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Last post 2 days ago by DrMaddVibe. 1819 replies replies.
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Presidentin' Is...The Thing...You Know...The Thing!
RayR Offline
#1051 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
Brewha wrote:
Peeps is so mean to Trump……

OK, Brew, like DaveSoCal you are trying to hijack the thread, to change the subject because you are embarrassed by #PedoHitler.
RayR Offline
#1052 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
Here are some more fun imagery and words to read right from the Dark Lords' mouth.

“Strength Through Unity – Unity Through Faith”
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1053 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Despite the Insurrection lies and his poll numbers moving forward...riddle me this...



Well, contrast...

If ANYONE still want to believe that 81 million people voted for this $hitshow and still support Pedo Joe...Santa will be visiting your house real soon.
#1054 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
Posts: 1,416
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Despite the Insurrection lies and his poll numbers moving forward...riddle me this...



Well, contrast...

If ANYONE still want to believe that 81 million people voted for this $hitshow and still support Pedo Joe...Santa will be visiting your house real soon.

Imagine how many would’ve actually showed on to see Joe if it wasn’t in his ‘home area’ of Scranton. Sleepy Joe and Hillary love to embrace their Scranton roots when it’s convenient.
Brewha Offline
#1055 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,256
At least he gets respect. Seems no one respects trump these days….
RayR Offline
#1056 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Despite the Insurrection lies and his poll numbers moving forward...riddle me this...



Well, contrast...

If ANYONE still want to believe that 81 million people voted for this $hitshow and still support Pedo Joe...Santa will be visiting your house real soon.

Nobody wants to bring their children to the freakshows either. I wonder why? Think


DrMaddVibe Offline
#1057 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
FBI Ignored 'Eyewitness Testimony' Of Joe Biden’s Involvement In Son’s China Deal: Senator

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) said that the FBI ignored eyewitness testimony regarding President Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s dealings with a Chinese conglomerate about a month before the 2020 election.

The former Senate Homeland Security Committee chairman told the New York Post that “suppression and censoring of his testimony and Hunter’s influence peddling impacted the 2020 election” far worse than anything China or Russia could have achieved.

About a month before the November 2020 election, a former associate of Hunter Biden, Tony Bobulinksi, told media outlets that Joe Biden was involved with his son’s and brother Jim Biden’s dealings with CEFC, a Chinese Communist Party-linked energy conglomerate. Bobulinksi confirmed the authenticity of emails sourced from the younger Biden’s laptop hard drive that referred to Joe Biden as “the big guy” due to a 10 percent cut in the new corporate organization.

“Unfortunately, Tony Bobulinski’s first-hand eyewitness testimony regarding President Biden’s knowledge of Hunter Biden’s compromising web of foreign financial entanglements, especially with the Chinese, was not only ignored by the media, but also by the FBI,” Johnson said this week, referring to the 2020 claims.

The Epoch Times reached out to the FBI for comment.

Senate Report

Johnson along with Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who has long investigated Hunter Biden, published a lengthy report on the Bidens’ business dealings in September 2020 (pdf), which raised questions about the younger Biden’s reportedly lucrative position at Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings while his father was vice president and took a leading role in handling the Obama administration’s relations with Ukraine.

The senator’s comment came in response to reports alleging that former FBI special agent Timothy Thibault, who departed the bureau last month, hid intelligence that was provided by Bobulinski.

Thibault was named several times by Grassley and Johnson in letters to the FBI and claimed the former agent displayed an animus toward former President Donald Trump. Whistleblowers from within the bureau told Grassley that the FBI had obtained information in 2020 about “criminal financial and related activity” on behalf of Hunter Biden, according to one of the senator’s letters (pdf), dated July 25, which was then allegedly suppressed by Thibault.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#1058 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,850
Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?
Because the “P” is silent.
BuckyB93 Offline
#1059 Posted:
Joined: 07-16-2004
Posts: 14,289
I think you used that one already

One Oh fiddy NINE!
Sunoverbeach Offline
#1060 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,850
Well, chit
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1061 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735

A person given to hypocrisy.

One who assumes a false appearance; one who feigns to be what he is not, or to feel or believe what he does not actually feel or believe; especially, a false pretender to virtue or piety.

Synonyms Dissembler, Hypocrite (see dissembler); Pharisee, formalist, cheat.

Watch: Biden's 'Election Denier' Spox Scrambles To Explain 2016 Tweet

Democrats are heading into midterms riding on their proud accomplishments crying "burn the witch!" at Republicans who dare commit the grave sin of challenging the results of the 2020 election - an effort which has been months in the making.

And last week President Biden spent a considerable amount of time calling "MAGA Republicans" a threat to democracy because they "don't accept the results of free and fair elections."

Poll workers in Detroit, MI cover windows during the counting of absentee ballots cast in the 2020 US election

And of course, one can see why they're worried when people like Arizona Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake gives answers like this:

Except, Democrats have denied the results of 'free and fair elections' for decades - particularly in 2016.

