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Presidentin' Is...The Thing...You Know...The Thing!
teedubbya Offline
#251 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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DrMaddVibe Offline
#252 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
A Chinese ‘Spy Recruitment’ Scholar is Now Running Joe Biden’s NSA Personnel Department.

Thomas Zimmerman – a Special Assistant to Joe Biden on National Security Agency personnel – formerly served as a visiting scholar at a Chinese Communist Party think-tank labeled as a “front group for Chinese intelligence collection and overseas spy recruitment” by the FBI, The National Pulse can reveal.

The stunning revelation – that Joe Biden’s intelligence apparatus relies on the recruitment from a recent collaborator with the Chinese Communist Party – comes just weeks after the G7 summit where Western nations pledged tougher measures against an increasingly aggressive Beijing.

Zimmerman’s influence over the National Security Agency (NSA) also follows explosive allegations from Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Carlson recently claimed the agency has covertly accessed his emails and texts. The NSA did not outright deny the allegations.

While working at New York University’s Center on International Cooperation, Zimmerman doubled as a fellow at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS). SASS has been flagged by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for its close ties to the Chinese Communist Party’s top spy agency: the Ministry of State Security.

SASS – which the FBI explicitly labels a “front group for Chinese intelligence collection and overseas spy recruitment” – was a key player in a 2019 criminal case involving a retired Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operative selling classified U.S. defense documents to the Chinese Communist Party.

The American operative, Kevin Mallory, was contacted by SASS officials via LinkedIn to begin the relationship that culminated in a 20-year prison sentence for Mallory.

As a result, the FBI has described the Chinese Communist Party as dependent upon SASS employees to serve “spotters and assessors” of potential Western spies. Ministry of State Security officers – described by the FBI as keen on “influencing the foreign policy of other countries” – have also “used SASS affiliation as cover identities.”

The Biden White House’s budget report, which details the salaries of Executive Office of the President employees, reveals that Zimmerman is serving as a Special Assistant to the President on National Security Agency Personnel with a yearly salary of $110,000.

During the transition, Zimmerman served as a Deputy Lead for National Security Personnel.

He also “hosted an academic salon” alongside Chinese Communist Party adviser Li Lifan on “topics concerning counter-terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan, security issues in Central Asia, the US perspective on the One Belt One Road initiative, and security issues in South Asia” at the Shanghai Institute of American Studies (SIAS).

Confucius say: Man who live in glass house should change in basement!
bgz Offline
#253 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
DrMaddVibe wrote:
A Russian ‘Cuck Recruitment’ Scholar is Now Running DMV’s Personnel NASAL Department.

a Special Assistant to RayRay on National QTard Agency personnel – formerly served as a visiting scholar at a Russian/Communist think-tank labeled as a “back group for Chinese Fecal Collection (CFC) and Overseas Cuck Recruitment (OCR)” by both DMV, and The National Cuck Association (NCA).

The stunning revelation – that RayRay’s intelligence apparatus relies on 4 double a batteries and an anal corncobulator with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) making most the components for it – comes just weeks after the G7 summit (G7S) where Western nations pledged better anal corncobulation than anyone else in the world.

RayRay’s influence over the National QTard Agency (NQA) also follows explosive allegations from Fox News host Tucker Carlson (FNHTC). Carlson recently claimed the agency has covertly accessed his corncobulator and stole his batteries. The NQA did not outright deny the allegations.

While working at New York University’s Center on Interracial Corncobulation (NYUCIC), RayRay's double slit experiment had nothing to do with waves or particles... HISSASS has been double flagged by the Federal Bureau of Corncobulors (FBC) for its close ties to the Russian Porn Industries (RPI) top... top agency: the Milking all Corncobulationary Survivors (MACS).

HISSASS – which the FBC explicitly labels a “back group for NQA and Overseas Guy Recruitment (OGR)” – was a key player in a 2019 criminal case involving a retired SSG (SSG) operative selling crack to NQA's by the Dumpster on Third (DOT).

The American operative, Known for Changing Elderly Loinwear (CEL) to Induce Corncobulation (CELTIC), was contacted by HISSASS LinkedIn to a Double Corncobulator Version 2 (DCV2). This began the relationship that culminated in a 20-year stint of passion for all involved.

