline
#1202 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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DrMaddVibe wrote:
Voice Of Ponyboy Clarity...

That's very good. 👏

RayR Offline
#1203 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
Joey B. once said he was a capitalist. I never believed it, the closest thing to capitalism the Biden Crime Family ever got to is Crony Capitalism which isn't capitalism at all.

So Much For Unity: Biden Calls Anti-Socialism Protesters ‘Idiots’

By Tim Meads
Nov 5, 2022

On Saturday, President Joe Biden displayed his so-called decency and desire for unity by calling a group of anti-socialist protesters outside his rally “idiots.”

The president, rallying in Joliet, Illinois, was greeted by dozens of protesters holding signs, including ones that said: “Socialism sucks.”

“I love those signs when I came in — socialism. Give me a break, what idiots,” the president barked at attendees before defending Social Security.


I for one do not doubt that Joey means what he said, that anti-socialists are idiots. I'd say this is one of those cases where he sometimes says all that he means.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1204 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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The man that's supposed to unite us. The Leader of the Free World. The guy who has the job where you get the 3 AM call. Why can't he put in 8 hours like the rest of us at least?

Well, the White House has already called a lid as of 11:24am (meaning the press won’t see President Biden at all today).


So much for last minute stumping or barn storming to get the party message out or hold your guy up. Nope. It's nite nite time for Paw Paw.

No hope.

"Reporters have pressed the White House in recent months on whether Biden will hold another formal press conference, as his last formal conference with reporters was in January of 2022."
Sunoverbeach Offline
#1205 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,850
When an older generation gripes about how terrible a younger generation is, aren't they jus admitting they sucked as parents?
RayR Offline
#1206 Posted:
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LYIN' BIDEN Liar LYIN' BIDEN Liar LYIN' BIDEN Liar Bottomless Pinocchio LYIN' BIDEN Liar

Washington Post gives Biden a 'bottomless Pinocchio' in fact-check of several misleading claims

The Washington Post also fact-checked a misleading claim about Social Security

Published November 7, 2022 9:24am EST

The Washington Post gave President Biden a "bottomless Pinocchio" in a fact check of several recent claims he's made, including statements about Social Security.

"Folks, I spent a lot of time — more time with Xi Jinping than any other head of state. … I’ve traveled 17,000 miles with him," the president said on Nov. 3 in San Diego. Glenn Kessler wrote that the Post has fact-checked this claim several times before and that the president has said it over 20 times.

During the Trump administration, the Washington Post created a new rating, the "bottomless Pinocchio," for claims that had been given three Pinocchios and had been repeated at least 20 times.

"Now Biden has earned his own Bottomless Pinocchio," Kessler wrote.

The analysis also fact-checked the president's claim that seniors were getting an increase in their Social Security checks for the first time in 10 years. The White House also included this claim in a tweet that was deleted.

"The reason Social Security payments are going up is because Social Security benefits, under a law passed in 1972, are adjusted every year to keep pace with inflation," the Post's analysis said.

The president also claimed recently that gas was over $5 a gallon when he took office.

RayR Offline
#1207 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
Well...he was close, both wurds start with a C.


Biden mistakenly thanks Colombia for hosting ASEAN summit in Cambodia

President Biden has now twice referred to Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit host Cambodia as Colombia, including Saturday during remarks opening the talks.

"It was an honor to host at the White House in May, and now that we are back together in Cambodia," Biden said as he opened the talks. "I look forward to building even stronger progress than we've already made. I want to thank the prime minister for Colombia's leadership as ASEAN chair."

The president was speaking from Cambodia, the site of the ASEAN meeting, chaired by Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen.

This mirrored an earlier gaffe made just before departing for the meeting in which he told the press he was "heading over to Colombia" before correcting himself.

RayR Offline
#1208 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
He's the "LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD" I heard. Anxious

Biden says sorry in Egypt for Trump climate move after trio of gaffes

By Steven Nelson
November 11, 2022

The “apology tour” is back on the road.

President Biden told the nations of the world Friday he regretted that former President Donald Trump pulled the US out of a landmark emissions reduction pact and warned of looming “climate hell” 👿— hours after making a series of gaffes while leaving the White House.

“We immediately rejoined the Paris agreement,” Biden said in a Veterans Day speech at the COP27 global warming conference in Egypt’s Red Sea resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh.

