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Last post 21 years ago by bud451. 30 replies replies.
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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vf41266 Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 04-01-2002
Posts: 42
politics/religion.....whats next Rick?
vf41266 Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 04-01-2002
Posts: 42
Cantor arrested on charges of child abuse
By Ralph Vigoda
Philadelphia Inquirer

The cantor for the largest reform synagogue in the country was arrested at
his Manhattan home early this morning on charges that he sexually abused
his nephew in Lower Merion during a four-year period. Another uncle and a
cousin of the boy, who is now 12 years old, have been convicted of sexually
abusing the youth.

In the latest case, Howard Nevison, 61, who has been cantor of Temple
Emanu-El in New York for more than 20 years, was taken into custody without
incident by Lower Merion detectives, who knocked on his door at 5:30 a.m.

Nevison is charged with abusing his nephew from 1993 to 1997 during visits
to his brother's home in Lower Merion. The boy was aged 3 to 7 at the time
of the alleged abuse.

Authorities were aware of the allegations for years, but the boy was so
traumatized that it was not until October that his family said he was able
to come forward and testify.

"He had come forward before," District Attorney Bruce L. Castor Jr. said
this morning. "We knew about this. But he was so terrified of this guy that
the investigation was dormant. He's only now at the point where he's
capable of withstanding a trial."

Nevison's brother, Lawrence Nevison, and another nephew, Stewart Nevison,
have been convicted in Montgomery County Court of abusing the boy. Lawrence
and Stewart Nevison are father and son.

According to papers filed in the case, Stewart Nevison was living with the
Lower Merion family in 1997 when some instances of abuse took place.
Lawrence Nevison was living in Croydon, Bucks County, at the time of his

Lawrence Nevison, 55, was convicted in 2000 and was sentenced to 5 to 15
years in prison. Stewart Nevison, 30, pleaded guilty in 2000 to abusing
both the boy and his sister and was sentenced to 11-1/2 months to 23 months
in prison. He is on parole. Both are required to register as sexual
offenders under the requirements of Megan's Law.

According to court documents, the boy's mother took the child to the
hospital on numerous occasions beginning in 1993 for treatment of recurring
stomach and genital pain, nausea, vomiting and anal bleeding. The mother
said her son was fearful of Howard Nevison, but never said why. Detectives
met with the boy when he was 9 and he described in detail the incidents of
alleged abuse by his "Uncle Howard."

"At the time of [the boy's] initial report to police, he was so fearful of
Howard Nevison that his family, a child psychologist and the Commonwealth
felt it was not in his best interests to commence prosecution against
Howard Nevison at that time," court papers say.

"Finally the parents said they thought he was capable of going through with
it," Castor said this morning. "I met with the family to be on the safe
side, to let them know they had to be sure. They said they want him

Temple Emanu-El, founded in 1845 and with about 10,000 members, is a
historic synagogue on Fifth Avenue in New York, across from Central Park.
Nevison performed frequently in cantorial concerts, and in April 1994 he
became the first cantor to sing in the Vatican and the first to sing in
Hebrew there when he was featured in "The Papal Concert to Commemorate the

Castor said he did not seek the surrender of Nevison because he thought he
was a flight risk. He said he was picked up without incident this morning
and was being booked on the charges in New York. If Nevison waives
extradition, he is expected to be brought to Lower Merion today for
arraignment. If not, Castor said, he could be detained in New York for
vf41266 Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 04-01-2002
Posts: 42
and its not just a catholic problem!!
SteveS Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
Posts: 8,751
Nor is it just a religious problem ... there are increasing numbers of scout leaders, teachers, doctors, sports coaches and even the very parents of kids that are exposed as abusers of children ...

Either I spent a very naive childhood or was lucky enought to have spent it long enough and far away enough ago that I never HEARD of such a problem until well into adulthood ...

