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Last post 2 days ago by DrMaddVibe. 1819 replies replies.
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Presidentin' Is...The Thing...You Know...The Thing!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#551 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Democrats Prepare To Dump Joe Biden Now That He’s Served His Purpose

Just a year after a record 81 million Americans voted for Joe Biden, they’re now being told it didn’t work out.

When The New York Times begins publishing op-eds saying Joe Biden should not run again, and that he should announce it soon, then the gig is officially up. Biden is a lame duck. Perhaps someone should tell him.

Columnist Bret Stephens is right to note that the president would be 86 years old at the time of the next election cycle, and that he now “seems … uneven. Often cogent, but sometimes alarmingly incoherent.” More simply, Joe is old and tottering—and he’s unpopular to a startling degree.

As Stephens notes, even passage of a multi-trillion-dollar “infrastructure” spending bill didn’t boost his numbers much. He suggests the president liberate his party by freeing new (and younger) candidates to begin exploring a path to the presidency.

Sure, the question of Joe’s future “need(s) to be discussed candidly, not just whispered constantly.” At the same time, can we also ask the other obvious question candidly?

Why did the media cover for an elderly septuagenarian with clear age-related issues, thrusting him into a job he was never truly capable of holding—and subjecting the nation to a dangerous period without a strong leader? It’s fine to have a mea culpa moment, and truth delivered late is better than truth denied forever, but as the nation stumbles along with a puppet president there should be some accountability.

Just a year after a record 81 million Americans voted for Biden, they’re now being told it didn’t work out. Sorry. It’s coming within the timeframe of the traditional presidential “honeymoon,” that brief period presidents are normally at their zenith of political power and brimming to pass a bold agenda.

Perhaps we should give the public some adjustment time to avoid whiplash from this quick pivot. After all, it wasn’t long ago that the Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin was telling them Biden was completely fit for duty, someone who “with his aviator sunglasses (plus his promotion of exercise during the Obama administration), projects vitality and energy.”

Just more than a month before the election last year, a Forbes article claimed Trump and Biden might be “super agers” who would be expected to significantly outlive other men their age. Trump’s activity on the campaign trail perhaps warranted that description, but Biden not so much. He spent more days underground than Punxsutawney Phil and showed frequent difficulty with coherency on the campaign trail, from trying to describe COVID losses “for the past hundred years” to quoting “you know, the thing.”

Days after Biden’s election victory last year, Matt Viser of the Washington Post tweeted that “Joe Biden would often jog onto stage, showing how physically vigorous he is and attempting to dispel questions about his age. Now that he’s the oldest president-elect in American history, that doesn’t change.”
Has it changed now, Matt?

The truth is that establishment Democrats wanted Joe, and they selected him, despite his age and numerous warning signs regarding his mental acuity. He was the blank canvas on which anything could be written, and he could be sold as a “moderate.”

As Bernie Sanders surged in the polls in early 2020 with 45 delegates after the first three primaries and Joe languished in a distant third place with 15, the party took control. Rep. Jim Clyburn stepped in and delivered an influential endorsement in South Carolina that pushed African-American support to Biden’s campaign, propelling him to victory. Stories immediately appeared claiming Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Pete Buttigieg had “no realistic path to the nomination.”

Despite trailing early in fundraising behind the well-organized Sanders fundraising machine, the Democrat establishment pivoted to push donations to Biden. As the NYT admitted in an article at the time, “The elite world of billionaires and multimillionaires has remained a critical cog in the Biden money machine.” Bernie’s small-dollar donors were no match for the large bundles of corporate and PAC cash.

With a lot of help from a sycophantic media, Biden was elected president of the United States, without serious inquiry regarding his physical and mental abilities. Now, suddenly, it’s time to plan Joe’s exit before the new Oval Office carpet has fully settled in place?

We should note that it wasn’t Joe stumbling up the stairs of Air Force One that troubled Democrats into questioning Joe’s fitness. They didn’t question his stability when he at times spoke gibberish. They didn’t seem worried when his physical exam failed to report on his cognitive ability.

No, his collapse in the polls is why Joe is suddenly being challenged on the question of running again, and despite Chuck Todd’s protestations, it can’t be blamed on Trump.

It turns out that the public is a bit smarter than Democrats guessed. Reading prepared speeches from a teleprompter is not a substitute for leadership. Neither is putting one’s head down on the presidential podium like a child in the face of tough questions about a military failure in Afghanistan. The blame game can only get a president so far.

After voters finish expressing ire at the press for being misled about Biden’s abilities, perhaps they will turn and express sympathy for the old man who so desperately wanted the job. Having run twice before, the party eventually picked him, but not before the gas had run out of his tank.

Joe may have always been a politician, but the man behind the podium now is not the same as the one who ran in 2008, and certainly not the man who ran in 1988. Stripped of his dignity, he has become a caricature of a president, adorned with all of the symbols of the office, but lacking the substance necessary to perform.

Every Trump voter can still name his key issues: closing the border, beating China, restoring American jobs, making America energy independent, and above all, to “Make America Great Again.” Less than a year into his presidency, it’s hard to recall Biden standing strongly for anything in particular, having served more as an official signer of policy goals for leftist special interest groups than for his own agenda.

The truth is that even as his campaign wobbled toward the finish line last year, they were still struggling to coin a definitive slogan. That few can remember the eventual decision speaks to the vacuousness of this man and this presidency.

Joe is in the process of sinking not only himself but also his party in the upcoming midterms and possibly the 2024 election, so the door to retirement is being planned. Perhaps Democrats will at least give him the courtesy of a final national address, a chance to read from the presidential teleprompter one final time. At the end, he can sign off blissfully with, “Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America … end of message.”

The part of Shrek tonight will be played by the DNC and the lovable Donkey will be played by Joseph Stalin, er Joe "Plugs" Brandon. Enjoy.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#552 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735

"Terrible!": CNN Turns On Biden, Highlights Horrendous Economic Polling While Making Jimmy Carter Comparisons

CNN on Thursday spent an entire segment bashing President Biden after a poll revealed that his economic ratings are 'worse than Jimmy Carter's.'

"Just how bad is it?" host John Berman asked senior data reporter Harry Enten.

"Terrible," Enten replied, before pointing to Biden's net approval rating.