“I apologize we ever pulled out of the agreement,” the president added.

Trump formally withdrew the US from the Paris agreement in November 2020 — about two months before Biden took office — after saying he would do so in 2017 because “I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.”

It can be politically problematic for US presidents to apologize abroad for the acts of their predecessors. Republicans regularly bashed former President Barack Obama for his remarks abroad after anti-US sentiment grew during the Iraq War.

Biden, who turns 80 on Nov. 20, arrived in Egypt after a series of gaffes on the White House lawn as he departed for the trip late Thursday.

Asked by a reporter whether he was hopeful the Russia-Ukraine war would end soon, the president mixed up “Russia” and “Ukraine,” “Colombia” and “Cambodia” and said incorrectly that he was visiting “Cairo” in Egypt rather than Sharm el-Sheikh, about 300 miles away.

“I don’t think the conflict will be resolved with Russia and Ukraine until Ukraine gets out of — until Putin gets out of Ukraine,” Biden said on the lawn. “Anyway, you guys, I’m heading down to — first of all, going to Cairo for the environmental effort, then heading over to Colombia and then — I mean, Cambodia. I was thinking — I’m thinking the Western Hemisphere.”

DrMaddVibe Offline
#1209 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Joe Biden's Thanksgiving Day Phone Call Goes off the Rails

Has there been any presidency in history that has been as bumbling as the Biden administration? It’s like watching one big gag that never ends. Who could have guessed that putting the political equivalent of a bunch of gender studies majors in high positions of power wouldn’t go smoothly?

And yet, here we are, with the President of the United States unable to even complete a pre-planned Thanksgiving Day phone call without things going off the rails. Biden was scheduled to call NBC News reporter Dylan Dryer live on-air. Here’s how that went per The New York Post.

“I’m not one to take a phone call during TV, but I think I should answer this one,” Dreyer said.

“Hello, Mr. President?” the reporter said.

But no one answered as Jill Biden could faintly be heard in the background after seconds of dead air and confusion.

“I don’t think I can hear you…” Dreyer then said. “Can you hear me, Mr. President.”

Biden could then be heard saying something to the first lady and then Dreyer chimed in, “Hello? Happy Thanksgiving, Mr. President. Are you there?”

Eventually, Biden finally figured out what was going on and started reciting his planned lines about honoring first responders. He obviously screwed that up, though, given that Jill Biden jumped into the middle of his statement to remind him to talk about remembering US military members. If you heard it live, it was an awkward exchange despite no doubt being rehearsed.

Still, what struck me about this entire spectacle was how different the standards are when it comes to media relationships with different politicians. Would NBC News have ever done a fluff segment like that with Donald Trump? I think we know the answer to that.

In the end, it’s not a big deal. Of all the things to rag on Biden about, his flubbing a phone call is pretty low on the list. Yet, the whole thing just felt like a metaphor for his presidency. Even the most basic tasks turn into cringe moments because he’s so obviously declining mentally. That his wife has to continually rescue him only adds to the bad optics. Is it any wonder tyrants are on the march throughout the world right now when the president doesn’t even know where he is?

Happy 4th of July!
RayR Offline
#1210 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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It's terrifying to think that DUHMACRACY elected that flubber. Think
Sunoverbeach Offline
#1211 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
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Deaf people don't know why farts are funny
ZRX1200 Offline
#1212 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Unless they’re wet.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1213 Posted:
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'He's not stepping up': Union workers feel let down by 'pro-union' Joe Biden amid rail dispute

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden hails unions at almost every turn, often declaring "unions built the middle class" and that his goal is to be "the most pro-union president" in U.S. history.

But as he urges Congress to intervene in a labor dispute to avert a freight rail strike before the holidays, the president is facing a backlash from labor allies. Union workers hoped to secure paid sick leave in a final contract, among other assurances, but congressional action pushed by Biden would force some terms they oppose.

"The actions speak for themselves. Don't tell me what you are. Show me what you are," said Ross Grooters, a railroad engineer from Des Moines, Iowa and co-chair of the advocacy group Railroad Workers United. "He's not stepping up for workers in the way that he should be."