The motivation of those responsible absolutely boggles my mind and is utterly beyond my ability to comprehend ...
Spiny Norman Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 09-04-2002
Posts: 899

In the case you cited, what if anything did the cantor's superiors know of the abuse? Did they put these pedephiles in a position to harm this child or was it compleatly outside their control?
vf41266 Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 04-01-2002
Posts: 42
I don't know if the superiors knew and the case has not been to trial yet. I do know that the Uncles were already convicted of the crime and that there was much fear of this man. In my opinion, the leaders of this synagogue did not know but I strongly believe that the parents did, which is beyond terrible. I believe the original post was in poor taste and has no purpose here. Isnt there something in the constitution about seperation of Cigars and Religion??
Jeffersonn Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 01-15-2002
Posts: 105
Even though it is not just a catholic/religious problem, those pricks did a wonderful job of institutionalizing it, better than any other group I can think of. For that, F 'em. May they burn in their own hell. They don't get off the hook just cause other's have done it too.
vf41266 Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 04-01-2002
Posts: 42
good point jeff.....but it still has no place here
#10 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

i believe this board is called miscellaneous.

there are many rabbis that i have read about that were bastards that abused children and stole money from the church, so i wasn't picking on the catholics. you might read some of jimmy breslin's columns to find out how to go after the church. you probably don't know who he is, but he is irish, roman catholic and from new york. search out the rest for your self.

i had not thought about it, but jefferson is correct about "institutionalizing it."

whats next? i don't know. do you have any particular subject you want me to annoy you with. i'll take either side.

i do take requests.
SteveS Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
Posts: 8,751
I heard once that you could be annoying on either side of any topic, but didn't know it was a fact ... true story, huh?
jjohnson28 Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
Posts: 7,914
No Rick,I believe this is the picture post board...and yes you can be just as annoying over here as on the misc board...LOL
#13 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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i do what i can.
justforfun Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
Posts: 797
Sad, very, very sad. If that is supposed to be a comic, I just don't see the humor. Amazing that Mr. Wasserman has a forum for this ****.
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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it's not suppossed to be funny. it is sad, very sad.
vf41266 Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 04-01-2002
Posts: 42
Rick, let me get this straight...Rabbi's are abusing children and stealing money from the "CHURCH". They abuse kids and steal from Christians....those B&*(&^@$!!! Don't they realize the Churches need that money to pay off those who THEY molested!!!
#17 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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you are too far off the subject to get a response.
Iron Bar Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 07-19-2000
Posts: 174

Do you post stuff like this just to stir the ****, or do you have an actualy point to make? Instead of posting a picture which in this case is NOT worth a thousand words, how about posting a logical opinion on the subject at hand? I see you do this **** time and time again without even so much as a mere reference of what you're supposedly editorializing. How about growing some cajones and engage in discourse instead of buying into media sound-byte journalism for once? P.S. Finally watched the video you sent me months ago. Liked it alot. Thanks!
vf41266 Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 04-01-2002
Posts: 42

I was actually paraphrasing your earlier response relating to the behavior of Rabbi's. You stated that that molested children and stole from the "CHURCH". My comments were directed at your inability to differentiate between a Synagogue and a Church. What I was doing was mocking you! No matter how much you deny it, you took a stab at the catholic church by posting that cartoon. I've been watching these posts for months now and most I shake my head at. You obviously don't respect our president and now you have exposed your disdain for the Church. It wasn't funny and it wasn't necessary.
Finneous Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2000
Posts: 49
"This message area is monitored by our staff, who reserve the right to remove a post at any time. The basic rule for using the Forum is that you use good judgment - so all we ask is that you keep your comments reasonable. Some examples of unreasonable messages may include the use of profanity, advertising or commercial purposes, competing web sites, and disparaging an individual, a company or another website. In the event that certain Forum postings are questionable, the posting will be taken down, and offenders may have their privileges removed."

In my opinion, this forum shouldn't be used to attack Catholicism or any other faith. The comic was a cheap shot at the Catholic Church and I am personally offended by it. Politics are one thing, faith is a totally different arena and some discretion should be exercised.

Less than 1% of all Catholic Priests were identified as having even been accused of inappropriate sexual conduct. This comic is nothing more than anti-Catholic bigotry. Don't think so? Simply place any other religious group or racial group in the same context and see what would happen.

RICKMAVEN, I don't agree with your views, and haven't said anything until now. But you sir, are a bigot.

