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Last post 19 years ago by Double D. 25 replies replies.
If Mr. Flip-Flop Does Get Elected President...
Double D Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2003
Posts: 2,819
Be prepared for..

1) Radically higher income taxes
2) Dramatic increase in the size of the federal government
3) US Defense against terrorism will need approval from the UN and other global players (i.e., France, Germany, China - Kerrys "global test")
4) Cut-and-Run Policy in Iraq (as best as one can tell from Flip-Flop's flip-flopping).

I could go further, but you get the idea.

If this man gets elected, God help us all!!


#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
and finally a big flood
nfldraftman Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 01-28-2004
Posts: 642
Double D, you do realize that as of now there is still a Republican majority in the House and Senate? (Subject to change of course) And that they approve/modify legislation and vote on it before the president signs/vetoes it? You act like Kerry will have carte blanche to make massive blanket changes, and that is just not the case. Changes will be attempted and policies will change, but Armageddon is not around the corner. I would rather see the Congress ruling party in opposition to the President at all times in any combination. I think it provides the best system of discussion and checks and balances (in theory - government as a whole is a cluster---- anyway)
Double D Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2003
Posts: 2,819

I understand fully...but you did rightfully include a key operative phrase "Subject to change of course".

Further, we can both acknowledge that some of the "republicans", especially some in the Senate, are RINOS (Republican In Name Only). Many are cleary not "conservative".

I repeat, God help us all if Mr. Flip-Flop and his endearing wife, Terry Kerry, bamboozle the electorate, and snake his way into the White House.

bloody spaniard Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
I felt the same way about Slick Willy & Al "Ozone" Gore (voted AGAINST them TWICE), but small business prospered under their administration.

Then, the man I voted for, is elected and guess what?
Many of us are just starting to recover from his (and the muslims) handiwork. Oh wait, except for corporations and recipients of outsourcing (China & India) which appear to be thriving like never before.
They've got a pal in the White House. To hell with the rest of us...

Ain't life grand?

hoyodude Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 07-17-2000
Posts: 4,395
Well put, bloody spaniard.
Here is a little food for thought, it's at least worth thinking about :

A New Era of Opportunity for Small Business

As the former Chairman and current Ranking Member of the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee, John Kerry has been a national leader in promoting small businesses growth. Kerry owned his own small business, a cookie and muffin shop – Kilvert and Forbes – that he opened in 1976 with a friend in Boston’s Quincy Market giving him first hand experience of the obstacles faced by small business owners.

As president, John Kerry will bring to the White House both the lessons he learned from owning and working in a small business and his leadership in fighting to support small businesses in the Senate. Tapping into the ingenuity and inventiveness that drives American business, John Kerry and John Edwards will usher in a new era of opportunity for small business.
tailgater Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
are you ****ting me?

Kerry's leadership in the Senate???

In the words of the late, great Jackie Gleason: "Hardy-Har-Harr!"

hoyodude Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 07-17-2000
Posts: 4,395
Hmmmmm.....lemme see now......Bush's leadership in the Whitehouse?????
I think Jackie may laugh even louder at this one.....
Personally, I shed a tear over it...

bloody spaniard Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
^Hoyodude, Bush HAS shown some leadership but it has been somewhat wrongheaded.

Hoyo, it's also reassuring to hear to read your comments. I didn't know that about Kerry.

I think that a lot of botls are unwilling to accept the fact that the man may have some redeeming qualitites after all. If he has had some entrepreneurship experience and is willing to fight for us little guys, that makes him stand above the competition.

Having said that, he is a hard pill to swallow at times due to his contradictions and fuzziness. The only reason that I kept coming back to him as my choice was because of his running mate. I distrust most lawyers, and yet I admire they way Edwards successfully raised himself up from humble beginnings through hard work. Something that Mr. Bush never did.

I still believe that Kerry/Edwards will win. However, I hope that Kerry shows some "steel" and determination in protecting us against the savages out there. Bush has done that to a degree- despite his lack of planning and indifference to the border problem.

428cj Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2003
Posts: 741
All will not be lost, France and Germany will again be our friends. Who knows, maybe even China, Iran and North Korea.

CWFoster Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
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Blood, If India and China are benefiting for US corporations outsourcing jobs, who signed NAFTA and other legislation (or didn't show up to vote at all)?

Hoyo, What is the value of Entreprenurial experience when if you need something desparately, you can write a check and get it from your reserves? I've been in business before I was in the Navy, and when you need materials or equipment, and just cannot GET any backing, or credit, THAT'S when you find out where the rubber meets the road! Kerry's little project means little to me, because he STILL doesn't know what it's like when you go "all in" on a business, and your entire future is riding on it! As to his "leadership" in the Senate, read his voting record for the past twenty years and talk some more about it!
usahog Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
"John Kerry has been a national leader in promoting small businesses growth. Kerry owned his own small business, a cookie and muffin shop – Kilvert and Forbes – that he opened in 1976 with a friend in Boston’s Quincy Market giving him first hand experience of the obstacles faced by small business owners."