As a result, the FBC has described the Russian Cuck Association(RCA) as dependent upon HISASS employees to serve “spotters and ass-easors” for smaller Western holes. MACS – described by the FBC as keen on “influencing the foreign crevices of other countries” – have also “used HISASS for infiltration would be closet identities.”

The RayRay budget report, which details the salaries of MACS the employee, reveals that MACS is serving as a Special Assistant to Corncobulationatory Tactics (SACT) on NQA Personnel with a yearly salary of $110,000.

Which makes him the highest paid QTard in all of RayRay Land (RRL).

He also “hosted an anal salon” alongside Russian Cuck Association adviser LiL fan on “Topics Concerning Topological Corncobulation (TCTC) in Afghanistan and Pakistan, China, Asia, Greenland (you know the place that used to be green), and even Mexico... he did a donkey show there once.

Confucius say: Man who has nothing upstairs is occupying too much space!
frankj1 Offline
#254 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,299
if true, that's a lot to swallow.
bgz Offline
#255 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
They got nothing on you Frankie.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#256 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
In A Healthy Country, The Bidens Would Be Seen As The Picture Of Elite Corruption

It's pretty clear that Hunter Biden's corrupt foreign influence peddling benefitted the current president of the United States.

By Emily Jashinsky - July 7, 2021

The following is a transcript of my radar on Wednesday’s edition of “Rising” on Hill TV.

On January 3rd, 2019, around 7:30 p.m., Hunter Biden sent a text message to his 25-year-old daughter Naomi. “I love all of you,” he wrote, “But I don’t receive any respect and that’s fine I guess – works for you apparently. I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. It’s really hard.”

“But don’t worry,” Hunter continued, “unlike Pop I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

We know this because the Daily Mail just published a screenshot of the message, which was reportedly recovered from Hunter’s infamous laptop. The laptop, like his memoir, continues fleshing out a tragic picture of addiction and dysfunction.
Importantly, however, the addiction and dysfunction are the public’s problem too, given that Hunter was wrapped up in an influence peddling operation in which he traded on his father’s name to carry out lucrative business deals. That makes the sad work of reading his personal correspondence crucial given that his father is the president of the United States.
In this era of media corruption, there are two layers to nearly every story: the substance and the coverage. They are often equally important. In this case, the media’s decision to spend last week squeezing every drop out of Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg’s indictment obviously contrasts with its disinterest in the Hunter Biden saga which, by the way, implicates the sitting president.

Let’s now set that layer aside to focus on the substance of the story. “Unlike Pop I won’t make you give me half your salary,” Hunter wrote to his daughter.

Miranda Devine synthesized information from a handful of the laptop emails in a Fourth of July column for the New York Post. “There’s no direct evidence of such a wealth transfer on Hunter’s laptop,” she wrote. “But what we do know is that, while Joe was vice president, Hunter routinely paid at least some of his father’s household expenses, including AT&T bills of around $190 a month.

“We know from an e-mail on June 5, 2010, with the subject “JRB bills” to Hunter from Eric Schwerin, his business partner at Rosemont Seneca, that he was expected to foot hefty bills to Wilmington contractors for maintenance and upkeep of his father’s palatial lakefront property,” added Devine, noting, “Joe’s initials are JRB, for Joseph Robinette Biden.”

Hunter’s complaint about his father taking a chunk of his earnings might sound familiar. It’s basically exactly what we learned from Tony Bobulinski shortly before the 2020 election, even if the media chose not to treat that information credibly.

Here’s more from Devine: “Further evidence that Joe expected to receive a slice of his son’s income was provided by Tony Bobulinksi, Hunter’s former business partner in a firm called Oneida, which was set up to enter a joint venture with the Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC. Bobulinski says that Joe was the “big guy” referred to in a 2017 e-mail who was to be allocated 10 percent equity in the firm: “10 [percent] held by H [Hunter] for the big guy.”

CEFC is a recurring character in the Biden drama. When the FBI caught Patrick Ho, an executive with CEFC, bribing African officials with cash in Chad and Uganda, he made a call. It was to James Biden, whose brother had just departed the vice presidency and was exploring a bid for the Oval Office. Why on earth would a corrupt Chinese business executive make an emergency call to James Biden?

