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Last post 7 years ago by tonygraz. 58 replies replies.
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Can't wait for DEMS to call for impeachment yet again
Abrignac Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
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Seems like the left stream news forgot that Obama leaked info on the Syrians to Russia. Don't recall them getting their panties in such a wad of then. Of course we all know that somehow the russkies forgot about that agreement while in the midst of bombing Aleppo.

National Security
U.S. offers to share Syria intelligence on terrorists with Russia
By Karen DeYoung June 30, 2016

The Obama administration has offered to help Russia improve its targeting of terrorist groups in Syria if Moscow will stop bombing civilians and opposition fighters who have signed on to a cease-fire and use its influence to force Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to do the same.

The offer early this week of what one administration official called “enhanced information sharing” does not include joint military planning, targeting or coordination with U.S. airstrikes or other operations in Syria.

But it would expand cooperation beyond the “deconfliction” talks the U.S. and Russian militaries began last year to ensure their planes do not run into each other in Syria’s increasingly crowded airspace.

Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter, who has long opposed any additional cooperation, said Thursday that if Russia would “do the right thing in Syria — that’s an important condition — as in all cases with Russia, we’re willing to work with them.”

“The Russians got off on the wrong foot in Syria,” Carter said. The stated purpose of airstrikes Russia began last fall was “to fight ISIL and . . . assist the political transition in Syria towards a post-Assad government.”

“They haven’t done either of those things,” he said. ISIL, along with ISIS and Daesh, is an alternative term for the Islamic State.

Senior administration officials declined to discuss details of the proposal, saying that publicizing the content of diplomatic talks would undermine their possible success.

“We’ve made no bones about the fact that if the Russians, with their military presence in Syria, proved to be willing to focus those efforts against Daesh, then that’s a conversation we would be willing to have,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said.

“There have been proposals offered by multiple parties,” he said. “We’re certainly not going to start laying those out publicly.”

The United States and Russia, while backing opposing sides in Syria’s civil war, co-chair an international task force that agreed early this year — along with Assad and the opposition — to support a “cessation of hostilities” and begin negotiations for a political solution that would allow the international community to turn its full attention to the fight against the Islamic State.

More than 400,000 Syrians have died in the civil war, which has also displaced half the population, with millions fleeing to neighboring countries and beyond.

The Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, are not parties to the truce. The administration has charged that Russia and Assad’s forces have violated it by continuing to launch airstrikes and other attacks on the anti-Assad opposition and civilians, under the guise of targeting the terrorist groups.

“What has prevented us from being able to more effectively coordinate militarily is that what the Russians have been militarily doing is propping up Assad and not going after ISIL,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest said.

Russia has defended its actions, and those of Assad, by saying that U.S.-backed opposition fighters are interwoven with Jabhat al-Nusra forces, especially around the northwestern Syrian city of Aleppo.

While violations of the truce have escalated throughout Syria’s populated western third, Aleppo has become the epicenter of fighting. Jabhat al-Nusra forces are principally massed to the south of the city. While the administration has acknowledged some overlap in opposition-held areas to the north, officials charge that Russia’s principal interest in bombing there is to help Assad’s forces close rebel and humanitarian supply lines across the nearby Turkish border.

The advance of Islamic State fighters to areas close to Aleppo and other populated areas has also brought U.S. and Russian aircraft into closer proximity over the complicated Syrian battlefield. The Islamic State has rarely clashed with Assad.

In early May, as the cease-fire and U.N.-shepherded peace talks headed toward collapse, Secretary of State John F. Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov agreed to send senior military officers to “sit at the same table” in Geneva, where they set up a center to monitor violations.

Weeks later Russia — which has long sought more coordination with the West in Syria — proposed joint airstrikes against Jabhat-al-Nusra with the U.S.-led coalition that is bombing Islamic State positions.

Although U.S. officials were dismissive, the proposal unsettled U.S.-backed opposition representatives, who feared a backroom U.S.-Russia deal. They have said they will not return to the negotiating table until the violence abates.

Kerry and other U.S. officials have remained in close contact with their Russian counterparts, trying out a series of possible initiatives to revitalize the cease-fire, including the new offer of increased intelligence sharing on terrorist positions. Kerry is “fixated” on the Syria issue, “and he will stay so,” Kirby said.

Kerry has long advocated a more robust U.S. strategy to help the anti-Assad opposition, including additional weapons systems and the possible bombing of Assad’s military assets. Internal unhappiness with the current strategy, and the humanitarian disaster the war has brought to Syria, led 51 U.S. diplomats last month to write an internal “dissent channel” appeal for U.S. military action.

