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Last post 19 years ago by grond. 17 replies replies.
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
Fear of Flying: A Duval County Woman Says Nerves Ended W's National Guard Service In Texas
From Folio Weekly, Jacksonville, FL

Janet Linke has been thinking about George W. Bush a lot lately. Thirty-two years ago, her late husband Jan Peter Linke served briefly in the Texas Air National Guard's 111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron. Bush's service in the same squadron has gotten plenty of mention in an election year when what you did during the Vietnam War is suddenly a litmus test of character. But Linke claims she knows a part of the story that nobody has mentioned.

According to Linke, a Jacksonville resident and artist, Bush's flying career was permanently disabled by a crippling fear of flying.

Linke's husband was admitted to the Texas Guard in the summer of 1972 to replace Bush. President [sic] Bush has said that he stopped flying fighter jets because the Alabama Guard unit didn't have jets, and he wanted to transfer to Alabama in order to work on a political campaign. But Linke says she heard a different story from her husband and Bush's squad commander, the late Lt. Col. Jerry Killian. Shortly after her husband joined the Texas unit, Linke says, the couple discussed Bush's service with Killian at a social event.

Contrary to some news reports that suggest Killian admired Bush, Linke says the officer didn't have much use for the young Lieutenant. He mentioned that Bush appeared to have a drinking problem, she recalls, but he was most offended by another incapacity: his fear of flying. According to Linke, Killian said Bush was grounded in his fourth year of flying after he became incapable of flying or properly landing a plane.

"He was mucking up bad, Killian told us," Linke says. "He just became afraid to fly."

Killian has become a major figure in Bush's unfolding "Guardgate." CBS news anchor Dan Rather produced a memo signed by Killian saying he was pressured to sugarcoat Bush's service, among other things. A few days after the report, CBS backed off when other media questioned the veracity of the documents.

But flight logs released by the White House three weeks ago in response to a lawsuit by the Associated Press show a strange retraction of Bush's air time around that period. In February and March 1972, Bush switched from flying the F102A fighter jet, which the guard used to patrol U.S. borders, to a two-seat T-33 training jet. His superiors also returned him to flight simulator practice sessions.

But records suggest the extra training sessions didn't help. Logs show that in March and April 1972, Bush twice needed multiple tries to land the F102 fighter. Days later, on April 16, Bush piloted a plane for the Texas Air National Guard for the last time.

"He just couldn't cut it," says Linke. "I was let to believe he was kind of a coward." (Folio Weekly was able to reach two former Bush squadmates in Texas, but both declined to be interviewed.)

In May 1972, Bush left Texas. He headed to Alabama, where he requested assignment with the postal reserve unit. Bush's request was initially denied. Bu in August 1972, Killian stripped Bush of his flying duties for failing to take an annual physical. In September he was ordered to taken an administrative post with the Alabama Guard.

"[Killian] sent him to Alabama to fly desk," she recalls. "And then he never showed up." In Alabama, Bush's fellow guardsmen have said they don't remember ever seeing him.

For Linke, W's auxiliary service has become a very personal flashpoint. Linke's husband died while serving in the Texas Guard in 1973 after drinking at the officer's club. He nodded off at the wheel, drove into a lake and drowned. Linke was 27 years old with a 3-year-old son. She didn't know much about who W was then; his family was not on the national radar. "We were told his father was very wealthy Texan with CIA connections."

After Bush became President [sic], to the swelling sounds of military music and war cries, Linke found herself unable to shake her memory of Bush's abrupt departure from military service. When she saw him swoop onto an aircraft carrier wearing a green flight suit, she thought about that 1972 conversation with Killian. But it wasn't until the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth [sic] advertisements questioning John Kerry's military service began airing in Jacksonville that she became incensed and decided to speak up. "At least Kerry served," she says. "Bush stepped aside. Anyone else who was AWOL like that would have been in Leavenworth, and here he is president [sic] of the United States."

Linke, who voted for George Bush's dad, insists she's not just anti-Bush or anti-Republican. But she's unhappy with W's presidency [sic]. After the passage of the Patriot Act, Linke and a girlfriend made T-shirts that said, "One Nation Under Surveillance." And in early September, after seeing a swift boat ad, she went to the Duval County Democratic Party headquarters to pick up Kerry-Edwards signs and chose to volunteer her story. Democratic Party officials contacted Folio Weekly the same day. Linke spoke to Folio Weekly before the White House released Bush's flight logs, which appear to substantiate her story.

Unlike his mom, Linke's son Chris supports President [sic] Bush. But he doesn't doubt her version of events. "Is she says it happened, that's good enough for me," he says. He notes that flying fighter jets is a dangerous job and "not everyone's got the mettle," so he doesn't doubt that Bush could have lost his nerve.