Well, according to Jim, Ho was actually trying to contact his nephew Hunter. Here’s how the New York Times reported on the exchange back in 2018: “In a brief interview, James Biden said he had been surprised by Mr. Ho’s call. He said he believed it had been meant for Hunter Biden, the former vice president’s son. James Biden said he had passed on his nephew’s contact information.”

“There is nothing else I have to say,” James Biden told the Times. “I don’t want to be dragged into this anymore.”

Part of the point of paying Hunter Biden money to oversee business dealings outside his areas of expertise is so that you can make a call just like the one Ho made back in 2017.

So the new emails make it pretty clear that Hunter Biden’s corrupt foreign influence peddling benefitted the current president of the United States. This is all enormously difficult to keep track of, and perhaps that explains a tiny part of the media disinterest, but we could go on for hours examining emails, texts, and public records outlining this pattern.

Just last week, Fox News obtained a picture of Joe and Hunter Biden sporting wide smiles next to Carlos Slim, the Mexican billionaire, Interjet CEO Miguel Aleman Magnani, company chairman Miguel Aleman Velasco, and Jeff Cooper, a former managing partner of SimmonsCooper and a Biden donor.

Hunter set up meetings with Magnani and his father’s transportation secretary during the Obama administration. When Hunter and Cooper were working on a deal with Magnani, they were both on a 2016 vice presidential trip on Air Force Two to Mexico.

“I really appreciate you letting me stay at your resort villa . . . but I have brought every single person you have ever asked me to bring to the F’ing White House and the Vice President’s house and the inauguration and then you go completely silent,” Hunter emailed Magnani after takeoff.

It’s incredible and, again, we could go for hours.

Let’s just dwell on one more recent release, this time involving emails that revealed longtime FBI director Louis Freeh dropped $100,000 into a private trust for two of Joe Biden’s grandkids in 2016, literally as he was seeking to pursue “some very good and profitable matters” with the former vice president. What? Seriously — what? Freeh’s firm has had some questionable dealings, which makes the exchange all the more interesting, but $100,000? Explain that as anything other than a huge bribe.

Trump corruption matters. Clinton corruption matters. Biden corruption matters. Now, of course, Biden corruption matters most because it involves the president, and in a healthy media ecosystem, that would be glaringly obvious. Of course, nobody’s asked Jen Psaki about the most recent emails in a briefing. But on the matter of substance, the drip-drip of these emails is steadily exposing Joe Biden’s proximity to—and potential involvement with—rampant corruption. It’s possible none of it was even illegal which, of course, is how they were making good money.

It’s plain as day in Hunter’s text to Naomi. So how much of his dirty money was Joe Biden taking? Is that why he took Hunter to Mexico and China on Air Force Two, facilitating meetings that could lead to profits that could lead to help from Hunter? The White House insists the father and son never discussed Hunter’s business. That’s farcical, but they’re getting away with it.

Corruption will always exist at the highest levels of our government, and probably any government. Influence peddling is wrong because it corrupts the motives of elected officials which leads to corrupted results. It’s wrong because it helps wealthy and powerful people leverage jobs funded by taxpayers to line their own pockets. At risk of sounding like a broken record, in a healthy country, our free press would be highlighting the Biden family as the very picture of elite corruption. They would be pushing relentlessly for answers to the questions they emails continue raising.

Instead, it’s mostly crickets. Sunlight is only a useful disinfectant if people know to look. The limit of the metaphor is that disinfecting corruption from our politics involves people giving a damn. But if the legacy media doesn’t care, and is increasingly untethered from a business model that makes these outlets responsive to the public, nothing will change and all the other versions of Hunter Biden will continue going about their dirty business, unbothered by potential exposure and the collective shrug it might induce.
RayR Offline
#257 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
Yep, that's much how those Biden's operate.
And to think I was chastised by some lefties here for calling them the Biden Crime Family as if it was hyperbole!LOL LOL
bgz Offline
#258 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
You two should just go use the double corncobulator v2 and get it over with.
Smooth light Offline
#259 Posted:
Joined: 06-26-2020
Posts: 3,598
Confucius says "people who fart in church sitting their own pew."
RayR Offline
#260 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
bgz wrote:
You two should just go use the double corncobulator v2 and get it over with.

