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The Corona Blues Café: BYOTP
izonfire Offline
#551 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
Posts: 8,715
DaQueenBeez wrote:
This is a beach bar - whiskey is on the shelf behind fourteen kinds of rum!

In a sick twist is timing, just when everyone should be starting to set up there classrooms for the fall, I had to go up this weekend and remove all of the remaining things from the walls and from storage over the cabinets so that they could paint my classroom. On the upside, however, my room NEEDS a coat of fresh paint BADLY.
Now hanging with the princess & a needy bun. Storm clouds rolled in, knocked down the temperature and rolled out, so it’s pleasant AND sunny...I think that calls for something frosty, rum-based and fruit-laced with an umbrella in it!

Alright Queeny, I’ll take a killer mai tai please!
And some whiskey neat on the side...
izonfire Offline
#552 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
Posts: 8,715
delta1 wrote:
drinks on me!

ummm...what's a needy bun?

I’m in Delta! And where the F you been?
Who gave you the last few days off???

Good to see you
Speyside Offline
#553 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
Posts: 13,106
Having a wonderful mug of Kona coffee. Anyone else want one. Sitting on the deck enjoying the quiet. Listening to the Mourning Doves. Watching a couple of squirrels scamper around. Planning out the projects for today. Going to see once upon a time in Hollywood later today.
izonfire Offline
#554 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
Posts: 8,715
Pour me one Spey. A little late, but I’ll take it
delta1 Offline
#555 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
Posts: 28,881
izonfire wrote:
I’m in Delta! And where the F you been?
Who gave you the last few days off???

Good to see you

went up to Seattle with my two sisters, BIL, and niece to pay a respectful visit to my aunt, my late mother's last surviving sibling...she's 92 and no longer able to walk without a walker, and even with the walker, has limited mobility.... she was Mom's baby sister and our favorite aunt growing up...hope it wasn't the last time we see her alive...

we then went to Portland to visit a close friend of my sister, and her two daughters and their families...ate well during the week, but dropped a couple of pounds due to the hiking and walking I did...went to Mt. St. Helens and Forest Park in Portland...
izonfire Offline
#556 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
Posts: 8,715
Glad you were able to spend time with loved ones. And got to see a beautiful part of the country. Nice
Speyside Offline
#557 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
Posts: 13,106
Man, I would love to have places like that to walk. When I lived in Sconnie they were miles of wonderful glacial trails. I need to check out what is around here.
izonfire Offline
#558 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
Posts: 8,715
Glacial Park just south of Richmond IL.

A hilly piece of heaven with winding trails with numerous elevation changes.
There’s a huge hill at the SW end that is hundreds of feet high.
I run up it twice every time I’m there. I try to make it there every weekend.
Wear your spikes

Not too far from you...
DaQueenBeez Offline
#559 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2007
Posts: 20,837
delta1 wrote:
drinks on me!

ummm...what's a needy bun?

Needy bun = the princess’ lonely rabbit. Our lab was his bodyguard, groomer and yard buddy, but we lost her to stomach cancer last fall. Now poor bun is lonely and needy, so we spend extra time hanging with him when we can. And to add to his misery, now that they realize the bodyguard is gone, a pair of crows has been harassing him, so princess and I are becoming super soaker sharpshooters lol.

Might make mine a double, Delta - been helping princess even out a presidential-level fake tan disaster WITHOUT LAUGHING!!!
frankj1 Offline
#560 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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It's good to be Queen.
izonfire Offline
#561 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
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frankj1 wrote:
It's good to be Queen.

Hey Frank. Get her to pop in once in a while during the school year
Speyside Offline
#562 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
Posts: 13,106
It does me good to hear the queens stories, anecdote s, and musings. Her writing is so vivid and rich. The coffee is done IZON, grab a cuppa. Really good Blue Mountain today. I finished all of my chores yesterday, so today is up in the air as to what to do. Where ever the wind takes me.
DaQueenBeez Offline
#563 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2007
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Well...if you’re gonna have a 14 hour layover, it may as well be Honolulu, right? Landed 5am, departed 9pm. I suppose it would have been even better if we’d bathed recently...phew! Came screeching in sideways from a late return from Mt. Fuji area, threw our clothes into the suitcases (no, really...that’s exactly what we did. Flinging laundry everywhere) raced for the train station to the airport...realized that Narita Airport sucks every possible unpleasant thing you can think of and is a minimum of 1.5 hours from anywhere via any available mode of transportation, and that the Narita Express train line doesn’t take the same pass you’ve been using for every other train on the entire damn island, looked at the line at the ticket kiosk and the approaching train, then sprinted for a taxi, hoping our frantic foreign faces could communicate what Google translate could not.