"Look at Joe Biden in 2021. Minus 15 points. He's well under water. That is even lower than Jimmy Carter was in a CBS News / NYT poll at the beginning of January, 1978 when he was minus 8 points."

"When it comes to the economy, there is pretty much nothing good that can be said about Joe Biden's numbers, when it comes to the American public."

RayR Offline
#553 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
That's funny.
CNN's ratings are so far in the dumps that they turn on their anointed one, Biden whose ratings are also far in the dumps.
ZRX1200 Offline
#554 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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DrMaddVibe Offline
#555 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Wheels are off the Chinese clown car and not even a full year of the mess, the very same presstitutes that let him hunker in his basement while they bury news stories of real corruption, Quid pro quos and other assorted nastiness turn the knives on their own Julius Caesar.
bgz Offline
#556 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
Oooo... I actually like your word choices for that passage... such drama, such suspense.

I actually pictured Pelosi stabbing Sleepy Joe in the back in kind of a Beavis and Butthead style caricature.

Brewha Offline
#557 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,256
It was “…full of sound and fury”.
tonygraz Offline
#558 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
Posts: 20,374
should have put another r in fury.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#559 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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And the clowns don't like it when their news sources bad mouth the Big Guy.

'Biden Seems Confused': CNN Openly Questions President's Cognitive Health After Yet Another Slip Up

A CNN correspondent noted how Joe Biden appeared “confused” throughout an entire interview as he repeatedly mistook COVID home tests for anti-viral pills.

The comment was made in reference to Biden’s 20 minute interview with ABC’s David Muir, during which the president attempted to defend his response to the pandemic and complaints that people in New York were waiting in line for five hours to receive a COVID test.

Biden repeatedly referred to the 500 million at-home tests that had been ordered as “pills,” confusing them with a new Pfizer drug, which was federally approved on the same day.

“Repeatedly throughout this interview – President Biden seems confused and was confusing the half a billion tests that they’ve ordered with a half a billion pills,” said Jeff Zeleny, CNN’s chief national affairs correspondent.

“Of course, pills were in the news today with the Pfizer approval of the anti-viral, so he corrected himself, but that was one thing that stuck out to me,” he added.

In the interview on Wednesday, Biden was asked how the administration had failed to see Omicron coming, and laughed.

"How did we get it wrong?" the president responded.

"Nobody saw it coming. Nobody in the whole world. Who saw it coming?"

In a rare instance of CNN criticizing Biden, Zeleny accused the president of “not accepting any responsibility” for the lack of testing.

“We’ve seen these images across the country, long lines, just the inability to get tests,” said the reporter.

“And yes, Omicron came on very quickly here, but it has been almost a month since Thanksgiving where they knew this was coming.”

“So he said he wishes he could have acted faster, and then explains why he didn’t.”

Many people have questioned whether Biden is in any fit mental state to run for president again in 2024, never mind remain in office until 2028, at which point he will be 86-years-old.

Last month we highlighted the comments of Congressman Ronny Jackson, who was the former White House physician under President Obama and President Trump, regarding Biden’s cognitive state.

“Over 50% of this country does not believe he’s cognitively fit to be our Commander in Chief and our head of state,” said Jackson, adding, “If anyone needs a cognitive test, it’s this president.”

Bu....buh...But it sounded so much meaner when FoxNews said the stuff that makes us mad. Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan
DrMaddVibe Offline
#560 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
"I think we lost him"

The look Dr. Jill makes as she knows her idiot vegetable husband just f'd up = PRICELESS!



DrMaddVibe Offline
#561 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
CNN, not the only presstitute organization to stab the President in the back...Here comes PBS & NPR!!!

Biden’s Approval Ratings Plummet Among Hispanics: PBS Poll
According to a PBS poll, at least 65% of Hispanics expressed disapproval of the Biden-Harris administration

Biden’s approval rating during his term continues to fall. A PBS / NPR / Marist poll released Monday showed that the Democratic president’s popularity is significantly lower among Hispanics than among whites.

According to the study, at least 65% of Hispanics expressed their disapproval of the Biden-Harris administration. Meanwhile, 33% approved of the policies promoted by the Democratic administration.

In the case of whites, disapproval stood at 56%, showing a difference of 9% with respect to the data among Hispanics.
Approval of Joe Biden is significantly lower among Hispanics than among whites.

Overall, more than half of Americans disapprove of Biden’s performance, at 55%. While 44% strongly disapprove. The pollster noted that Biden’s disapproval ratings have risen 20 points since he took office, reaching a record high this month.

Joe Biden’s approval threatened by his policies

“Biden is likely feeling the heat over a trifecta of concerns troubling Americans this holiday season, according to Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute of Public Opinion” So explained PBS in a report on the study.

Furthermore, it added, “those fears include rising prices as inflation nears a 40-year high, the omicron variant threatening to compound the latest surge of coronavirus cases, and Biden’s legislative agenda stalling in Congress.”

It would barely make a blip on the radar if it were the regular Bozo nose bopping the Big Guy stories from the usual suspects. Here we have newcomers in the corral willing to, dare I their job and actually report some facts?


The flood gates are opening and the sewage from the DNC is gonna pour out.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#562 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!

Biden’s Praetorian Guard? The Ashley Biden Investigation Raises New Questions Over the Use of the FBI

Below is my column in The Hill on the continued FBI investigation into the loss of Ashley Biden’s diary. The use of the FBI in the case raises, again, the question of whether federal officials are being used to address a family scandal.

Here is the column:

With smash and grabs raging across the country, prosecutors have struggled to assure the public that they are cracking down on the crime wave and using every possible means to deter the organized thefts. One group notably missing in this effort has been the federal prosecutors.

While Attorney General Merrick Garland was criticized for launching a federal task force on threats against school boards (based on a handful of local cases), he has been largely silent on any federal effort to deal with this actual crime wave. That is despite the fact that these attacks are organized on social media and experts think it’s likely the stolen items are being sold on the internet. That is all interstate conduct and would allow for federal enforcement.

There is, however, one allegedly stolen item that did bring a full-scale FBI investigation: the missing diary of Ashley Biden, daughter of President Joe Biden.

The question is why tens of thousands of dollars of purses stolen in cities like Chicago are treated as purely local matters while a single missing diary in Florida is a matter of an ongoing federal effort.