I hear you're on the Biden Crime Family payroll as a disinformation agent.Sick
bgz Offline
#261 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
I hear you have a growing number of Q-Tards participating in your thriving corncobulator business.

I pasted the story up above... not sure if anyone saw it.
Speyside Offline
#262 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
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It's awful Biden is using all those executive orders. Trump never would have!
Speyside Offline
#263 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
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Did you hear Biden used an executive order to make medication affordable?
Dg west deptford Offline
#264 Posted:
Joined: 05-25-2019
Posts: 2,836
It's not a healthy country Dr.
It's stricken with lieing, pompousity, smugness and groupthink.
However there is a healthy, happy & handsome few that yet fear God & love they're country.
bgz Offline
#265 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
Dg west deptford wrote:
It's not a healthy country Dr.
It's stricken with lieing, pompousity, smugness and groupthink.
However there is a healthy, happy & handsome few that yet fear God & love they're country.

So in order for the country to be in good health, it's inhabitants should fear an invisible entity equivalent to the boogey man. Further, in order to show that you love your country, you should put flags on your pickup. Lots and lots of flags to show that you really care.

And you should listen to trump, because he's not pompous, doesn't lie every time he opens his mouth, is definitely not smug as f*ck and totally discourages group think.

If you accomplish all that, you will be doing your part to Make America Great Again?
Dg west deptford Offline
#266 Posted:
Joined: 05-25-2019
Posts: 2,836
Maybe just humbly read your bible pinky. It'd do you & your country good
bgz Offline
#267 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
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Dg west deptford wrote:
Maybe just humbly read your bible pinky. It'd do you & your country good

Read the front, back, and a bunch of random sh*t in between. From what I can tell it's boring af.

The only thing that I try to figure out about it is how it puts everyone that reads it and buys into it into this weird smuglike behavior where they all think the same, talk the same, hell, and even smell the same.

It's almost like it promotes a pompous cult or something.
bgz Offline
#268 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
Oh, now I know why you call me pinky... your name just got stuck in with your boy RayRay... you're now in group retard :)

It could have had a much more epic meaning... unfortunately it was an opportunity wasted... you had a chance to be brain... the irony of that...
Dg west deptford Offline
#269 Posted:
Joined: 05-25-2019
Posts: 2,836
Boy, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed
bgz Offline
#270 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
It was you... I'm all caffeined up and spry this morning!

You're the crazy mother f*cker that woke up and kicked the forum.

I'm simply the incarnation of the forum kicking back!

Ya... I'm that good.
tonygraz Offline
#271 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
Posts: 20,372
Does the bible specify what side is the wrong side of the bed ?
RayR Offline
#272 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
bgz wrote:
It was you... I'm all caffeined up and spry this morning!

You're the crazy mother f*cker that woke up and kicked the forum.

I'm simply the incarnation of the forum kicking back!

Ya... I'm that good.

I think your turning red Pinky. 😡 🤬
Dg west deptford Offline
#273 Posted:
Joined: 05-25-2019
Posts: 2,836
^ now that was funny!
bgz Offline
#274 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
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tonygraz wrote:
Does the bible specify what side is the wrong side of the bed ?

Intuitively I would say say the wrong side is the outside of the bed... you definitely don't want to mistakenly wake up on that side.

Bible is not very intuitive though, it works in mysterious ways.
bgz Offline
#275 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
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Dg west deptford wrote:
^ now that was funny!

You remind me of that caveman on those Geico commercials.

tonygraz Offline
#276 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
Posts: 20,372
Perhaps the wrong side of the bed in underneath.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#277 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Want Proof That Hunter Biden’s ‘Art’ Sale Is An Influence-Peddling Scam?

President Joe Biden’s disreputable, drug-addled son Hunter recently decided to sell his “art,” which sparked a round of hand-wringing over the ethical implications.

Hunter, you see, has no experience as an artist. And, based on the paintings we’ve seen, he has no discernible talent. But Hunter’s “artwork” will be sold at “a private and confidential opening” in Los Angeles, with the various pieces said to be priced between $75,000 and $500,000.

