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Presidentin' Is...The Thing...You Know...The Thing!
RayR Offline
#1301 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
Another episode of While the World Burns.
The Biden Crime Family needs another vacation while millions suffer freezing temperatures, choking inflation by still increasing federal spending, and the still-growing mass invasion at the Southern border.

Joe Biden Leaving for Virgin Islands Vacation as Dozens Freeze to Death in United States

President Joe Biden plans to leave for a vacation in the Virgin Islands on Tuesday after the United States was blasted with record-cold temperatures and winter weather.

The president and his family leave Tuesday evening for St. Croix and plan to stay on the island for the rest of the week to celebrate New Year’s Day.

Meanwhile, about 50 people were killed across the United States as a bomb cyclone of Arctic air created record winter storms and freezing temperatures across most of the country. The city of Buffalo suffered a “once-in-a-generation” storm as 43 inches of snow fell over the weekend. The death toll in Buffalo reached 27 as of Tuesday morning.


Biden Vacations In Virgin Islands After Saying There Are ‘More Important Things’ Than Visiting Border

December 27, 2022

President Joe Biden will travel to the U.S. Virgin Islands on Tuesday for vacation, after telling reporters he has “more important” things to do than visit the southern border.

“The President and the First Lady will travel to St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands where they will celebrate the New Year with their family,” the White House readout read.

Biden has spent more than a quarter of his presidency away from the White House vacationing in Delaware, CNN reported in October. The president also told reporters on Dec. 6 that he would not be visiting the border while in Arizona “because there are more important things going on.”


RayR Offline
#1302 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
It's good to be King. Da President won't be rubbing elbows with the suffering masses of little people while on the family vacation, instead...

Biden staying at St. Croix villa of wealthy donors who got state dinner invite

By Steven Nelson
December 28, 2022

President Biden will ring in 2023 at the tropical island home of wealthy business owners Bill and Connie Neville — who earlier this month were among the select group admitted to the president’s first White House state dinner.

The Nevilles made the 338-person guest list for the Dec. 1 gathering of billionaires, celebrities and politicians in honor of French President Emmanuel Macron after previously lending their three-bedroom beachfront villa to Biden.

Biden traveled to St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands late Tuesday with first lady Jill Biden and other members of his family to celebrate the New Year — and potentially to decide whether to launch a 2024 re-election bid. He left the frigid continental US after a Christmas-weekend winter blast killed at least 65 people and canceled more than 10,000 flights.

It’s unclear if the vacation was planned before or after Biden treated the Nevilles to the lavish banquet on the taxpayers’ dime — but the first family is not believed to be paying for use of the home, which features an in-ground pool, lush landscaping and sweeping views, along with direct beach access.

Sunoverbeach Offline
#1303 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,850
Police arrested two kids, one for drinking battery acid, and the other for eating fireworks. They charged one and let the other off
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1304 Posted:
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Posts: 55,735
Biden’s Top 10 Blunders Of 2022 That Prove He’s In Cognitive Decline

‘I’d say it’s, it is, I haven’t… look. I have trouble even mentioning, even saying to myself, in my own head, the number of years. I no more think of myself as being old as I am than fly.’

It’s no secret President Joe Biden is no longer in his prime physical and cognitive state.

The 80-year-old isn’t just a serial liar. He’s a chronic gaffe machine who puts the country at risk pretty much every time he opens his mouth. The president is so bad at giving speeches that Generation Z made some of his most notable verbal stumbles into a TikTok trend.

Contrary to corporate media claims, these blunders aren’t just byproducts of Biden’s childhood stutter, they are signs of a bigger problem. Here are 10 gaffes from the grandpa in the White House that should make every American question whether he’s just a figurehead.

1. Biden Forgets What Year It Is

Biden started off 2022 strong with a New Year’s-themed White House address in which he forgot what year it is.

“There’s a lot of reason to be hopeful in 2020,” Biden said.

2. Biden Cusses Out Fox Journalist on Hot Mic

A hot mic caught Biden calling Fox News’s Peter Doocy a “stupid son of a b-tch” during a White House photo op in January of 2022.

“Do you think inflation’s a political liability in the midterms?” Doocy asked as reporters were rushed to the exit.

“It’s a great asset, more inflation,” Biden said. “What a stupid son of a b-tch.”

3. Biden Calls For Regime Change in Russia (and Meant It)

Hardly a slip of the tongue, one of Biden’s most problematic statements came in March when he publicly called for regime change in Russia.

“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” Biden declared about Vladimir Putin during a speech in Warsaw, Poland.

Regime change in Russia is the unofficial policy of our ruling class, but the corporate media, unwilling to admit it, called Biden’s outburst a “gaffe.” The White House, similarly, couldn’t decide between standing by Biden’s comments or downplaying them as simple “moral outrage” toward Putin.

4. ‘Repeat the Line’

In July, during a speech about his new abortion-focused executive order, Biden struggled to properly vocalize the script on his teleprompter.

Clips of the speech clearly show the gaffe-prone president saying, “End of quote. Repeat the line.” The White House transcript of Biden’s address, however, claims Biden said, “End of quote. Let me repeat the line.”

When pressed about the retroactive edits, White House Assistant Press Secretary Emilie Simons tried to gaslight her Twitter followers into believing Biden wasn’t really reading cues directly from the teleprompter.

“No. He said, ‘let me repeat that line,’” she wrote.

5. Biden Falsely Claims He Had Cancer

In a “climate crisis” speech about fossil fuels in Massachusetts in July, Biden incorrectly claimed he has cancer caused by oil pollution. Biden said that growing up, pollution in Delaware was so bad that his mother had to use windshield wipers to “get literally the oil slick off the window.”

“That’s why I and so damn many other people I grew up [with] have cancer,” Biden said.

The White House physician rushed to release a statement clarifying that Biden does not, in fact, have cancer.

6. Biden Says American Troops Are ‘Selfish’

During a trip to the Middle East in July, Biden mixed up the words “selfish” and “selfless” at the most inconvenient time possible.

“We’ll always honor the bravery and selfishness — selflessness,” Biden said. “And sacrifices of the Americans who served, including my son, Major Beau Biden, who was stationed in Iraq for a year.”

7. Biden Calls the Holocaust Honorable

During a visit to Israel, Biden claimed he was there to “keep alive the truth and honor of the Holocaust.”

“And continue — which we must do every, every day — continue to bear witness, to keep alive the truth and honor of the Holocaust,” Biden said.

He later corrected himself by saying the “horror of the Holocaust.”

8. ‘Where’s Jackie?’

Perhaps the worst of Biden’s 2022 blunders was when he tried to call upon Rep. Jackie Walorski weeks after she died in a car accident in her home state of Indiana.

“Jackie, are you here? Where’s Jackie? She must not be here,” Biden said at the Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health on Sept 28.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tried to brush off Biden’s mistake by claiming Walorski was “on top of mind.”

“These moments of confusion are happening with increased frequency, Karine,” one reporter, unsatisfied with Jean-Pierre’s answer, shouted above the hubbub.

Polling conducted shortly after the Jackie incident found that a majority of Americans, including Democrats, were at least “somewhat concerned” about Biden’s mental state.

9. A ‘Mental Focus’ Word Salad

Biden isn’t particularly fond of people questioning his cognitive abilities, and his attempts to convince Americans he is mentally equipped for office, or even a walk in the park, fall short.

“How would you say your mental focus is?” CBS’s Scott Pelley asked during a “60 Minutes” interview in October.

“Oh, it’s focused,” Biden replied. “I’d say it’s, it is, I haven’t… look. I have trouble even mentioning, even saying to myself, in my own head, the number of years. I no more think of myself as being old as I am than fly.”

During an interview the following month, Biden appeared to fall asleep mid-answer.

10. Biden Gets Lost on Stage

Even when he’s not speaking, Biden shows severe signs of mental impairment. Shortly after his speech during the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment Conference in New York, Biden appeared to get lost on the stage before eventually finding his way down.

Lefty provides cover and ignores all of the items listed in this. They DGAF as long as they have a D behind their name.

Biden is a should've never happened President.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#1305 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,850
A guy told me, "Nothing rhymes with orange."
"No, it doesn't," I disagreed.
RayR Offline
#1306 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009

The numbers don't lie son, and the predictions are that it isn't transitory and will get worse.

BIDEN ECONOMY: Biden Wiped Out $10 Trillion of Americans’ Wealth – 2022 Saw Worst Bond and Equity Losses Since 1871

By Joe Hoft
Published January 1, 2023 at 3:40pm

Steve Cortez was on the War Room on Friday where he discussed the destruction of the US economy under Joe Biden in 2022.

Biden wiped out $10 trillion in America’s wealth in 2022. This is record-breaking destruction.

Steve Bannon rolled out the chart from earlier in the week that shows what an outlier 2022 was when compared to prior years.

2022 was the worst year for stocks and bonds combined since 1871 (which is like six years after the end of the Civil War).

