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Hillary's probing Shifts into Fourth...
MACS Offline
#551 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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And now Barry is endorsing Hillary... which is a very BIG conflict of interest, since the Attorney General and the FBI both answer to him.

I guess they're just going to sweep her crimes under the rug. Figures. Culture of liberal corruption. Whistle
DrafterX Offline
#552 Posted:
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It's enough to piss a brother off..!! Mad
DrafterX Offline
#553 Posted:
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Perhaps it was an unguarded moment, but the White House has confirmed that the Justice Department is conducting a “criminal investigation” regarding Hillary Clinton’s personal email use – despite repeated and persistent claims from the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee that investigators are pursuing a mere “security inquiry.”

Press Secretary Josh Earnest used the term at Thursday’s briefing, after being asked by Fox News about whether President Obama’s newly unveiled endorsement of Clinton might apply pressure to investigators assigned to the Clinton case.

Earnest rejected the premise, saying the job of career prosecutors is to follow the evidence to its logical conclusion.

“That's why the president, when discussing this issue in each stage, has reiterated his commitment to this principle that any criminal investigation should be conducted independent of any sort of political interference,” Earnest said.

The Republican National Committee seized on the use of the term “criminal investigation.”

“The White House’s admission that the FBI is investigating Hillary Clinton’s email server as a ‘criminal’ matter shreds her dishonest claim that it is a routine ‘security inquiry,’” RNC spokesman Michael Short said in a statement.

In fact, FBI Director James Comey had already shot down the Clinton campaign’s terminology last month. Asked at the time by Fox News about Clinton's characterization of the bureau's probe, Comey said he doesn’t know what "security inquiry" means -- adding, “We’re conducting an investigation. … That’s what we do.”

Yet days earlier, Clinton in an interview had downplayed the probe as a “security inquiry.”

And her campaign website still asserts there is no criminal investigation.

On a campaign ‘factsheet’ about the email controversy, the website includes this Q&A:

“Is Department of Justice conducting a criminal inquiry into Clinton’s email use?

No. As the Department of Justice and Inspectors General made clear, the IGs made a security referral. This was not criminal in nature as misreported by some in the press. The Department of Justice is now seeking assurances about the storage of materials related to Clinton’s email account.”

Clinton has voiced confidence all along that, no matter what it’s called, the probe will not result in an indictment.

She said so again on Wednesday during an interview with Fox News.

“That is not going to happen. There is no basis for it, and I'm looking forward to this being wrapped up as soon as possible,” she said.

The Wall Street Journal reported overnight that investigators handling the “criminal probe” are focusing on emails that discussed drone strikes in Pakistan.

Film at 11.... Not talking Not talking
TMCTLT Offline
#554 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2007
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Unfortunately....this is what will probably happen to that Witch.....
victor809 Offline
#555 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
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To be fair, you guys want a "strong leader" and keep talking about hot trump talks tough blah blah blah...

This is a woman who apparently was calling in drone strikes on a blackberry.
Speyside Offline
#556 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
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Nothing has happened, I doubt anything will. But this has not played to the finish IMO.
8trackdisco Offline
#557 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
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And as awful as she is, she's going to beat Trump by eight points.
DrafterX Offline
#558 Posted:
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Two 3 pointers and a layup..?? Huh
SmokeMonkey Offline
#559 Posted:
Joined: 04-05-2015
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DrafterX wrote:
Two 3 pointers and a layup..?? Huh

She lacks the panache required for the fall-away jumper.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#560 Posted:
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Damn those restrictive pantsuits!
DrafterX Offline
#561 Posted:
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mikey1597 Offline
#562 Posted:
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Just how big of a web have these two weaved?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#563 Posted:
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"Reliable intelligence sources in the West have indicated that warnings had been received that the Russian Government could in the near future release the text of email messages intercepted from U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server from the time she was U.S. Secretary of State. The release would, the messaging indicated, prove that Secretary Clinton had, in fact, laid open U.S. secrets to foreign interception by putting highly-classified Government reports onto a private server in violation of U.S. law, and that, as suspected, the server had been targeted and hacked by foreign intelligence services.