While President Obama has steadily increased U.S. attacks against the Islamic State in Syria, he has rejected entreaties for more direct involvement in the civil war, saying that he does not see how it would improve the situation.

But Obama has blessed efforts to persuade Russia to change its policies, including the intelligence offer.
Administration officials believe that the Russians have no deep attachment to Assad himself but fear his removal would spark a collapse of Syrian institutions and allow terrorist expansion — something the Obama administration has said will happen if Assad remains.

In an address Thursday to Russian ambassadors gathered in Moscow from across the world, President Vladi­mir Putin said that he was “prepared to work with any future president” and was interested in closer cooperation with the United States in international affairs.

“However, we consider unacceptable the approach on the part of the American establishment, which believes that they can decide in what issues they will cooperate with us,” Putin said.

Missy Ryan contributed to this report.
qmech Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 06-17-2016
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Don't confuse people with the facts!!!😁😁😁😁
ZRX1200 Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Yeah well, that's like your opinion man....
qmech Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-17-2016
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The dude abides
TMCTLT Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2007
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Obama could have sh*t on the entire press corps and gotten away with it, after all he WAS the New Messiah who came from nowhere to save us all. fog

Hell these fools were calling for Trump' impeachment immediately after he won and it's not likely to stop
DrafterX Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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He's proven he's not a politician.... he's gonna step in it sooner or later... but this memo isn't what will bring him down.... I'll support him until that day comes.. Mellow
jjanecka Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 12-08-2015
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Trump might not be a politician but whether or not he's a stateman is still up for question. So far his deregulatory policies are opening a floodgate for manufacturing and he's been opening policies so that the market adjusts to the true demand of goods amd labor costs. His will serve a deflationary roll that's meant to help ease pressure from the powder keg set out during the Bush and Obama administrations. We will see how it plays out.
jjanecka Offline
#8 Posted:
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In otherwords, I could care less if he tweets, what he tweets, or even if he told congress to shut their burecratic pieholes. Sometimes folks need a good asschewing to set them straight.
Speyside Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
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Trump has been under a microscope like no other president has been. He is our president, I do not like him, but that has no meaning. To many of his actions are being condemned, but other presidents did the same with no issue. Why are no leakers of classified information being prosecuted?
dstieger Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 06-22-2007
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DrafterX wrote:
He's proven he's not a politician.... he's gonna step in it sooner or later... but this memo isn't what will bring him down.... I'll support him until that day comes.. Mellow

You've been duped. Trump is more politician than you acknowledge. He is not a politician in the sense that he doesn't have loyalty to his adopted party, and holds that up as proof that he is not of the politician mold.

But, he is very much a politician in that
-he can talk out of both sides of his mouth at once
-he is slippery with his words and difficult to ever pin down...on anything
-his interests are NEVER transparent
-he is just as vulnerable to 'corruptive' forces that come with power
-arrogance so great as to negatively impact judgement
DrafterX Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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ya... but he's da man... Mellow
TMCTLT Offline
#12 Posted:
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dstieger wrote:
You've been duped. Trump is more politician than you acknowledge. He is not a politician in the sense that he doesn't have loyalty to his adopted party, and holds that up as proof that he is not of the politician mold.

But, he is very much a politician in that
-he can talk out of both sides of his mouth at once
-he is slippery with his words and difficult to ever pin down...on anything
-his interests are NEVER transparent
-he is just as vulnerable to 'corruptive' forces that come with power
-arrogance so great as to negatively impact judgement

With all due respect Dave, many of the attributes that you listed there are " human traits " not political traits.
dstieger Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 06-22-2007
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TMCTLT wrote:
With all due respect Dave, many of the attributes that you listed there are " human traits " not political traits.

I won't argue with that, Paul.

They are just some of the negative aspects that I attribute when I consider the word 'politician'.
Surprisingly, most politicians are, in fact, human.
DrafterX Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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If it weren't for the fact that TW has prolly already corrupted him we coulda run Louie-dog for President... Mellow
Buckwheat Offline
#15 Posted:
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DrafterX wrote:
If it weren't for the fact that TW has prolly already corrupted him we coulda run Louie-dog for President... Mellow

Poor Lou dog.
DrafterX Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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ya... poor Louie-dog... Sad
tonygraz Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
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DrafterX wrote:
ya... but he's da man... Mellow

Let's hope the jury agrees.
delta1 Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
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That article actually makes the case that Trump's provision of confidential info to the Russians was a boner...