They did.

Our lovely driver understood the word “Narita” and our panicked expressions and God bless him, passed everything on the road like it was sitting still.

Haneda Airport for the win Plain old trains running every five minutes...BOOM. Max half hour to any damn place you want to go...except Narita, which sucks.
Anyway, due to the frantic pace, our last chance to bathe or change clothes was at Mt Fuji, day 1. We brought one change each, planning to spend one night, but Princess turned her ankle on the descent and we ended up spending a second night. Did I mention the 98F and 100000% humidity? Also Japan doesn’t seem terribly fond of air conditioning public spaces. Let’s just say we were a teensy bit ripe.

After 8 hours offending our quietly-suffering United seat mates, we collected our luggage to transfer to a domestic flight...eventually...dug wrinkled, but clean clothes out of the clothing duffel, dug out the package of wet wipes and TSA approved 3oz liquids bag, and locked ourselves in the Honolulu airport bathrooms. Pro tip: go for the aerosol deodorant. It doubles as body spray and febreeze. Also, dry shampoo FTW. So, we were wrinkled, and it was going to take three blade changes and a blowtorch to shift our armpits from European to American grooming standards (yeah...skip the cute tank top and go for the frumpy t-shirt,) but we were a whole lot cleaner coming out than we were going in. Somewhere around gate 9, en route to the airport Starbucks, it occurs to me that Imma ridin’ Up in every possible direction and I’m losing feeling in my left foot.
Mom: So...It is entirely possible that I may have mistakenly grabbed the wrong underwear.
Princess: ((utterly appalled stare)) burn them. I don’t want them back.
Mom: guilt about ripping the elastic to obtain a little circulation.
Princess: we will never speak of this again.

Turns out, by the way, that you can’t check your bags more than 4 hours ahead of your flight. Nice...only 10 to kill, then. Find a baggage storage area, pay them way too much to hang onto your dirty laundry and exotic kit kats, and Uber it out to something cool...because I’ll be damned if I’m spending 14 hours just sitting in ANY airport, much less Oahu. So, as an added bonus, we got to see all the cool sights at the Arizona Memorial and Pearl Harbor visitor center/Museums, and enjoy killer poké at a nearby mall before we had to return to claim our bags and then hand them off again.

After our flight overbooking itself then shuffling passengers until we were 30 minutes late leaving, breakfast in San Francisco (the food in Japan left me weak in the knees, but I gotta tell ya...a BK bacon and egg sandwich and a giant Peet’s quad shot was the comfort food I needed right about then,) and a hotel reschedule, we were finally breathing beautiful, cool, dry mountain air again and sleeping on a proper bed. I should mention, after 3 quite nice Japanese hotels, I have decided that, in addition to the public-space-AC aversion, the Japanese are also not fond of soft beds. They are fond of a hard plywood boxes with quilted mattress protectors for padding. I feel like I there’s a market for memory foam to be explored, there.

1) I’d kill for a Tokyo 7-11 and a couple of Japanese vending machines on every corner.
2) the food...OMG the food...
3) Tokyo in August is not *quite* as hot as the surface of Mercury, but it is considerably more humid.
4) Fuji is beyond breathtaking...but not in the altitude sickness sort of way unless you’re a soft flat lander. You just OMG...
5) life at sea level makes you soft. I felt much better when the group of very fit, athletic Latina girls were sucking just as hard and stopping just as often as I was; them to suck on oxygen bottles and me to let my plump, non-athletic heart rate settle just a bit before forging on.
6) elderly men in suits playing Pokémon on the train is a beautiful thing. Truly terrifying Japanese commercials on the train are...well...truly terrifying.
7) the Japanese are the kindest, most polite, service-oriented, considerate people I have ever met...but they will take your azz OUT if you get between them and the train.
8) I was the only person in the country who was concerned about the 6.2 earthquake that hit while we were on the 4th floor of the Diver City Mall (overlooking the giant, life size, transforming Gundam robot.) The closest thing I saw to “alarmed,” aside from my own reaction, was mild irritation (“goddam Godzilla...spilled my noodles,” and “huh, earthquake...must be Tuesday.”)
9) ibuprofen is practically treated as a controlled substance. You cannot purchase medicine of any kind - neosporin, Advil, tums...nada...from a grocery store or quickie mart. You have to go to a drugstore or store with a legit pharmacy, The boxes are empty - you have to exchange the empty box for the actual product at the pharmacy counter. If you grab your ibuprofen and a bag of banana kit kats and a souvenir “Akihabara City” t shirt and try to check out at the main check out, the cashier will be utterly appalled. “You can’t buy this here - this is medicine! You know that this is medicine? You have to buy this at the pharmacy counter!”
10) However, you can step outside the shop door and buy a pack of cigarettes and a suntory whisky highball from the unmonitored vending machine seven steps to your left.
11) I’d have skipped every cool thing we did just to have 8 days hanging with the Boyo. Having 8 days hanging with the Boyo while he hauled us around to SO MANY COOL THINGS was worth everything.