"giving him first hand experience" LMFAO!!!!

is this the same kinda first hand experience he talks about when he was their In Cambodia for Christmas??? he knows first hand how to fight a war he was there a whole 4 months and could have stuck it out with his buddy's but after the recruter lied to him and told him he would be state side and then he found himself in the thick of **** he used every angle he could finagle to get his A$$ out of there and LEFT his Band of Brothers to save his hide... and at the same time came home and spit on them.. Yea John F&*Kin Kerry's going to save your Small Business's Boys.. the Check is in his Handwriting LMAO!!!!

Trust Him FOOLS!!!!!

bloody spaniard Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
^ What are you getting at, hog???

Hello CW!

428 said:"All will not be lost, France and Germany will again be our friends. Who knows, maybe even China, Iran and North Korea."

We will buy our phoney buddies (France & Germany) back w/fat contracts. Just like the ones we're giving the worthless Turks and ungrateful Kuwaites.

Then, we will get our Israeli friends to bomb Iran's reactor(s). While they're doing that, we will nuke the vile North Koreans into a temporary submission.

While all of this is happening, we will be needlessly dragged into World War III when the inscrutable Chinese, believing that we won't open another front & buoyed by our greenbacks and technology, attack their rebellious province of Taiwan.

Then the survivors will all enjoy crumpets & tea.

Problem solved.
usahog Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
"What are you getting at, hog??? "

what I am getting at is every time Kerry opens his mouth he has to mention how he knows about War, or how he knows how the soldiers are because he's been there... same as what this thread started as he knows because he used to be a small business owner...

Bla Bla Bla.... his Soldering lasted about 4 months... he was in a hot spot didn't like it so played the system and bugged out... he then turned on all the other soldiers left behind to boost "himself" there is no "I" in Team... Kerry's playing on everyones emotions and promissing things HE doesn't intend on delivering because HE never has in his life Delivered unless it was an advantage for "HIM" Self Image Megaman Riding on the shirtsleeves of everyone else...

IMO Kerry is a POS who will (given the chance) sink America Deeper then it ever was before....

his promises look and sound good... but look at his previous record in the senate... and even before riding on this War Hero crap...until it came back to haunt him...

Double D Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2003
Posts: 2,819
Mr. Flip-Flop will place tax "targets" on small business owners.

Remember, Mr. Flip-Flop wants to drop the tax hammer on the "rich", which Mr. Flip-Flop defines as anybody that makes over 80K/year.

Many small business owners are Sub-S, so their business income is taxed at ordinary personal income rates.

Guess who will suffer under the new Mr. Flip-Flop Tax Hike?

Answer: Small business owners.

Double D Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2003
Posts: 2,819
Further, if anybody thinks that Mr. Flip-Flop is actually going to deliver on his campaign promise to "cut taxes", you must be delusional, given his 20-year record of senate votes to raise taxes.

I remember the last time a Democratic president promised a tax cut...Slick Willie promised a "middle-class" tax cut during his '92 campaign, only to abandon that after taking office and instead implement retroactive tax INCREASES!!!

Bottom not believe Mr. Flip-Flop and his many promises...he is lying, just like his Democratic predecessor, Bill Klintoon!!

#17 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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bloody spaniard

i prefer grape nuts. not the flakes, just the nuts.
#18 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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bloody spaniard

please research the amendments to various bills that affected why kerry changed his mind about these bills.

it ain't just the bills, but the riders to them that change the concept of the bill or put pork in an other wise kosher bill.
#19 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

as oppossed to w who had to avoid getting to the showers before the hot water ran out. and that dangerous drive from the local bars back to the base to sleep it off.

you've been there. you know what it is like to have someone trying to shoot you and kill you. how does that compare with losing bar room bets and get stuck buying rounds playing liars poker with one dollar bills.

think man, how can you speak so lighly of a am awol soldier and so little of a man that still has shrapnel in his leg, so close to the femurea artery, the doctors did't want to remove it. come on, get real.
usahog Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
"please research the amendments to various bills that affected why kerry changed his mind about these bills.

it ain't just the bills, but the riders to them that change the concept of the bill or put pork in an other wise kosher bill."

Rick, Practice what you preach.... Read them yourself.. of course I know your ABB stance... but to know the real John Kerry it will give you ulcers !!!!

#21 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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Double D

and you know this because you run a small business as oppossed to bloody spaniard who works on an assembly line soldering wires together and has no idea how to run a business.
#22 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

you missed my post. i am no longer voting for abb,
i am voting for the next elected president, john kerry and not just against a dunce that needs an earpiece input to remember his current talking points.

hard work, hard work, hard work.
usahog Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Well, whoever your voting for... my post still stands... read kerry's voting records and the bills for and against...

all you Kerry fans (If he is elected) will be blindsided and are blindsided now...

Double D Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2003
Posts: 2,819

Flimsy response...since when does one have to run a small business to know the tax code?


Charlie Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
About as flimsy as your support for the flip flop man!

Double D Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2003
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Now if some commie-lib Democratic-shill enetertainer came out and started spewing crap about economics, then there'd be a real problem (Carmen Diaz, Madonna, just to name a few).

But then, guys like RICKAMAVEN would be nowhere to be found with their selective criticism when it is actually warranted...the nonsensical babble these people drip from their pieholes.

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