Obama/Kerry only CONSIDERED offering classified info to the Russians IF they would help to defeat ISIS in Syria. The article says that although Russia has expressed interest in joint military efforts in Syria, they have shown no interest in helping the American fight against ISIS: rather they are using force to support Assad, against the American interest to support the opposition rebels. And the Russians showed they can't be trusted in Syria: they were a party to a peace-keeping cease-fire agreement that they promptly violated...

A DISCUSSION of an OFFER to provide classified info is a totally different animal from actually giving up classified intel received from an ally, Israel, who gave it to us with the understanding that it wouldn't be shared, and especially not with a dangerous enemy of Israel, one that is aligned with Iran.

Trump's reaction: STFU...I have the authority to provide classified intel to whoever I want.

Remember "Lock her up"???
frankj1 Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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once Ryan can't take it any more, it won't be just the Dems.
I hope the craziness stops before that. It's not what America needs now.

All I can think of is Rosemary Woods (was that the eraser's name?)
Mr. Jones Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
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Poor TRUMP...

I FEEL SORRY for the guy..

What a SHIIT storm of crap...

What flies in the business world is illegal in politics
delta1 Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
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Trump will not be impeached, at this point, especially because the GOP controls the House. It is the House that must initiate an impeachment proceeding, and the vast majority are still backing Trump. Don't waste your breath....

The political winds may change the reactions of the GOP in the House if the Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, finds proof that Trump was involved in, or had knowledge of, any shenanigans that his campaign staff may have done with Russia while they were messing with the election, or any effort to obstruct the investigation of the Russian thing. The evidence is in Trump's own words: it is fake news; a hoax; a creation of the Democrats who lost an election they should've won; a waste of tax-payer money...all statements intended to derail the investigation in the court of public a sexual harasser's vociferous denials of wrong-doing before the trial begins...

If the evidence discovered by the Special Counsel becomes substantial, the people will make it impossible for the GOP House to resist...

Asst AG Rod Rosenstein may've saved his reputation by going rogue and appointing Mueller...but he'll be fired soon...

Wonder if Mueller was involved in the Mr. Jones conspiracy....
SteveS Offline
#22 Posted:
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frankj1 wrote:
All I can think of is Rosemary Woods (was that the eraser's name?)

DrafterX Offline
#23 Posted:
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Special Council will find the Russians had nothing to do with it... they have Seth Rich's laptop which confirms he had contact with Wikileaks before the DNC had him whacked.... wonder how far up the ladder that will go.... Think
SteveS Offline
#24 Posted:
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DrafterX wrote:
Special Council will find the Russians had nothing to do with it... they have Seth Rich's laptop which confirms he had contact with Wikileaks before the DNC had him whacked.... wonder how far up the ladder that will go.... Think

No one in the press cares about investigating Hillary or the Dems ... they're is all about Trump and they're chumming for a feeding frenzy ... it'll take something well beyond huge for them to report negatively on liberals
Speyside Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
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Let's wait and see what an independent council finds. I think time will tell. I dispise Trump, but fully believe innocent until proven guilty. This will either remove the black cloud that has been hanging over his presidency or prove there were down and dirty deals.
ZRX1200 Offline
#26 Posted:
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^ LMAO......You really believe that the hard left will let go if there's nothing found (there hasn't been yet)?

DrafterX Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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You're right... there will be a special investigation into why the special investigation didn't find anything..... Mellow
Speyside Offline
#28 Posted:
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The special investigator was a W appointee. It is my hope that he will be an honest man. Perhaps naive, but hopeful.
DrafterX Offline
#29 Posted:
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He's also a very good friend of Homey.... Mellow
Buckwheat Offline
#30 Posted:
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SteveS wrote:

The classic "Rose Mary Stretch". Beer
gummy jones Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 07-06-2015
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The rinos, academia, liberal media and liberals are hell bent on bringing down Trump. They have been frothing at the mouth for >8 months. Expect endless "bombshells" from anonymous sources and scathing opinions from former Whitehouse insiders who are now lobbyists.

Luckily for them his style allows them to play on peoples emotions and continue to throw fuel on the drama fire.

Thus, after multiple on record testimonies from the left stating no wrong doing and zero evidence, we decide a special investigation is in order. They can't accept that their world view may not resonate with Americans as much as they suspect. It's impossible that they may be less moral and less intelligent than they assert.