This is Clinton Foundation-style corruption all over again, without the pretense of a charity.

The White House says the sale is perfectly ethical because the buyer or buyers will be anonymous. As CNN reports, “the White House was involved in forming an agreement between a SoHo New York Gallery owner, Georges Bergès, and Hunter Biden in an effort to address any ethics concerns.”

As far as the “truth to power” media is concerned, they can wash their hands of this whole affair. After all, if the Biden White House says this is on the up-and-up, who could ever doubt that?

Then again, even President Barack Obama’s head of the Office of Government Ethics is raising both eyebrows over this phantasmagoric sale.

“It just is implausible that this art from an unknown artist would be selling at this price if it didn’t have the Biden name attached to it,” said Walter Shaub. He called it the “perfect mechanism” to bribe the president.

This all reminds us of how Bill and Hillary created their “Clinton Foundation” as an influence-peddling scheme meant to enrich themselves and help Hillary get into the White House. The press treated it as a legitimate operation because, well, that’s what the Clintons said it was.

However, the donations to the foundation – formed after Bill left office – followed an interesting pattern. So long as Hillary was a potential presidential candidate, donors filled the foundation’s coffers to the brim. Once she lost her bid in 2016, support for the Clinton “charity” collapsed.

A while ago, we charted the Clinton Foundation’s revenues, and here’s what that looked like:

Then again, Hunter’s art deal is also very much like the Biden Burisma scandal, whereby Hunter was handed an incredibly lucrative do-nothing job on the board of this corrupt Urkanian energy company, despite his having zero experience in the energy business. The only thing Hunter brought to the table was access to Joe, who was vice president in charge of Ukrainian matters at the time.

Despite the overwhelming stench of corruption, the media took the Bidens’ word that Hunter’s position on the board was completely legitimate and had nothing whatsoever to do with his father’s actions in office.

To any reasonable observer, the conclusion to be drawn from these events is that President Biden keeps trying to use his son to sell access to himself. The only difference between the Bidens’ influence-peddling schemes and the Clintons’ is that Biden seems mainly interested in enriching his son, not himself.

Then again, we just learned that Biden appears to have been a “direct beneficiary” of Hunter’s nefarious foreign business dealings, according to an ongoing investigation into the contents of Hunter’s laptop by the Government Accountability Institute.

In any case, if you want proof that Hunter’s “art” sale is nothing more than a thinly veiled bribery scheme, just follow the money. Take a look at the value of Hunter’s “art” over time.

Our firm belief is that the chart would look like this:

Does anyone seriously doubt that Joe won’t know who forked over half a million dollars for one of Hunter’s paint blotches, expecting something in return from the Biden administration?

As with so many political events these days, it’s worth asking yourself: What if Trump had arranged a deal like this?

The answer: A massive freakout by the media and Democrats, by celebrities, late-night “comics,” and the so-called blue-check crowd on Twitter. Never-ending calls for investigations and special counsels. Cries of “we told you so” by the never-Trumpers. All followed by calls for his impeachment.

With Biden, all we get is a shrug.

Gotta go to the link to see those wonderful graphs!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#278 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Biden Admin Waives Sanctions on Iranian Oil Trade As DOJ Announces Charges On Spy Network

Iranian intel agents sought to kidnap American journalist

The State Department informed Congress late Tuesday that it would waive sanctions on Iran's illicit oil trade so that the country can access frozen funds from South Korea and Japan, the same day the Department of Justice announced charges on an Iranian spy network that sought to kidnap an American.

The waiver, signed by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, allows the "transfer of Iranian funds in restricted accounts to exporters in Japan and the Republic of Korea," according to a notification sent to Congress by the State Department. The waiver allows Iranian money that had been frozen as a result of American sanctions to be freed up without violating the law. "Allowing these funds to be used to repay exporters in these jurisdictions will make those entities whole with respect to the goods and services they exported to Iran, address a recurring irritant in important bilateral relationships, and decrease Iran’s foreign reserves," the waiver states.

The waiver was announced on the same day the Justice Department announced new charges against a network of Iranian intelligence agents who sought to kidnap an American journalist and bring her to Iran. The charges include kidnapping conspiracy, sanctions violations conspiracy, bank and wire fraud conspiracy, and money laundering conspiracy charges.