And so on Tuesday, Biden White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre was caught flat-footed when confronted with her own election-denying tweets.

"In trying to understand the new attention on ‘MAGA Republicans,’ you tweeted in 2016 Trump stole an election —" Fox News' Peter Doocy said, to which Jean-Pierre replied: "I knew you were going to ask me that question."

"Well, great, here we go," Doocy shot back. "You tweeted Trump stole an election, you tweeted Brian Kemp stole an election. If denying election results is extreme now, why wasn’t it then?"

And what was her excuse?

"Let’s be really clear that that comparison that you made is just ridiculous," Jean-Pierre replied. "I was talking specifically at that time of what was happening with voting rights and what was danger of voting rights."


So it's extreme when Republicans deny elections.

We all had to witness President Cobra Commander do his best Red Wedding speech for Unity, but this is exactly what Lefty wanted.

A muttering stuttering rapid blinking blank potato.
#1062 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
Posts: 1,416
DrMaddVibe wrote:

Except, Democrats have denied the results of 'free and fair elections' for decades - particularly in 2016.

And so on Tuesday, Biden White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre was caught flat-footed when confronted with her own election-denying tweets.

"In trying to understand the new attention on ‘MAGA Republicans,’ you tweeted in 2016 Trump stole an election —" Fox News' Peter Doocy said, to which Jean-Pierre replied: "I knew you were going to ask me that question."

"Well, great, here we go," Doocy shot back. "You tweeted Trump stole an election, you tweeted Brian Kemp stole an election. If denying election results is extreme now, why wasn’t it then?"

And what was her excuse?

"Let’s be really clear that that comparison that you made is just ridiculous," Jean-Pierre replied. "I was talking specifically at that time of what was happening with voting rights and what was danger of voting rights."


I thought Peppermint Patty was bad but at least she was somewhat competent, this one now is absolutely horrible. Between her constant hand motions, inability to answer questions and get caught in lies she’s unwatchable. She said she knew she was going to get that question yet got all flustered and stumbled to give that response? Imagine if 9 out of 10 questions were fully loaded and not softballs. Kayleigh Macenany caught grenades and fed them right back while schooling the classroom; Peppermint Patty got soft questions about moms cookies and Sleepy Joe’s favorite ice cream flavor.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1063 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
See that's right there is the symptom and the cure.

Lefty cannot handle the Truth and needs to be codified. Like little kids. They don't want to think or do anything with that because it requires effort. I'm dead serious with that too. All they want to do is throw taxpayer money at something and throw their hands up and expect to be congratulated for their gargantuan solution.

Any time the GOP get a crack at anything they have to start off spending 2 years cleaning up a frat party, low rent wedding reception, elementary school food fight tornado. Good luck...try your best but there's always that "corner" that gets overlooked, pushed around with the broom and dustpan...the stuff that doggedly just won't be picked up easy...and it builds...and it builds...and it builds. As a nation we're going to have to have real conversations that people aren't going to want to have by people that want to fix them. The "kid" (of which I's a blessing and a curse!) pointing out that the "Emperor" isn't wearing any clothes won't work anymore.

We watched our nation give up their Constitutional rights without a whimper because we had to flatten the curve. What we got was a trial run for the Neo-Nazi party of control messaging and compliance. It was mind blowing for me and I've voiced my concerns about it here and eventually was proven to be correct that they were doing it all wrong. Everyone yelling "Follow the Science" while a diminutive crazed scientist in bio-weapon laboratories all over the planet playing with American taxpayer house money doling out a cocktail that has never been approved to millions of people all over the globe poisoned generations with their goo. They locked us up, masked us, made us get papers and fired people and took careers from people. When do those monsters pay the price for destroying an economy and a nation as important to the globe as the US? All while ramming a real fool into the White House with his never ready for prime time players. Seriously...look at this administration...there isn't one single person that's competent in their position. AND LEFTY DOESN'T CARE! They read and watch the main street media firewall this $hitshow while we really go down the tubes. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING they accuse the Right of ever doing...the Left is already doing or already did! EVERYTHING! There's NEVER any repercussions. EVER! So, when enough people finally want to stop their widdle temper tantrums and go down for their naps the adults get their crack and the clean up game again. Rinse lather and repeat...except the next time...Iran will have nuclear weapons. China will have surpassed us militarily and become the World's Beat Cop/Financier. Russia will continue their threatening manner as will the DPRK. The US dollar will no longer be the de facto currency and we will be in such debt that we will never pay it off setting up a war...of which it ALWAYS does.

So, here we are witnessing the first lesbian, black identifying as female ( not that ANY of that even matters but that's the way she was touted as being experienced for the job!) White House Office of the Press Secretary play word salad with a notebook she most likely stole from the Vice-President's desk blurt out lie after lie after lie and just make stuff up as she goes...and it gets reported and believed!
RayR Offline
#1064 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
Yes, hypocrisy is one of LEFTY'S finest gifts.
Ze French lady Karine Jean-Pierre as Biden's White House spokeswoman is the gift that keeps on giving as the public face of LEFTY hypocrisy in between O'Biden's speeches

Did you know that LEFTY is still MAD at former LEFTY Dave Rubin for saying the only reason Karine Jean-Pierre got her job was that she’s a “black lesbo” who’s in a relationship with a CNN anchor.


