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Last post 24 months ago by Palama. 13 replies replies.
In to the FIRE
Cancer Boy Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 03-10-2001
Posts: 10
Wow! What has happened to this board?! Does anyone come here to talk cigars anymore? I’ve been smoking cigars for about 4 months now And you really get screwed if you don’t know what’s going on…..I.e. What to buy, what’s a good deal “Cello on or off”, To punch or cut the end, Zippo type lighters or butane, its tough if your new. I found this board and PRAISE JESUES I WAS SAVED! Lots of good advice (That I’ve used) found out about cigar beetles here on this board (little Bastards!). But now, what’s going on? Every ones bitching about where to post, why can’t we have a sports board! SPORTS BOARD?! What does sports have to do with cigars? Whens the last time you saw some one running for a field goal with a smoke sticking out his damn helmet, or your favorite ball player sliding into home base with a freaking Robusto balancing perfectly in his right hand?! Then when a good question gets posted, there’s always some wise ass that has no business even putting up a reply. There are a lot of folks out there like me that need help with this stuff, so when I piss someone off with this post and you tell me to leave if I don’t like I WILL, tell me another post board and I’m gone. I cant be the only one tired of reading whinny why didn’t you put your post on the other board messages. So…….I love Ashton VSG smokes anything else out there that’s similar? Oh yeah…has anyone used the Cigar Oasis? Is it worth the price?

Thank you for your time!
sellnmony Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2000
Posts: 243
I've heard good things about the cigar oasis, but don't have one. I use a small home humidifier that is hooked up to a humidistat and it works pretty well. It can get out of whack at times, but I can get it back in line.
The Ashton line is one of my favorites as well, you can't go wrong with a Fuente brand. I also like the Padron Anniv. so do a lot of others on the site. I am also pretty high on the La Luna African line as well... a great every day smoke.
The way that I look at all the ranting on the posts and the content of the posts is that we all share a common thread that is cigars and whether we are sitting in a local cigar store or on line we are not going to confine our conversations to just cigars. I think we all like to enjoy a great conversation along with a great cigar...whether we are talking about the cigar, sports, politics or what Hubcap would look like with green instead of pink hair.
Just the other day I was sitting in the tabacco shop, talking about sports, lawns, beer, politics, stocks etc... and listening to a Rockies game; Does it get any better?
Charlie Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
I really can't think of anything that isn't improved with a good cigar! However, how do you run for a field goal? That is a new one on me! Help me visualize that one, and as far as sliding into home with a robusto.......that would be hard to imagine, but I bet some softball team somewhere smokes cigars while in the field! Now, to cigars.....I have smoked my first Cusano today and found this to be a nice cigar. I won 10 of them on the bid board. I got some torpedos and small belicosos. Very firm and a good full flavored smoke! I will smoke them more often, and I will smoke one watching a sporting event- I am sure. Charlie
tailgater Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Did Cancer Boy really say "run for a field goal"? I'll have to check. In the mean time... I must admit that I am "guilty" of your sins. 1. I post about non-cigar issues (gasp!) and 2. I throw in a wise crack every now and then. SO WHAT? I do it in real life conversation, and I do it here. I wish your post wasn't so whiney, because I agree with you that the cigar talk has indeed slowed. But if I don't have a particular question about cigars, and choose to post a different subject, why does that bother you? It's not like there is a finite number of posts per day, and my post is pre-empting yours. You got a question, post it. Have a comment, post it. You see the trend? The subject matter is dependent on US. Now, to answer your question, I may be the ONLY one, but I've never had a VSG, nor have I tried the Cigar Oasis. Sorry.
Cancer Boy Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 03-10-2001
Posts: 10
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Let the games continue! I’m not going to let the cat out of the bag just yet! It will be worth the wait...(I think?) I must admit the replies are not as brash as I expected, but they are getting better! I didn’t mean to sound "Whiney" I thought my post conveyed frustration if anything. I will send you a couple of VSG's Tailgater if you send me your address, that’s the only "Sin" that has been committed! I just can’t see the reason why someone would imply a "Learning Disability" because of "posting on the wrong board"’s getting out of hand, and the common thread we all share "the love of the leaf" is falling by the wayside. UNITE! Let us smoke till our lungs rot! Let us become one voice and boycott all “DOG ROCKETS!” which are everywhere! Let us refuse to believe that a 10 dollar smoke is better than a 4 dollar one from the same stinking part of the country! ANARCHY!!! HAHA! Well it sounded good…..Right?