The sanctions relief also comes as the United States and Iran get closer to finalizing a revamped nuclear deal that will even further unwind sanctions on Tehran. Congressional Republicans are likely to oppose the move, which lessens economic pressure on Iran at a time when it is still funding regional terror groups and building out its nuclear weapons program. Sanctions of Iran's oil trade were a hallmark policy of the Trump administration, which sought to cut Iran's exports down to zero and deny the regime a key source of income.

Richard Goldberg, the former director for countering Iranian weapons of mass destruction on Trump's White House National Security Council, said the waiver will relieve pressure on Iran's floundering economy and give it access to much-needed cash.

"There’s a reason we talk about accessible foreign exchange reserves versus inaccessible foreign exchange reserves. If you free up money that’s trapped in foreign accounts for Iran to pay off debts, you are bailing out the regime and rescuing the mullahs from a balance of payments crisis," said Goldberg, a senior adviser at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. "This is a bailout, plain and simple. And to announce it right as DOJ tells us Iran tried to kidnap an American journalist out of New York City—that’s a national outrage."

A State Department spokesman said Blinken signed the sanctions waiver to give Japan and Korea another 90-days to complete transactions with Iran.

"The secretary of state previously signed a waiver to allow funds held in restricted Iranian accounts in Japan and Korea to be used to pay back Japanese and Korean companies that exported non-sanctioned items to Iran," the spokesperson said. "These repayment transactions can sometimes be time consuming, and the secretary extended the waivers for another 90 days."

The State Department says the waiver "does not allow for the transfer of any funds to Iran," and will make whole Japanese and Korean companies that exported non-sanctioned goods and services before U.S. sanctions were tightened by the previous administration.

Sen. Bill Hagerty (R., Tenn.) said the Biden administration is rewarding Iran with an economic bailout.

"President Biden today is giving the Iranian regime—the world’s biggest state sponsor of terrorism—an economic bailout by freeing up billions of dollars that U.S. sanctions had frozen in foreign banks," said Hagerty. "I personally spent months working with the then-Japanese Prime Minster and his cabinet to put in place these crippling and biting sanctions, which had real and tangible results, only today to see them begin to be blown apart with the stroke of a pen in exchange for nothing. President Biden is doubling down on his Iran appeasement policy just as it was revealed that Iranian officials were plotting to abduct an American citizen in New York City, and as the regime is continuing to use missiles and proxy militants to attack Americans in Iraq and Syria."

The Treasury Department did not immediately respond to request for comment.

Update July 14, 7:24 a.m.: This post has been updated with comment from Sen. Hagerty.

And Iran will use the profits to re-arm the Palestinians, the Taliban and whatever else China tells them to do. HAve no fear, it's sanctioned by the Biden's, Hunter will do a little sketch of you if you just ignore it and go away!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#279 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Homeland Security chief says U.S. will not give refuge to those fleeing Cuba and Haiti by boat

People fleeing Cuba and Haiti by boat will not be allowed to enter the U.S., even if they demonstrate fear of being persecuted or tortured in their home countries, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas warned on Tuesday.

"Allow me to be clear: if you take to the sea, you will not come to the United States," Mayorkas said, highlighting the dangers of traversing the Caribbean Sea and the Florida Straits by boat.

Mayorkas, a Cuban immigrant who fled the island with his family in 1960, issued his stern warning in the wake of seismic political events that have rocked Cuba and Haiti in recent days.

In Cuba, large-scale protests erupted over the weekend, forming one of the biggest public demonstrations of dissent faced by the island's communist government. Meanwhile, in Haiti, the brazen assassination of President Jovenel Moise has thrown the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere into further political upheaval.

Mayorkas said those trying to reach the U.S. by sea will be intercepted by the Coast Guard and immediately returned to their home countries. Even if asylum-seekers manage to get interviews with U.S. officials, Mayorkas added, they will not be permitted to set foot on U.S. soil, regardless of the outcome of their screenings.

"If individuals make, establish a well-founded fear of persecution or torture, they are referred to third countries for resettlement," Mayorkas said. "They will not enter the United States."