I did get a call on election day from a Russian peasant who urged me to vote for Trump but between his broken English and the fact that I had already voted early, his collision attempt was unsuccessful.
SteveS Offline
#32 Posted:
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Buckwheat wrote:
The classic "Rose Mary Stretch"

Funny, that's exactly what I was thinking of when answering the question ...
delta1 Offline
#33 Posted:
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The Dems are definitely to blame for Trump's behavior, decisions and words...
DrafterX Offline
#34 Posted:
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Those Bassards..!! Mad
delta1 Offline
#35 Posted:
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Question: what if all the facts were the same and the only change is "Clinton" instead of "Trump"? Would we all be on opposite sides of the fence from our beliefs today? Or do we have consistent values...hope I would be insisting on a thorough investigation of Clinton's Russia thingy...
DrafterX Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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well, I was really hoping for a thorough Clinton investigation last year... can't say it happened... Mellow
frankj1 Offline
#37 Posted:
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delta1 wrote:
The Dems are definitely to blame for Trump's behavior, decisions and words...

and the media for covering it
gummy jones Offline
#38 Posted:
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I guess I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be outraged about concerning Russia and collusion. With hilary there were clear issues but we were told there wasn't enough intent.

This is just a lot of pissed off people pounding the table demanding an investigation without any evidence despite multiple hearings.
frankj1 Offline
#39 Posted:
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gummy jones wrote:
I guess I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be outraged about concerning Russia and collusion. With hilary there were clear issues but we were told there wasn't enough intent.

This is just a lot of pissed off people pounding the table demanding an investigation without any evidence despite multiple hearings.

I also seem to be out of synch with most, but that is because I don't think the real issue will be Trump and his campaign fixing the election with Russia (preposterous), certainly some misinformation but also certainly no ballot box hacking and stuff.

No, I think the real fear for all of us is the chaos that would result from endless interwoven business and money connections that all lead to Putin's desk. It's the influence AFTER the election I fear.
DrafterX Offline
#40 Posted:
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Are you afraid Trump will sell him a Uranium mine..?? Huh
gummy jones Offline
#41 Posted:
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That was one of my biggest issues with hilary. But unless I can see some data on Trump, it is conjecture at best.

Whether he has 8-10 billion or 1 billion, he is already a rich man. I'm not sure why people are so sure he answers to anyone, let alone is owned by Russia.
dstieger Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 06-22-2007
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I'm not concerned about Russia at this time, either. So, Putin had a desired outcome for our election. And maybe even did something about it. Big deal...doesn't sound newsworthy to me. My issue is with the Administration....all of them...and they way they've mishandled it. Any liar oughta know...keep it simple...and start weaving lies into mis-truths...and tell different people different're gonna trip over your ******. Trump was warned before he ever nominated Flynn, that Flynn plays loose with the truth...must have been a quality he liked in the man. If the Trump team would have come clean in January or February about who met whom and what was discussed, this would old news and the administration could be talking about tax reform and health insurance. Until the team learns to keep closer to the truth, President Witch-hunt is going to seethe and toothless wolves in the media and the progressive side of the aisle are going to howl
tailgater Offline
#43 Posted:
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frankj1 wrote:

It's not what America needs now.

Honest question:

What is so terrible in America right now that we need to tread so lightly?

Your words might ring true, but this is a self inflicted tempest that we're riding.
People are hanging on every tweet and crying over everything he does.
We needed days off from work when he won the election.
We heard from the former first lady that we have no hope. Meaning that 8 years of her husband built a false hope that was so fragile a mere 8 hours of Trump could topple it.
I can't argue, because it's becoming our destiny.
But it isn't Trumps fault. It's those who fret and worry so damn much that they've become what they fear.

frankj1 Offline
#44 Posted:
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time to stop reviewing the reactions and look at the headliners
frankj1 Offline
#45 Posted:
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gummy jones wrote:
That was one of my biggest issues with hilary. But unless I can see some data on Trump, it is conjecture at best.

Whether he has 8-10 billion or 1 billion, he is already a rich man. I'm not sure why people are so sure he answers to anyone, let alone is owned by Russia.

but he is surrounded by and appointed an awful lot of folks with deep money connections from the distant and recent past...even right up to the present.
DrafterX Offline
#46 Posted:
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And how is it Obama never had any contact with the Russians.. or his appointees never talked to the Russian Ambassador..??
DrafterX Offline
#47 Posted:
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I thought appointing people who knew their way around the block was a good thing... Mellow
gummy jones Offline
#48 Posted:
Joined: 07-06-2015
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Deep money didn't enter American politics when Trump was sworn in in January
frankj1 Offline
#49 Posted:
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do we not know of the connections?
DrafterX Offline
#50 Posted:
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are those like gazintas..?? Huh
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