[email protected]….for you Tailgater!
Dimmer Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 02-04-2001
Posts: 26
I'm in CB's Boat. New to smoking, need some info sometimes. But I have always found that if I do post a thread, that I can root out a couple answers from the frequent visitors. Also in Tailgaters boat! Never had a VSG or tried the cigar oasis. See you're not alone TG...
Charlie Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
I am with Tailgater on the issue of "serious" responses, etc...This is one place where I like to let loose and have a little fun after hard day of work BS! I don't know what the hell a Cigar Oasis is and have not had the pleasure of smoking a VSG either, but I have missed some damn good cigars I am sure(other than VSG)! I have been smoking cigars for over 5 years this time(previously when in the US Navy).........Let's enjoy the boards and be thankful to Gonz for letting us blow off steam and meet new people! Charlie
Charlie Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
I am with Tailgater on the issue of "serious" responses, etc...This is one place where I like to let loose and have a little fun after hard day of work BS! I don't know what the hell a Cigar Oasis is and have not had the pleasure of smoking a VSG either, but I have missed some damn good cigars I am sure(other than VSG)! I have been smoking cigars for over 5 years this time(previously when in the US Navy).........Let's enjoy the boards and be thankful to Gonz for letting us blow off steam and meet new people! Charlie
Cancer Boy Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 03-10-2001
Posts: 10
Yeah I guess your right Charlie...It just gets old reading posts that has nothing to do with cigars and is mostly about bashing the last poor guy that asked a question that has been either been posted before or he actually had an unpopular opion, or he cant spell! In my case football! HAHAHA! I guess you cant run for a field goal...oops. :) Brothers in case you havent noticed, sadly we are the minority....this is a forum of acceptence not ridicule. I live in Austin T.X. and I know of only one place to smoke cigars in public, MY BACK YARD! I just think people should leave the crap for the guy that tells you your favorite smoke smells like sh*t, its misdirected on the person that would offer you one. Power in numbers!
Charlie Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
That is a good idea for a new thread! We are the Minority-in reference to our cigar smoking! I would like to think that the crowd or minority of cigar smokers are more educated and of a higher intelligence than other such groups! Yes, my favorite Cigar Bar is my back yard........thanks to the smoke police, do gooders, and folks who think they know what is best for others. I avoid Rob Reiner movies because of his attacks on the smokers in California, and beware he is going to take this crap across the country to any state that will put up with his bull****! They law that knocked us out of Cigar Bars and public places passed by the closest of margins, but it passed! So now I have my back yard and some places that allow cigar smokers to indulge themselves. JJ28, how about the Goat Hill Tavern? One of the few places we can enjoy our fine cigars without being harassed by some do gooder telling me "I am alergic to smoke!" Charlie
jjohnson28 Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
Posts: 7,914
Goat Hill Tavern sounds good Charlie,when???.Well I guess I'll chime in with my opinion on this subject.I don't or can't understand all the bitchin and moaning either about whether you post from time to time about a non cigar related suject.I my self enjoy hearing about other peoples interests,hobbies or whatever they may have done this weekend or on vacation.What I don't enjoy reading every day is wrong board posts and you can't do that you can't do this.Granted it's a cigar board and the majority of posts should probably be related to cigars and the majority are,come on people lighten up a little will ya,lest you turn into the exact type of BB your trying not to.I mean direct the new guys around as per proper places to conduct trades and what not,but if you don't like a post simply don't read it.It's not like this place is jammed to the rafters with posters anyway.This is just an Idea but maybe the sports board should be more like the (close but no cigar board)over at another BB that I frequent.They BS about sports and anything else that comes to mind on that board,mostly just BS LOL.The cigar board is for cigars.They do have a review board but reviews are placed pretty much on all the boards.(funny thing is I don't think I've read one post,that said you can't place your review here you have to do it on the review board)you can't do this you can't do that.Anyway my 2 cents.Jim.Cancer Boy email me for info.Charlie email me to set up a BS [email protected]
hegemonic Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2000
Posts: 1,294
One time, I ran for a field goal WITH a cigar sticking out of my helmet, no one else understood what was going on, but what do they know? If only Cancer Boy was at that game, I wouldn't have gotten thrown off the field... :)
Palama Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 02-05-2013
Posts: 23,952
Cancer Boy wrote:
Wow! What has happened to this board?! Does anyone come here to talk cigars anymore? I’ve been smoking cigars for about 4 months now And you really get screwed if you don’t know what’s going on…..I.e. What to buy, what’s a good deal “Cello on or off”, To punch or cut the end, Zippo type lighters or butane, its tough if your new. I found this board and PRAISE JESUES I WAS SAVED! Lots of good advice (That I’ve used) found out about cigar beetles here on this board (little Bastards!). But now, what’s going on? Every ones bitching about where to post, why can’t we have a sports board! SPORTS BOARD?! What does sports have to do with cigars? Whens the last time you saw some one running for a field goal with a smoke sticking out his damn helmet, or your favorite ball player sliding into home base with a freaking Robusto balancing perfectly in his right hand?! Then when a good question gets posted, there’s always some wise ass that has no business even putting up a reply. There are a lot of folks out there like me that need help with this stuff, so when I piss someone off with this post and you tell me to leave if I don’t like I WILL, tell me another post board and I’m gone. I cant be the only one tired of reading whinny why didn’t you put your post on the other board messages. So…….I love Ashton VSG smokes anything else out there that’s similar? Oh yeah…has anyone used the Cigar Oasis? Is it worth the price?

Thank you for your time!

Nathaniel, you musta changed your handle? Gonz
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