The Justice Department could use laws like the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) Act. Indeed, federal RICO charges have been brought in prior such cases. RICO was created after local prosecutors failed to combat organized crime and the federal government stepped in with new tools to combat mob organizations. I have long preferred that crimes like these smash and grabs to be handled locally. The federalization of crime removes the primary responsibility and accountability of local leaders for crime. That is why I opposed the use of federal charges to combat rioting in cities like Portland.

I am more concerned that for over a year, the FBI has been conducting raids, issuing subpoenas, and questioning witnesses across the country — not in response to smash-and-grabs proliferating around the country, but for one woman’s missing diary. The investigation led to a rare raid on the home of a publisher, seizure of computers and cellphones, and the targeting of conservative figures. According to the New York Times, the investigation is looking into “whether there was a criminal conspiracy among a handful of individuals to steal and publish the diary.”

If that is true, the most obvious federal crime would be a provision like Section 2314 of the National Stolen Property Act, which criminalizes the transportation of illegally obtained goods valued at $5,000 or more across borders in interstate or foreign commerce by persons knowing the goods to be stolen, converted, or taken by fraud. Even assuming that the diary is worth $5000 or more, why would the federal government create a team and take these extraordinary actions rather than rely on local authorities to investigate such a crime?

The controversy over Ashley Biden‘s diary began during her father’s campaign for the presidency in 2020. Like her brother Hunter, Ashley has struggled with addiction and was living in a two-bedroom house in Delray Beach, Fla., with a friend. According to the New York Times, she decided to go to Philadelphia but to leave some belongings in two bags in the Delray house. The owner later allowed a friend named Aimee Harris and her two children to move in. The Times strongly suggests that Ms. Harris searched the possessions, noting that she was hard up for money and was also a Trump supporter. The Times then simply says “exactly what happened next remains the subject of the federal investigation.”

The Times details Trump supporters who may have been involved in the diary later being sold to Project Veritas, a conservative organization often criticized for ambush journalism. Project Veritas and its founder, James O’Keefe, maintained that they were given the diary by a “tipster” but decided not to use it. Indeed, the group later turned over the material to law enforcement.

As noted by the New York Times, court records show that on Oct. 12, 2020, O’Keefe told Project Veritas staff that said they would not publish a story about the diary. He explained that, while they had “no doubt the document is real,” he was concerned that publishing the diary would be seen “as a cheap shot.”

Project Veritas continued to try to get President Biden to answer questions based on the diary. The Times quotes Project Veritas’s lawyer as stating “Should we not hear from you by Tuesday, October 20, 2020, we will have no choice but to act unilaterally and reserve the right to disclose that you refused our offer to provide answers to the questions raised by your daughter.”

That notably does not threaten the publication of the diary but rather the publication of the refusal to respond to the controversy. This is not just another Section 2314 case. Publications like the New York Times regularly run material unlawfully removed by whistleblowers or sources. Indeed, in 2019, a federal court dismissed a case against the Trump campaign over the use of material from hacked emails. In an 81-page opinion, U.S. District Judge John Koeltl noted “even if the documents had been provided directly to the Campaign [and] the Campaign defendants … they could have published the documents themselves without liability because they did not participate in the theft and the documents are of public concern.”

The concern is whether the FBI is acting on a justified federal crime or acting like a type of Praetorian Guard for the First Family.

This is not a new concern with the Bidens. Federal officers were also used when Hunter Biden’s gun was thrown into a trash bin in Wilmington by Hallie Biden, widow of Hunter’s deceased brother and who was then in a relationship with Hunter. Secret service agents reportedly appeared in the case and asked for the paperwork for the gun from the store where it was purchased. It is still not clear why.

In the end, the removal of the diary was a rotten act of someone with pecuniary or political motives, or both. However, that does not address the equally important questions of the use of the FBI or the need for a federal investigation.

It’s cast into high relief as news outlets around the country run stories on how to avoid buying property stolen in smash and grabs.

As some call for a federal response to the smash-and-grab crime wave, the feds may want to respond as well to questions about its unrelenting focus on who grabbed Ashley Biden’s diary.

Someone is oh I dunno....prolly gonna have to dive on a hand grenade over in the White House...Ooooopsie...

The Great Resignation might be hitting White House staffers, who are heading for the exits after feeling distant from top management

Rumblings of dissatisfaction among the Biden White House staffers are getting louder this holiday season, according to Politico. Raymond Boyd/Getty Images

Holiday gloom in the Biden White House might be pushing some staffers to join the Great Resignation.
A report from Politico cites interviews from White House staffers who complained about management.
They also described the strain of working remotely and sparse instances of in-office camaraderie.

whip Put some ice cream on it and walk it off...learn to code too...maybe buy a shotgun as well.
RayR Offline
#563 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
DrMaddVibe wrote:
"I think we lost him"

The look Dr. Jill makes as she knows her idiot vegetable husband just f'd up = PRICELESS!



Another comedy hit of the year seeing Joey B get punk'd by this guy on the phone.
If we could only see Biden's handlers cringing in the background.

The Babylon Bee Reports:

Biden Investigated For Threatening The President By Saying 'Let's Go Brandon’

December 27th, 2021 -

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The FBI is investigating a credible threat to the president by the president after President Biden was caught on camera during a live Christmas event repeating the phrase "Let's Go Brandon."

According to witnesses, the Bidens were speaking with a caller who uttered the notorious chant "Let's Go Brandon!" before hanging up.

"Let's Go Brandon! Yeah, I agree!" said Biden to the horror of witnesses and viewers across America.

"It was a truly dark moment for our democracy," said respected left-wing intellectual Joy Reid. "That dangerous right-wing white supremacist insurrectionist slur uttered by Joe Biden is a legitimate threat on the president's life and must be investigated immediately."

DrMaddVibe Offline
#564 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Everything is fun and games when you're hiding in a basement. Once you're sitting behind the Resolute Desk those grade school president elections games where you promised soda, ice cream and balloons aren't gonna cut it. there's over 80 million brain dead idiots depending on you.

"Look, There Is No Federal Solution": Biden Backtracks On Vow To 'Shut Down' Covid-19

On October 22, 2020, then-candidate Joe Biden vowed to "shut down the virus, not the country."