Inside the rail dispute

4 union holdouts: Negotiations over a new contract between rail carriers and 12 rail unions go back three years. Members of eight of the unions voted to ratify a contract proposal that the Biden administration helped orchestrated in September, but four other unions rejected the deal.

Paid sick leave a sticking point: Many union members held back their support in hopes of getting paid sick leave in the contract and changes to strict attendance policies that limit time off for emergencies. Among the holdouts is SMART Transportation Division, representing about 28,000 conductors

The economic risk: A rail strike or lockout could paralyze the economy by halting the shipment of many foods, particularly grain, and critical goods before next month's holiday season.

Dec. 9 deadline approaching: Biden, in a statement Monday, called on Congress to pass legislation to adopt the tentative deal reached in September. His move came as unions and freight rail companies faced a Dec. 9 deadline to finalize a deal before a strike or lockdown could occur.

What happens next

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the House will take up legislation Wednesday morning that would set a new contract to avoid a strike. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell agree the issue must be taken up "ASAP."

Biden called for the legislation to reflect the contract that union leaders tentatively agreed on. It includes a 24% pay increase over five years, $5,000 bonuses, voluntary assigned days off, but only one paid day off. Currently, rail workers don't get any paid days off.

The legislation is likely to have some opposition, setting up a potentially dicey situation in the 50-50 split Senate for passage. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., signaled he would vote against the legislation Tuesday. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has previously slammed the deal for lacking sick leave. And some progressive House Democrats have raised concerns as well


Biden, as he kicked off a meeting with congressional leaders Tuesday, acknowledged he struggled with his appeal to Congress.

"It's not an easy call, but I think we have to do it," Biden said. "The economy is at risk."

Yet in 1992, the last time Congress intervened to stop a rail strike, then-Sen. Biden was one of six senators who voted against ending the strike.

His change in tune 30 years later underscores the difference between being a senator and president. In the White House, Biden has faced intense criticism over 40-year high inflation that has proven difficult to tame.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates a rail strike would result in thousands of factory workers being furloughed and losses of $2 billion daily from the economy. The flow of many foods, critical goods and raw materials would come to a halt, paralyzing the U.S. economy and putting as many as 765,000 Americans out of work in two weeks, according to the White House.

Ultimately, the president decided he couldn't risk more damage to a delicate economy – even if his decision disappoints his union friends.

What they are saying

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the legislation to keep the freight rails operating "is not about undermining the right to strike," noting the majority of rail unions voted to adopt the contract. "The president has been very clear, he is a president for all," Jean-Pierre said, calling the potential for an economic catastrophe "unacceptable."

Hugh Sawyer, a railroad engineer of 34 years and union member, said he understands why Biden wants to avoid an economic disaster from a rail shutdown. But he doesn't believe the president needed to interject and end talks with unions still lacking greater scheduling flexibility, paid leave and other demands. "I feel like he's just thrown us under the bus," Sawyer said. "I really am disappointed."

"It is not enough to 'share' workers' concerns,'" the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees Division of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters said in a statement. The group said Biden's call to Congress "denies railroad workers their right to strike while also denying them of the benefit they would likely otherwise obtain if they were not denied their right to strike."

Michael Baldwin, president of the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen, said Biden let down his members. "We're trying to address an issue here of sick time. It's very important," he told CNN. "This action prevents us from reaching the end of our process."

One Democratic House lawmaker, Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-New York, indicated he would vote against the rail legislation. "I can’t in good conscience vote for a bill that doesn’t give rail workers the paid leave they deserve," he said in a tweet.

In the Senate, Rubio offered support for the unions over Biden's call for Congress to interject. "The railways & workers should go back & negotiate a deal that the workers, not just the union bosses, will accept," Rubio said in a tweet. "But if Congress is forced to do it, I will not vote to impose a deal that doesn’t have the support of the rail workers"

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy predicted the legislation to prevent a rail strike will pass but added "it's unfortunate this is how we're running our economy today."

The big picture

Biden celebrated the tentative deal in September alongside union leaders and rail executives at the White House Rose Garden, calling it a “big win for America.”

At the time, Biden said it "validated" that management and unions can work together.

But despite winning the endorsements of the unions' leaders, their members weren't all on board.

As the nation's self-described "pro-union president," Biden would have certainly relished a deal that satisfied the unions' lingering demands. But with economic concerns still weighing on Americans, the president wasn't willing to let a strike happen.

