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Last post 19 years ago by Homebrew. 28 replies replies.
I Was Right - Dem AFL-CIO Thugs Responsible
Double D Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2003
Posts: 2,819
On this very forum, I was chastised and ridiculed by some of the liberal Flip-Flop apologists (uncleb, among others) when I contended that the recent rash of political "hate-crime" violence against Republican campaign offices/people was orchestrated by Democratic thugs and henchmen...

Well, it looks like I was right, as it is finally being reported that big labor thugs, namely the AFL-CIO, is the perpetrator...

"On October 5th, according to news reports, witnesses, police reports and admissions of your members, the AFL-CIO, as part of a national strategy, protested at more than a dozen of our campaign and party headquarters across the country. In many locations, the protesters attempted to enter, or entered, campaign or party facilities. As one protester said, "Actually, we're storming into an office." In Orlando, Florida, injuries and damage were sustained. Protesters forced their way into the facility, fracturing the arm of
one staffer, and vandalized the office. In Michigan, protesters entered a headquarters and engaged in activities apparently intended to disrupt volunteers trying to make phone calls."

I'm not holding my breath, waiting for an apology, as I know full well that the libs who chastised me will no doubt excuse this violence, on the grounds that it has been conducted for the express purposes of getting rid of George W. Bush

You liberal Democrats should be ashamed for what you and your party have become...a bastion of hate and violence that Al-Queida would be proud of.

EI Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
Posts: 5,069
Ahhhh yes... the party of peace and tolerance
Homebrew Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
You are basing this, on a letter, from Bush headquarters????? Has anyone been arrested, and charged with a crime??? I believe that this letter is based on Bush campaigns assumptions, and not on facts. If it were based in fact, you would have something to base it upon besides the assertians by the Bush campaign.
Bush supporters have been proven to say anything if it will help their candidate.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
uncleb Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 11-13-2002
Posts: 1,326

Now don't be rediculous asking for facts. DD doesn't base anything on facts. You should know that by now. It is all based on assumptions and conjecture. Solid evidence is not necessary. That way you take any act of aggession or violence by some lunatic(s) and pin it on a much larger group, commonly referred to as generalizing or stereotyping.

This thread is a perfect example. Take a letter and turn it into "proof" and declare "I was right". Sounds a lot like "mission accomplished" doesn't it.
Double D Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2003
Posts: 2,819
uncleb & Homebrew:

Here again is the quote, snce it appears the liberal Democratic Mr. Flip-Flop apologists here didn't read the first time...

"On October 5th, according to news reports, witnesses, police reports and admissions of your members, the AFL-CIO, as part of a national strategy, protested at more than a dozen of our campaign and party headquarters across the country. In many locations, the protesters attempted to enter, or entered, campaign or party facilities. As one protester said, "Actually, we're storming into an office." In Orlando, Florida, injuries and damage were sustained. Protesters forced their way into the facility, fracturing the arm of
one staffer, and vandalized the office. In Michigan, protesters entered a headquarters and engaged in activities apparently intended to disrupt volunteers trying to make phone calls."

If you cannot read and comprehend, from the above excerpt, that these allegations have substantiation from 3rd party sources, and from the perpetrators themselves, then there is not much more to discuss here.


Homebrew Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
Actually I did read and understand.
I also look at the source.
Any other sources for the story.
I letter, that has not been acknowledged by the AFL/CIO is not proof. That the protests occured, is not in dispute, the damage done, is it reported anywhere else, besides from the Bush campaign???? If so give me the link. If not, quit questioning my reading abilities, or my comprehension abilities either. I also know that there have been distortions of facts, by the Bush campaign, so I take anything from them with a grain of salt, until there is a corroberating source. Then there may be some truth to it. Just because I am not a sucker, who swallows everything put out by either campaign without checking with other sources, for truthfulness, does not make me illiterate, or unable to comprehend, as you have infered.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
Double D Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2003
Posts: 2,819
If its links you want again, its links you got (although you will have to actually read the posts to find the links to the news stories)...

FYI, the AFL-CIO has actually acknowledged the is there response...

"This is really irresponsible and just the height of nasty politics," Mitchell said, adding that the allegations came on a day when the Republicans knew the AFL-CIO offices would be closed - Columbus Day.

Heres' what this really means, when you interpret the AFL-CIO "Thugonomics" into actual English...

"We really are responsible and just the beginning of our nastiness," Mitchell said, adding that the assaults occurred when the AFL-CIO offices would be closed - Columbus Day and its thugs had the day off, unlike most working Americans.


HockeyDad Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,269
Protestors Ransack Bush/Cheney Headquarters In Orlando

"Local 6 News learned that most of the protestors were from the AFL-CIO and were taking part in one of 20 other coordinated protests around the country."
HockeyDad Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,269
Labor Activists Invade Bush's Campaign Sites

The Tampa Tribune Published: Oct 6, 2004

TAMPA - Labor activists stormed President Bush's campaign headquarters in Tampa on Tuesday, part of an orchestrated event nationwide involving thousands of people protesting his policies on overtime pay. No one was injured or arrested in Tampa, police said. Miami and Orlando also were among the 17 cities in swing- voting states where the AFL-CIO organized such events.

Protesters, including construction and hospital workers, were armed with postcards and petitions expressing their disapproval of Bush's overtime policies. Some held signs reading: ``Don't Take Away Our Overtime.''

Activists put at least one sign on a wall of the headquarters at 800 W. Platt St., pleading with Bush to ``keep his hands off overtime pay,'' said Eddie Acosta, an AFL-CIO member who organized the Tampa rally.

HockeyDad Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,269

Union protesters swarm Bush campaign offices

Miami Herald, October 6, 2004

"Fred Frost, president of the South Florida AFL-CIO, said it was all done with good intentions and in a clean manner."