These numbers are shocking, staggering, and unheard of.

No wonder Americans are walking around wondering what happened to their net worth.

Cortes shared with Bannon in the interview below how most years, the US is in the upper right quadrant of the chart above. This is where you want to be.

In 2022, Biden took America into the basement and the $1.7 trillion package just signed hasn’t been factored in yet.


HockeyDad Offline
#1307 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
Wiped Out $10 Trillion of Americans’ Wealth…..

Equity versus equality.

The push for equity is not about raising everyone up. It is about pulling everyone down. Ten trillion in wealth destruction is a good start. The question now is will 2023 be the year of real estate wealth destruction.
RayR Offline
#1308 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
HockeyDad wrote:
Wiped Out $10 Trillion of Americans’ Wealth…..

Equity versus equality.

The push for equity is not about raising everyone up. It is about pulling everyone down. Ten trillion in wealth destruction is a good start. The question now is will 2023 be the year of real estate wealth destruction.

Ya, the economic costs of the quest for "equity" are pretty high...see any socialist regime.

Although the Biden regime's Pollyanna dreams that equity can be driven by government force, the final consequences to the real estate market like everything else is wait and see. Although the cracks are seen in the foundation of that FED driven bubble that artificially drove up demand and housing prices to the ridiculous, they now have artificially driven up interest rates to counteract high price inflation across the board caused by progressive policies.
One thing is for sure...someday maybe sooner, maybe later there's going to be a crash. How that's going to look is anyone's guess.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#1309 Posted:
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Joe Biden Plans To Dump Kamala Harris As Vice Presidential Candidate In 2024 Election, She 'Doesn't Seem To Have The Right Stuff'

Though reigning POTUS Joe Biden has yet to formally announce whether he’ll throw his hat in the ring for re-election come 2024, it seems he’s already made one major decision surrounding his theoretical campaign — dropping Vice President Kamala Harris off of his ticket.

Pinning his domestic policy shortcomings and historically mediocre poll performances on his reigning Veep, 46 is purportedly ready to give Harris the axe, claiming she “doesn't seem to have the right stuff,” per one insider close with the Commander-in-Chief.

"Joe's also looking ahead," spilled the source, noting that "if he wins the next election cycle, his running mate will be the front-runner in 2028.”

Part of Biden’s decision stems from her performance in office, including Harris' role in the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act’s Senate failure and her approach to the U.S.-Mexico border crisis.

"Joe gave her responsibility over these hot-button issues, and she's done nothing but make a hash out of them," they continued. "Combine that with the reports of her overseeing a toxic work environment in her office. The writing was on the wall — she had to go."

As such, Biden, 80, has been contemplating which high-power Democrat should replace Harris, 58, as a contender for Madame Vice President during the upcoming election cycle. In fact, the former Delaware Senator is said to already be eyeing a few past First Ladies for the highly-coveted role.

"Joe's no fool," a second Democratic party insider exclusively spilled to Radar. "He knows if he can add someone like Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama to the ticket instead of Kamala, his chances immediately improve against any Republican nominee."

These electoral revelations come amid whispers that tensions were high between the political duo in the early days of their administration, Biden even dubbing Harris "a work in progress” after taking office, per political writer Chris Whipple.

“Biden was annoyed,” Whipple claimed. “He hadn’t asked Harris to do anything he hadn’t done as vice president — and she’d begged him for the voting rights assignment.”

Now just hold on...we just might be seeing the 1st good thing to come from the Biden Administration.

Well, at least half of a good thing.

Pedo Joe is a misogynistic racist.

There...I said it first.
HockeyDad Offline
#1310 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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Vice President Stacey Abrams.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1311 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
Vice President Kyrsten Sinema.

Fixed it for you. This brings her back into the tent. Abrams has too much baggage.
HockeyDad Offline
#1312 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
Robert Francis O'Rourke is available
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1313 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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HockeyDad wrote:
Robert Francis O'Rourke is available

Has he eaten enough dirt yet though?

I don't think so.
RayR Offline
#1314 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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So Sleepy Pedo Incompetent Joe thinks a new VP will make him more attractive to the proles?

I think it would be like putting lipstick on a pig. 🐖🐽
Well...Duhmacracy does seem to like pigs. 🐷
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1315 Posted:
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Biden: "The World Is Not A Patch In Our Jeans"

Joe Biden was caught in yet another embarrassing gaffe after he butchered a quote, telling a crowd in Kentucky, “The world is not a patch in our jeans.”

Yes, really.

The 80-year-old president made the awkward remark while promoting the implementation of his $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill.

“I’ll paraphrase the phrase of my old neighborhood: The rest of the countries, the world is not a patch in our jeans, if we do what we wanna do, we need to do,” Biden said.

Respondents on Twitter tried to make sense of the comment, with Sen. Josh Hawley’s press secretary Abigail Marone remarking that it, “makes perfect sense if your brain is mush.”

Others worried that Biden was in charge of the nukes, while another asked, “How can any human watch it and not feel empathy for this man’s public disintegration?”

The president previously defended himself against skepticism over his cognitive functioning during an appearance on MSNBC.

“I think it’s a legitimate thing to be concerned about anyone’s age, including mine. I think that’s totally legitimate. I think the best way to make the judgment is to watch me. Am I slowing up? Am I going at the same pace?” asked Biden.

As we previously highlighted, Congressman and former White House physician Ronny Jackson asserted that Biden may be on cognitive drugs to get him through the day and will be forced to resign as a result of his mental impairment.

Perhaps nervous that he’ll slip up and blurt out something awkward, it was recently revealed that Biden refuses to speak freely around his own Secret Service agents.

Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan

Any wonder now?
#1316 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
Posts: 1,416
Mr. Magoo is too disconnected, people these days have no idea what a patch is as things are disposable.
RayR Offline
#1317 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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"I’ll paraphrase the phrase of my old neighborhood: The rest of the countries, the world is not a patch in our jeans, if we do what we wanna do, we need to do."

WTF is he sayin'? Is that supposed to be some folksy sounding thing from the old neighborhood in the slave state of Delaware? Or was it Pennsylvania? Just the senseless rambling again of a mad old coot I think.

#1318 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
Posts: 1,416
I heard Corn Pop put patches on his jeans…
RayR Offline
#1319 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Ya, and they wore overalls and the holes were from Boll Weevils that ate holes in them when he was pickin' cotton .
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1320 Posted:
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Posts: 55,735
Classified Documents Found At President Biden's Think Tank

Classified documents from Joe Biden's tenure as Vice President were found in early November at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, CBS News reports, citing two sources with knowledge of an inquiry launched by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

The investigation into the roughly 10 documents will be conducted by the US Attorney in Chicago (shocking!), according to the sources.

The classified material was identified by personal attorneys for Mr. Biden on Nov. 2, the day before the midterm elections, Richard Sauber, special counsel to the president confirmed. The documents were discovered when Mr. Biden's personal attorneys "were packing files housed in a locked closet to prepare to vacate office space at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C.," Sauber said in a statement to CBS News. The documents were contained in a folder that was in a box with other unclassified papers, the sources said. The sources revealed neither what the classified documents contain nor their level of classification. A source familiar told CBS News the documents did not contain nuclear secrets. -CBS News

Remember when the DOJ raided former President Trump and made a huge deal about classified documents having been commingled with not-classified documents? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

According to Sauber, the White House counsel's office notified the National Archives on the same day the material was discovered, after which the Archives took possession the next morning.

"The discovery of these documents was made by the President's attorneys," said Sauber. "The documents were not the subject of any previous request or inquiry by the Archives. Since that discovery, the President's personal attorneys have cooperated with the Archives and the Department of Justice in a process to ensure that any Obama-Biden Administration records are appropriately in the possession of the Archives."

In charge of the investigation is John Lausch, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, who will seek to determine how the classified material ended up at the Penn Biden Center (which received $54.6 million in Chinese donations after the Biden Center was announced in 2016).

Scream like you did at Trump Lefty. Scream. Otherwise you're hypocrites. Too early for impeachment trials? Ya Trump. Let's see a raid on his houses and the White House!!!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1321 Posted:
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China Cements its Position in the Middle East

Saudi Arabia is now not only one of China's most important suppliers of energy, but the kingdom is also an important link in China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) -- a gigantic global development project to enhance China's global influence from East Asia to Europe by making countries worldwide increasingly dependent on China. Under the BRI, China has signed cooperation agreements with 20 Arab countries.

China is also Saudi Arabia's largest trading partner -- an arrangement that extends to military cooperation....

Biden took a longstanding ally, Saudi Arabia, and, by repeating that he would make the kingdom a "pariah nation," created an adversary. "For an American president to be silent on the issue of human rights is inconsistent with who we are and who I am," Biden said. The same concern for human rights has not seemed to bother him, however, when it comes to China or Iran, whose record on human rights is at least as bad as Saudi Arabia's, if not worse.

China jumped in to fill the vacuum.