14 months later, now-President Biden just admitted that there's no 'federal solution' to the pandemic, and that it's up to individual states to do what he promised.

"Look, there is no federal solution," he said during a call with state governors. "This gets solved at state level … and that ultimately gets down to where the rubber meets the road, and that’s where the patient is in need of help — or preventing the need for help."

"My message to the governors is simple: if you need something, say something. We’re going to have your back in any way we can," Biden added.


BIDEN, TODAY: “There is no federal solution” to COVID.

BIDEN, 2020: “I’m going to shut down the virus.”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) December 27, 2021

NOW - Biden departs to Delaware beach house after telling governors there is "no federal solution" on COVID and it should be "solved at the state level."
— (@disclosetv) December 27, 2021

(h/t Becker News)

Things already weren't looking good on the 'shutting down' front last week...

Biden said he would shut down the virus. He lied.
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) December 20, 2021

Biden's admission comes days after a Vanity Fair report which revealed that the Biden admin rejected an October proposal to provide rapid at-home tests to Americans before the holidays, allowing them to screen themselves at will and thereby help reduce transmission.

The plan, in effect, was a blueprint for how to avoid what is happening at this very moment—endless lines of desperate Americans clamoring for tests in order to safeguard holiday gatherings, just as COVID-19 is exploding again. Yesterday, President Biden told David Muir of ABC News, “I wish I had thought about ordering” 500 million at-home tests “two months ago.” But the proposal shared at the meeting in October, disclosed here for the first time, included a “Bold Plan for Impact” and a provision for “Every American Household to Receive Free Rapid Tests for the Holidays/New Year.” -VF

In short, Biden isn't even trying to 'shut down' the virus.

Adding insult to injury, White House Press Secretary scoffed at the idea of nationwide home tests three weeks ago.

"Should we just send one to every American?"

Jen Psaki somewhat mockingly asks reporter at the White House Daily Press Briefing if the US should be sending out rapid #COVID19 tests to every household.

In the UK you can order 1 pack (containing 7 tests) everyday.
— Matt Karolian (@mkarolian) December 6, 2021

— Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) December 27, 2021


Now, step aside and stop acting like you have all of the answers while you've been listening to the same people responsible for this mess all along.

Thank God for men like Gov. Ron DeSantis and Gov. Greg Abbott than not only care about the states they represent...they care about people too.
RayR Offline
#565 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
Do you think da people will wake up and finally realize these people are frauds, con artists, quacks, charlatans, etc... ???

DrMaddVibe Offline
#566 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735

Biden's Troubled Relationship With the Truth – and Consequences

President Biden’s approval rating has plummeted, and Democrats wonder why. The United States is facing hardships, but hardships alone don’t make a president unpopular. Leaders who are honest about the problems we face and forthright about the solutions they offer tend to do well (think, say, of Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan). Unfortunately, that is not the leadership Americans are getting from this president.

Instead, the Biden administration has tried to convince the public of things that are not just untrue but implausible. To note a few, Biden did not (and does not) have a “national strategy” to defeat COVID; our southern border is not “secure;” the Afghan withdrawal was not an “extraordinary success”; the current bout of inflation is neither “temporary” nor “a good thing”; and government spending never takes “the pressure off of inflation.”

Of course, politicians often overstate things and sometimes outright lie. Nothing new there. It’s the in-your-face nature of the administration’s falsehoods that is stunning.

For a recent example, take Biden’s efforts to promote his Build Back Better bill. The administration often claims that the legislation really “costs zero dollars” because it is “paid for.” Most Americans realize that paying for something doesn’t make it free. Otherwise, literally everything would be free. Seriously, people get this.

In fairness, Biden was attempting to state that BBB wouldn’t add to the deficit because taxing the rich would pay for it. But even that claim didn’t pass the smell test. Just about everybody outside of Washington, D.C., knows that government programs are never actually “paid for.” We are already borrowing from our great-grandkids just to cover our current profligate spending.

So, the Democrats resorted to various accounting tricks and budgetary chicanery to make it appear as though taxing “the rich” would pay the BBB bills. Few were fooled. Analyzing the bill using realistic assumptions, the Congressional Budget Office found that it would result in around $3 trillion in new deficit spending.

In yet another implausible claim, Biden said that BBB’s massive government spending would take “the pressure off of inflation.” No less an authority than former Clinton and Obama economist Larry Summers warned in February that profligate government spending would “set off inflationary pressures of a kind we have not seen in a generation.” The Democrats ignored him and passed a $1.9 trillion COVID relief boondoggle. In hindsight, Summers was prescient. In November, he recommended that the administration “not compound errors” it had already made “with far too much fiscal stimulus and overly easy monetary policy” and reject Build Back Better.

To counter these concerns, Biden claimed that BBB’s massive government spending would bring down inflation because government would pick up the tab for certain household expenses, such as child care. Of course, this ignores the impact that the bill would have on the supply of – and demand for – child care.

Child care providers are already in short supply. According to Sen. Richard Burr, ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, the bill would shrink the supply further “by killing off faith-based providers, small family child care homes, [and] kinship care,” while increasing the demand for child care with massive government subsidies. Not surprisingly, a study by the Progressive Peoples Policy Project, a think tank as left-leaning as its name implies, found that the bill would actually increase the cost of child care for middle-class families by about $13,000 per child annually.

The supply-and-demand dynamic and its impact on inflation seem to be mysteries to the administration – but not to most Americans. According to the Penn Wharton Budget Model, the average American family will incur an additional $3,500 in expenses this year solely because of already-surging inflation. It’s the kind of thing people notice.

Of course, the administration made this implausible claim only because the bill needed West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin’s support to pass. Manchin, however, made it clear that, with inflation already at a 40-year high, he wouldn’t support legislation that added to the deficit or further swelled prices.

Like most Americans (including Larry Summers), Manchin refused to be fooled. He announced that he won’t support the bill – effectively killing it in its present shape. Rarely deterred by reality, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer then announced that the Senate would move forward with a vote on the bill nonetheless.

Progressives have long lived in a bubble that cuts them off from the concerns of the “deplorables” in “fly-over America.” During the pandemic, the left hermetically sealed that bubble, shielding its leaders from the discontent that runs across political, geographic, racial, and ethnic lines. Otherwise, they would have foreseen the declining popularity of a president who repeatedly makes patently implausible claims and attempts to advance policies at odds with basic common sense.