What makes LEFTY even MADDER is that Dave Rubin is ghey so they can't call him a homophobe.
Dave hasn't backed off either, I was listening to some of his recent shows and he still refers to her are that Black Lesbian Press Secretary.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#1065 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735 a candle in the wind...never knowing who to cling to...when the rain set in...
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1066 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Cracks in the Unity front.

Biden Has Failed to Keep His Most Important Promise

As every candidate does, Joe Biden made a lot of promises on the campaign trail. While parts of his policy platform may have been uninspiring or even anathema to swing voters, he was able to win over many with a single promise: that he would be "a president who seeks not to divide, but unify." In November of 2020, Biden proclaimed that it was "time to put away the harsh rhetoric, lower the temperature, see each other again, listen to each other again."

However, through his first couple of years in office, President Biden has been anything but the unifying figure he promised to be. According to Pew Research statistics, polarization has continued to worsen during the Biden presidency. While this is certainly not all Biden's doing, he has more than done his part to widen the divide between Americans.

On Thursday, Biden gave a campaign-like speech in which he attacked his political opponents from the grounds of a national park with Marines posted behind him. He asserted that a large cohort of voters in this country "pose a clear and present danger" to our democracy and urged others to "vote vote vote" in the midterms. Biden also painted with that broad brush at a recent Democratic fundraising event, labeling "MAGA Republicans" as "semi-fascists"—whatever that means. His hyperbolic attacks will only fan the flames of polarization.

But this isn't new behavior from President Biden. Whenever the nation has most needed him to make good on his promise to unify, Biden has set out to divide.

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, Biden repeatedly called our health crisis "a pandemic of the unvaccinated" and attempted to scare those who had foregone the shots. He predicted in 2021 that the unvaccinated would face a "winter of severe illness and death." Setting aside the fact that the data say he was wrong, is this really what "put[ting] away the harsh rhetoric" looks like?

Not only did Biden use fear tactics to turn our nation against—and to manipulate—the unvaccinated; he also sought to paint his political opponents as ruthless racists. Biden called the state of Georgia's efforts to pass election security legislation "Jim Crow 2.0."

Biden knew the Georgia voting legislature was not working to suppress the minority vote, as their new law expands weekend early voting, allows anyone to vote absentee, and even codifies drop boxes. Nevertheless, he chose to employ divisive rhetoric, exploiting old racial wounds to whip up support for his plan to overhaul state election rules at the federal level. He has continued to do the same this year, even comparing his political opponents to Jefferson Davis.

Always seeking a scapegoat, Biden also attempted to turn Americans against businesses. In regard to gun violence, Biden declared that Congress should get rid of gun manufacturers' legal protections and open them up to liability for crimes committed with their products.

Aside from being unproductive, such a notion inexcusably guides American fury toward organizations that have nothing to do with the tragedies we've witnessed. Should car manufacturers be open to liability if drivers use their product in a malicious or lethal way? What about companies that produce knives? Of course not. These statements only serve to divide.

Then, this year, seeing Americans struggle with high gas prices, Biden blamed major oil companies, urging them to increase supply and portraying them as price gougers. It has always been absurd to blame high gas prices on oil companies, as they are no more incentivized by profits when prices are high than when prices are low. Gas prices are the result of supply and demand, and it's easy to understand oil companies' apprehension toward investing in rapidly increasing supply while Democrats continue to display hostility toward fossil fuels.

Again, Biden cares about none of this. He has sought time and time again to pit different groups of Americans against one another in hopes of increasing support for his own party.

This does not excuse the damage and polarization caused by Donald Trump and certain Republicans. But during his campaign, Biden portrayed himself as the anti-Donald Trump, a symbol of the end of brazen and frenetic governance, and of a return to civility. He promised to unify the American people. Instead, Biden has consistently opted to reduce legitimate public issues to allegedly clear questions of moral character, hoping to convince enough Americans that he's fighting for what's good and decent—never mind the lies he's told or the polarization he's caused.

By acting to deepen the divide in this country, Biden has failed to uphold the very promise that won him the presidency.

Promises promises...hey that reminds me...
RayR Offline
#1067 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
New York Post: Biden’s Economic Victory Lap Malarkey

New York Post, September 10, 2022

Biden’s economic victory lap is 58 pages of malarkey

By James Bovard

The latest Biden victory lap is the administration’s most shameless strutting of 2022. The White House Friday issued a 58-page Biden-Harris Economic Blueprint that claims to have performed more miracles than accompanied the Sermon on the Mount.

Biden is still trying to take credit for job growth that happened only because of the end of lockdowns. In fact, his “success” is really a failure — as fewer people are working now than before COVID.