"Loosely" translated: If you don't have a Drug Cartel sponsoring your visit to the US for political asylum or child endangerment the US doesn't want you. It could be a further identification of "Wet Foot/Dry Foot" in that if you're walking here you get in. Who knows, it's the Biden Administration where he/him is trying to speak coherently but can't even remember where he's at or what he's supposed to be doing. For that POS's "DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DID!"
RayR Offline
#280 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
Everybody wants to rule the world. Not for lack of trying nobody ever does and in the end they always bring on their own demise. Part of the symptoms are the parade of incoherent dicktators and their flunkeys, irrational foreign policy, irrational domestic policy, and who can forget an irrational duhmacracy to sanctify it all.

bgz Offline
#281 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
If I ruled the world.... you would all be f*cked!

Because I would get rid of all those stupid sex laws like a bunch of bad habbits...

Go forth, be fruitful, and f*ck after lunch like mad rabbits.
RayR Offline
#282 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
bgz wrote:
If I ruled the world.... you would all be f*cked!

Because I would get rid of all those stupid sex laws like a bunch of bad habbits...

Go forth, be fruitful, and f*ck after lunch like mad rabbits.

I think that was the only law on Epstein's island.
bgz Offline
#283 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
RayR wrote:
I think that was the only law on Epstein's island.

At least we know your type now.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#284 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
bgz wrote:
If I ruled the world.... you would all be f*cked!

Because I would get rid of all those stupid sex laws like a bunch of bad habbits...

Go forth, be fruitful, and f*ck after lunch like mad rabbits.

"bgz wrote: Yes... but it will likely be based on policy and not behavior."

bgz Offline
#285 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
DrMaddVibe wrote:
"bgz wrote: Yes... but it will likely be based on policy and not behavior."


Bend the knee.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#286 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
bgz wrote:
Bend the knee.

LMMFAO @ you.

I'm not one of your Marxist BLM rioting flunkies and you're the leader of nothing!

Stay on your knees, enjoy your victimhood.

bgz Offline
#287 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
All too ez
DrMaddVibe Offline
#288 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
bgz wrote:
All too ez

For you?

Yes, because you never elevate the conversation with regards to anything. Starting with the very 1st post on this thread. It doesn't matter what thread either. Anyone following your stock picks would be living in a tent if they had to rely on the profitability of them. Politically you've been outed as a useful partisan hack. You've set the bar so low for yourself that when I see you post on a thread I think of a walrus in a plastic kiddie pool. Sure, it's big. Sure it's in a pool and yes it's swimming. In your case making a lot of noise and dreaming of swimming in the deep end of the pool is all you've got and you look ridiculous doing it.

Easy? You being in one of my threads.

Like Sunday morning.
bgz Offline
#289 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
No you
DrMaddVibe Offline
#290 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
bgz wrote:
No you

Pavlov's dog...I ring you come a running.

When you can offer anything of value to a conversation...I'd consider it. At the rate you're can't tread water.
bgz Offline
#291 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
What's this 6 page thread showcasing your exquisite copy and paste techniques actually about again?

I forgot 6 pages ago.
bgz Offline
#292 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
Oh ya...

DrMaddVibe Offline
#293 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
bgz wrote:
What's this 6 page thread showcasing your exquisite copy and paste techniques actually about again?

I forgot 6 pages ago.

Yes, because you cannot read nor follow the topic. For you and the like's a reminder...a mirror of sorts. All the good your old candidate is not doing. All the failed policies. There's so many daily that even I can't keep up with it. It's like a Greatest Failures for this administration.

I'm at the point that I don't fault Biden. We all knew he was a dolt, a blithering idiot, an avowed racist and loves him some touchy feely with the little girls. I fault the people that voted for this. They were dumb enough to get their DNC fill and despite all the graft, collusion and outright theft...they fell right into their trap.
bgz Offline
#294 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
Wasn't Trump the one that hung out with Epstein and Clinton all the time?

Trump wasn't a racist?

Trump wasn't a dolt?

You're arguments for "my candidate" aren't painting a very good picture of "your candidate"...

You always sound as if you have this deep knowledge... almost like an oracle.

Are you an oracle of knowledge? Are you saying the Great Orange One (GOO) is candy and spice and everything nice...

And Biden... the one you hate is puppy dog tails and racoon sh*t?