SO...all but the lingering brain fog of jet lag is conquered, my classroom is half transformed for the start of school Monday, and my back to school orientation is in the rear view. Someone hook mama up with a chuhai, would you? Arigato...
frankj1 Offline
#564 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,299
I could not allow myself to blink whilst reading!
Welcome back, Your Highness.
DrafterX Offline
#565 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,645
Very Cool..!! ThumpUp

I heard Figi had a 100% tax on stuff tho...
delta1 Offline
#566 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
Posts: 28,881
do Japanese females observe American or European grooming standards...inquiring minds want to know...

welcome back from your vacay with boyo...

here's a glass of bordeaux, with the bottle, to relax with before returning to work...
DaQueenBeez Offline
#567 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2007
Posts: 20,837
Delta, you’re my hero!
Bottle is half down...taking part 2 with me to work on the classroom tomorrow!
No word on Japanese armpits, I’m afraid. The folks we encountered were more the “wear fifteen layers in the boiling heat and carry a Mylar umbrella because sunlight must never touch your skin” crowd than the tank top crowd.
USNGunner Offline
#568 Posted:
Joined: 05-17-2019
Posts: 4,402
DaQueenBeez wrote:
Delta, you’re my hero!
Bottle is half down...taking part 2 with me to work on the classroom tomorrow!
No word on Japanese armpits, I’m afraid. The folks we encountered were more the “wear fifteen layers in the boiling heat and carry a Mylar umbrella because sunlight must never touch your skin” crowd than the tank top crowd.

Which would be most of your traditional Japanese. Whistle
DaQueenBeez Offline
#569 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2007
Posts: 20,837
Best quote I’ve heard all day: “if global warming is real, where are all these snowflakes coming from?”
delta1 Offline
#570 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
Posts: 28,881
had to unwind the pretzel on that one

DaQueenBeez Offline
#571 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2007
Posts: 20,837
delta1 wrote:
had to unwind the pretzel on that one


Is that a new hip and trendy euphemism that I don’t know yet? Dammit Delta...I just figured out what a “fleek” was and then everybody started “yeet”ing, whatever the hell that is, and now we’re unwinding pretzels? Make mine soft pretzel nuggets with a side of cheddar sauce, please. Stays properly wound and goes well with a beer. Hold the yeet.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#572 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,850
Are they allowed to keep making up words? I don't recall being allowed to make up words. I mean, when a frikkin emoji is made Oxford's word of the year, I'm certain the apocalypse is upon us!!! I'm going to walk it off now. I'm a little verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves.
izonfire Offline
#573 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
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Sunoverbeach wrote:
Are they allowed to keep making up words? I don't recall being allowed to make up words. I mean, when a frikkin emoji is made Oxford's word of the year, I'm certain the apocalypse is upon us!!! I'm going to walk it off now. I'm a little verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves.

Ehhhh - don’t be such a goyo
USNGunner Offline
#574 Posted:
Joined: 05-17-2019
Posts: 4,402
izonfire wrote:
Ehhhh - don’t be such a goyo

And don't go mermaiding yourself either. Shame on you
izonfire Offline
#575 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
Posts: 8,715
Unless you’re a flipper baby
DaQueenBeez Offline
#576 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2007
Posts: 20,837
With deepest gratitude to the princess’ Government teacher...