Xi Jinping has made no secret of his wishes to "replace America as the global superpower" economically, militarily, diplomatically and technologically by 2049. The United States might be "well poised to lead," but is it leading?

When Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Saudi Arabia on December 7 for his first visit since 2016, he was welcomed with a lavish reception. The contrast to the low-key reception of US President Joe Biden last July could hardly have been greater. Pictured: The Chinese and the Saudi flags fly in Riyadh, on December 7, 2022, ahead of Xi's visit to the Saudi capital. (Photo by Fayez Nureldine/AFP via Getty Images)

When Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Saudi Arabia on December 7 for his first visit since 2016, he was welcomed with a lavish reception. Fighter jets escorted his plane into Saudi airspace, a purple carpet was rolled out, and cannons were fired. Saudi Arabia's de facto leader, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), welcomed Xi the next day with a ceremony, during which Xi's car was escorted by members of the Saudi Royal Guard on horseback and carrying the flags of both countries, followed by a welcoming banquet.

The contrast to the low-key reception of US President Joe Biden last July could hardly have been greater. Biden took a longstanding ally, Saudi Arabia, and, by repeating that he would make the kingdom a "pariah nation," created an adversary.

"For an American president to be silent on the issue of human rights is inconsistent with who we are and who I am," Biden said. The same concern for human rights has not seemed to bother him, however, when it comes to China or Iran, whose record on human rights is at least as bad as Saudi Arabia's, if not worse.

China jumped in to fill the vacuum.

Saudi Arabia is now not only one of China's most important suppliers of energy -- a leading American industry that the Biden administration abandoned on day one -- but the kingdom is also an important link in China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) -- a gigantic global development project that Chinese President Xi Jinping launched in 2013 to build an economic and infrastructure network connecting Asia with Europe, Africa and beyond. The BRI seeks dramatically to enhance China's global influence from East Asia to Europe by making countries worldwide increasingly dependent on China. Under the BRI, China has signed cooperation agreements with 20 Arab countries.

China is also Saudi Arabia's largest trading partner -- an arrangement that extends to military cooperation, which China's Minister of National Defense, Wei Fenghe, and Saudi Arabia's Deputy Defense Minister, Khalid bin Salman, agreed to boost in January.

During Xi's visit, furthering the continued expansion and deepening of ties between the two countries, Saudi Arabia and China signed a series of strategic deals, including a "comprehensive strategic partnership agreement" and another with Huawei Technologies on cloud computing, data centers and building high-tech complexes in Saudi cities. The two countries also signed numerous agreements on hydrogen energy, Chinese language education, digital economy, and an "alignment plan" between China's BRI and Saudi Arabia's economic diversification program.

Chinese and Saudi firms additionally signed 34 deals on investment in green energy, information technology, cloud services, transport, construction and other sectors, estimated to be worth around $30 billion.

In an op-ed published in the Saudi newspaper Al Riyadh, Xi described his visit to the kingdom as ushering in "a new era in China's relations with the Arab world, with Arab states of the Gulf, and with Saudi Arabia." He also highlighted the inroads that China made in the Middle East in recent years:

"China has established comprehensive strategic partnership or strategic partnership with 12 Arab states, and signed documents on Belt and Road cooperation with 20 Arab states."

At the end of Xi's visit to Saudi Arabia, he participated in two inaugural summits, which he described as "milestone events in the history of China-Arab relations": the China-Arab summit and the China-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit.

China's visit to Saudi Arabia and the two summits can be said to represent a culmination, thus far, of China's attempts to take over the Middle East: non-violent means of gaining power over the entire region, as described by Dr. Mordechai Chaziz, author of the book, China's Middle East Diplomacy: The Belt and Road Strategic Partnership:

"The connection between the BRI and the strategic partnerships it creates in the region... allows it to gradually take over the region without creating tensions with the U.S. or the West. In other words, the BRI is a sophisticated Chinese plan to transfer hegemony from the West and the U.S. to China without war or conflict."

At the China-GCC Summit on December 9, Xi told Arab Gulf leaders that China would work to buy oil and gas from them and pay in Chinese yuan, a move that China and Saudi Arabia have previously discussed. Such a change could be highly disruptive to the US, especially if it were to be used throughout the Gulf. Using the yuan would considerably bolster China in its ambition to strengthen the yuan while weakening the US dollar's status as the world's reserve currency -- and potentially weakening the US still further internationally. The status of the US dollar depends on its dominance of global markets, especially the oil market, where 80% of sales are conducted in US dollars.

Xi, in his speech to the Arab Gulf leaders at the China-GCC summit, said that in the next three to five years China would work with the Gulf countries on a number of priority areas that would include the following:

All-dimensional energy cooperation, including settling oil and gas trade in yuan; "peaceful use" of nuclear technology, including the establishment of a China-GCC nuclear security demonstration center; finance and investment cooperation, including the setting up of a joint investment commission, a China-GCC forum on industrial and investment cooperation and deepening digital currency cooperation; expanding new areas of cooperation on innovation, science and technology with China setting up big data and cloud computing centers in the Gulf countries, strengthening 5G and 6G technology cooperation and setting up a China-GCC cooperation mechanism in meteorological science and technology; aerospace cooperation, including the possible establishment of a China-GCC joint center for lunar and deep space exploration.

Finally, Xi mentioned China's use of its soft power to increase its influence by "nurturing new highlights in language and cultural cooperation." He said that China will "cooperate" with 300 universities, and middle and primary schools in GCC countries on Chinese language education and work with GCC countries to set up Chinese language learning and testing centers and online Chinese classes. He also suggested a China-GCC language and culture forum, and the compilation of "a bilingual library for people-to-people and cultural exchanges and mutual learning."

At the China-GCC Summit, Xi did not fail to mention the strides that China has made for itself in gaining influence in the Middle East.

"China and Arab states have set an example for South-South cooperation in pursuing mutually beneficial collaboration. The two sides have established 17 cooperation mechanisms under the framework of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum. Over the past decade, our trade has grown by 100 billion U.S. dollars, with the total volume exceeding 300 billion dollars; China's direct investment in Arab states was up by 2.6 times, with the stock of investment reaching 23 billion dollars; over 200 Belt and Road projects have been carried out, benefiting nearly two billion people of the two sides."

Xi's visit to Saudi Arabia and his meetings with Arab state leaders put on display the influence that China wields in the Middle East, a fact that was not lost on the United States, which has been warning about China's influence in the region.

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said on December 7:

"We are mindful of the influence that China is trying to grow around the world. The Middle East is certainly one of those regions where they want to deepen their level of influence.

"We believe that many of the things they're trying to pursue and the manner in which they're trying to pursue it [sic] are not conducive to preserving the international rules-based order...We are not asking nations to choose between the United States and China, but as the president has said many times, we believe that in this strategic competition the United States is certainly well poised to lead."

"Competition"? Xi has made no secret of his wishes to "replace America as the Global Superpower" economically, militarily, diplomatically and technologically by 2049. The United States might be "well poised to lead," but is it leading? Kirby's warnings, unfortunately, constitute too little, much too late.

So, Lefty has to tell us why Pedo Joe hates America and sells it out like a cheap whore on nickle night.

Remember when we had mean tweets we also had Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Israel talking and willing to work with each other.
drglnc Offline
#1322 Posted:
Joined: 04-01-2019
Posts: 763
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Classified Documents Found At President Biden's Think Tank

Classified documents from Joe Biden's tenure as Vice President were found in early November at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, CBS News reports, citing two sources with knowledge of an inquiry launched by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

The investigation into the roughly 10 documents will be conducted by the US Attorney in Chicago (shocking!), according to the sources.

The classified material was identified by personal attorneys for Mr. Biden on Nov. 2, the day before the midterm elections, Richard Sauber, special counsel to the president confirmed. The documents were discovered when Mr. Biden's personal attorneys "were packing files housed in a locked closet to prepare to vacate office space at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C.," Sauber said in a statement to CBS News. The documents were contained in a folder that was in a box with other unclassified papers, the sources said. The sources revealed neither what the classified documents contain nor their level of classification. A source familiar told CBS News the documents did not contain nuclear secrets. -CBS News

Remember when the DOJ raided former President Trump and made a huge deal about classified documents having been commingled with not-classified documents? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

According to Sauber, the White House counsel's office notified the National Archives on the same day the material was discovered, after which the Archives took possession the next morning.

"The discovery of these documents was made by the President's attorneys," said Sauber. "The documents were not the subject of any previous request or inquiry by the Archives. Since that discovery, the President's personal attorneys have cooperated with the Archives and the Department of Justice in a process to ensure that any Obama-Biden Administration records are appropriately in the possession of the Archives."

In charge of the investigation is John Lausch, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, who will seek to determine how the classified material ended up at the Penn Biden Center (which received $54.6 million in Chinese donations after the Biden Center was announced in 2016).

Scream like you did at Trump Lefty. Scream. Otherwise you're hypocrites. Too early for impeachment trials? Ya Trump. Let's see a raid on his houses and the White House!!!