The lesson here is not a new one. As someone said long ago: “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”
Any questions?
RayR Offline
#567 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
He lost me there for a minute in the first paragraph when he mention Franklin Roosevelt. If FDR was honest about the problems America faced back then and forthright about the ludicrous fascist solutions he and his brain trust offered, more Americans would have realized that leadership was trying to convince the public of things that were not just untrue but implausible back then but also setting them up for the greatest and longest economic depression in history.

The conservative author here seems to not have a solid understanding of history, if he did he'd see that the Biden administration is trying to head America down the same path to a trainwreck as FDR. The only difference with FDR is he could fool the proles and actually speak clearly enough to convince enough of them that his plans made any sense.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#568 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
RayR wrote:
He lost me there for a minute in the first paragraph when he mention Franklin Roosevelt. If FDR was honest about the problems America faced back then and forthright about the ludicrous fascist solutions he and his brain trust offered, more Americans would have realized that leadership was trying to convince the public of things that were not just untrue but implausible back then but also setting them up for the greatest and longest economic depression in history.

The conservative author here seems to not have a solid understanding of history, if he did he'd see that the Biden administration is trying to head America down the same path to a trainwreck as FDR. The only difference with FDR is he could fool the proles and actually speak clearly enough to convince enough of them that his plans made any sense.

1. It came out of Biden's mouth so it's all gibberish. Just nod your head and toss him a pudding cup.

2. The panel that is running this nation (because Pedo Joe can't even wipe his own ass!) is hellbent on cradle to grave programs to put people back on the dole. They want to bankrupt this nation via Cloward–Piven. The DNC doesn't GAF about this nation, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights nor you.
RayR Offline
#569 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
Ya, we know the Cloward–Piven cabal has been in charge of the DNC for a long time, everything they stand for and plan fits the formula to fundamentally transform America into a socialist chithole.

CP+MSM=T -- A Formula for Understanding
October 14, 2021

Say there, Friend…have you been searching for an answer to ‘What the hell is going on?’ Do you find yourself saying repeatedly “This doesn’t make any sense!” Or using ‘WTF?’ in your business letters and Mother’s Day cards? Understanding the simple formula above can solve the problem.

CP stands for the Cloward-Piven Strategy, a 1966 political concept conceived by two American sociologists, Richard Cloward and Frances Piven (who also led an active activist life moonlighting from their gig at Columbia U.). The idea was based on their belief lotsa folks eligible for Welfare bennies weren’t getting their spot at the public-provided trough. To resolve that tragedy, they needed to foment a sign-up campaign so large, the sheer numbers would blow the doors off the administrating agencies, creating a crisis so big, it would shake awake the DC bureaucrats and emotionally driven Democrats, always sensitive to trading Boo-Hoos and Temper Fits for votes, government expansion, involvement, and dependency.

frankj1 Offline
#570 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,299
the Great Depression was three years in even before FDR was first elected.
He may have extended it but couldn't have possibly set up America for it.

Then again, the rest of the world was in dire straits too.
Brewha Offline
#571 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,256
frankj1 wrote:
the Great Depression was three years in even before FDR was first elected.
He may have extended it but couldn't have possibly set up America for it.

Then again, the rest of the world was in dire straits too.

frankj1 Offline
#572 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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Brewha wrote:

my bad Scott.
I think we broke into a private conversation
Speyside2 Offline
#573 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,506
Money for nothin and your chicks for free.
frankj1 Offline
#574 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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Speyside2 wrote:
Money for nothin and your chicks for free.

coincidentally, Knopfler had a birthday this week
RayR Offline
#575 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
frankj1 wrote:
the Great Depression was three years in even before FDR was first elected.
He may have extended it but couldn't have possibly set up America for it.

Then again, the rest of the world was in dire straits too.

Sure thing, Hoover's interventions and meddling turned a correction into a depression.
FDR campaigned as the anti-Hoover, criticizes his spending.
As soon as FDR gained office he did an about-face and became Hoover on steroids.
frankj1 Offline
#576 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,299
RayR wrote:
Sure thing, Hoover's interventions and meddling turned a correction into a depression.
FDR campaigned as the anti-Hoover, criticizes his spending.
As soon as FDR gained office he did an about-face and became Hoover on steroids.

Hoover went through some changes and may have been remembered in a different light if reelected, but the point was FDR did not set the stage for the Depression.
RayR Offline
#577 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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frankj1 wrote:
Hoover went through some changes and may have been remembered in a different light if reelected, but the point was FDR did not set the stage for the Depression.

Speyside2 Offline
#578 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
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Why not answer Frank directly when your lie is exposed?
RayR Offline
#579 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Speyside2 wrote:
Why not answer Frank directly when your lie is exposed?

What the frank are you talking about Spey? What lie?
Speyside2 Offline
#580 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,506
You said Rosevelt started the great depression, Frank gave you the actual facts.
RayR Offline
#581 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Speyside2 wrote:
You said Rosevelt started the great depression, Frank gave you the actual facts.

I know you are in an irrational state of mind today Spey2, prolly chemical imbalances,and stuff like that. You are seeing things that aren't there, but you better try again, go back and read #575.

A little education for the miseducated...

How FDR Made the Depression Worse
by Robert Higgs

Franklin Roosevelt "did bring us out of the Depression," Newt Gingrich told a group of Republicans after the recent election, and that makes FDR "the greatest figure of the 20th century." As political rhetoric, the statement is likely to come from someone who does not support a market economy. The New Deal, after all, was the largest peacetime expansion of federal government power in this century. Moreover, Gingrich's view that FDR saved us from the Depression is indefensible; Roosevelt's policies prolonged and deepened it.

There's no doubt that Roosevelt changed the character of the American government—for the worse. Many of the reforms of the 1930s remain embedded in policy today: acreage allotments, price supports and marketing controls in agriculture, extensive regulation of private securities, federal intrusion into union-management relations, government lending and insurance activities, the minimum wage, national unemployment insurance, Social Security and welfare payments, production and sale of electrical power by the federal government, fiat money—the list goes on.