The reports indicated that the decision as to whether to reveal the intercepts would be made by Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, and it was possible that the release would, if made, be through a third party, such as Wikileaks. The apparent message from Moscow, through the intelligence community, seemed to indicate frustration with the pace of the official U.S. Department of Justice investigation into the so-called server scandal, which seemed to offer prima facie evidence that U.S. law had been violated by Mrs Clinton’s decision to use a private server through which to conduct official and often highly-secret communications during her time as Secretary of State. U.S. sources indicated that the extensive Deptartment of Justice probe was more focused on the possibility that the private server was used to protect messaging in which Secretary Clinton allegedly discussed quid pro quo transactions with private donors to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for influence on U.S. policy."
DrafterX Offline
#564 Posted:
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I'm starting to think they could find WMDs in her basement and nothing would happen to her.... Mellow
DrafterX Offline
#565 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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I heard she hired some dude to off Trump.... he failed tho.... it was on da news and stuff... Mellow
gummy jones Offline
#566 Posted:
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DrafterX wrote:
I'm starting to think they could find WMDs in her basement and nothing would happen to her.... Mellow

id prefer a self riteous, elitist felon to a bully any day
at least she isnt mean like the donald
words hurt ya know Gonz

DrafterX Offline
#567 Posted:
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gummy jones Offline
#568 Posted:
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ive been waiting for your apology
that wasnt too hard now was it Not talking
DrafterX Offline
#569 Posted:
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DrafterX Offline
#570 Posted:
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Hillary Clinton IT specialist Bryan Pagliano invoked the Fifth more than 125 times during a 90-minute, closed-door deposition Wednesday with the conservative watchdog Judicial Watch, a source with the group told Fox News.

The official said Pagliano was working off an index card and read the same crafted statement each time.

“It was a sad day for government transparency,” the Judicial Watch official said, adding they asked all their questions and Pagliano invoked the Fifth Amendment right not to answer them.

Pagliano was a central figure in the set-up and management of Clinton’s personal server she used exclusively for government business while secretary of state. The State Department inspector general found Clinton violated government rules with that arrangement.

He was deposed as part of Judicial Watch's lawsuit seeking Clinton emails and other records. A federal judge granted discovery, in turn allowing the depositions, which is highly unusual in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. The judge cited "reasonable suspicion" Clinton and her aides were trying to avoid federal records law.

Pagliano’s deposition before Judicial Watch is one of several interviews with high-profile Clinton aides, taking place as the FBI separately is continuing its federal criminal investigation.

A federal court agreed to keep sealed Pagliano’s immunity deal struck with the Justice Department in December, citing the sensitivity of the FBI probe and calling it a “criminal” matter.

Film at 11.... Think
DrafterX Offline
#571 Posted:
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Hillary just promised free internets by 2020... Think
gummy jones Offline
#572 Posted:
Joined: 07-06-2015
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what if i prefer my interwebs?

if i like my interwebs can i keep them?
DrafterX Offline
#573 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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No way man.... Not talking

And you'll get used to the free spy-ware too... Mellow
gummy jones Offline
#574 Posted:
Joined: 07-06-2015
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thanks hilary
i always wanted to be a spy
DrMaddVibe Offline
#575 Posted:
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gummy jones Offline
#576 Posted:
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yall think putin is bluffing on releasing them?
DrafterX Offline
#577 Posted:
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who's he got..?? Huh
gummy jones Offline
#578 Posted:
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the hilary emails

supposedly russian hackers were some of the many to "easily" hack hilarys server and i read yesterday he was considering releasing them

if true, those emails plus snowden would shine a lot of light in a lot of places
DrMaddVibe Offline
#579 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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gummy jones wrote:
the hilary emails

supposedly russian hackers were some of the many to "easily" hack hilarys server and i read yesterday he was considering releasing them

if true, those emails plus snowden would shine a lot of light in a lot of places

Did you read the last link I posted?

It goes deeper than that! Because of her illegal server...

"The emails, reviewed by The Associated Press, show that State Department technical staff disabled software on their systems intended to block phishing emails that could deliver dangerous viruses. They were trying urgently to resolve delivery problems with emails sent from Clinton's private server."