As a practicing Catholic and long time CB customer, I'm offended.
Finneous Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2000
Posts: 49
Rick: "i believe this board is called miscellaneous."

No, actually it's called "Picture Post" Rick and according to their own guidelines, CB asks us all to use discretion with regards to posting messages that are "unreasonable".

One of the examples of their definition of unreasonable is "disparaging".

There was no need for you to post the comic other than for bigoted motivations. And I for one plan on asking CB to have it removed.

If you hate Catholics that is of course your right. I support your right to be as bigoted as you wish and of course to express your bigotry. I in turn will express my opinion with CB regarding your actions.

Perhaps you're simply an angry little man who hates everyone except himself. Either way Rick, you of all people should know that condoning hate for any group in society is wrong.

And you call Conservatives "hateful" Yeah, right.

donutboy2000 Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 11-20-2001
Posts: 25,000
It is very difficult not to hate the 1% of priests that are guilty and the much larger percentage of the bishops that knew what was happening and covered up for so many years. The bishops allowed these monsters to attack unsuspecting children again and again as they moved the guilty priests from parish to parish. Rick is right, that is unforgivable.
Spiny Norman Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 09-04-2002
Posts: 899
As Rick said, the title is misc. You may not agree with the post, but it was within the stated rules (broad though they may be).
I think that the catholic church as an institution is fair game since they have not only protected those guilty of the crimes but time and again put them back in a position to abuse more children.

I personally have no animosity towards the faith or the faithful and believe that the vast majority of priest are honorable men but I can not understand the hypocrisy of the Church's position. I believe it's that very hypocrisy that makes them such a tempting target.
Todog Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 05-05-2001
Posts: 804
Why is this issue so special and not to be touched as all other issues are debated in this forum. I am a practicing Catholic and am not at all offended by this cartoon and have seen much worse! In the words of Jack Nicholson...some people can't handle the truth!!!! I for one do not believe that Rick is a bigot and to insult him in such a is far more UNFORGIVEABLE than this cartoon!
Jeffersonn Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 01-15-2002
Posts: 105
May I point out that Finch was the first to make such a judgemental and personal attack upon another of the posters here?
Jeffersonn Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 01-15-2002
Posts: 105
Furthermore, after a little more thought, Finch did something else extraordinary. First, attention was drawn away from the substance of the post to an ad homen attack upon the poster, and second, he is attempting to altogether silence the poster and avert attention from the issue by squelching legitimate and open debate. Hey, didn't the church try to do the same thing for the last couple of decades? Sorry Finch, the camel's got his nose in the tent and he isn't leaving.
E-Chick Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
Posts: 4,877
Priests are goin' ta hell... least that's MY opinion...

Besides the blatant power and authority over, molestations, and rape of children all over the my dad always told me, "a bunch of old men who don't have sex, wearing dresses, telling women what to do with their bodies"...well you can add: telling children not to tell their families too...thank God I'm not catholic! I've had enough grief in my life - thank you very much!
#28 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

christ is the church, not these silly men in robes.
for the church i have respect.
#29 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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Iron Bar

i thought i answered this, but i see i forgot to hit post.

i am not a **** stirrer. i provide ingredients, the posters stir it and make what they want of it. ffinch has me a bigot because i copied an article, in this case a picture that speaks for itself. he has missed the point, which is this post has grown and different view points have been posted voluntarily. no one is forced to respond.

by the way, ffinch, my purchases can beat up your purchases any day of the week, so please don't throw your wallet in the ring. also i posted church in case you did not know what a synagogue is.

i copy and post things i think are interesting and that will get people thinking and responding. the other boards are for what kind of beer to drink with your cigar, humidity, and all sorts of good stuff we share.

if you think i have no cajones, look at the nasty responses i get and know i will get. you don't want that kind of vicious venom directed at you.

no one gives a damn what i think and believe, and no one knows what i think and believe..

for my birthday i got two white angel double tulip bushes that i am training to become trees. glad you liked the video.

#30 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

christ is the church, not these silly men in robes.
for the church i have respect.
bud451 Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 09-11-2010
Posts: 2,237
No Rick, people are the church. Christ is the subject.
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