Roosevelt's revolution began with his inaugural address, which left no doubt about his intentions to seize the moment and harness it to his purposes. Best remembered for its patently false line that "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself," it also called for extraordinary emergency governmental powers.

frankj1 Offline
#582 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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rayr wrote...
If FDR was honest about the problems America faced back then and forthright about the ludicrous fascist solutions he and his brain trust offered, more Americans would have realized that leadership was trying to convince the public of things that were not just untrue but implausible back then but also setting them up for the greatest and longest economic depression in history.

you're still wrong.
Three years deep into it is a hell of an inheritance.

RayR Offline
#583 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
frankj1 wrote:

you're still wrong.
Three years deep into it is a hell of an inheritance.

So what was I wrong about?
FDR inherited the depression and made things worse?

Or are you arguing like in Spey2's fertile imagination that I claimed: "Roosevelt started the great depression"?

Are you saying because FDR inherited the depression, he had no choice but to use his inheritance to make the depression greater?

Spit it out boy!
frankj1 Offline
#584 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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your words are enough to explain what you said, and it's of no consequence in any event.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#585 Posted:
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Comrade Joe Still Hampers Rescue of US Citizens & Residents in Afghanistan

The Daily Wire reports that the Biden administration is hindering [still hindering] efforts to evacuate Afghan allies facing torture and death from the Taliban. That is according to people in charge of private evacuation efforts.

After withdrawing the military from Afghanistan on his self-imposed timeline, Biden and his comrades hid the fact that hundreds, or thousands of US citizens and legal residents were left behind.

The US has no intention of rescuing them.

Ben Owen, the chief executive of Flanders Fields, an organization originally founded to aid homeless veterans, has pitched in to help evacuation operations in Afghanistan. According to Daily Wire, said that the U.S. government is currently tying up several full flights ready to take off by withholding “no objection certificates.” Without the certificates, countries who host the refugees could be accused of facilitating human smuggling by the United States.

Owen said, “All these countries are asking for is the U.S. Department of State, through an embassy in their country, to say, ‘Go ahead. We don’t care if you do this. We’re not going to help you do it, but we’re also not going to hinder your effort to do it.’ It’s incredibly frustrating to all of us,” The Daily Wire reports.

A memo issued by Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl asks U.S. military personnel and DoD civilians who have immediate family members requiring help to leave Afghanistan to contact his office, NBC News reports.

The memo “instructs service members and Defense Department civilians to email a specific address with the subject ‘immediate family member,’” the network reports.

According to defense officials, several dozen immediate family members of U.S. service members are still in Afghanistan. “There are well over 100 extended family members still in Afghanistan, but it’s not clear how many of them want to leave the country,” NBC News states, citing the officials, who lie their damn teeth off.

Yes people, there are STILL people trying to get out of there. The Southern Border...WIDE OPEN.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#586 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,850
A classic:
Two cannibals were eating a clown. One asks, "Does this taste funny to you?"
DrMaddVibe Offline
#587 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Remember Hope and Change? Yeah, well forget about it.

Vice President Kamikaze Harris

After more than 11 months in office, with inflation skyrocketing and the country’s superpower status plummeting, Americans can’t stand either President Joe Biden or his vice-presidential-beneficiary of-affirmative-action, Kamala Harris.

Every time Harris tries to help herself, she hurts herself. As border czar who for three months avoided visiting the Mexican border, Harris relented only after plans were made known of former President Donald Trump and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott traveling to the frontier – and then she briefly visited only a border patrol station about nine miles from the actual border, far removed from where masses of illegal migrants have been crossing.

To humanize her disastrous public image and connect with ordinary people, she staged a ludicrous fake meeting with child actors to tout space exploration. She chose to own Biden’s catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal by telling the world she was the “last person in the room” when he formulated his policy. And her office has been hemorrhaging senior staff.

But on Sunday, the vice president outdid herself in self-destructive stupidity, and made it crystal clear she is unqualified to assume the presidency should the ever-more-enfeebled Biden become incapacitated or, God forbid, pass on to his eternal reward.

Appearing on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” she began by sounding, more even than Joe, like big, dumb, dangerous government personified. “Everyone has to get vaccinated,” Harris insisted at a time when the federal government’s approach to COVID is more discredited than ever, both among the populace and within the medical community, adding that “they’ll save your life.”

For much of the rest of the interview, Harris was a cinematic parody of a Washington politician. We’ve always been able to depend on Hollywood to get Washington rhetoric wrong, whether it’s the “Manchurian Candidate’s” climactic convention acceptance speech declaring, “My life before my liberty!” or Martin Scorsese’s Charles Palantine in “Taxi Driver” announcing that “Today I say to you, we are the people, you and l” (which, as New Yorker Scorsese may well have known, is actually an 1885 rallying cry of baseball’s New York Giants).

But the vice president over the weekend was at least as embarrassingly vapid, stating in reference to booster shots that “we have the power today to have an impact on tomorrow.” She added, helpfully: “And that will have an impact on where we end up tomorrow.”

It was reminiscent of the nonsense opening to “Plan 9 From Outer Space,” widely judged as the worst movie ever made, delivered by the hilariously inaccurate Hollywood psychic the Amazing Criswell: “Greetings, my friend. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember, my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future.”
Spending $5 Tril ‘Brings Down The Cost of Living’

Harris went on to laud the $5 trillion Build Back Better package of new entitlements, guaranteed to pour gasoline on inflation, by absurdly claiming, “it brings down the cost of living.” Asked about West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin’s defection on the bill, Harris went off into a childlike non-sequitur about how “I’m the tiebreaker. I’m the tie vote … the president and I joke and when I leave one of our meetings to go break a tie, he says, ‘well, that’s going to be a winning vote.’ Whenever I vote, we win!”

When asked what “the biggest national security challenge confronting the U.S.” is, “the thing that worries you and keeps you up at night,” instead of addressing China or terrorism or Russia, Harris replied with gibberish: “What we must do then in the face of any and all threats is recognize that one of our greatest strengths is to strengthen our relationship with our allies and partners around the world.”

Asked “do you think you’re being set up to fail?” by Biden and administration staff with an array of no-win assignments, she claimed, “I’m the vice president of the United States. Anything that I handle is because it’s a tough issue. And it couldn’t be handled at some other level” – which means the vice president is either a shameless liar, a hopeless naif, or drunk with delusions regarding her elective office.

