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Last post 7 years ago by frankj1. 28 replies replies.
Have to pass the Bush to see what's in the Bush!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,744

Left...this dimwit is ALL yours!

The hate needs to all re blowing a gasket over NOTHING. Wait till Trump actually passes legislation...WITHOUT YOU!!!!
Speyside Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
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Mithrandir Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 03-17-2006
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I wonder if president trump will kick it into a higher gear once he gets his full cabinet and scotus in place. That will really send the left into a tizzy.....tizzie?.......tizi? heck!
Abrignac Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,483
I'll make a prediction.

Democrats tend to loose more mid term elections than in Presidential election years. The next congressional elections will be in an off cycle.

Strike 1 for the Dems.

About a dozen Dems are running for relection in states Trump won. Some of which were double digit margin wins.

Strike 2 for the Dems

Repub PAC's will run ads of Dems giving obstructionist press conferences.

Foul Ball

Dems will refuse to cooperate on little if any initiatives.

Swing and miss, you're out.

A) Repubs will pick up as many as 15 seats in the house and as many as 8 seats in the Senate.

B) There will be 1 or 2 more SCOTUS seats to be filled in the next 4 years. Trump will nominate a barrel full of young constitutional orginalists to the the Federal District Courts, Federal Appeals Courts and the SCOTUS. The Senate will more than likely than not confirm them changing the balance of justice for decades to come.

Did I remember to thank Harry Reid?

So let it be written. So let it be done.
TMCTLT Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2007
Posts: 19,733
My about a " matched set " of incoherent....ditzy....air headed OXYGEN THEIVES

HOW in the HELL do these people continue to get re-elected?????????????


PUTTI betta get his azz outa reeeelz d'oh!
gummy jones Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 07-06-2015
Posts: 7,969
those ladies are the top of the talent pool for the dems
they will suckle at the public teat for as long as they like
Mr. Jones Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
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HIS desk top has 10 a day, every day...
delta1 Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
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The challenge is to focus the power of the Presidency, the Congress and the Supreme Court into making this a better country, as President Trump said, for all Americans.

There hasn't been that many times in our history when the GOP has controlled this much power: one resulted in the Great Depression and another resulted in the War in Iraq and the Great Recession.

Let's all hope this current unification of all branches of government in one party turns out better results...
DrMaddVibe Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,744
delta1 wrote:
The challenge is to focus the power of the Presidency, the Congress and the Supreme Court into making this a better country, as President Trump said, for all Americans.

There hasn't been that many times in our history when the GOP has controlled this much power: one resulted in the Great Depression and another resulted in the War in Iraq and the Great Recession.

Let's all hope this current unification of all branches of government in one party turns out better results...

I wasn't a fan of FDR either.
teedubbya Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
DrMaddVibe wrote:
I wasn't a fan of FDR either.

But Eleanor was hawt
Abrignac Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,483
Pretty hard to implement Administration policy's when you can't get your department heads confirmed.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,744
Abrignac wrote:
I'll make a prediction.

Democrats tend to loose more mid term elections than in Presidential election years. The next congressional elections will be in an off cycle.

Strike 1 for the Dems.

About a dozen Dems are running for relection in states Trump won. Some of which were double digit margin wins.

Strike 2 for the Dems

Repub PAC's will run ads of Dems giving obstructionist press conferences.

Foul Ball

Dems will refuse to cooperate on little if any initiatives.

Swing and miss, you're out.

A) Repubs will pick up as many as 15 seats in the house and as many as 8 seats in the Senate.

B) There will be 1 or 2 more SCOTUS seats to be filled in the next 4 years. Trump will nominate a barrel full of young constitutional orginalists to the the Federal District Courts, Federal Appeals Courts and the SCOTUS. The Senate will more than likely than not confirm them changing the balance of justice for decades to come.

Did I remember to thank Harry Reid?

So let it be written. So let it be done.

Save the thread...bring it back up come midterms.

It's better than tarot cards, crystal balls and mystics!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,744
teedubbya wrote:
But Eleanor was hawt

Yeah...she totally rawked the Hillary pantsuit look.
Abrignac Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,483
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Save the thread...bring it back up come midterms.

It's better than tarot cards, crystal balls and mystics!

It'll end up like all the rest. TW will ghey it up and Victor will end humping someone's leg.
teedubbya Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
Yea. So?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,744
Abrignac wrote:
It'll end up like all the rest. TW will ghey it up and Victor will end humping someone's leg.

WGAF what they do...look at the prognostication that was foretold that they support...even if by feigned outrage?

The Left is in a complete meltdown. Their base are losing their $hit. They're becoming unhinged with reality to the point of today...holding a mini-riot in support of an illegal that was being deported!

They're losing their collective f'n minds and Trump hasn't done a single thing except keep campaign promises and use the existing laws on the books. Just WAIT until he gets his legislation RAMMED through because after the midterms...he'll be able to do it. Everyone will sit here and watch the Left temper tantrum...and nothing but obstruction and BS getting done typical DC fashion and Trump will use the bully pulpit and Twitter to sheer those sheep into submission and bring the stragglers into the fold. Anyone on the left will be left. The DNC has utterly failed America and it's there for anyone paying attention to see.

frankj1 Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,308
so now you like Trump?
I'm confused.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,744
frankj1 wrote:
so now you like Trump?
I'm confused.

I'm not freaking out like 20% of the idiots I see daily.