A 24% raise. Seriously? Amtrak Joe at it again.
MACS Offline
#1214 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,027
Wonder if they hire part time? I don't wanna go back to work full time, but for a 5k bonus and a 24% bump in pay I'd damn sure go back part time.

Wonder if they got railways near me? lol
RayR Offline
#1215 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
A bunch of stupid lazy BUMS and crooked union bosses. Joey B is a big part of their inflation plight, why they are whining about needing mo' money and perks. Now they are whining that Joey B doesn't have their back? They want him to use his pen and a phone and do unconstitutional criminal acts?

“The government is good at one thing. It knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, 'See if it weren't for the government, you wouldn't be able to walk.” ― Harry Browne
RayR Offline
#1216 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
French lady lyin' for Biden.

More Lies: Karine Jean-Pierre Says Joe Biden “Has Been to the Border” – Biden Has NEVER Visited the US-Mexico Border (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila
Published November 30, 2022 at 8:09pm

More lies.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Wednesday said Joe Biden “has been to the border.”

This is a brazen lie.

Joe Biden drove by the border in El Paso once while he was on the campaign trail in 2008.

Biden has never been to the US-Mexico border.


DrMaddVibe Offline
#1217 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Biden's Oil Deal With Venezuela Is Worse Than You Think

A week ago the Biden administration announced that it had approved an expansion of the license to Chevron so they could resume oil production in Venezuela.

This was a surprise given the administration’s hostility to fossil fuels in general and oil from Venezuela in particular.

Andrew Stuttaford of NRO described the decision, writing that it “combined disdain for human rights with a degree of geopolitical stupidity impressive even by its own dismal standards.”

That Biden would allow oil to flow from a socialist dictator like Nicolás Maduro isn’t shocking. The administration has made a nasty habit of dealing with dictators while leaving our friends high and dry. Such is the case with tiny Guyana, which was recently discovered to be sitting on an ocean of crude oil. One of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere, Guyana would benefit enormously from U.S. expertise and loans.

But that’s not going to happen.

Wall Street Journal:

It looked like a 21st-century fairy tale: wealth creation, low-impact energy production, environmentally careful investors and solar development all in a democracy aligned with the U.S. In a March interview with Guyana’s Stabroek News, then-IDB President Mauricio Claver-Carone spoke about the auspicious outlook: IDB oversight and transparency was poised to assist in producing real benefits for the nation rather than what has occurred under “Middle Eastern and African models that have actually seen development stalled with the new resources and democracy trampled.”

The U.S. vetoed the loan. Its reasoning was based on August 2021 Treasury “guidance on fossil fuel energy at the multilateral development banks,” which says that the U.S. will “promote ending international financing of carbon-intensive fossil fuel-based energy.” After two years of working with the IDB to ensure proper due diligence, the company had to go back to the drawing board.

Guyana oil is the future. Right now, Europe and the U.S. are facing an energy shortage this winter and Venezuela’s crude supplies are needed to prevent voters in the west from getting angry at politicians because their homes are cold and their cars won’t run for lack of gasoline. So, all of a sudden, the earth is no longer in imminent danger of burning up and Maduro’s heavy-handed oppression doesn’t look too bad.

“This Venezuelan deal, that’s a good example of the desperation that this administration is dealing with,” said Harold Hamm, the shale billionaire who founded Continental Resources and previously advised Trump on energy policy.

Hamm points to the extraordinarily short-sighted decisions of the Biden administration that virtually shut down the shale industry just as the price of fuel was skyrocketing and driving the rate of inflation.

Financial Times:

“They know what they did. They know they took the federal lands off the table,” Hamm said. “They know better and shame on them . . . They want to put oil and gas out of business.” . . .

“You have to understand where diesel comes from, and you can’t make it out of tar,” he said, in a reference to Venezuela’s ultra-heavy bituminous oil, which needs to be blended with lighter grades and requires extensive refining. . . .

The decision to allow Venezuela to expand oil production is stupid, self-defeating, and dangerously naive. All are hallmarks of the Biden administration’s approach to international relations.

Willing to bet that President Groper told Chairman Xi all about Guyana so he could claim all that goodwill, and snag that oil.
RayR Offline
#1218 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
Joey B. sure does make strange friendships, he invites people to whom he can relate to the Whitehouse. Everybody from some freak Tik Tok Tranny to this convicted criminal commie from Brazil.