...I now know that we can take out an entire political party with an air horn, a disco ball, and a can of Axe body spray.
delta1 Offline
#577 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
Posts: 28,881
DaQueenBeez wrote:
Is that a new hip and trendy euphemism that I don’t know yet? Dammit Delta...I just figured out what a “fleek” was and then everybody started “yeet”ing, whatever the hell that is, and now we’re unwinding pretzels? Make mine soft pretzel nuggets with a side of cheddar sauce, please. Stays properly wound and goes well with a beer. Hold the yeet.

an original thought...provoked by your quote...

there were a couple of twists in there that my not-so-nimble mind had to sort out...

anybody wanna drink...I'm getting the first round
DaQueenBeez Offline
#578 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2007
Posts: 20,837
I’ll take a Kracken & coke, please! Working on edits to an essay I was asked to write for a teacher-of-the-year nomination. Giving me mild heartburn, because I want this guy to get the win, not a pink slip! Rum is a great way to lube up the ol’ synapses, right?
USNGunner Offline
#579 Posted:
Joined: 05-17-2019
Posts: 4,402
delta1 wrote:

anybody wanna drink...I'm getting the first round

I think I'm due for a Manhattan since you're asking. Thank you.

Sunoverbeach Offline
#580 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,850
Tequila. Straight up. Hold the lime and salt. Something in an extra anejo please
DaQueenBeez Offline
#581 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2007
Posts: 20,837
Is Delta’s tab still open? I wouldn’t say no to a White Russian...
DrafterX Offline
#582 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,645
Yes.. run it up.. ThumpUp
frankj1 Offline
#583 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,299
grab one for me long as Delta's asleep at the switch.

hey X, I heard you got hurt jumpin' around over at Robbers.
what were you thinking?
Speyside Offline
#584 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
Posts: 13,106
Just some Chamomile tea for me please and perhaps Hamdel's water music suite playing in the background. Time for me to mellow out and get a good night's sleep. It's deck staining and sealing tomorrow. I have power washed it 4 times, done some minor repairs and design changes, and sanded with very course sand paper to give it a different textural/tactical feel that integrates with the new updated design. Next year there will be a significant amount of stone in the form of a walkway that connect the deck to the stone patio covered by a shade Pergola with a hand hewn look that I am installing next year.
delta1 Offline
#585 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
Posts: 28,881
frankj1 wrote:
grab one for me long as Delta's asleep at the switch.

hey X, I heard you got hurt jumpin' around over at Robbers.
what were you thinking?

he didn't get hurt jumping around...the injury occurred when he was taking a piss...
DrafterX Offline
#586 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,645
No injuries.. just getting old... Mellow
izonfire Offline
#587 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
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I’m injured by Spey’s request for Chamomile tea
Speyside Offline
#588 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
Posts: 13,106
Me too! Done with the deck staining, 2 coats solid body. Will apply 2 coats of sealer next weekend. IZON, Ill treat myself to lavender tea tonight!!!
izonfire Offline
#589 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
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Adding insult to injury.
That hurts
Speyside Offline
#590 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
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I know, but at least I didn't say a 2% latte.
izonfire Offline
#591 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
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Pour me a double bartender. I am 98% disgusted
Speyside Offline
#592 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
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Point tsken, shoulda said 1.8% this is Cbid after all.
izonfire Offline
#593 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
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Speyside wrote:
Point tsken, shoulda said 1.8% this is Cbid after all.

Split hares if you want
Sunoverbeach Offline
#594 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,850
Don't think you want to do that to the bunny rabbits... unless you're looking to roast them
Speyside Offline
#595 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
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Mmmmm, Lapin a La Cocette. C'est magnifique!!!
izonfire Offline
#596 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
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Mmmmmmmmm. Rabbit. Singed in the campfire. Delicious!!!
DaQueenBeez Offline
#597 Posted:
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DaQueenBeez Offline
#598 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2007
Posts: 20,837
If I pop the cork on this Zin, will someone help me polish it off? I just need one good glass to get me through my nostalgia marathon (working my way through all of the Robin Williams interviews on the Johnny Carson show) but I don’t want the rest of the bottle to go to waste.
izonfire Offline
#599 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
Posts: 8,715
DaQueenBeez wrote:
If I pop the cork on this Zin, will someone help me polish it off? I just need one good glass to get me through my nostalgia marathon (working my way through all of the Robin Williams interviews on the Johnny Carson show) but I don’t want the rest of the bottle to go to waste.

Toss me the bottle Queeny. That stuff goes down so easy, I’ll have the bottle polished off lickety split. Cheers!
DaQueenBeez Offline
#600 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2007
Posts: 20,837
Heads up, izonfire...incoming!
They say you should let it breathe a bit before you drink it, but if you get a good spin on the throw, it’ll freak out and hyperventilate a bit, so it’s ready to drink much sooner!
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