Fixed it for ya...
Remember when the DOJ raided former President Trump and made a huge deal about classified documents having been commingled with not-classified documents? after Trump said he didn't have them, Then said they were not classified, Then said he turned them over, then still had them... Pepperidge Farm remembers.
RayR Offline
#1323 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
HockeyDad wrote:
Mostly Biden’s policies.

Ya, Biden and his whole crooked LEFTY incompetent administration sucks.

Biden is so incompetent that he couldn't even find an illegal invader to talk to on his visit to El Paso. (Of course El Paso officials rushed to clear out the migrant camps ahead of Joe Biden’s visit) Didn't want to embarrass Ol' Joe I guess.

Gov. Abbott did find Biden though to hand him a nasty letter.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1324 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Must be the uniform...riiight?

Joe Biden seems to confuse the Salvation Army with the Secret Service:

"I spent some time with the Secret Service in Poland and Ukraine."


“Trump is goading us to impeach him,”...just reverse the quote and put in Biden. I mean Pelosi gave us this gem...

It's overdue.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1325 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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That "think tank" of Biden's where he hid those classified gets worse.

RayR Offline
#1326 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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The whole Lyin' Biden Crime Syndicate gets crooked'er and crooked'er, the deeper down the rabbit hole you go, doesn't it?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1327 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Oh Joe...what did you know...and when were you smart enough to do something with it???
RayR Offline
#1328 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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That was just stuff he had laying around when he was playing the absentminded honorary professor. No big deal, he just forgot. RollEyes
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1329 Posted:
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Second Cache Of Classified Biden Documents Found At Different Location

A second batch of classified documents have been found at a different location from his Washington D.C. office at the Penn Biden Center, NBC News reports, citing a person familiar with the matter.

The search for more classified documents was prompted by the November 2022 discovery of a trove which were contained in a folder that was in a box with other unclassified papers. The first batch of classified documents was found the day before midterm elections, and not reported until Tuesday of this week - so apparently the DC-to-MSM leak apparatus is well under control.

The classification level, number and precise location of the additional documents was not immediately clear. It also was not immediately clear when the additional documents were discovered and if the search for any other classified materials Biden may have from the Obama administration is complete.

Biden aides have been sifting through documents stored at locations beyond his former Washington, D.C., office to determine if there are any other classified documents that need to be turned over to the National Archives and reviewed by the Justice Department, the person familiar with the matter said. -NBC News

On Monday the White House issued a statement confirming that a "small number of documents" from the Obama-era, and which bear classified markings, were found at the Penn Biden Center on November 2. They were discovered in a locked closet.

On Tuesday Biden told reporters that he was "surprised" by the discovery, and that he had no clue what was in the documents.

Of note, as Vice President, Biden did not have the authority to declassify his documents - an argument that former President Trump has made several times regarding classified documents found during a DOJ raid of his Mar-a-Lago home last year.

Now, the chair and vice-chair of the Senate intelligence committee have asked DNI Avril Haines for access to the classified documents, as well as an intelligence community damage assessment, and a briefing on both the Biden and Trump documents.

I blame Dr. Jill!

It's time to reel in the Kenyan King now.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1330 Posted:
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Troll Garland really wanted Trump on a, he has his boss and his bosses old boss in the sights.

Trump wins again.
#1331 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
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“Classified documents next to your Corvette? What were you thinking?" Doocy asked.
“I'm going to get the chance to speak on all of this, God willing it'll be soon, but I said earlier this week — and by the way my Corvette is in a locked garage. It's not like it's sitting out in the street," Biden responded.

“ So the documents were in a locked garage," Doocy prompted.

"Yes, as well as my Corvette. But as I said earlier this week, people know I take classified documents and classified material seriously," Biden said. "I also said we're cooperating fully and completely with the Justice Department's review."
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1332 Posted:
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Media begins squirming over Biden

After the midterms, the opposition party took over the House intent on bringing down the president.

The press rejoiced.

You could almost see the foaming of the mouth of Greg Sargent of the Washington Post as he wrote, on January 14, 2019, "Two new blockbuster scoops about President Donald Trump’s relations with Russia — combined with fresh signs that Trump will drag out the government shutdown indefinitely — should renew our focus on the quiet but critical role that Mitch McConnell has played in enabling the damage that Trump is doing to the country on so many fronts."

What were those scoops?

Sargent wrote, "The New York Times reports that after Trump fired former FBI director James Comey, FBI officials began an investigation into whether he'd been working for Russian interests. The concern was that, in obstructing the FBI's inquiry, Trump might have made it harder to determine what Russia had done during the election — thus helping Russia skirt accountability for an attack on U.S. democracy.

"As the FBI general counsel at the time bluntly put it, a crucial theoretical question was whether 'the president of the United States fired Jim Comey at the behest of Russia,' impairing an effort to determine the scope of a "threat to national security."

"Meanwhile, The Post reports that Trump has gone to great lengths to conceal his private discussions with Russian president Vladimir Putin from even his own advisers. The result: 'there is no detailed record, even in classified files, of Trump's face-to-face interactions with the Russian leader at five locations over the past two years.'"

There was nothing to either story.

They were scoops of **** that the Washington Post and New York Times heartily fed their subscribers.

Meanwhile, NYT reported, "When they won the majority last year, House Democrats promised a barrage of investigations into President Trump and those around him. It now looks more like a continuous bombardment."

The list included:

Possible obstruction of justice and abuse of power by the president

Hush money payments and security clearance irregularities, among others

Russian election interference and other potential foreign influences over President Trump

Tax returns, tax returns, tax returns

Trump’s meetings with Vladimir Putin

Nothing came of any of this. No indictments. No legislation. Not even an impeachment. The impeachments were for silly stuff that happened later.

Times were good. Trump made the economy strong and kept us out of more wars. The press was free to indulge in its dreams of making history.

Now eggs are $8 a dozen at Piggly Wiggly and Putin's invaded Ukraine. Republicans control the House and they are ready to look at Hunter's laptop and into Biden's presidency.

The press is alarmed.

AP wrote, "House Republicans on Wednesday opened their long-promised investigation into President Joe Biden and his family, wielding the power of their new majority to demand information from the Treasury Department and former Twitter executives as they laid the groundwork for public hearings."

Oh no. They are demanding information!



And AP warned the public, "The Republican-led committee sent a series of letters requesting financial information from the Treasury Department about financial transactions by members of the Biden family that were flagged as suspicious activity. Those reports are routine, with larger financial transactions automatically flagged to the government, and are not evidence on their own of misconduct.

"Lawmakers also requested testimony from multiple former Twitter executives who were involved in the company’s handling of an October 2020 story from the New York Post about Hunter Biden, the president’s younger son. Republicans say that story was suppressed for political reasons.

"Moving quickly after taking control of the House, Republicans are setting up a messy, politically explosive showdown with the White House that could delve deeply into the affairs of the president’s family and shape the contours of the 2024 race for the White House."

What word is missing from those three paragraphs?


When AP finally got around to mentioning the ap-lay op-tay, it was in Paragraph 10, when AP said, "GOP investigations into the Biden family are nothing new. Republican lawmakers and their staff have been analyzing messages and financial transactions found on a laptop that belonged to Hunter Biden for the past year."

Nothing new so nothing to see here. Move along.

But for nothing to see, the press sure is providing a big cover over this story.

NYT reported, "With Washington in a state of divided government, newly empowered House Republicans are all but certain to be unable to enact their legislative agenda into law. Instead, they have made it clear that their primary mission in the 118th Congress will be investigating the Biden administration, including inquiries they say could lead to the potential impeachment of President Biden and several cabinet members."

Contrast to that lead I quoted from the story four years earlier, "When they won the majority last year, House Democrats promised a barrage of investigations into President Trump and those around him. It now looks more like a continuous bombardment."

This time the list of investigations are:

The ‘Weaponization’ of Government

Biden Family Businesses

Origins of the Covid Pandemic

China Competitiveness

The Withdrawal From Afghanistan

Border Enforcement

Treatment of Jan. 6 Defendants

This time the press coverage is not on the target of the investigations but the investigations themselves. That is because the press knows the investigations of real events, not imaginary events dreamed up by Hillary's opposition research team that could find nothing worse than Trump saying "****" in a private conversation to Billy Bush in 2005.

The press knows the laptop, the origin of covid and the surrender of Afghanistan are real. They worry that Republicans might actually have something. The press worries that they might actually do something with it.

Play connect the dots with the media. It's quite fun.
BuckyB93 Offline
#1333 Posted:
Joined: 07-16-2004
Posts: 14,289
JGKAMIN wrote:
“Classified documents next to your Corvette? What were you thinking?" Doocy asked.
“I'm going to get the chance to speak on all of this, God willing it'll be soon, but I said earlier this week — and by the way my Corvette is in a locked garage. It's not like it's sitting out in the street," Biden responded.

“ So the documents were in a locked garage," Doocy prompted.