Like is...not the right word. He's not Hillary, so I do like that. I'm quietly reserved and watching. I'm giving him the very same leeway I gave the last idiot. He shot the wad when he uttered "I won" and refused to listen to anything the GOP had to say in regards to his namesake legislation...ObamaCare. What a tool, then again when your big claim to fame is community organizing...Houston, we have a problem. And BOY did 8 year Apology Tour. Started with bowing, folding up American interests, giving up an ambassador, quid pro quos with banks, shovel ready projects and green technologies that sucked the taxpayer dry, war after war after war after advisors after advisors in every country in Africa, jobless, welfare and housing rates stuck in the mud where you don't want them, 8 years of never reaching a GDP of 3% for the 1st time in history, hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars wasted so he and his family could go on a vacation every other week, running guns in Mexico and Libya, oh who could forget killing the fake Osama! What a hoot that was! I could go on and on about the abject failure this nation endured with that buffoon and it still hasn't even made a pimple on my ass in regards to what this guy...Trump has done so far.

I actually like the style he has exuded so far. He promised his voters and he's delivering on them. No Hope and Change crap. He's checking down the list. Want to get in his way...go ahead. He has a Twitter account. He knows the media is a crooked bunch of a holes and calls them out and even refuses to see some...HAHAHAHAHAHHAAA CNN biznitches! No, so far I've found this guy a bit refreshing as he's not the polished politician. He's a welcome breath of fresh air in a stale changed climate that the DNC...well, the f'd up. They discounted him from the beginning. They went with "Her", when they shudda told her to stay home and get the stains out of a blue dress! NOBODY wants that CUN7 in the White House...AGAIN. The DNC shot their collective wad on "Her" and now what do they have? Warren and Corey? What a laughable joke that is...Good luck....midterms will flush the rest of the obstructionist Dems down the toilet and he will have a super majority to do anything and everything he wants. They could've worked with him...instead he's going to make sure for America's sake that those types are...FIRED!

Is he perfect? No. Am I expecting perfection? No. He didn't make pie in the sky lofty goals like Hope and Change so he's being held accountable. Ask around and you'll see people are actually liking what they voted for. The screams from the Left are not doing anything. They're barking at all the wrong things and to be quite honest...when they need to raise their voice...America won't give a rat's ass because they've heard and seen it all before. They're out of control and not worth saving. They stole an election and are reaping what they sowed. F' them. As for Trump...I'm still undecided, but so far he hasn't done anything to make me dislike his brand of leadership.
frankj1 Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,308
not surprised by your view of recent history, you're very consistent.
Maybe I've read more Trump-specific support into your anti-dem posts.

I can't agree about style though. The attack language and incorrect information have raised my fears of centralized power grabbing.

Perhaps this POTUS more than many in memory should not have a super majority?
Abrignac Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,483
frankj1 wrote:
not surprised by your view of recent history, you're very consistent.
Maybe I've read more Trump-specific support into your anti-dem posts.

I can't agree about style though. The attack language and incorrect information have raised my fears of centralized power grabbing.

Perhaps this POTUS more than many in memory should not have a super majority?

I'd rather never see a supermajority. Absent one, there must be compromise. Unfortunately, all this nonsense is probably going to yield one.
frankj1 Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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Abrignac wrote:
I'd rather never see a supermajority. Absent one, there must be compromise. Unfortunately, all this nonsense is probably going to yield one.

is this why we are friends?
Abrignac Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
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frankj1 wrote:
is this why we are friends?

Either that or I'm looking forward having a beer with you in Faneuil Hall.
frankj1 Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,308
Abrignac wrote:
Either that or I'm looking forward having a beer with you in Faneuil Hall.

nah, we'll go somewhere better. Lots of history ruined by tourists, n'est ce pas? (did I spell that right?)
frankj1 Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,308
btw, to the OP...
I don't know about the rest of youse, but I have seen what's in Da Bush.
Abrignac Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,483
frankj1 wrote:
nah, we'll go somewhere better. Lots of history ruined by tourists, n'est ce pas? (did I spell that right?)


I'm cool with that. Is Hanover St. over run? When I was stationed on the CGC Chase I loved eating at the different small diners in the North End.
frankj1 Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,308
Abrignac wrote:

I'm cool with that. Is Hanover St. over run? When I was stationed on the CGC Chase I loved eating at the different small diners in the North End.

crazy but fun
DrMaddVibe Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,744
Abrignac wrote:
I'd rather never see a supermajority. Absent one, there must be compromise. Unfortunately, all this nonsense is probably going to yield one.

It's a pendulum swinging back to the other side. Besides...Dingy Harry created most of the "rules" so the Kenyan King could run the nation unfettered. What a playbook.

Between Reid, Biden, Pelosi and much to use...against them. Truth be told...THAT'S why the Left is freaking in unstable meltdown mode. They created all of this mess to fit their wants, now that it's on the books...well, the law is the law.
frankj1 Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,308
DrMaddVibe wrote:
It's a pendulum swinging back to the other side. Besides...Dingy Harry created most of the "rules" so the Kenyan King could run the nation unfettered. What a playbook.

Between Reid, Biden, Pelosi and much to use...against them. Truth be told...THAT'S why the Left is freaking in unstable meltdown mode. They created all of this mess to fit their wants, now that it's on the books...well, the law is the law.

in a way, I can see both of the BIG PARTIES unraveling, and it just might give birth to improved conditions.

I'm really reading stuff like yours above, and similar from other sources, and realize that I have been focusing on the GOP for the last year or 3 looking for the same signs of implosion.

So if you are correct, and add to that the now exuberant right side of the aisle soon becoming horrified by pending proposals for the government to undertake massive infrastructure rebuild/repair and other "non Republican philosophical ideas", there may be revolts in both Houses.

Doubt it, but a fella can dream, no?
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