Fox liberal commentator Richard Fowler’s dubious advice to Kamala Harris is to arrange more interviews with “black female journalists so she could begin to have a conversation with black America” and apologize for “this White House’s mistreatment of Haitian refugees at the southern border of the United States.” In other words, it’s a communication problem – the perennial self-denial of the left regarding its failures.

Forget for a moment her ineptitude regarding policy. Politically, if Vice President Harris had any degree of shrewdness, and any awareness of the trouble she is in, not to mention a handle on the dynamics of the left within the Democratic Party, she would display some fortitude and self-respect by letting it be known that she, as a nationally elected figure – not Biden or anyone else – will decide what issues she will or won’t work on, instead of being the yes woman of an incredibly shrinking president.

But so tone deaf is Harris, she can’t even see that everyone knows her infamous cackle is fakery, and that the more she pretends to laugh hysterically, the lower her ratings go.

There is nothing smart about a vice president feigning loyalty within a failing administration. Harris would be more respected across the ideological spectrum if she acted like her own woman. In the case of her having to assume the presidency, even Americans who vehemently disagree with her would believe that she at least has leadership potential.

The simple fact is that Kamala Harris isn’t nearly smart enough to see or do this. And so she is crashing and burning – as Americans each night pray that a doddering, 79-year-old incompetent lives to see the light of the morning.

"We can go dumber" - Joe Rogan
DrMaddVibe Offline
#588 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Once a campaign promise (yeah, the DNC record on those is intact!) its really time for the daft to ask themselves "Why did I vote for this?"

Democrats Took Control And COVID Got Worse

As we head into the second year of having handed Democrats the keys to drive us through the pandemic, let’s take stock: Wow, this sucks!

As of Monday, we’re averaging a shocking 486,000 new COVID infections each day. That’s nearly twice as many as the peak number of daily infections that took place under Trump. If voters had the benefit of knowing that not only would Joe Biden fail to “shut down the virus,” he would actually oversee the spread of a more contagious variant of the coronavirus and double the case count, what might the results of the 2020 election have looked like?

The fun doesn’t stop with just more cases. The New York Times on Monday reported that half a million K-12 students have gone back to “remote learning,” a phrase that doesn’t quite capture the devastation done to students by keeping them locked out of school.

Left-wing writer David Leonhardt had a timely column this week on the toll it’s taking. (And by “timely,” I mean his observations come about a year too late, but better than never.) Among his findings are a study by the Center for School and Student Progress showing the rate of academic achievement in grades third through eighth that was dramatically lower in 2020 and 2021 than in previous years. For reading, it was between three and six points lower in 2021 than in previous years. For math, between five and 10 points lower.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports a 51 percent increase in attempted suicide-related emergency room visits among teenage girls from 2019 to 2021.

Leonhardt wrote of his sudden epiphany that he “did not understand just how alarming the situation had become.”

Wait, you mean irreparably disrupting the mental development of children for years at a time has had an “alarming” effect? Who could have known?

And this is after Biden and the Democrat-controlled Congress have shoved through trillions more in spending on testing and other ridiculous gimmicks — douse those desks with Clorox to stop the airborne virus, folks! — that were for the explicit purpose of getting schools back in motion. Instead, teacher union reps (Biden voters) have said none of it matters. They still don’t feel like going back to the classroom.

There is no way to describe the situation other than dire, which is why Democrats and “public health officials” are now doing everything they can to make it seem like it’s not. Didn’t you hear? Someone infected with COVID is actually fine after five days instead of two weeks! Did you see the great news? Total case numbers aren’t actually important anymore! Anthony Fauci even told us not to worry about hospitalizations of patients who have COVID, because the positive status is often just coincidental with the real reason people are having to check in to the hospital.

When you think about it, we’re actually doing great! The more spread, the better!

It reminds me of that witness during the Derek Chauvin trial last year who with a straight face claimed that George Floyd “had actually an exceptionally strong heart,” despite the official autopsy report detailing Floyd’s alarmingly compromised cardiovascular system and “very severe underlying heart disease.”

Major artery blockage? Nah, he was a track star!

We’re supposed to endure at least one more year of these people calling the shots on COVID. It’s never been more appropriate to wish each other good health.

Where is Sleepy Joe's version of "Operation Warp Speed"? It's not another ice cream treat.
RayR Offline
#589 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
The quack POTUS giving medical advice forgot what year it is.

Biden Stumbles Through COVID Address Before Touting 'A Lot of Reason to Be Hopeful in 2020'

By Jack Davis
January 5, 2022

President Joe Biden kicked off 2022 by telling Americans weary of slogging through the endless mire that has become coping with COVID-19 that things would be better in 2020.

“There’s a lot of reason to be hopeful in 2020,” Biden said at the close of a speech Tuesday, delivered from a television studio designed to look like the White House, as The Daily Wire noted (complete with a green-screen effect to display an artificial winter scene outside).

Biden, who battled his script throughout the speech, began by sounding a note of “considerable confusion about the rising cases.”

However, the president who campaigned on shutting down the virus said, “We’re going to see, as you all have been hearing, continued rise in cases.”

“Omicron is very transmissible — transmissible variant, but much different than anything we’ve seen before. And — but you can protect yourself,” he said.

Things soon began to get murky as Biden stumbled over the name of the variant.

“You know, there — those that are fully vaccinated, especially those with the booster shots — and, by the way, we have booster shots for the whole nation. OK? We — you can still get COVID, but it’s highly unlikely — very unlikely that you’ll become seriously ill,” he said.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#590 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,850
What did the drummer call his twin daughters?
Anna one, Anna two
DrMaddVibe Offline
#591 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
In case the Left really forgot*

Lawmakers Press Biden On 20,000 US-Trained Afghan Commandos Still Being "Hunted" By Taliban

Republican Congressional leaders are still, over four months after the chaotic and deadly US troop exit from Afghanistan, trying to press the Biden administration on why it won't initiate efforts to get the remainder of local Afghan allies out of the country. Specifically there's been growing concern over an estimated 20,000 Afghan commandos who had been trained and advised by US special forces, and often did the bulk of the counter-terrorism fighting during the final years of the US war in Afghanistan. This includes thousands of interpreters who helped the Pentagon, risking their lives. Now, there's a feeling in Washington that the administration is simply ready to abandon them, hoping no one notices or makes too much noise about it.