But Chris Linke's faith in the president [sic] remains unshaken. When he goes to the polls in November, he says, "I will be voting for him."
CWFoster Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
That's what we admire about you Rick! You have the tenacity to go out and find this stuff, instead of making it up like all these other people!
mattmelcher Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2004
Posts: 96
Another story where some dead person supossedly said something bad about w. Where were these dead people when they were alive?
CWFoster Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
That's odd. You would have thopught he would have told his family about someone losing their nerve to fly! His family has CONSISTANTLY said he admired and respected Bush. Why do they know? They just lived with him for DECADES!
usahog Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Rick, the last papers that surfaced from the CBS ordeal were locked in a lock box at some rodeo grounds... was these part of those papers? and why are they just now coming out? is it because these papers were found stuffed in some **** in the Bulls arena at the same rodeo grounds? ;0)


CanyonDVM Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 10-26-2002
Posts: 259
Would this be the same fear of flying that had him do a carrier landing that was so roundly condemned?
Charlie Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Gee Rickie

Way to go as you add more innane crap to the board!

Go take more pictures of the beautiful decoration on your porch!

JonR Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
Yo Rick:

"Linke's husband died while serving in the Texas Guard in 1973 after drinking at the officer's club. He nodded off at the wheel, drove into a lake and drowned."

Let me see if I have this right. We are supposed to believe janet linke a women who clearly drove her husband to drink and then to suicide. Also because her son who was 3 years old at the time, because he says " if my mommie says it's true then it is".

Be careful Rick, remember what happened when danny blather brought in an old woman to substantiate his Bush Bashing Bull**** documents.



donutboy2000 Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 11-20-2001
Posts: 25,000
Some peolple are fish.
#10 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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i don't know where they were stored or found, maybe at the bottom of a pickle barrel.

i just love finding this stuff.
#11 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
i have one distinctive advantage over most of you.
i know some of the "stuff" i post is probably BS, whereas you guys believe all these good things that fox makes up, as factual.

so i can go merrily on my way copying and pasting without regard to source or truth, knowing i will get reactions from those of you who think i am a nut case.

i'll bet i have more fun reading the predictable responses, although JonR stopped me cold when i agreed with him completely, something about taxes, then you guys have reading or skimming the posts.

i can see some, moving their lips, as they devour my rantings. i see some shaking their heads with amusement, as they read some of the maven's pastes.

but the best of all is the some i see, who are affected by anger and feel the need to tell me where i am wrong.

don't get me wrong, i still truly believe this "president" is the dumbest lacky we have ever had as a president. i think he is in the process destroying everything he can. i think he needs to be de-elected and someone else needs to be in charge. kerry, who cares, as long as the bush dynasty is interrupted. i do admire his father who made, in appearance at least, a silk purse out of a sow's ass, and is laughing at how he got over on the public once again. starting with the BS story about the old man being a hero, when in fact he, as the pilot, bailed out of the plane, leaving the two crew members left on board, to crash into the ocean, and as a finale, making w look so nice, all cleaned up.

enjoy the weekend, we will watch the rams again fail to cover the spread, and hope warner's receivers catch the ball and help him back into the mix, as a quarterback who is better than martz, the soon to be out of a job, coach.

i have a special respect for warner. he is one of the good guys. when he mentioned his religious conviction as helping him through all the "before they realized i was good enough to be an nfl quarterback" time, i thought to myself, this guy is a true believer and deserves his success.
Charlie Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751

Your unknowledge (I know this is not a word) of Fox is laughable! You are duped by the left all the time, and then try to play the "nice guy" card by saying something like, "I was joking or pulling your chain"! You have a horrible attitude and seem to be outwardly grumpy and sour! Keep "decorating" porches with dimestore junk and we will cull through your many meaningless cut and pastes and continue to have fun with them!

#13 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

you just crossed the line by talking about my "dime store junk." what stupidity you have shown about your political insights are overlookable. your petty remarks about my "cut and pastes." your blind faith in fox news as anything but a source of right wing propeganda is your problem.

but when you talk about my personal taste in decorating you have gone to far. may the hummers of summer crap on your feeders and fly to me to herf and laugh about your use of beet sugar in your feeders instead of cane sugar. may the ants and bees find away into your feeders. may the crows flying back to the dumps for the evening feed pass over your house and circle a few times to unload on your coloring books. i have not forgotten you wer my first trade years ago.
xibbumbero Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2002
Posts: 12,535
LOL,that's funny stuff Rick. X
grond Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 06-07-2003
Posts: 738
Damn!!! Politics screws up another trading partnership!! :)


grond Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 06-07-2003
Posts: 738
Hey Rick!!!

I'll be your huckleberry!! :)
#17 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

ever hear of poderozo's. want some? snailer to

grond Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 06-07-2003
Posts: 738
Naw!! Wait til you get my stuff. You're gonna love this. :-)


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