It’s just one of the many whoppers packed into this ridiculous piece of propaganda:

Read on about the malarkey Liar ...
Sunoverbeach Offline
#1068 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,850
What do you call an apology written in dots and dashes?
Remorse code
RayR Offline
#1069 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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So comrade any jokes about the Biden Regime malarkey?
Sunoverbeach Offline
#1070 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
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Nope. I prefer unrelated if you haven't clued in by now
RayR Offline
#1071 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Sunoverbeach wrote:
Nope. I prefer unrelated if you haven't clued in by now

RollEyes Sure Sure...I understand, you don't want to offend the BIG GUY.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#1072 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,850
Uh huh
RayR Offline
#1073 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Sunoverbeach wrote:
Uh huh

Sure Sure...I understand, yer afraid the BIG GUY will brand you as a Trumpie and a threat to duhmacracy and send his FBI and IRS black shirts after you. Better be Silenced
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1074 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
At this point you can't call it anything but lying.

White House Clean-up for Biden Turns Into Brazen Lying

Joe Biden’s recent 60 Minutes interview provided a boon of material on various topics. From his dismissal of high inflation to his assertion that people are just psychologically incapable of being happy under his presidency, Biden did everything he could to confirm everything his critics have said about him.

Yet, because the president is uniquely bad at his job, he also managed to anger those on his own side. It was this clip, where Biden says the “pandemic is over,” that got the juices flowing of COVID-19 hysterics everywhere.

Immediately, sources leaked to Politico that the administration’s health officials had been blind-sided by the remark. In fact, Biden himself had recently used the supposed existence of the pandemic to justify the illegal cancellation of student loan debt. In one rambling answer, though, he wiped all that away, leaving those still donning their N95s and signing up for their fifth booster twisting in the wind.

Naturally, that meant the Biden’s handlers had to jump in and clean up his mess. That happened almost immediately on Sunday evening, after the president claimed American men and women would go fight to defend Taiwan, with the White House putting out a statement saying their position had not changed. On Tuesday, Biden’s press secretary, Karine Jean Pierre, took questions on his equally confusing pandemic claim. Within short order, the clean-up attempt turned into outright lying.

To summarize, we are now at the point where Biden can say something and his handlers will simply pretend he didn’t say it. The lying is bad enough, and this administration has gotten disturbingly comfortable with telling falsehoods, but what does all this say about the president himself? In this case, Biden specifically said “the pandemic is over.” There is no ambiguity in that answer. It does not actually mean that “COVID remains a problem,” as Jean-Pierre asserts. When you say something is over, that means it’s over.

Jean-Pierre wasn’t done making a mess of the messaging, though. At the end of the clip, she further tries to claim that Biden meant “we have to continue to make sure that we are fighting this once-in-a-generation pandemic.” So apparently, the pandemic is over, but also the White House must continue to fight it, because it’s really serious. Did that clear everything up for everyone?

Returning to what this says about Biden, I’m not sure how much more evidence there needs to be to prove that he’s not in charge of his own administration. As president, he’s supposed to have the final word on the policy positions of his administration. Having handlers that step in to contradict and reset statements is not normal. In fact, it would seem to be disqualifying to me. What is the point of having a president who is so out of it that he’s completely controlled by underlings, up to and including major policy proclamations? At that point, you might as well use the 25th Amendment and try something different.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a press corps in this country that will hold leaders to account that they agree with ideologically. A Republican could never get away with this stuff. Where are the fact-checks of Jean-Pierre’s statement? They won’t be coming, because that would mean putting Biden in a politically precarious situation–and we can’t have that, can we?
HockeyDad Offline
#1075 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
It’s pretty clear Biden is President in title only. It does become quite problematic when he says we will militarily defend Taiwan and then the handlers say we still have a “One China” policy. Wars get accidentally started over crap like this. Heck, we already have one going in Ukraine.

They “pandemic is over” little oops is less dangerous. That is obvious to most although I would say we’re still 30% masking wearing out here without any mandate. The pandemic is over. The state of emergency is not over. There’s a big difference.

The state of emergency may not be over until there is a new President.
ZRX1200 Offline
#1076 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,733
He’s not orange and that’s what matters, not what he says and does.

That’s how you show how smart you are, you get led by fear and not rational thought.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1077 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Remember when Lefty said that Trump would make America a laughingstock? Here's a semi-recent focus group on both sides of the aisle voicing their displeasure. NOBODY said anything positive about the way we're going as a nation.

Here's shiftless aimless bumbling Joe being Joe at the UN no less.

I'm reminded of the old cartoon...

He doesn't know what he's saying, he doesn't know where he's going and he most certainly doesn't even know what he's doing. He is an embarrassment on each and every level.
Stogie1020 Offline
#1078 Posted:
Joined: 12-19-2019
Posts: 5,466
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Remember when Lefty said that Trump would make America a laughingstock? Here's a semi-recent focus group on both sides of the aisle voicing their displeasure. NOBODY said anything positive about the way we're going as a nation.