So, because of this the State Department servers were most likely compromised as well.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#580 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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gummy jones wrote:
the hilary emails

supposedly russian hackers were some of the many to "easily" hack hilarys server and i read yesterday he was considering releasing them

if true, those emails plus snowden would shine a lot of light in a lot of places
gummy jones Offline
#581 Posted:
Joined: 07-06-2015
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DrMaddVibe wrote:
Did you read the last link I posted?

i hadnt read it (kind of busy at the moment) but i will


scary stuff

Edit: just read the article (for anyone interested its a quick read). it seems that some actions have very dangerous unintended consequences. wonder how deep the national security rabbit hole goes?
DrafterX Offline
#582 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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To da top.... Obama knew she had a private server and sent and received stuff from her anyway... he doesn't want to have to testify so he's gonna sweep it under da rug... Mellow

why do you think there's such a big uproar about gun control right now..?? distraction.. fill the news with something, anything else... Mellow
DrMaddVibe Offline
#583 Posted:
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gummy jones wrote:
wonder how deep the national security rabbit hole goes?

That's the key issue. Most corporations and individuals never admit to it. Given what Snowden has told and shown us through various interviews it's a minefield. To think that after this that they don't have the information and they didn't go upstream to see what else they could get...especially with the "gates" down and the "alarms" off...yeah.

I will give Trump is a blackmail scheme just waiting and to snarl the President of the United States in their net?

GAME OVER as far as saving face and acting superior. That's f'n GONE.

If anyone thinks its bad now with the Kenyan King bowing to world leaders...wait till you see the pics and vids of Hilldebeast blowing everyone at G7 summits!
gummy jones Offline
#584 Posted:
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DrMaddVibe Offline
#585 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735's going to happen.

Then there's the quid pro quo underhanded deals that will be made to help finance the Clinton's into the era of a bootlegging Kennedy.
Burner02 Offline
#586 Posted:
Joined: 12-21-2010
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AP - WASHINGTON – Former Secretary Hillary Clinton failed to turn over a copy of a key message involving problems caused by her use of a private homebrew email server, the State Department confirmed Thursday. The disclosure makes it unclear what other work-related emails may have been deleted by the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

The email was included within messages exchanged Nov. 13, 2010, between Clinton and one of her closest aides, Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin. At the time, emails sent from Clinton's BlackBerry device and routed through her private server in the basement of her New York home were being blocked by the State Department's spam filter. A suggested remedy was for Clinton to obtain a email account.

"Let's get separate address or device but I don't want any risk of the personal being accessible," Clinton responded to Abedin.

Clinton never used a government account that was set up for her, instead continuing to rely on her private server until leaving office.

The email was not among the tens of thousands of emails Clinton turned over to the agency in response to public records lawsuits seeking copies of her official correspondence. Abedin, who also used a private account on Clinton's server, provided a copy from her own inbox after the State Department asked her to return any work-related emails. That copy of the email was publicly cited last month in a blistering audit by the State Department's inspector general that concluded Clinton and her team ignored clear internal guidance that her email setup violated federal standards and could have left sensitive material vulnerable to hackers.

"While this exchange was not part of the approximately 55,000 pages provided to the State Department by former Secretary Clinton, the exchange was included within the set of documents Ms. Abedin provided the department in response to our March 2015 request," State Department spokesman John Kirby told The Associated Press on Thursday.

Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said she provided "all potentially work-related emails" that were still in her possession when she received the 2014 request from the State Department.

"Secretary Clinton had some emails with Huma that Huma did not have, and Huma had some emails with Secretary Clinton that Secretary Clinton did not have," Fallon said.

Fallon declined to say whether Clinton deleted any work-related emails before they were reviewed by her legal team. Clinton's lead lawyer, David Kendall, did not respond to a request for comment Thursday.

The November 2010 email was among documents released under court order Wednesday to the conservative legal advocacy group Judicial Watch, which has sued the State Department over access to public records related to the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee's service as the nation's top diplomat between 2009 and 2013. The case is one of about three dozen lawsuits over access to records related to Clinton, including one filed by the AP.

Before turning over her emails to the department for review and potential public release, Clinton and her lawyers withheld thousands of additional emails she said were clearly personal, such as those involving what she described as "planning Chelsea's wedding or my mother's funeral arrangements, condolence notes to friends as well as yoga routines, family vacations."