"Yes, as well as my Corvette. But as I said earlier this week, people know I take classified documents and classified material seriously," Biden said. "I also said we're cooperating fully and completely with the Justice Department's review."

The guy can't answer the questions on his own, he has to read from a script (very poorly I might add).
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1334 Posted:
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Remember when the National Archives Office of the Inspector General knew EXACTLY what Trump his office...under lock and key...with Secret Service protection...because all classified documents are numbered?

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Pedo Joe forgot.

Pedo Joe was a VP with NO AUTHORIZATION to reclassify anything! Not even the menu at the Naval Observatory.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1335 Posted:
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Is the Deep State Coming After Joe Biden?

And if so, why now?

The second half of Joe Biden’s presidential term has officially gotten off to an ignominious start.

Earlier in the week, CBS News first broke the story that Biden had been storing classified documents, taken from his previous stint as vice president to Barack Obama, at the Chinese-funded Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement “think tank.” Those classified documents were first identified by Biden’s personal attorneys, CBS reported, on Nov. 2 — a full six days before the midterm elections. Richard Sauber, Biden’s special counsel, claimed that the White House counsel’s office quickly notified the National Archives, which seized the documents posthaste.

That alone would be bad enough for a president who utterly excoriated former President Donald Trump in the aftermath of last August’s unprecedented predawn FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s palatial Palm Beach estate, due to Trump’s own classified document retention scandal. Biden openly wondered to CBS’ 60 Minutes news program weeks after the FBI raid “how anyone could be that irresponsible.”

The galling hypocrisy from the Penn Biden Center incident would have been bad enough. But then, Joe Biden’s week got even worse.

Why was there a leak to CBS News just now, over two months after Biden attorneys discovered the first tranche of classified documents deep in the bowels of a Penn Biden Center office?

Adding insult to injury, on Thursday two separate tranches of additional classified documents from the Obama–Biden administration were found in Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware, personal home. All but one of the documents were found in a storage space in Biden’s garage. That garage was “locked,” the president quickly pointed out in a flippant attempt at de-escalation, and also housed his prized Corvette. One other classified document was found strewn about elsewhere in the house, outside the garage.

Attorney General Merrick Garland responded to the news with the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Biden’s misdeeds. Garland, of course, had done the same for Trump almost two months prior, on Nov. 18. At least from Garland’s perspective, it seems both men are “irresponsible” enough and present sufficiently politically delicate positions so as to require a special counsel.

But obvious similarities — hence, Biden’s egregious hypocrisy stemming from his earlier attempt to seize a moral high ground — in these situations aside, there are some crucial differences. Those differences do not reflect well on the current White House occupant.

By far the most important difference is the constitutional distinction in the statuses of the two men at the center of this two-pronged saga: Donald Trump was president of the United States, while Joe Biden was merely vice president of the United States during the time that he absconded with classified documents.

That distinction may not seem like a big deal, but from a constitutional perspective, it makes all the difference in the world. The president of the United States alone is vested by Article II of the U.S. Constitution with the “executive Power” of the national government. This prosaic textual truism forms the crux of what constitutional lawyers — who, being lawyers, make things seem more complicated than they really are — refer to as “unitary executive theory.” The vice president of the United States, in fact, possesses no more “executive Power” than does a Cabinet official, a White House janitor, or even a reader of this column.

The upshot is that, as this column argued after August’s Mar-a-Lago raid, “Trump had unilateral, plenary authority to declassify any document that he wanted to declassify — period.” Biden possessed no such similar power (he does now, as president). Furthermore, as the same August column argued, “all ex-presidents receive various taxpayer-funded accoutrements, among them a staff with security clearances and secure facilities (SCIFs) for the maintenance of classified records.” Biden, as an ex-vice president and not an ex-president, had no such niceties; he merely had a garage with a lock secure enough for his Corvette. What’s more, the Presidential Records Act also permits departing presidents to take personal copies of any of their records; the statute affords no such similar protection for departing vice presidents.

From a legal perspective, we will see where freshly minted special counsel Robert Hur goes with his investigation. And from a political perspective, the Biden administration’s astounding hypocrisy on this matter will surely face a blowback.

But perhaps the most pressing question is: Why? Why was there a leak to CBS News just now, over two months after Biden attorneys discovered the first tranche of classified documents deep in the bowels of a Penn Biden Center office? Why has there been such a slow, drip-drip, dramatic leaking and reporting of various classified document tranches throughout this whole week?

It is thoroughly unsurprising that the federal law enforcement apparatus and the corporate media buried the news of Biden’s malfeasance on the precipice of the midterm elections. The “Democrat-Media Complex,” as the late Andrew Breitbart called it, demands nothing less than such complicity.

But the timing of the leak from various federal law enforcement actors now, just as Biden is beginning his second year, suggests there is real internal turmoil over at the Democratic National Committee. Perhaps someone at the DNC instructed deep state spooks that now would be a particularly propitious time to leak sordid details to the media. Perhaps someone at the DNC thought that Joe Biden did his job by shepherding his party through the midterms without succumbing to the much-feared “red wave,” but that he is now disposable and should be replaced at the ballot in 2024 by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.). Loath though I am to speculate, it is difficult to think of a sounder explanation as to why, only now, all of this is coming out.

There are many, many open questions here. Here’s hoping Special Counsel Hur can provide some answers.

One thing the article leaves out is that it's Josef Toilette Bidet's own people "finding" all this classified material all over the after Dr.Jill states that her old man is going to run again in 2024?


That set off the bells and whistles to the media quick didn't it?

Et Tu Brute
ZRX1200 Offline
#1336 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,733
If Joe knew what was happening he would be pissed…..
“Nobody F’s with a Biden!”
But his drug cocktail keeps him awake and pliable, lucid isn’t much of an option. Poor doctor Jill is probably real fun to hang out with. Wonder if Michelle has called her to tell her what curtains she wants in there.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1337 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
ZRX1200 wrote:
If Joe knew what was happening he would be pissed…..
“Nobody F’s with a Biden!”
But his drug cocktail keeps him awake and pliable, lucid isn’t much of an option. Poor doctor Jill is probably real fun to hang out with. Wonder if Michelle has called her to tell her what curtains she wants in there.

Heard Big Mike has already contacted Queer Eye for decorating tips. Barry is super excited. So is Gavin!

It's gonna be a sausage fest again in the White House!
RayR Offline
#1338 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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I actually watched this on the TV this morning until my wife said "turn the channel, please!" Ya, it was painful to watch, Joe had to remind the black folk that he was pandering to that Delaware was a slaves state, he heaped praise on the Marxist preacher/wife abuser Warnock who was seated near him and his speech was riddled with the usual Bidenese slogans and platitudes and a bunch of lies.

Joe Biden Lies While at Baptist Church, Claims He Was a Civil Rights Activist and Attended a Black Church as a Teenager (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila
Published January 15, 2023 at 12:10pm

Joe Biden on Sunday visited Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia to deliver remarks honoring Martin Luther King Jr.

Biden lied while he was at church.

Joe Biden claimed he attended a black church as a teenager.

Of course this never happened.

“I used to go to 7:30 mass every morning in high school and then in college, before I went to the Black church. Not a joke,” Biden said.

Biden made this false claim on the campaign trail during the 2020 election but church members cannot recall him attending.

Biden also once again falsely claimed he was a civil rights activist.

“When I started off as a 22-year-old kid on the east side in the civil rights movement,” Biden said.

This is one of Biden’s favorite lies.



#1339 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
Posts: 1,416
A black church? Which black Catholic Church did he attend in Delaware? Wait until his Puerto Rican community finds out!
burning_sticks Offline
#1340 Posted:
Joined: 08-17-2020
Posts: 152
Lying Joe opposed school integration and eulogized a KKK Grand Wizard, that clearly shows he was an active civil rights activist.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1341 Posted:
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burning_sticks wrote:
Lying Joe opposed school integration and eulogized a KKK Grand Wizard, that clearly shows he was an active civil rights activist.

Maybe he was just trying all that to fit in and be hip.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#1342 Posted:
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Biden promised a reckoning when Saudi Arabia crossed him. 3 months later, it is clear he's backed down.

President Joe Biden had pledged to hold Saudi Arabia to account over cutting oil supplies.

It came after Saudi Arabia and Russia cut oil supplies, sparking inflation fears.

But Biden has been notably silent on the issue since, as the nations quietly repair ties.

Back in October, relations between the US and its usually firm ally Saudi Arabia were on the rocks.

In concert with Russia, Saudi Arabia had cut oil production, an economic kick in the shin for the US just in time for the midterm elections.

President Joe Biden vowed in response that unspecified "consequences" would be follow for the Saudis. As relations went into tailspin, officials from the countries exchanged petty insults.

Three months later, Saudi Arabia and its crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, remain unpunished.

Biden has been notably silent on specifically what form his retaliation might take, and has made no moves for proposed Congressional action. US officials told the Wall Street Journal in early January that the threat has been dropped.