Here's shiftless aimless bumbling Joe being Joe at the UN no less.

I'm reminded of the old cartoon...

He doesn't know what he's saying, he doesn't know where he's going and he most certainly doesn't even know what he's doing. He is an embarrassment on each and every level.

Those things are all Trump's fault.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#1079 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Made me smirk.
ZRX1200 Offline
#1080 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,733
I had a rough go on the can this morning, I blamed Obama just to even the karma.
MACS Offline
#1081 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,027
DrMaddVibe wrote:
I'm reminded of the old cartoon...

I was certain that was going to be Mr. Magoo...
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1082 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan

Donchu be disrespectin' Mr. Magoo!

He only had poor eyesight! Hell, at least you can understand what he's sayin!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1083 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Remembering Hate Speech

What we used to know as “hate speech” is now presidentially acceptable speech, and what has followed from it is no surprise.

By Victor Davis Hanson

It has been a canard of the Left that “words matter.” We are lectured that “hate speech” leads inevitably to street violence.

So how ironic that the Left defames nearly half of America as dangerous “semi-fascist” extremists, white-raged and privileged, ultra MAGA, and guilty of all sorts of thought crimes from secession to civil insurrection? And what is the result?

Does this constant demonization matter? And what are the bitter fruits of such labors? After all, what did Barack Obama long ago mean by “clingers” or once Hillary Clinton by “deplorables” and “irredeemables”?

What did Joe Biden imply by “dregs” and “chumps” and “semi-fascists”? Or what did the FBI lovebirds really mean by smelly Walmart goers and “hillbillies”? After a point, did not America get this monotonous message?

And what does Joe Biden really mean when he recycles his academic advisors’ tired tropes of right-wing insurrectionists threatening the republic?

MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. . . . MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards—backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love . . . They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country . . . MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.

When the president fuels the now familiar old narrative by claiming that 75 million who voted for Donald Trump do not live in the “light of truth” but in the “shadow of lies,” and they do not follow “the rule of law,” some questions naturally arise.

First, what evidence does the president adduce to prove that 75 million Morlocks in the shadows are liars and avoid the “light of truth” of the Eloi? By what criteria does he use to judge them “semi-fascists”?

Is his proof the 120 days of violent looting, arson, violence, and death in the summer of 2020—virtually green-lighted by mayors, the media, and, yes, the current vice president? Who “fanned the flames of political violence” and were a “threat to the rule of law”?

Does Biden mean half the country is not respecting the Constitution by its systematic attack on our long-standing constitutional precepts, from the Electoral College and the rights of states to set voting laws? Are the “semi-fascists” trying to pack the Supreme Court? End the filibuster? Bring in two states solely to elect four left-wing senators?

Does the president mean the illegality of the often-rogue Washington-centric FBI, whose past director and legal counsel have lied to federal investigators and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court? Does he refer to himself who was enriched by the grifting efforts of his wayward son? Do semi-fascists brag that they got foreign state attorneys fired for looking into the shady dealings of their own family? Perhaps Biden was railing against scores of big-city state attorneys who systematically refuse to enforce the law, and so leave the innocent at the mercy of serially released criminal felons?

Second, what are Americans in the Old Testament/eye-for-an-eye, tooth-for-a-tooth Prophet Biden’s eyes to do with those miscreants?

What should America then do when half the country prefers to live in the “shadow of lies,” and rejects the “light of truth”?

Sic the FBI on them to monitor their speech at school board meetings? Hire 87,000 IRS agents to continue the Obama-era policies of weaponizing the IRS? Bring Lois Lerner out of retirement?

Put them in solitary confinement for “illegal parading”?

Keep them out of their capital by stringing barbed wire and militarizing it with 30,000 federal troops?

Draft the Democratic Party to work with the FBI in destroying a political candidate through false dossiers, paid informants, and concocted conspiracies?

Leg-irons for former Trump officials?

Performative FBI SWAT raids on their homes?

Government workers colluding with private companies to censor free speech and expression?

A new Ministry of Truth?

Who then is destroying the rule of law? Joe Biden, who violated his oath of office and nullified the entire corpus of federal immigration law, in 1850s fashion, and allowed 3 million illegally to enter his country?

Joe Biden, who by fiat illegally canceled an expected half-trillion dollars in student debt?

Joe Biden, who recalibrated the FBI into a first-family retrieval service of lost computers and diaries of his wayward children?

Or is the shadow-dweller who “does not respect the Constitution” none other than Hillary Clinton who hired two foreign nationals to compile dirt on her Republican opponents in hopes of warping an election, or the FBI who also hired both her paid fraudsters as FBI informants in efforts to aid the Clinton smear?

Is urging a candidate never to concede if he lost the popular vote or boasting of joining #TheResistance to an elected president whom she pronounced “illegitimate” anti-Constitutionalism? Or maybe destroying subpoenaed emails or destroying court-ordered evidence?