Clinton has never outlined in detail what criteria she and her lawyers used to determine which emails to release and which to delete, but her 2010 email with Abedin appears clearly work-related under the State Department's own criteria for agency records under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act.

Dozens of the emails sent or received by Clinton through her private server were later determined to contain classified material. The FBI has been investigating for months whether Clinton's use of the private email server imperiled government secrets. Agents recently interviewed several of Clinton's top aides, including Abedin.

As part of the probe, Clinton turned over the hard drive from her email server to the FBI. It had been wiped clean, and Clinton has said she did not keep copies of the emails she choose to withhold.

On Wednesday, lawyers from Judicial Watch, a conservative legal organization, questioned under oath Bryan Pagliano, the computer technician who set up Clinton's private server. A transcript released Thursday shows Pagliano repeatedly responded to detailed questions by invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, as he did last year before a congressional committee.

Dozens of questions Pagiliano declined to answer included who paid for the system, whether there was technical help to support its users and who else at the State Department used email accounts on it. Pagliano also would not answer whether he discussed setting up a home server with Clinton prior to her tenure as secretary of state, according to the transcript.

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said the November 2010 email cited in the inspector general audit was one of more than a dozen work-related emails that his group identified that Clinton sent or received but later failed to turn over the State Department.

"Contrary to her statement under oath suggesting otherwise, Mrs. Clinton did not return all her government emails to the State Department," Fitton said. "Our goal is to find out what other emails Mrs. Clinton and the State Department are hiding."
DrafterX Offline
#587 Posted:
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Benghazi report out... Sounds to me like Hillary screwed da pooch... Mellow
DrafterX Offline
#588 Posted:
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Hillary Clinton claimed Tuesday that the final report issued by the House Republican investigation into the deadly Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi terror attack — in which Clinton is accused of knowingly misleading the American public — “had found nothing,” and that it’s time to “move on.”

The report released Tuesday morning pointedly blamed a “rusty bureaucratic process” for the Obama administration’s slow-moving response the night of the attack. The report said that despite orders from President Obama and then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to deploy assets in response to the attack on the compound to aid Ambassador Chris Stevens, his staff and security personnel, the first military force did not do so until more than 13 hours after the attack started.

Nonetheless, Clinton and her allies worked to sweep aside the committee’s damning, 800-page report, attempting to cast the investigation as nothing more than a political exercise.

“I understand that after more than two years and $7 million dollars spent by the Benghazi committee, out of taxpayer funds, it had to today report it had found nothing, nothing to contradict” prior findings, said Clinton, who was campaigning in Denver.

and people will listen.... another attempt to re-write history... Not talking

People died, Hillary lied.... but there's nothing to see here.. move on... d'oh!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#589 Posted:
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DrafterX Offline
#590 Posted:
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you'd think they'd at least hit her with obstruction charges... Think
dstieger Offline
#591 Posted:
Joined: 06-22-2007
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or construction material
dstieger Offline
#592 Posted:
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or explosive charges
DrafterX Offline
#593 Posted:
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I heard she paid someone to hit her in da face with a bat so she could blame a Trump Supporter... Mellow
zitotczito Offline
#594 Posted:
Joined: 08-21-2006
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I mean it's Hillary and all but darn. I worked for the man and twice a year I had to go through ethics training and once a year the training included specific actions that you could not do and the penalties for doing so. I was also required to sign a statement yearly that I fully understood everything and the consequences. Now I understand I am just a member of the unwashed but when is enough enough.
DrafterX Offline
#595 Posted:
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She signed a document stating personal servers were not to be used but she obviously felt she it didn't apply to her... Mellow
Brewha Offline
#596 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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DrafterX wrote:
She signed a document stating personal servers were not to be used but she obviously felt she it didn't apply to her... Mellow

Why do you hate women?
DrafterX Offline
#597 Posted:
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just the lying ones.... Mellow
Brewha Offline
#598 Posted:
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What about when they stand up????

I mean, after the probing....
DrafterX Offline
#599 Posted:
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she'll never come clean... Not talking
Brewha Offline
#600 Posted:
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That's what towels are for!
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