Giorgio Cafiero, the CEO of Gulf State analytics, told Insider that the Journal article seemed to match reality.

"The White House's commitment to actions that would make the Saudis face consequences has faded," he said.

One key factor, he noted, is that oil prices did not rocket in response to the Saudi supply cut, despite predictions that they would.

China's economic slowdown as it wrestled with a severe COVID-19 outbreak helped reduce demand and keep a lid on prices.

Cafiero noted a series of other developments he said had focused minds in both the US and Saudi Arabia on common interests. The most significant, he said, is the threat posed by Iran.

Iran has rejected Biden administration attempts to revive the 2012 nuclear deal to limit its ability to develop its own warheads.

The Islamic Republic has also strengthened its military ties with Russia, providing exploding drones that have been used in waves of attacks against civilian targets in Ukraine, a US ally. And Iranian proxies continue to wage war against Saudi Arabian-backed forces in the long and costly conflict in Yemen.

There are concerns among US and Saudi officials that riots in Iran that have rocked the regime could lead it escalate external conflicts as a distraction, said Cafiero.

"The situation in Iran is relevant here as both the US and Saudi Arabia have concerns about Tehran trying to regionalize its internal unrest in ways that could entail lashing out in nearby countries," he said.

In November, the US scrambled jets amid reports that Iran was preparing to launch missiles at Saudi Arabia, a move credited with helping deter the aggression.

And the US has continued to provide broader security assistance for the Saudis, last year approving $5 billion in arms sales.

Officials from the US and Saudi Arabia told the The Journal that the countries were cooperating on sensitive intelligence and military projects aimed at containing Tehran.

Tensions between the US and Saudi Arabia remain, with Riyadh's bid to build stronger ties with US rivals China and Russia likely to be a continued sticking point. Crown Prince Mohammed's ruthless suppression of domestic dissent is another issue which could cause a rift.

But for now, shared interests prevail.

"Those shared concerns serve to reinforce to team Biden the importance of Washington's partnership with the Kingdom," said Cafiero.

Then let China just swoop in and take away a Middle East ally after the last administration helped usher in a new peace accord that was working. Jordan, Israel and Saudi Arabia were all on the same side as the US against Iran. China and Russia include and use Iran like little Rocketman. Agitators and deterrers of any kind of peace.

WTG DNC! Add this to the unsurmountable list of failures from Josef Toilette Bidet Jr.!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1343 Posted:
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Posts: 55,735
Happy MLK Day!

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

Biden forgets name of MLK’s daughter-in-law while singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to her

President Biden forgot the name of Martin Luther King Jr.’s daughter-in-law Monday while singing “Happy Birthday” on the federal holiday honoring the late civil rights icon.

The mortifying moment meant to honor 49-year-old Arndrea Waters King came as the 80-year-old president spoke at an event organized by Al Sharpton’s National Action Network and co-chaired by Martin Luther King III, 65, and his wife.

“Martin the Third, we celebrate a legacy of your beloved father and mother. They worked for the beloved community. But congratulations today to the honorees including your wife, who I understand it’s her birthday today?” Biden said.

“Well look, my wife has a rule in her family, when it’s someone’s birthday, you sing ‘Happy Birthday.’ You ready?” the president went on before launching into song.

Biden’s eyes appeared to search out the woman’s name on his teleprompters midway through the tune in front of hundreds of guests at Washington’s historic Mayflower Hotel.

“Happy birthday, dear Valz-dvit,” Biden ultimately uttered.

Members of the King family appeared to laugh and shake their heads at the awkward moment.

Biden attempted to bail himself out by adding to his middle-aged honoree, “Well, it’s hell turning 30. But you have to put up with it.”

Biden is the oldest-ever president and his mental acuity frequently is a matter of public debate, though his defenders say he’s just prone to gaffes and a stutter.

In September, the president stunned viewers by asking “Where’s Jackie?” as he looked for the late Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.), despite publicly mourning her death and even calling her family to offer his condolences in August. 

Biden has mistakenly referred to his vice president, Kamala Harris, as “President Harris” on at least six occasions — most recently on Jan. 5.

Biden says he intends to run for a second term in 2024. He would be 86 years old if he completes a full second term in January 2029.

I really wish he was alive today to tell us what he thought of this miscreant's character.
ZRX1200 Offline
#1344 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,733
Well she should thank her lucky stars she isn’t in a wheelchair, Sniffy Joe would have told her to stand up….
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1345 Posted:
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Background Check Form Claims Hunter Biden Paid $50,000 a Month in Rent for Biden Home Where Classified Docs Were Stored

On Monday, classified documents from his time as vice president were found in President Joe Biden’s private office at UPenn.

Days later, more classified documents were found stashed in Biden’s garage next to the president’s corvette at his Delaware home which triggered Attorney General Merrick Garland to appoint a special counsel.

“Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed a special counsel to take over the investigation into President Joe Biden’s potential mishandling of classified documents,” CNN reported. “The special counsel is Robert Hur.”

There seems to be however, that more is going on than what meets the eye.

According to a “Background Screening Request” form that was filled out by Hunter Biden in 2018, the president’s son claimed he owned the Delaware residence where the classified documents were found.

“The now-52-year-old began listing the Wilmington home as his address following his 2017 divorce from ex-wife Kathleen Buhle — even falsely claiming he owned the property on a July 2018 background check form as part of a rental application,” the New York Post reported.

On the “Monthly Rent” portion of the form, Hunter Biden claimed he paid $49,910 in rent each month.

Town and Country magazine estimates the Delaware home is worth about $2 million which would suggest that if Hunter Biden is truly paying nearly $600,000 a year in rent, he is overpaying by a lot.

“In 2018 Hunter Biden claimed he owned the house where Joe Biden kept classified documents alongside his Corvette in the garage ,” reported journalist Miranda Devine.

Was this Hunter Biden’s way of funneling the money he earned with his father’s political connections back to his father?

After Hunter’s divorce was finalized in May of 2017, he was included in an email from his business partner James Gilliar about a venture with Chinese state-funded energy company CEFC China Energy. The email stated that Hunter and his partners would receive 20% of the shares in the new business, with 10% going to Hunter’s uncle James Biden and the other 10% being “held by H for the big guy.”

Tony Bobulinski, another one of Hunter’s former business partners, claims that he had a meeting with Joe Biden regarding the CEFC venture on May 2, 2017, and that the president was the individual referred to as the “big guy” in Gilliar’s email. Additionally, Gilliar himself confirmed that Joe Biden was the “big guy” mentioned in a message found on the laptop.

The New York Post reports: “The following year, federal investigators began looking into whether Hunter and his business associates violated tax and money laundering laws during their dealings in China and other countries. Emails and other records related to the deals were found on the laptop, which Hunter dropped off at a Delaware repair shop in 2019 and never reclaimed.”

According to text messages found on Hunter Biden’s laptop, the president’s son was on the hook for 50% of family expenses. How did Hunter Biden get this money back to his father?

“I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” a furious Hunter Biden said to his daughter Naomi in January of 2019. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

The New York Post continues:

The laptop doesn’t contain any direct evidence of such money transfers but shows Hunter was routinely on the hook for household expenses — including repairs to the Wilmington home.

In December 2020, weeks after his father was elected president, Hunter Biden announced that his “tax affairs” were being investigated by federal authorities in Delaware, and said he was “confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately.”

Recent reports have indicated investigators believe they have enough evidence to charge the first son with tax crimes — as well as with lying about his drug abuse on a federal form so he could buy a gun in 2018.

50K a month...for a 2 Mil home...Think Why that seems like it would be paid off really fast. Why not just buy your own home if you had access to 50K a month. BECAUSE THIS IS HOW THE BRIBES WERE PAID!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1346 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Poszar Was Right: Saudis Confirm Non-Dollar Oil Trade Plans In Davos

Earlier this month, former NY Fed repo guru Zoltan Pozsar wrote one of his most important reports of 2022, in which he described how Putin could unleash hell on the Western financial system by demanding that instead of dollars, Russian oil exporters are paid in gold, effectively pegging oil to gold and launching Petrogold.

Then, China's President Xi visit with Saudi and GCC leaders marked the birth of the petroyuan and a leap in China’s growing encumbrance of OPEC+’s oil and gas reserves: that's because with the China-GCC Summit, "China can now claim to have built a 'special relationship' not only with the '+' sign in OPEC+ (Russia), but with Iran and all of OPEC+."

At the time, Zoltan urged the reader to think of the timing of this statement in a diplomatic sense:

"President Xi communicated his message on “renminbi invoicing” not during the first day of his visit – when he met only the Saudi leadership – but during the second day of his visit – when he met the leadership of all the GCC countries – to signal the following:

GCC oil flowing East + renminbi invoicing = the dawn of the petroyuan."

And now, according to Bloomberg, Saudi Arabia is open to discussions about trade in currencies other than the US dollar, according to the kingdom’s finance minister.