And all those conspiracy theories that you and RayRay eat up... you know, the ones to cover your boy GOO's actual conspiracies?


Also, for the last f*cking time...

Is Biden a senile old fool that can't think his way out of a coat closet, or is he a criminal mastermind?

He can't both, they are mutually exclusive.
tonygraz Offline
#295 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
Posts: 20,372
Yes they can in some deranged minds.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#296 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
I'll go line by line and break it down for you.

bgz wrote:
Wasn't Trump the one that hung out with Epstein and Clinton all the time?
Epstein being wealthy and looking for new victims to prey upon thought Mar-A-Lago was a new playground he could rape. When it was found out who and what he was, Trump banned him from the facility. That's a fact. Clinton...when they wanted something they hit him up.

bgz wrote:
Trump wasn't a racist?
No. Has Joe Biden ever dated Black supermodels? Been to NAACP functions and well received? I can find pictures of him with prominent Black leaders that gladly took pictures with him before he decided to run for political office. It's really amusing that people gravitate to that notion. Did he ever pass crime legislation that shackled generations of Blacks? Was he instrumental in trying to end school busing because it would turn schools into jungles? He made great strides to turn the tides for Black Americans but your blind hatred missed all of it.

bgz wrote:
Trump wasn't a dolt?
If being a developer with prominent properties all over the World, a highly rated reality TV show host and the President of the United States makes him a have serious issues with the English language.

bgz wrote:
You're arguments for "my candidate" aren't painting a very good picture of "your candidate"...
You're veering into the weeds here. You didn't really say anything but "my guy" BS. Trump had 4 years of political service to Biden's almost 50. Let's let the record show whom was more successful. It's not Biden. Case in took him 3 attempts to get to the White House vs Trump's one.

bgz wrote:
You always sound as if you have this deep knowledge... almost like an oracle.
Maybe you have some restrictions on the internet, IDK...that's kinda on you if you really think you can make a tasty mudpie and sell it. The record is there for anyone to see. Based off of the words that come ff of their own mouths it's evident, but you won't hear it.

The rest of your post is just absolute gibberish. Good luck. Your Biden decoder ring must be broke. You're making less sense than him!
Smooth light Offline
#297 Posted:
Joined: 06-26-2020
Posts: 3,598
Oh pinky and his dodo of reality... and the pose of idiots.
CelticBomber Offline
#298 Posted:
Joined: 05-03-2012
Posts: 6,786
Is this the new Politics 500?

Seriously people... Trump got elected. "OMG THE SKY IS FALLING!" I personally wasn't a fan. Biden gets elected "OMG THEY STOLE THE SKY!" personally I'm not a fan... of Biden or the sky. You get birds in the sky. They crap on stuff. In other words, "Lighten up Francis".

Does Obama still want to be king? That was a hot topic for awhile... wonder how that turned out. People were pretty sure... I don't watch much TV though so I must have missed the coronation... I think it was held in those FEMA camps we were all getting put into. I'm gonna go stock up on ammo, toilet paper and soup... Don't forget about that sneaky SOB sky though... could fall on you any minute now.

Sipping tea
bgz Offline
#299 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
DrMaddVibe wrote:

... I'm losing it...

Dude... you like your boy RayRay misunderstand me greatly.

You assume that because my views don't match yours 100% then I'm the far off other side.

Truth of the matter is, I don't really give a f*ck about politics unless it's close to voting season... but I do quite enjoy making you rage.

So I will continue to do so all the while telling you my intent and you incessantly believing you are right.

If there's a hell, maybe I could get a job making hell loops. I think I would be good at it.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#300 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
bgz wrote:
Dude... you like your boy RayRay misunderstand me greatly.

You assume that because my views don't match yours 100% then I'm the far off other side.

Truth of the matter is, I don't really give a f*ck about politics unless it's close to voting season... but I do quite enjoy making you rage.

So I will continue to do so all the while telling you my intent and you incessantly believing you are right.

If there's a hell, maybe I could get a job making hell loops. I think I would be good at it.

You're a walrus in a small plastic kiddie pool. Get over yourself already. You have NOTHING to offer ANYONE. You're posting in a post I created. Create your own post. Maybe people will look at it. Go!
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