HockeyDad Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,269
Here is a few more links. It is from the Maine AFL-CIO.
EI Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
Posts: 5,069
hummmmmm homebrew got realllllllllllllllll quiet all of a sudden
Double D Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2003
Posts: 2,819
The silence is deafening!!!

usahog Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Why is it when FACTS are asked for and then produced, everything seem's to want to just go away from the topic?? or just posting to the thread??

how can anyone have a decent discussion over the issue's when the other side decides it isn't in the best interest to persue these Facts?

I've seen this on these boards a thousand times...

Double D Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2003
Posts: 2,819

Thanks for helping me to expose the outright corruption and violent tactics that the libs are using to destroy the political process and our current president.

And yes usahog, it seems as though the Flip-Flop defenders and apologists will forgive and excuse this kind of despicable behavior, as long as the means justify the end.

It really is a sad and pathetic statement, that the Dems have stooped this low.


Homebrew Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
Actually Homebrew was busy living his life, and just got back to the forums.
I read the articles, and will concede that the AFL/CIO does have some responsibility with the attack on one of the Bush headquarters. It appears some protesters got out of hand. As for the breakin in Seattle, there is no evidence of any connection between the AFL/CIO or any other democrats, and the burglery of the Seattle Bush headquarters. There is also no evidence to support the allegations that Democrats are behind any of the other "Attacks", though that is the most likely group, there are sure to be others. Just no evidence, to loudly proclam that the AFL/CIO or any other group is responsible.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
uncleb Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 11-13-2002
Posts: 1,326
So how do these UNION (AFL-CIO) organized protests spin to become the democratic party organized violent attacks??? All of these links point to a union that is unhappy with Bush taking overtime pay. How is this a democratic conspiracy??? I look forward to the spins. errrr, I mean answers to these questions.

BTW- I can't speak for Homebrew, but I happen to have a job and don't have the luxury of sitting by my computer to wait for the latest DD/USAHOG/EI spin post to respond to. I realize and respect that this forum is your lives, but I prefer to be a little more productive throughout the day and will respond when I have time.
EI Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
Posts: 5,069
"I realize and respect that this forum is your lives"

How dare you pretend to "realize" anything about my life.
And as for your respect I don't need or want it

uncleb Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 11-13-2002
Posts: 1,326

So sorry. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings..... or is it to presumptuous of me to assume you have feelings???
uncleb Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 11-13-2002
Posts: 1,326
What is you guy's like to say? Oh yea.

Deafening silence. Crickets chirping.

Why no answers to my questions?
usahog Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Damn Uncleb... all spunky and **** today ain't we?? whatup with dat?? viagra??

this one is so easy to answer....

"If I have to Explain it, You wouldn't Understand"

seems the norm for the Kerry Groupies!!!

uncleb Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 11-13-2002
Posts: 1,326
I don't know why but I have been in a feisty mood lately..... and that's WITHOUT viagra!
goodwrench Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 02-04-2004
Posts: 461
As a teamster that will vote for Bush I feel this a very poor time in our nation to be voting for a president based on just money in your pocket.
uncleb Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 11-13-2002
Posts: 1,326
Come on Hog, you can provide a better answer than that can't you? Or is it that you don't have a better answer than that?
usahog Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Uncleb, I don't know what kind of answer your looking for?
I spent time downtown last night at the Keyes rally... afterwards I headed home to catch the debate.. I didn't follow others over to the hotel ballroom to visit and watch, I had other things needed done...

before I gathered up and headed away from the masses.. I noticed the groups of Obama supporters coming around the building and mingling with Keyes supporters... I was watching close to make sure a scuffle wasn't going to insue and I miss it ;0) soon everyone started dispersing to their vehicles and about their business,

How is one to answer this question?
I was union once.. I stood in picket lines.. I had food/money taken off my family's table.. it wasn't by the Federal Gov. It was by my own damn Union Rep and the company I was working for at the time...

I think Goodwrench summed it up pretty good in his post...

will a man go for his gun when someone goes for his wallet??... Lets blame Bush.. it's easier that way.. smoke and mirrors many union members are blind followers of the democratic machine...

I don't follow...

Double D Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2003
Posts: 2,819
hey uncleb:

Still got your head buried in the sand like an embarrassed ostrich, I see?

The problem with liberal apologists like you is, you could be presented with the smoking gun, the silver bullet, DNA samples, and the murders fingerprints, and it still wouldn't be enough evidence for you.

Instead of denouncing your fellow liberal Democratic henchmen, your selective outrage is turned against the victims, the Republicans who are subject to this AFL-CIO led conspiracy of violence.

Perhaps you should employ a little reflective thought and analysis, to actually understand the corruption that is rampant within your Democratic Party (i.e., voter fraud front groups such as "The New Voter Project", organized violent attacks by the
AFL-CIO), rather than to again turn another blind eye.

Double D Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2003
Posts: 2,819
Just a few more examples of the kind of corrupt behavior that has saturated the Modern Democratic Party...

Dem higher-ups set to accuse Republicans of non-existent felony election-law violations....

CWFoster Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
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Think of it as the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth being a front for the Bush campaign, just the Swifties aren't being violent, and DID beat them to being there first.

BTW, the Union people are upset over overtime pay, I can understand that, and jobs being outsourced, I can understand that also. If your OT pay is CUT, you still at least have a job! WHO voted for NAFTA? Kerry did, in the US Senate! WHO signed NAFTA into law? Bill Clinton, a Democrat! Is it just me, or does anybody else wonder who the Unions are representing, because it sure as hell isn't the workers anymore!
Homebrew Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
DD Loves posting fringe articles.
Don't see many credible sources from him. No Sir.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
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