Brazil: Jake Sullivan Invites Communist Criminal Lula to USA as Indios Protest, Chile Threatens to Invade

By Richard Abelson
Published December 6, 2022 at 9:30am

Joe Biden’s “National Security Adviser” and Russiagate conspirator Jake Sullivan visited Brasilía Monday and invited the convicted criminal, Communist, and purported election fraudster Lula da Silva to visit Washington. Indigenous tribes found the fake President-Elect’s hotel and made “the ground tremble” with their protest.

“National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan traveled to Brasilia, Brazil on Monday, December 5 for meetings with senior representatives of the Brazilian government and members of the incoming administration of President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Sullivan was accompanied by senior officials from the National Security Council and State Department.”, the White House reports. “During the meeting, Mr. Sullivan extended an invitation on behalf of President Biden for President-elect Lula to visit Washington.” Lula da Silva is a convicted criminal who should be ineligible to become President, which the corrupt Supreme Court full of his own nominees vacated, while ignoring all reports of election fraud to install their puppet. So of course he gets to visit Joe Biden. They have a lot in common.

However, the Biden regime may be disappointed. As Gateway Pundit reported, the Army continues to mobilize, with sources confirming the military will act this week to stop the steal and protect Brazil’s democracy. Hundreds of thousands of Brazilians continue to protest and urge the Army to intervene.

HockeyDad Offline
#1219 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
Chile should invade Brazil!
frankj1 Offline
#1220 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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Chile just elected a very young socialist, so I doubt it.

Pretty sure Lula served time in jail after he had been President a while back. He was released early, but did real time. The country had prospered when he was in office but there was rampant corruption and he was properly found guilty.

He just beat the Trump-lite incumbent who had been using the same tactics pre-election as the Donald...also without evidence...making claims that there "would have to be" irregularities if he lost.
Sound familiar?

just for perspective, I have a few friends and neighbors from Chile, and worked with/hired many from Brasil with whom I speak regularly.
MACS Offline
#1221 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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He was right... there were "irregularities".

And nobody wants to talk about how the DNC, FBI and Twitter colluded to bury the Hunter Biden laptop story?
frankj1 Offline
#1222 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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did not mean "properly found guilty"
He was found guilty and sentenced by a judge picked by Bolsonaro...though he was likely culpable in the corruption under his watch.
frankj1 Offline
#1223 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,299
MACS wrote:
He was right... there were "irregularities".

And nobody wants to talk about how the DNC, FBI and Twitter colluded to bury the Hunter Biden laptop story?

were you upset when Comey reversed on Hillary a week or two before that election?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1224 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
frankj1 wrote:
were you upset when Comey reversed on Hillary a week or two before that election?

And didn't arrest her after he said she had committed the crimes she was accused of....DAMN STRAIGHT I AM....STILL!

Now, tell me the all the good things Biden has done.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#1225 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,850
By the time your brain processes living with n the present it will be the past
RayR Offline
#1226 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
So Chile just elected a very young socialist? Too bad, I heard it was turning into a civilized place. Another sad victim of duhmacracy.

So Biden is still colluding with foreign dicktators, Commie and otherwise. That tells a lot about his character.
Speaking of character, I heard Biden say Warnock was a man of great character. Ya, that allegedly God-fearing Christian pastor that wouldn't denounce Godless Marxism.
frankj1 Offline
#1227 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,299
DrMaddVibe wrote:
And didn't arrest her after he said she had committed the crimes she was accused of....DAMN STRAIGHT I AM....STILL!

Now, tell me the all the good things Biden has done.

he did what he needed to do...cost her the election.
People like her and Trump don't go to prison.
You should thank him.

Me? I didn't vote for either but I voted.
You didn't vote at all, so don't be telling anyone what to think.
frankj1 Offline
#1228 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,299
RayR wrote:
So Chile just elected a very young socialist? Too bad, I heard it was turning into a civilized place. Another sad victim of duhmacracy.