And who exactly are the merchants of racial hatred about whom we so often hear?

Is it the same Joe Biden who claimed Barack Obama was the first black presidential candidate who could speak intelligently? The same Joe Biden who screamed to a group of accomplished black professionals that Mitt Romney would put “y’all back in chains”? The same Biden who bragged that his heroic Southern segregationist senatorial colleagues never called him “boy”?

Or is it Joe the healer who called black media hosts “junkie” and “You ain’t black”?

Perhaps it’s the unifier Biden who spun racist Corn-Pop stories about how he had faced down criminal black gang leaders? Or the ecumenical Biden who called a senior African American aide “my senior advisor and boy”? Who boasted that young black children used to love to feel the golden hairs on his tan legs?

Or would Biden mean by racists none other than the current Democratic candidate for Senate in South Carolina, Krystle Matthews? She recently gushed that one must “treat white people like sh-t”?

Or was it Kelisa Wing, the Pentagon’s “Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer at the Department of Defense Education Activity”? She in the past complained, “I’m exhausted with these white folx in these [professional development] sessions,” and “I am exhausted by 99% of the white men in education and 95% of the white women. Where can I get a break from white nonsense for a while.”

At one time, stereotyping millions as a toxic collective was the classic definition of racism.

Is Wing a target of what Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley promised when they boasted of scouring the Pentagon ranks to root out racism and racial rage?

Or maybe Biden was referring to Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot?

She barred reporters from one-on-one interviews on the basis of race with the putdown, “By now, you may have heard the news that on the occasion of the two-year anniversary of my inauguration as mayor of this great city, I will be exclusively providing one-on-one interviews with journalists of color.”

When Joe Biden talks about the supposed violent, racist, MAGA dwellers in darkness, does he produce data for his allegations? Are his proverbial white-male insurrectionists committing violent crimes at five times their numbers in the general population?

Do MAGA Midwesterners threaten Orthodox Jews in New York or Asians in San Francisco? What do statistics suggest about who is disproportionately committing these hate crimes that Biden would otherwise characterize as typical of those living in the shadows or in lies?

Are the MAGA voters swarming the homes of Supreme Court Justices? Are they running them out of restaurants? Are they mobbing at the doors of the Court to threaten justices by name, and warning that liberal justices won’t “know what hit you” as they justifiably “reap the whirlwind”?

Is Biden’s putatively dangerous Trump supporter out killing a teenager who, postmortem, is dubbed a political activist opponent; running down dozens at Christmas parades; threatening a U.S. senator and his wife as they exited the White House; or attempting to assassinate key members of Congress?

At the University of Oregon are white MAGA denizens in the “shadows of lies” screaming “F—k the Mormons” during football games, or plastering the Stanford campus with anti-Semitic posters of “Ben B Gone” bug spray to gin up violence to stop the implied Jewish insect Ben Shapiro from speaking?

We are reaching a critical juncture now in America.

Writing off half the population as irredeemable and deplorable or semi-fascists is not a sustainable proposition. And we can see how it is not.

Is the chief diversity, equity, and inclusion officer at the Department of Defense relieved or worried that the army will not have enough white raging males to die in the next optional war in the Middle East at twice their percentages in the population? The Army has only met 50 percent of its annual recruiting target.

When Biden demonizes in now stereotypical fashion—and without data—an entire 75 million person demographic, when the popular culture has legitimized smearing these millions as dangerous “racists” fueled by “white rage,” and when the media manufactures a series of fake melodramas—from the Russian collusion hoax to the Russian disinformation use of his son’s laptop to the Jussie Smollett lie, the Covington kids slander, or the Duke lacrosse and volleyball mythologies—at some point is it any wonder that we are beginning to witness an epidemic of violence directed at the supposedly privileged, or the supposedly politically incorrect, whether targeting random solitary women for violent acts or purported conservatives or any demographic who are all apparently deserving such punishment due to their race or political beliefs?

Joe Biden’s “Phantom of the Opera” rant will be memorialized as the most reckless and venomous presidential speech in recent history. Such vile rhetoric fuels even viler reactions—and eventually filters down to the street where criminals believe that shooting a congressman or mobbing a Supreme Court justice or killing a solitary jogger or a teen-aged “Republican” is some sort of reification of what they feel is now acceptable retribution.

In sum, what we used to know as “hate speech” is now presidentially acceptable speech, and what has followed from it is no surprise.

