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Weight loss...Diets...Weight Watchers, etc...
E-Chick Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
Posts: 4,877
Ok, so here I go again!

After the surgery last year and gaining 30lbs...I was making *some* progress with the physical trainer. Not so much in pounds lost, but in strength gained that I had lost so much of.

THEN----this STUPID atv accident in August...aaaagggghhhh!!!!!!!

If there is a way to get hurt...I'm the first in line I tell ya! And then you might as well slap the friggin fat onto my body, cause I'm GONNA gain weight!

So, my sis-in-law gets the idea to join Weight Watchers and wants to drag me along (not that she needs to lose weight). It's probably her way of *nudging* me along in the right direction. I hate being fat, but with the damned physical limitations and the appetite from hell, I'm screwed...

Anyway, I'm babbling...have any of you been on or are currently on Weight Watchers???

I lost 5 lbs last first week.

Just had to share...carry on with your MAN stuff and discussions...I'll just be over here counting my daily food points...


castlewa Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 08-28-2002
Posts: 1,047
I have not done weight watchers but my buddy does and he sheds the pounds when he "is on it". Like any diet/lifestyle when he reverts back to his old habits he gains weight. He really likes the freedom he gets with choosing what he eats (points) and he has not even been close to the size he started at about three years ago.

I have done Body for Life and I have tweaked it to fit my lifestyle. Then when I recently injured myself I gained a lot of weight. I don't weigh myself but I do go by belt size and lets just say my belts do not currently fit. I do know that some of us are genetically made up to look at food and gain weight. My wife for example walks on the treadmill and losses pounds. I on the other hand run miles and lose ounces, you know the type.

Back to weight watchers; I almost did join and if I was physically limited any longer than I am going to be I would. Based on my research it is the healthiest and the easiest "diet/lifestyle" to live with.

What I am doing currently is going back to the BFL (slowly), mostly for monetary reasons and I will be physically able to do it and have done it. Check it out. If you can do the exercise which can be physically demanding, I highly recommend it (Body for Life by Bill Phillips).

I hope you are feeling better!

E-Chick Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
Posts: 4,877
Thanks! I did do BFL a few years back! Mike and I loved it...very addicting in fact.

I just am not *there* yet. My trainer is wondering if I EVER am coming back (even though I paid in advance, I just can't do it now) to see her!

Good luck with your ain't easy!

EI Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
Posts: 5,069
try adkins or a low carb equivlant
I lost 40 lbs (in 4 months) and though I have been cheating on it here of late I havent gained

Could this be the reason you haven't posted any pics lately Marla?
E-Chick Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
Posts: 4,877
Si,senior! No pic of my fat A$$! (not that I was ever THIN...)


Cigarick Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 07-28-2002
Posts: 3,078
Atkins is an atrocious diet. Sure, you'll lose weight, but you're starving you body for carbs and ODing on fat and cholesterol. Somebody please explain to me how THAT is supposed to be good for you!

Weight Watchers is a great diet, but people seem to get this weird idea that they can be on some "special" diet for a while, lose a bunch of weight fast, then go back to their old habits, which is totally absurd and self-defeating.

If your tendency is to gain weight there's only one way to get the extra pounds off and keep them off: Eat right, eat less, work out more, and keep doing it for the rest of your life.

The simple answer is eat like a caveman: lots of the stuff that's easy to catch (fruit, vegetables, grain), moderate amounts of the stuff that's harder to catch (fish), and very little of the stuff that fights back (cows and pigs and such had much different personalities back in those days).

On my doctor's recommendation I totally cut out most dairy (no milk, half-and-half, sour cream, or ice-cream), less beef , chicken and pork, and more fish, fruit vegetables, and grains. Threw in a little cycling and a little walking. It took three years, but I lost 25 pounds and went back to my weight of 18 years old, and my cholesterol went from 300 down to 200.

It's the only way.
johnfs Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 01-01-2003
Posts: 2,993
My wife is doing South beach. This is the new diet of the month. She is much happier with this one as a opposed Atkins. I keep telling her to at minimum stick to the No White at Nite, no carbs after lunch.

If it makes a difference we like you as you are. 8^P

osage Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 02-18-2001
Posts: 492
South Beach is the way to go. My wife and I have been on it since January. She has gone fron a size 8 to a loose size 4. I have lost 40 lbs and three pant sizes. Sure you miss some of the pasta and rice dishes but the results are great! We eat whole grain bread and whole wheat pasta when we just have to have it. We watch the fat intake and workout. The combination of working out and diet have worked for us.
MACS Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,027
Atkins/South Beach (very similar) doesn't work for everyone. I did it for a month and a half, very strictly, plus I was working out like mad, and I lost 8 pounds. MAN was I pissed. I don't really have all that much to lose though... a little beer gut... and I am relatively muscular, so if you are just trying to lose a little "tire"... RUN!

I was 217 a month before we left. 212 the day we left and I am about 200 right now. But I still need to run. I was 189 when I was running a lot. Plus, when I run, I can eat whatever the hell I want and drink lotsa beer and not gain weight. Run people! ;-)

Oh, sorry Marla... you can't run. Good for Mike :-), not so good for you...
Double D Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2003
Posts: 2,819
I've lost 15 pounds in the last 2 months (gradual weight loss), reverting back to the dietary/workout regime and has been successful for me in the past.