So Biden is still colluding with foreign dicktators, Commie and otherwise. That tells a lot about his character.
Speaking of character, I heard Biden say Warnock was a man of great character. Ya, that allegedly God-fearing Christian pastor that wouldn't denounce Godless Marxism.

clearly you've heard nothing about Chile.

the rest is white noise, per usual.
RayR Offline
#1229 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
frankj1 wrote:
clearly you've heard nothing about Chile.

the rest is white noise, per usual.

I heard what you told me Frank. You told me duhmacracy elected a very young socialist.
The result if they don't correct that collectivist error will be elementary, and other words not good.

Tell me more Frank.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1230 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
frankj1 wrote:
he did what he needed to do...cost her the election.
People like her and Trump don't go to prison.
You should thank him.

Me? I didn't vote for either but I voted.
You didn't vote at all, so don't be telling anyone what to think.

You asked a question. I answered it. I asked a question and you pulled a Pedo Joe word salad out of your ass.

Get this through your thin skull. Because you like to prattle on about it so much. I've explained myself quite clearly before but only YOU can't fathom the answer. I have voted in each and every election. I chose not to vote for the office of the US President in 2016. That's it. I did vote, just not for Trump the 1st time. There wasn't and hasn't been a viable 3rd party candidate since H. Ross Perot that would actually be able to do good for America. Until there's a 3rd party in the Legislative Branch, there's no use in voting for them. EVER. Both parties would work against him and the will of the People with their own selfish interests and we would have a weakened Executive Branch.

So, see if you can stay on point now. Please tell us all the good Biden has done for America?
Sunoverbeach Offline
#1231 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,850
If a chronic liar tells you they are lying, are they?
HockeyDad Offline
#1232 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
Too bad about Chile. Elected a young socialist. Rewriting their constitution. Already talking about nationalization of lithium. Threatening to attack Brazil to support a leftist government even though they don’t share a border….

Time to cross them off the foreign investment list.
Stogie1020 Offline
#1233 Posted:
Joined: 12-19-2019
Posts: 5,466
HockeyDad wrote:
Too bad about Chile. Elected a young socialist. Rewriting their constitution. Already talking about nationalization of lithium. Threatening to attack Brazil to support a leftist government even though they don’t share a border….

Time to cross them off the foreign investment list.

Too cold there anyway, although their meat stew is good (NO BEANS).
HockeyDad Offline
#1234 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
10 years of socialism and that meat stew will be flamingos from the zoo like in Venezuela.
RayR Offline
#1235 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
The LEFTIES have always awaited the day when their true messiah would come. A young socialist would be elected by duhmacracy and finally show the world that socialism works if only the right people are in charge.
In the meantime after so many disappointments believing in false prophets, they blame all their failures on the antidemocratic ideas of the Right, the Right-winger's rejection of modernity and the new novel sciences like the 12 genders of biology, and the existential threat of climate change, among others.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1236 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Clueless on display...AGAIN.

Border Patrol Agents Eviscerate Biden For Saying He's Got "More Important Things" To Worry About

Joe Biden declared Tuesday that he has “more important things” to worry about than visiting the border, despite the fact that he was in Arizona anyway for an appearance.

It started with the White House attempting to avoid the issue altogether:

Then Fox News reporter Peter Doocy outright asked Biden why he wasn’t going to check on the border despite being only a few miles away.


Biden skipped checking out the border, instead visiting visit a computer chip plant.

Here is the “more important thing” Biden was referring to. A thing Biden clearly has zero understanding of:

As we have repeatedly highlighted, there is an all our crisis on the border that is about to get even worse:

Border patrol agents were not impressed, with one commenting to the Daily Caller “MORE IMPORTANT THINGS? This is HIS disaster, he created this catastrophe. The border crisis is a total breach of National Security. Give me a **** break…I can’t wait for this clown to be out of office.”

Another Border agent charged that Biden’s comments betray “another example of how delusional he is.”

“It’s in their narrative to downplay the destabilization of the U.S. What could possibly be more important than criminals and terrorists infiltrating the country and tens of thousands of fentanyl overdoses, mostly being young adults,” the agent added.

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd added “The President’s most fundamental job is the safety and security of the American people. He’s failing. With a record number of people and dangerous drugs flowing across our borders, the President owes it to this country to go to the border and develop a strategy of security.”

“Unfortunately, President Biden’s record speaks for itself. He cares more about politics than American lives,” Judd asserted.

