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Last post 21 years ago by 1goodfellow. 18 replies replies.
Dog Rocket Trap
rayder1 Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
Posts: 2,226
Speaking of bad cigars. What do you do when you go to a rather dressy event and the host hands you a cigar to join him in a smoke...and it's a renowned dog rocket? I haven't figured out the proper response. When I have shared cigars, I just open up my leather pouch of 3 and let the person I am giving one to pick his preference. But what do you do in a dog rocket trap? This stems from my attending a political fund raiser. A friend was running for a political office and gave me and my wife a couple of tix (worth $500 each). He was walking around with a box of Lone Wolf cigars handing them out and saying "This is Chuck Norris' smoke". The trap was, he was handing them out, clipping the end and waiting for the guest to light up.( In this case, I just lit up and smoked the damned thing telling myself that we were sitting in $1000 worth of dinner seats). Anyone have to endure something similar? How did you get through it.
alsplace Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 02-04-2002
Posts: 48
It's probably a good thing that I don't subject myself to this kind of atmosphere, but I know there are some out there that do. This isn't the reply you were looking for but I had to make a comment. You keep going to those hobnob dinners and Ill just keep voting for who I think the best person for the job is. By my response to this message you can probably determine that I would have told the person that gave me the cigar my exact opinion of what I thought about it. I haven't gotten this far in life by keeping quite. Take care and enjoy a good cigar.
bud451 Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 09-11-2010
Posts: 2,237
Bring along a few of your prefered cigars(varius sizes and wrappers) without the bands. Go to the bathroom and put the Lone Wolf(cough) band on your cigar. If they are handing out LW's....they'll never notice.
SteveS Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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I had a similar experience not long ago with my neighbor, whose taste in cigars is rivaled only by his taste in wine that comes in a cardboard box ... I just quiely let it go out, unobtrusively tossed it, and then, when no one was noticing, took one of my own out of my pouch, lit it and carried on as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened ... neither he or any of the others present noticed a thing.
cliffie3d Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 07-17-2002
Posts: 297
Hey, the guy may not have known they suck. Who knows, they might be well-aged cigars he bought at a premium. Still probably no good, but in his eyes, maybe a real prize. I'd thank him, light it up, and if it's just too much to bear, just replace it in a little while with one of my own.
Mr.Mean Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 05-16-2001
Posts: 3,025
I agree with Bud, Steve, and Cliff. These may be his best. What does belittling someone for their varience in taste do anyway. Next time around, give him a cigar of your choice.
ceo Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 09-11-2010
Posts: 150
Or just maybe this guy liked Lone Wolfs.
SteveS Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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One of the guys on here likes them ... I can't remember who it is, but on the trades page, you can find his post "send me your Lone Wolfs" ... years ago, I sold used cars and we used to say "there's an a** for every seat" ... if no one liked 'em, no one would smoke 'em and very quickly, none would be made. They are constantly up for sale on CB and there's always bidders for them ... that alone tells you that despite all the panning they get, someone out there likes 'em.

Many of you have heard me say it before, but I've seen one of my very favorite cigars described as being all but unsmokeable and there's an extremely popular and rather expensive cigar that I think I could equal by rolling up grass clippings in an autumn leaf ... in the end, it all comes down to individual taste, which varies widely from one person to another ...
JonR Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
Yo rayder1 ; The proper response is " WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM - daveyg2 " ! However if daveyg2 was the one handing out the ( gag ) lone wolfs the proper response would be " WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM - you " ! LOL JonR
rayder1 Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
Posts: 2,226
I understand Alspace's philisophy on not attending those functions. But I prefer the classier responses from the others. No I won't grind the cigar up in my hand and toss it at him (figuratively speaking). I like the cigar band switch idea. Funny, sometimes when I clean out my wallet, I find 4-5 cigar bands of various brands in there. Thanks for the responses, just wanted a little ettiquite ideas from those who have run the gauntlet more often than I.
mhollowa Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2001
Posts: 517
...guess I don't get around much but no one outside the guy behind the counter at my local cigar stop has ever offered me a free smoke. If someone ever did, I think I'd follow the rules my mother set down, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." I've dipped my fork into stuff that I wouldn't serve up at home because my host set it in front of me. I don't think we're talking about wearing dead man's clothes but, IMHO, it's rude to offend graciousness, no matter you didn't expect or ask for it. I like a "Gee, thanks. Can I save this for later when I have time to really enjoy it?", or "Gee, thanks. Can I enjoy this later? I don't want to offend those of us who don't smoke." I don't like the "band switch" solution. It's a little dishonest, kind of like Frank Zappa in a cop uniform. You dont'know he's not a cop. As for political events, a few years back I volunteered as campaign manager for a friend who ran for district attorney. He won and threw a bar-b-q for those who had supported his candidacy. During the festivities he took me aside and said "thanks" pressing a check into my hand. I didn't expect any compensation and hadn't asked for any. I said, "Thanks" back.
tailgater Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Tell the host "thanks, I've never smoked this brand". Then, later on when he asks your opinion of the smoke simply say "Not bad, but I usually prefer a fuller flavored cigar, such as ________". This way, you're being polite, he won't think you want anymore, and he will provide a more suitable smoke on the next occassion. Gosh, I wish I could be that diplomatic in real life. I'd more than likely say "Lone Wolf??? Are you ****ting me? Is this a joke? Am I on Spy TV? What did I ever do to you? Cripes, you'd think for $500 you'd expect something more than a bundle of bile. I must have been crazy to come to this black tie debacle. I could have been home happily removing my plantars warts with a burning ember. You say this is Chuck Norris' cigar? Well if you see him give him a karate kick in the nads from me" Or something like that...
Mr.Mean Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 05-16-2001
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from our gracious smoker tailgater. His rendition of "Proper etiquette for those with no sense".
daveyg2 Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
Posts: 288
Oh, that was you there I was handing them out to? hehe.
carmine7075 Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-17-2001
Posts: 40
I've only smoked one lone wolf, and it was a few years back. However, I didn't think it was that bad. Not bad enought o refuse and hurt someones feelings who is generous. Seems like a non-issue to me. Take gar and smoke it.
It would be different if he was passing out swisher sweets or phillies blunts, but to him it may be a cigar that he saw one of his favorites actors promoting. It also rec. some high ratings in the mags. Could be that the guy is not a smoker, but he has gone out of the way to cater to cigar smokers. How often does that happen??
JonR Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
LMAO well stated tailgater , if not you there go I . JonR
rayder1 Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
Posts: 2,226
As I said earlier, I didn't mind the gesture, the offer and I smoked the cigar as if it were the best I tasted. I thanked my host for a wonderful party and the free seats. And went on my way. There are many worse cigars than Lone Wolf. No I used them as an example because it was the brand in question and it prompted a lot of quiet discussion at the party. Next party (he'll never let me buy tickets) I'll do him the honor of purchasing the cigars for the event myself.
tailgater Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Then you should return the favor. Bring Tamborils...
1goodfellow Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2002
Posts: 29
I would just use the old line..Thanks but no thanks, I'm trying to cut down, or how about my throats a little sore today....And yes those Tamborils are the worst, give em away if you can...
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