They're not backing away or retreating from it. Don't expect any retraction, and you'll NEVER get an apology. See them for what they are. Remember the gut sinking feeling as cities burned from BLM and ANTIFA and the deathly silence from them. They endorsed it and provided cover. Our own cackling VP wanted to help set up and donate to a bail fund while our sitting President wanted cashless bail. You cannot make this up. It's evil.
Mike3316 Offline
#1084 Posted:
Joined: 02-05-2022
Posts: 329
So the Moron-in-Chief actually said that if you're in Florida or Texas that you need to get a covid vaccine before hurricane Ian hits. To quote the semi-genius - "a vital part of preparing for hurricane season is to get vaccinated now. Everything is more compliated if you're not vaccinated and hurricane hits." ?????? Soooooooo .... a covid vaccine is going to protect me from dying during a hurricane? Jeeze-louise! Its frickin medical miracle. Sign me the f-up!!!!!! Brick wall
RayR Offline
#1085 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
One excuse is as good as another. The gubment has stockpiles of jabs that are going to rot. They are desparate, they gotta scare the bejesus out of the proles!
I just saw a new TV commercial where they are targeting the 50+, essentially fearmongering that they are likely going to die without more jabs.
dkeage Offline
#1086 Posted:
Joined: 03-05-2004
Posts: 15,172
He sees dead people. 💀
ZRX1200 Offline
#1087 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,733
The important thing to remember is the historic steps he took despite the efforts of the Nazi party in Amerikkka.

No go be a good consumer.
MACS Offline
#1088 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,027
During hurricane season... it's vital to prepare... by getting vaccinated!
HockeyDad Offline
#1089 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
Where’s Jackie?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1090 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Don't EVER ask why he's called Pedo Joe again.


‘She was 12, I was 30’: Biden leaves viewers stunned in teachers speech

President Biden shocked viewers of his Friday speech to teachers when he recognized an audience member and told the crowd, “She was 12, I was 30.”

Biden lit up social media with the confounding and seemingly inappropriate aside. He did not say what he did when he was 30 and the woman was a preteen.

“You gotta say hi to me,” Biden said mid-speech at the National Education Association headquarters in DC. “We go back a long way. She was 12, I was 30. But anyway, this woman helped me get an awful lot done.”

The audience of teachers and union members laughed and cheered at the bawdy remark.

The White House did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for clarification on what the president meant.

Biden’s historical habit of touching and smelling women and girls in public — often yielding on-camera grimaces from recipients — earned him the Republican nickname “Creepy Joe,” though he has rarely committed such actions in public since apologizing in 2019 to women who said he made them uncomfortable with unwanted physical contact.

The off-script line distracted from what was supposed to be Biden’s rebuttal to the Friday morning rollout of House Republicans’ “Commitment to America” campaign platform.

Speaking to the teachers union, Biden attempted to blame Republican support for gun ownership for distracting students from learning — rebutting GOP messaging that blames COVID-19 remote learning favored by unions and controversial school subjects, particularly on issues of racial and LGBT discrimination, that some Republicans attack.

“Gun violence is on the ballot,” Biden said. “The idea that you start school this year and kids in many parts of the country are learning to duck and cover … rather than talking about reading, writing and arithmetic is a very different circumstance and it’s not right.”

Biden called for an “assault weapons ban” while saying he uses his own shotguns for “target practice,” possibly referring to skeet shooting.

“I support the Second Amendment. I have two shotguns,” Biden said. “The only thing I ever really do is really target practice. I haven’t done that in a long time.”

Biden also directly referred to the House GOP “Commitment to America,” in which Republicans vowed to rein in government spending and inflation and push for a tougher approach to crime and border security — along with oversight of Biden’s administration.

“House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy went to Pennsylvania and unveiled what he calls a ‘Commitment to America.’ That’s a thin series of policy goals with little or no detail that he says Republicans to pursue if they regain control of Congress,” Biden said.

“In the course of nearly an hour, here’s a few of the things we didn’t hear: We didn’t hear him mention the right to choose [whether to have an abortion]. We didn’t hear him mention Medicare. We didn’t hear him mention Social Security,” Biden said.

“So let’s take a look at what Kevin said today. He said Republicans want to ‘preserve our constitution freedom.’ That sounds great. I’m for doing that as well, we all are. But look at what they’ve actually done: MAGA Republicans just cheered and embrace the first Supreme Court decision in our entire history … that actually took away a fundamental right.”

Biden went on to claim that some Republicans secretly support his policies — without saying specifically what policies.

“I’ve had six Republican senators who I’ve known for some time come to me — and I gave them my word I’d never mention names and I never will — separately telling me that they agree with this, that or the other thing that I was just proposing, ‘but if I voted for it,’ it would cost them their election because they’d lose a primary,” Biden claimed.

I guess prayers for Florida was a bit too much for President Diapers to utter. He's such a POS of a man and as a leader.

Also see:

Just in case you needed more clarification.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1091 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Lost In Space

Same day, different gaffe.

This time, President Joe Biden – the leader of the free world – led a White House event on hunger and nutrition, during which he was meant to say a few words honoring Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.). And he did, as reported by RedState’s Sister Toldjah.

During the event, Biden was giving a speech and apparently, his notes (or the teleprompter) told him to make sure to honor former Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.), who was the co-chair of the House Hunger Caucus.

The problem, however, came when Biden asked “Jackie, are you here? Where’s Jackie?” and looked around the room for the Congresswoman…

The problem in question is that Jackie Walorski, sadly, is dead. She has been since August when she perished in a tragic car accident.