I call it "Anti-Atkins". It consist of the following:

1) Moderate amounts of lean protein - 1g/2lbs body weight
2) Very Low fat - 10% of total caloric intake
3) High Complex Carb intake - consisting of things like oatmeal, brown rice, fruit, veggies, pasta, potatoes w/skins (fiber is plentiful).

This is totally opposite approach to Atkins, but it has worked very well for me over many provides a ton of needed vitamins/minerals, and the all-important fuel for workouts (complex crabs for weights, biking).

The weight comes off gradually, while providing the nutrients and calories for lean muscle mass maintenance and development (w/very reasonable food costs).

This is a regime for the active dieter; i.e., one that prefers to exercise to aid in weight reduction.

Clearly, it is something that Atkins would cringe over, but it works!!!!


Double D Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2003
Posts: 2,819
Oops...make that complex "carbs"..not complex complex "crabs"!!

Cavallo Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
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i do "wait watchers" -- i wait and watch my gut expand. ba dum dum. :)

seriously, though, i'm diabetic and sticking to the approved (by nutritionist) diabetic diet has done a LOT of good for me. i'm disabled in such a way that the exercise i used to do as a former jock is out of the question; that sucked, because i burn off fat better that way than i do through diet. when i was injured and "suddenly sedentary" the pounds came on FAST.

my wife's great and cooks meals for both of us that go by the joplin diabetic standards, and the weight has been steadily coming off.

as for exercise, i look for what i CAN do -- stretching, physical therapy, some limited weight lifting, but best of all when i can get to a pool or crip it to the ocean: SWIMMING. hell, not even swimming -- just being in the water and moving around. the resistance water creates is great (esp the ocean!), and being in the water means being without the pain of gravity on dry land so i can do much more than i could out of water.
E-Chick Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
Posts: 4,877
Great info and ideas!!! Thanks!

I *do* basically follow the zone or balanced 40-30-30 way of eating...ok, the martinis blow it, BUT I really don't over eat or eat too much junk.

My diet mainly consists of:

Lean meats, turkey, chicken, sometimes pork and fish in the form of sashimi. I don't really like cooked fish...

Tons of veggies, especially the dark green leafy kinds...

Fruits and whole grained breads mainly when I have to have a bagel. BTW, Orowheat has a 9 grams of fiber's 5 pts on Weight Watchers and fills me up with a Tbs of butter and jam for 9 pts total. A bit high for breakfast, but then I have a lighter lunch.


I know it's temporary...and I WILL take on ANTOOOOONIOOOO's advice of swimming. I'm not keen on public waters though and don't have a swimming pool of my own :( but I will make an effort.

I'm still open to your thoughts on this........Marla
pabloescabar Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 02-25-2005
Posts: 30,183
lot's o sex & naked crisco twister. works for me, I only have fifty pounds to go.
MACS Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,027
Pablo might be onto something...
emtd67 Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 07-27-2004
Posts: 493
Marla, as women our precentage of body fat always exceeds that of a mans. But with a good healthy life style we can and do keep in shape. I have struggled my whole life with wieght issues, not self esteem problems, I always have been beautiful even fat and beautiful but as I got older I began to feel really unhealthy. I had gastric bypass about 6 months ago, lost about 7o lbs so far and feel great. Energy and good eating habits and Im ready to live those extra 25 years Ive added on to my life. You will make it to whatever goal you have set for yourself Marla, just keep plugging at it and you'll get there!! Good luck to ya girlfriend!! Tina
Lowman Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 12-03-2002
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Never went to weight Watchers but did have a copy of the book with the point values, etc. Followed it from Aug to Nov and lost approx 30 lbs. Haven't been following too closely lately and put a few back on... But it does work (for me)

Schmitty22 Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 01-27-2003
Posts: 4,892
Wife and I are on WW. Have lost over 50 lbs so far each. We prefer the "points system" and not the new CORE PLAN WW . It is not difficult to follow and drastic changes in your contents. It really teaches you portions! you can eat anything!

I would recommend it and gladly help you in any way you need (even if its just support).

Let me know~


smitty0128forums-cigars @
jgjam Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 05-16-2002
Posts: 909
I'm doing the modified Atkins diet:

Breakfast - 3lb bacon, 2lb sausage and 5lb hashbrowns(modified portion)... can't really report any weight loss at this point but I am determined to hold to the diet...

Double D Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2003
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One can always fall back on The Gravy Diet...

rekcak Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 09-04-2003
Posts: 184
My wife and I went on the Dr. Phil diet. Bought the soft cover book that had the 2 week rapid start program. We both lost about 30 pounds and that was without exersicing!
Charlie Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
How about the Haggan Das diet?

botelerc Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 04-07-2003
Posts: 44
Well, I'm a non competetive bodybuilder, so if you need to know some answers to some specific questions. Feel free to ask, I might be able to help if I know the answers. As far as Diets go, the South Beach is probably one of the better ones out there right now. I have plenty of break down chart scanned in that I can put up on the pic post. Just let me know.


E-Chick Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
Posts: 4,877

Who'da thunk this arena!?

Y'all are great...

I think that I'm only down 3 lbs this week...but my clothes are starting to fit better...

I like WW...I really, really like it...

I may blow it at my herf on Saturday with food and drink, but I think it's a well deserved break...I need alcohol...

Hello, my name is Marla....

Lowman Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 12-03-2002
Posts: 6,982
Hiiiiiii, Marla !
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