“There are no issues with discussing how we settle our trade arrangements, whether it is in the US dollar, whether it is the euro, whether it is the Saudi riyal,” Mohammed Al-Jadaan told Bloomberg TV on Tuesday in an interview in Davos.

“I don’t think we are waving away or ruling out any discussion that will help improve the trade around the world,” Al-Jadaan said.

And echoing Poszar's comments above, Al-Jadaan appeared to confirm The Kingdom's goal seeking to strengthen its relationship with crucial trade partners, most notably China:

“We enjoy a very strategic relationship with China and we enjoy that same strategic relationship with other nations including the US and we want to develop that with Europe and other countries who are willing and able to work with us,” Al-Jadaan said.

Saudi Arabia is also working with multilateral institutions to provide support to Pakistan, Turkey and Egypt, as part of the kingdom’s largesse to nations it deems “vulnerable,” Al-Jadaan said.

“We are providing even oil and derivatives to support their energy needs,” Al Jadaan said.

“So there is a lot of efforts, but we wanted this to be conducted.”

Watch the full interview below:

It doesn't sound like the Biden administration is high up in The Kingdom's strategic planning; and given the comments from The Kingdom's FinMin, Zoltan's ominous warning appears ever closer to reality: "dusk for the petrodollar… and dawn for the petroyuan."

Just like that Pedo Joe spurned an ally into an enemy and cratered the US dollar for his "Green" stupidity.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1347 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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LOLZ...those pics with Hunter driving said Corvette...EPIC! Secure means giving crackheads access to not only the property but everything under the roof too!

Hunter Biden Lived In Classified Doc House While Raking In Millions Through Chinese Intelligence Ties

National security concerns over Joe Biden's classified document scandal just got worse, as two reports have emerged which place Hunter Biden at the Bidens' Wilmington, Delaware residence while he was raking in millions of dollars from CCP-linked business dealings.

First, Seamus Bruner (researcher for legendary bombshell-dropper Peter Schweizer), reports via Breitbart News, that "While addicted to drugs, cavorting with prostitutes, and making deals with businessmen tied to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence, Hunter Biden lived in the house where Joe Biden stored classified documents."

While filling out a background check, Hunter made a crackhead error and listed his 'rent' as $49,910 - when in fact that's the amount of the security deposit and 6 months of rent for prime office space at the prestigious House of Sweden in Washington DC. What's most interesting, however, is that the dates Hunter listed as living at the Wilmington, DE residence - as claimed on other documents and financial statements - overlap with the period in which multiple Biden family members were taking money from foreign businessmen with connections at the highest levels of Chinese state intelligence services through energy company CEFC. As Bruner further notes, CNN described CEFC as a state-directed entity in 2018.

CEFC, and at least four of its executives and associates - Ye Jianming, Patrick Ho, Gongwen Dong and Jiaqi Bao, have been linked to the CCP and its military intelligence apparatus. In one case, Hunter described Patrick Ho as "the **** spy chief of China."
CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming (Photo: CEFC)

More via Breitbart,

By early 2017, Hunter was directly corresponding with CEFC personnel and flew to Miami in February of that year to meet with CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming. During this trip, Ye Jianming gave Hunter a 3.16 carat diamond valued at approximately $80,000..

When Hunter’s ex-wife discovered that he had obtained something of such immense value, she had her divorce attorney send an “Urgent” email seeking to determine the whereabouts of the diamond and secure the asset before Hunter could “dissipate” it. Hunter’s attorney offered a shady denial:

"There is no diamond in Hunter’s possession. I don’t know where Kathleen is getting access to this information, but on this score, what your email purports below is inaccurate."

Metadata gleaned from photos of the diamond on the abandoned laptop indicate that Hunter lied about not having the diamond and he in fact had the diamond with him in Wilmington. The current location of the 3.16 carat diamond remains unknown

After the fateful February 2017 meeting with Ye, and around the time Hunter claimed to have moved into the Wilmington house where classified documents were found, the Bidens’ business with CEFC exploded.

Nine days after Miami meeting, Hunter received two separate wire transfers of $3 million which the Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network flagged as suspicious.

We encourage you to read the rest of the Breitbart report here, as it goes into extensive detail.

Second, the Washington Free Beacon reports that photos from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop place him at the Wilmington House in July, 2017. Of note, the classified documents were reportedly brought to the house in January of that year.

The photos 'are the most concrete evidence to date' that Hunter - who was actively negotiating a deal with a CCP-linked Chinese energy company - had access to areas of his father's home where classified documents were stored.

A Washington Free Beacon review of the laptop found four 2017 photographs of Hunter Biden, clad in a white collared shirt and a camouflage baseball cap, behind the wheel of his father's 1967 Corvette Stingray. GPS metadata embedded in the photos indicate they were taken within a minute of each other at 6:49 p.m. on July 30 of that year, just outside the president's Wilmington, Del., residence. The photos show Hunter Biden posing in the vehicle beside two young girls. One appears to be his then-12-year-old niece, Natalie Biden. The other could not be identified.

Former Secret Service agent and certified cyber forensics expert, Konstantinos Gus Dimitrelos, analyzed the photos and confirmed their authenticity.

"If requested, I will testify the photographs are genuine and were taken on July 30, 2017," he told the Free Beacon.

And as the Beacon further reports - corroborating Breitbart's reporting, "At the time the photos were taken, Hunter Biden was negotiating a lucrative business deal with the now-defunct Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC, which was closely tied to the Chinese government. Biden's former business partner Tony Bobulinski claimed to have met with Joe Biden in person in early May 2017—less than three months before Hunter Biden was pictured taking the wheel of his father's prized vehicle—to discuss the Biden family's Chinese business dealings."

In total, CEFC paid Hunter Biden $6 million in legal and consulting fees in 2017 and 2018.

And of course, the same media which suggested the Trumps were Russian operatives based on a hoax - are virtually silent at actual risks to national security posed by the Biden family.

But Trump's it...yeah...sure...uh go Sunshine.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1348 Posted:
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Merrick Garland kept FBI out of Biden document search

The Biden documents story is a doozy.

Not because it happened. As I said yesterday, I think both the Trump and Biden classified document stories are nothingburgers. Maybe they shouldn’t be, but if either man wanted to compromise national security, they could do it without the aid of stolen documents. Both are egotistical careless men who, due to their positions, can get away with stuff like this.

So it goes.

But the Biden documents story does huge political damage to the BS charges they were trying to get Trump on, and as such it is a huge embarrassment to Team Democrat. The hypocrisy is glaringly obvious and impossible to ignore, however much MSNBC and the Democrats want you to.

And the hypocrisy gets worse by the minute. As reported by the Wall Street Journal, while the FBI sent dozens of armed agents to raid Mar a Lago, apparently AG Garland decided to send not a one to help search for documents at any of the locations Biden was stashing his.

And yes, it was a decision. They considered it, but somehow decided that sending actual law enforcement agents to oversee the search would “compromise” the investigation

Uh, what? How, exactly? Normally you would think the opposite, right? Best to have a law enforcement guy there for chain of custody. If a crime is being investigated, you don’t usually ask the guy being investigated (or his lawyers) to pull a “scouts’ honor” maneuver.

WASHINGTON—The Justice Department considered having FBI agents monitor a search by President Biden’s lawyers for classified documents at his homes but decided against it, both to avoid complicating later stages of the investigation and because Mr. Biden’s attorneys had quickly turned over a first batch and were cooperating, according to people familiar with the matter.

After Mr. Biden’s lawyers discovered documents marked as classified dating from his term as vice president at an office he used at a Washington-based think tank on Nov. 2, the Justice Department opened an inquiry into why and how they got there. Mr. Biden’s legal team prepared to search his other properties for any similar documents, and discussed with the Justice Department the prospect of having FBI agents present while Mr. Biden’s lawyers conducted the additional searches.

Instead, the two sides agreed that Mr. Biden’s personal attorneys would inspect the homes, notify the Justice Department as soon as they identified any other potentially classified records, and arrange for law-enforcement authorities to take them. 

Those deliberations, which haven’t previously been reported, shed new light on how the Biden team’s efforts to cooperate with investigators have thus far helped it avoid more aggressive actions by law enforcement.

Wow, that last paragraph is a doozy. That is quite a leap. A normal person would just look at that and assume that the Biden team got such cushy treatment because Biden is Garland’s boss. But no, it was because Garland was just impressed at how transparent the Biden team was so, ah shucks, why not trust them?

Mr. Trump’s supporters have accused the Justice Department of a double standard in treatment; Mr. Biden’s supporters have pointed to the president’s legal team’s cooperation and swift moves to inform the Justice Department of the documents’ discovery as a key difference. Mr. Biden has said he doesn’t know what the documents are or how they wound up at his office at the Penn Biden Center or his Delaware home. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who was director of the Washington think tank from 2017 to 2019, told reporters on Tuesday that he was unaware that government documents had been stored there.