In fact, Biden’s teleprompter was cuing him to speak about Walorski specifically because she is deceased. The man in possession of our nuclear football did not know the woman he was calling out for is dead, did not know he was supposed to be honoring her memory – because she is dead – and likely did not know what was supposed to happen after that moment.

Apparently, a memorial video was supposed to play, but the White House aides shut down the President and never played the video in a desperate attempt to erase his doddering cluelessness.

It would be funny if it weren’t yet another humiliating gaffe in a string of Biden bumbles. Every time we see him out in public we are subjected to images of our President stumbling, walking with the fragility of a man who isn’t quite in control of all of his bodily functions, trying to shake hands with people who aren’t there, looking to handlers to help him find his way off a stage or out of a room…the list goes on and on.

If the Vice President – another walking gaffe-machine – is supposed to be our ambassador to space via her embarrassing NASA representation, then her boss is simply lost in space. There have been quite a few Presidents through the White House in my lifetime, some strong, others incompetent. I cannot recall a time when a Chief Executive has looked as truly confused and clueless as Joe Biden. It is more than humiliating, it is frightening.

This man is meant to represent the power and strength of the greatest nation on earth. What our foreign enemies and allies see is a frail, borderline senile senior citizen who can’t even exit a stage or walk from an airplane to a car without his wife or aides directing him. They see a man who talks about the dead as if they are living, a man who seems to only have two settings – confusion and anger. They see a man who is either not in control of his own administration, or who is senile enough to believe he is in control, even though clearly other people are running everything around him at this point.

Even the legacy media seems to have hit a wall in their enthusiasm to defend him. They clearly don’t wish to disparage their Democrat overlords, but the sorry state of our executive office is stark. It cannot be ignored. It seems their strategy is to simply copy the Oval Office minions – to just not notice and hope that no one else notices they’re not noticing.

People want leaders, and tend to rally around them, for better or for worse. Think of Moses, an imperfect but anointed leader of his people. He wanted to lead Jews out of slavery, and because he was a leader, they followed. Think of Harriet Tubman. She wanted to lead American slaves out of bondage, and because she was a leader, people followed her.

If you feel distressed…if you look around your neighborhood or workplace and feel divided, unmoored, unsure…if you feel like the economy is chaotic and you can’t plan for anything…if you feel like things are upside down…if you feel like Americans seem a little lost these days, it’s not because you ate pizza too late last night.

It is because the person who is supposed to be leading this country is lost in space, and that just leaves us all floating around out here, looking for something to anchor us.

Yeah, just Joe bein' Joe.

Lefty is A-OK with that too.
MACS Offline
#1092 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,027
It's ridiculous. Our President and VP could be outmaneuvered by a friggin' 12 year old. They're both clueless.

But no mean tweets, by golly! The country is a gat durn dumpster fire... but Trump.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1093 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
See the childish temper tantrums for what they are. A real threat to national security, a calm on the World stage and a deterrent to bad operators.

America selected Biden.

Personally, I don't believe 81 million living breathing people voted only once for this idiot...but he stands behind the Resolute Desk.
RayR Offline
#1094 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
The Dementia patient is off his leash again

“Mr. President!” – Biden Wanders Away From Podium As His Own FEMA Administrator Attempts to Redirect Him (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila
Published September 29, 2022 at 1:00pm

"Biden mumbled through his remarks on Thursday and appeared to forget the name of his own FEMA Administrator.

This is one day after Biden thought Jackie Walorski, who died in a car accident last month, was alive and at his conference on health and hunger.

Biden is totally shot.

After delivering remarks Joe Biden wandered away from the podium.

FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell attempted to redirect Joe Biden as he wandered away."

More w/ Video...

ZRX1200 Offline
#1095 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,733
To be fair, all dead voters vote democrat so I could see why Pedo Joe might get confused.

I hear Jackie was fearing the prospective sniffing she was expecting and took matters into her own hands.
BuckyB93 Offline
#1096 Posted:
Joined: 07-16-2004
Posts: 14,289
They should be him one of those child harness/leach things so he can't wander too far away.
ZRX1200 Offline
#1097 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,733
They have the Easter Bunny for that.

Unfortunately they haven’t been able to forge Bunny vaccination reports as it’s suspected that Trump had hid them at Mar Lago. Prevailing wisdom is this was the actual reason behind the raid.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#1098 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,850
Why wasn't the leopard good at hide and seek?
Because it was always spotted
HockeyDad Offline
#1099 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
BuckyB93 wrote:
They should be him one of those child harness/leach things so he can't wander too far away.

Maybe something from the Folsom Street Fair.
Stogie1020 Offline
#1100 Posted:
Joined: 12-19-2019
Posts: 5,466
Apparently Brandon has a new schtick at the podium... He picks up a hand mic (conveniently placed in the podium) and walks around with it instead of using the podium mic.

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