He said his record speaks for itself...I prefer stammer, hem, guffaw, mumble, babble, blather, utter, gurgle, jabber, and stutter all in the incoherent dialog the Leader of the Free World stutters on about, but...hey...what can I say?

Total embarrassment for America is every department.
8trackdisco Offline
#1237 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
He just traded Boot for Griner, and leaves a Marine behind.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#1238 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
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If there are no customer complaints about a bulletproof vest, then it's either really good or really bad
HockeyDad Offline
#1239 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
8trackdisco wrote:
He just traded Boot for Griner, and leaves a Marine behind.

The Merchant of Death is free! Another great day for Joe Biden.
dkeage Offline
#1240 Posted:
Joined: 03-05-2004
Posts: 15,172
8trackdisco wrote:
He just traded Boot for Griner, and leaves a Marine behind.

Most marines probably don’t vote democrat .... Brick wall
deadeyedick Offline
#1241 Posted:
Joined: 03-13-2003
Posts: 17,222
He is disgrace but he knows which side his bread is buttered on. Seems to be all that matters.
teddyballgame Offline
#1242 Posted:
Joined: 09-16-2015
Posts: 592
8trackdisco wrote:
He just traded Boot for Griner, and leaves a Marine behind.

Brittney Griner Freed From Russia In Exchange For ‘Merchant Of Death’, Ex-Marine Left Behind
teddyballgame Offline
#1243 Posted:
Joined: 09-16-2015
Posts: 592
The guy is like George Costanza from the episode of Seinfeld. "If every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right. "

Except there is no "Jerry" to point that out for Joe to go and do the opposite.
RayR Offline
#1244 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
dkeage wrote:
Most marines probably don’t vote democrat .... Brick wall

I was thinking the same thing, Griner checks all the desired LEFTY boxes.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1245 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
His intentions were good but a day early.

Prolly had kids to sniff and grope and didn't want to be bothered.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1246 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
RayR wrote:
I was thinking the same thing, Griner checks all the desired LEFTY boxes.

Does more than just checking them. Licks em...massages them...scissors them...she should've rotted over there.

RayR Offline
#1247 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
DrMaddVibe wrote:
His intentions were good but a day early.

Prolly had kids to sniff and grope and didn't want to be bothered.

Yes, it's a certainty that Biden didn't write that. He had more important things to do.
RayR Offline
#1248 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
HockeyDad wrote:
Too bad about Chile. Elected a young socialist. Rewriting their constitution. Already talking about nationalization of lithium. Threatening to attack Brazil to support a leftist government even though they don’t share a border….

Time to cross them off the foreign investment list.

Get this! Another LEFT O' CENTER South American type President has got himself in a heap of trouble.
"He didn't unify the country," said Eric Farnsworth, vice president of the Council of the Americas. "He doesn't even seem to make much of an effort along those lines."

He sounds just like Joey B.!
Maybe if Biden can break him out of jail, he can bring him to the White House for a nice chat.


Peru President Removed, Arrested for 'Rebellion'

Thursday, 08 December 2022 01:00 AM EST

In just three tumultuous hours, President Pedro Castillo went from decreeing the dissolution of Peru's Congress to being replaced by his vice president, but the threats against his government had been building throughout his nearly 17-month presidency.

The former school teacher and center-left political novice, who won a runoff election in June 2021 by just 44,000 votes, stepped onto a no-holds-barred political battlefield in Peru, the South American country now on its sixth president in six years. By nightfall Wednesday, after a day of high political drama, prosecutors had announced Castillo was under arrest, facing charges of rebellion.


8trackdisco Offline
#1249 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
dkeage wrote:
Most marines probably don’t vote democrat .... Brick wall

Yep. Plus, as much as I dislike it, got to give the Dems scoreboard on knowing how to play the game.

One day after Herschel Trump gets beat, they dunk on The Donald with this PR move.

Which of course will make the skinny, shirtless, wild-eyed Trump supporters in the trailer parks want to push harder for Trump.

Which is exactly what the Dems are hoping for.

Only a year and a half for the GOP to pull their collective head out of their ashe.

Confidence is not High.
HockeyDad Offline
#1250 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
The Bible and gun clinging deplorable redneck racists need to dump Trump and get back in line behind the Goldman Sachs-Chase-Citigroup-Big Pharma side of the Republican Party.
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