Now of course Democrats in this orbit do have a long track record of taking good care of classified documents. Hillary Clinton, for instance, had Blinken’s job during the Obama Administration and was famously careful with classified records, and famously cooperative with investigators. So with a track record like this from Obama Administration alums it is easy to see why the FBI would have no interest in ensuring that everything was on the up and up, and that nobody was vetting the documents to ensure that nothing untoward happened to anything embarrassing.

The discussions and the Justice Department’s willingness to let the Biden lawyers do the searches unsupervised also suggest federal investigators are girding for a monthslong inquiry that could stretch well into Mr. Biden’s third year in office.

One reason not to involve the FBI at an early stage: That way the Justice Department would preserve the ability to take a tougher line, including executing a future search warrant, if negotiations ever turned hostile, current and former law-enforcement officials said

How can you read that without laughing out loud? We won’t involve the FBI now so we can…involve them later if we want to? Yeah, no. Not even remotely plausible. Doesn’t even make a lick of sense. “We are protecting the integrity of the case by allowing the investigated to run it” is something you rarely hear from FBI agents, I think. This was about not pissing off the boss, period.

Look, I have no real idea what is going on behind the scenes here, but the spin being put out here is beyond laughable.

Somebody wants to embarrass Biden, so this leaks after being withheld for months or longer. Others want to protect Biden, so they soft pedal it all. I am getting whiplash, trying to make sense of it all, and I almost feel bad for the folks at MSNBC who were luxuriating in their Trump bashing. They just lost their shiny new toy over this. The documents scandal for Trump is done, however much they pretend it isn’t.

All this maneuvering makes me long for the days of the Borgias, when political assassinations were done with daggers and poison, not leaks and scandals. It was cleaner and quicker. Now we get 3rd rate partisans leaking stuff and sending (or not) FBI agents to do performative raids over petty stuff.

It is exhausting. Maybe we should just bring back dueling?

Gavin Newsom and Joe Biden. Pistols at dawn. to admit now that the "Free Press" and our judicial system has had double standards for quite some time?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1349 Posted:
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Then reverse the decision and DRILL BABY DRILL!

The Biden Administration Finally Admits Its Mistake In Canceling The Keystone XL Pipeline

At long last, the Biden administration is admitting what experts have always known: reckless energy policies have disastrous consequences. This time, the Department of Energy quietly released a report highlighting the positive economic benefits of developing the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, an energy project canceled by President Biden in the hours following his inauguration.

But the DOE’s report is a proverbial day late and a dollar short. The cancelation of the Keystone XL pipeline has already cost the United States thousands of jobs and billions in economic growth while families suffer under the weight of record high energy prices. It’s time for lawmakers to make American energy independence a top priority.

Released without a formal announcement, the DOE’s report points out that the pipeline would have created between 16,149 and 59,000 jobs and would have had an economic benefit of between $3.4 and 9.6 billion. That’s no small impact. Yet with one stroke of his pen, Biden slashed the project and instead focused his efforts on costly “green energy” goals. As a result of his executive action, 11,000 pipeline workers were promptly laid off and told to “go to work to make solar panels” instead.

But Biden’s green energy efforts are bound to backfire sooner rather than later. That’s because today, more than 70 percent of the energy produced and consumed in America comes from oil, gas and coal. That’s not likely to substantially change anytime soon. In fact, the International Energy Agency predicts that oil’s share of energy production in the United States will only fall 8 percent in the next two decades, from 31 to 23 percent. And that’s assuming a sustained commitment to green energy policies. The forecast spells bad news for the Biden White House. At his political peril, Biden ignores the lessons of Presidents Jimmy Carter and George H. W. Bush, who both lost elections due to spiked oil prices and accompanying recessions.

Two years into sowing its Green New Deal policies, the administration is reaping a bitter harvest. Due to Biden’s folly, oil, natural gas and electricity prices have more than doubled in just a single year. Meanwhile, more than 28 percent of Americans abstained from purchasing food or medicine to pay an energy bill in 2021. And now, the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act includes wind and solar spending that will cost Americans $369 billion.

If the president and his Democratic allies in Congress refuse to heed lessons from the past, they have a rare opportunity to view an even more desperate future of what will certainly come to pass by staying on the same irresponsible course.

Conditions in Europe serve as a timely warning of that future. European leaders are years ahead of the United States in their quest towards achieving a green utopia, but they’ve seen little success. In Germany, the situation has gotten so desperate that candle sales are skyrocketing as families anticipate power outages in the dead of winter. Some German villages are being ploughed over to make way for digging brown coal, a step necessitated by Germany’s misguided overcommitment to wind and solar power. These desperate measures might help but are insufficient to protect the vulnerable.

Europe’s obsession with green energy and overreliance on Russian gas have resulted in energy cost increases so severe that 147,000 more people are projected to die this winter from cold-related illness than if electricity prices had remained at the 2015-2019 average.

Despite this, in Finland, electric car owners are being told not to warm up their vehicles on cold mornings to avoid putting unnecessary strain on the nation’s failing electricity grid. The United Kingdom takes the prize for dystopian power-saving measures, where families are being bribed to sit in the dark in exchange for electric bill savings and other prizes. If the United States follows in Europe’s green footsteps, it risks ushering in a similarly dark, cold and dismal existence.

American families deserve better. The problem is that the Biden administration is waging unrelenting war on energy producers and sabotaging American energy production in pursuit of a green energy pipedream. Our nation has the resources and the technology to produce energy for all our needs. Lawmakers must recommit themselves to the goal of an abundant energy future that brings prosperity and fuels dreams in America’s communities.

Prez Josef Toilette Bidet Jr is a complete idiot and everyone knew it. Lefty voted for him because he wasn't Trump. Under Trump the world was safer and our economy was chugging like a locomotive downhill...until Deep State decided it had to jump that train...then Fauci released his bio-weapon on the planet. The presstitutes did their job and made sure ol Pedo Joe's campaign from the basement was a great way to control him all the way into the theft that was. Lefty tried to claim foul and chanted "INSURRECTION", however...anyone with a functioning brain KNEW it was all an inside job. Lefty still won't concede the theft. Lefty wants the economy to crater and put people out of work and on the street. Lefty wants total domination over everyone and wants to use the CCP model to lord over what you see, do and eat.

Even with Bidet's change of mind (which handler leaked this????) he still won't reverse course. Lefty was fooled and took America down with them.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1350 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Biden's Defenders Are Running out of Excuses for His Criminality

On Saturday, we learned that yet another batch of classified documents was found at Joe Biden’s Wilmington, DE home. This time, in what can only be called a serious escalation, the DOJ was conducting the search, and the discoveries made blew the scandal wide open.

Far from the initial excuse offered by the White House that some briefings had just accidentally gotten swept up in the packing process of Biden’s vice presidential office, this newest find contained classified documents from his senatorial days. As I explained in my write-up on that revelation, it is improbable to accidentally take classified information as a senator because of the security protocols, which logically means Biden had to have known what he took and why he took it.

Early on in the scandal, I commented that every person going out on a limb to defend Biden would eventually have it sawed off out from under them. That’s happened multiple times at this point with the slow-roll of documents being found coupled with the White House’s purposeful obfuscation of the timeline. These latest developments have the left running out of ways to move the goalposts, though.

For example, some are still trying to draw a distinction that Biden is in the clear because he’s supposedly cooperating, whatever that means given he illegally possessed these documents for years, and in regard to some of them, decades.

To recap, Biden’s defenders started by asserting that this was all no big deal because it was just one trove of documents that were inadvertently packed up as he left the Obama administration behind. Then, after a second set of documents was found in the president’s garage, they assured everyone that it was fine because he was cooperating and being transparent.

Of course, that wasn’t true. To the extent that cooperation was happening, it was because Biden no longer had a choice, and as to transparency, there was none. The administration covered up the timeline until the DOJ revealed that the second set of documents was found in December. That means that Karine Jean-Pierre and other Biden surrogates dishonestly framed the first set of documents as a one-off knowing there were more. By the time the special counsel was appointed, things took a darker turn, with the White House becoming increasingly combative.

Now, with a fifth trove of documents being discovered, this time by the DOJ itself, claims that Biden was unaware he had all this stuff no longer make any sense, and that’s left his defenders nowhere else to go. That’s why they are now spouting these silly, meaningless qualifications about Biden consenting to the search. Who knew that if a criminal doesn’t obstruct his own investigation after being caught, the crime simply ceases to exist? That’s where we are in the line of ridiculous excuses being offered.

No matter how much the left asserts otherwise, the fact is that Biden violated the law. To the extent that Trump possibly did so in a different way (though, he has the legal case to make that he declassified the documents he possessed, a power Biden did not have) is irrelevant. The standard of the law is not “but the orange man.” Cooperation after the fact does not make a crime disappear. If it does in this case, then the fix was simply in.

Sure could go for some mean tweets about now...not like it was ever any problem to begin with. Matter of fact, it was a source of enjoyment for me. Watching wokies melt...while it really does reek of weed ad was a victory of sorts. Watching reality steamroll feelings...smelled like...victory.
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