One recent Fox News report introduces, "While the administration boasts it evacuated over 120,000 Afghans—a majority were not Afghan interpreters or their families, officials say." Recall that the White House previously vowed to help America's partners on the ground to escape, but "some lawmakers and veterans say the government has no plans to rescue perhaps the most critical ally: Afghan commandos. A group built from scratch by U.S. Special Operations Forces."
An Afghan National Army special forces soldier in 2013, US Marine Corps image
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Republican Representative Mike Waltz last week descried that "The Taliban are hunting them down" - in reference to the Afghan commandos which formerly were the bulk of the US-backed national government's elite forces. He and other veteran representatives (Waltz himself was a Green Beret) aren't willing to drop the issue, even as it appears the administration just wants to problem of allies left behind to just "go away".

"The administration just wants this to go away. They just want to turn the page. It's one of the most heartless things I've ever encountered," Rep. Waltz said in a prior Fox interview.

Some of those Congressional reps now seeking to spotlight the thousands of US-partnered commandos left behind had last summer argued that a military security force of some 650 American troops could have been left behind to secure the US embassy, and at least provide a local exit route for partner forces.

However, critics of that plan pointed out that those US troops that remained would themselves be sitting ducks for continued Taliban or ISIS-K attacks, and the evacuation nightmare would have simply endured and grown worse.

Over the past months, what the US State Department has failed to do many veterans' groups have stepped up to accomplish, organizing highly dangerous private evacuation efforts, or finding any unconventional way to get their former local partner forces out. The head of one such US-based group highlighted that many active and former US service members are outraged that not a single top administration or Pentagon official was ever held accountable:

"I think a lot of people should have been fired over the handling of Afghanistan and not just in this administration," said Scott Mann, a former Green Beret and veteran of the Afghan war who founded Task Force Pineapple in order to rescue those left behind.

Since the summer, there've been reports of mass summary executions of former Afghan soldiers who previously worked with Americans. The Taliban's ability to identify them and their families was likely made easier also after the Islamist group's conquest of Kabul - given the Taliban seized all central government personnel files, and other sensitive information from the former Ashraf Ghani government.

*It's just convenient to pretent you forgot.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#592 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,850
What do you call a guy with a briefcase in a tree?
A branch manager
Cheno Offline
#593 Posted:
Joined: 06-06-2019
Posts: 2,059
These jokes are great Dan, keep them up.
frankj1 Offline
#594 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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DrMaddVibe Offline
#595 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
The touchy feely Bidas touch...

The Bidas Touch: Everything Joe Biden Touches Turns to Crap

CLAY: I am back to 100% having vanquished Omicron. I am ready to fire away in support of truth and justice, and I know Buck Sexton is as well. This is the worst week, I believe, that we have maybe seen from a president in most of our lifetimes. Think about how bad this week has been for Joe Biden and — as a result — also why he is in such incredibly awful positions.

It’s early in Friday so there may be something else awful that can happen to Joe Biden before the week is out. But just think about what we have seen so far as the week as played out. And, by the way, before we get going into analyzing this, Afghanistan, I agree, was an awful week for Joe Biden. But it was primarily a failure in one specific area.

It wasn’t everything he was trying to do falling down on him in every different direction simultaneously. It’s no coincidence that Joe Biden’s approval ratings turned negative for the first time after Afghanistan and have continued to go down since. But Afghanistan was one significant failure. We’ve got multiple different levels of failure going on here this week. First of all, inflation hit a 39-year high at 7%.

Covid hospitalizations and cases hit an all-time high this week every single day they’ve continued to build. His own party rejected his demands to pass a voting bill and to change the filibuster, and the Supreme Court struck down his vaccine mandate by a 6-3 vote while we also got his lowest-ever approval rating at 33%. Buck, the question that I think should be being asked at this point…

That’s the worst week that I can remember any president having on that many different fronts simultaneously. And again, we’re not even considering the continued disaster of schools not letting kids come to class. We’re not talking about the border being a mess. There are lots of things. The supply chain issues, bare shelves, all those things. Buck, I think you have to start to ask legitimate questions.

We know that Biden’s mental faculties are not strong. But are the people who are advising Joe Biden actually doing an even more awful job than he is? And, by the way, I didn’t even mention how bad Kamala Harris was in yet another interview that she tried to do. But, Buck, what are they thinking? On Tuesday, they went down to Atlanta.

He called everyone who didn’t support his voting rights bill Jefferson Davis and George Wallace and then his own party, Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Joe Manchin of West Virginia, two Democrats, said, “No, thank you,” to changing the filibuster. They knew this was gonna happen. How have they managed to create such a cluster with Joe Biden this week?

BUCK: I think you’re seeing the collision of two major components of the Biden regime right now. You’re seeing two areas of systemic failure for what this regime, what the apparatus of Joe Biden has been built on. One of them is the collapse of the promise, and by that I mean — we’ve talked about this many times, Clay — Joe Biden managed to be elected in the historical, fluke, once-in-a-century pandemic year with all of the media creating as much fear, panic, and blame for Trump as possible.

BLM rampaging through cities across America, corporate America terrified, bending the knee everywhere. All those things that were happening, Joe Biden was the guy who shows up and says, “Hey, I’ll bring back unity and normalcy,” right? They had to hide him in the basement for that case to be made as we know, but that was what the apparatus was able to do.

We have seen through every major action he’s taken but most notably this week in that speech in Georgia that that’s just a lie, that he has no interest in uniting, that in fact he uses terms like “the pandemic of the unvaccinated” as a pejorative specifically to otherize what he views as his political opponents. Somehow the unvaccinated always — in the minds of the left, Clay — is white Trump voters.

It’s not still the considerable number of minorities in urban areas of the country who have chosen not to get vaccinated. They’re not part of the disparaging of the unvaccinated, right? They’re not part of that terminology. When Biden says, “It’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated and the unvaccinated are being unpatriotic,” he means Trump voters. That’s become a proxy for that.

The other level where you see collapse is the results. Right? Look at the decisions that have made: The decision to spend the $1.9 trillion earlier this year; the decision to make an enormous, $5 trillion or $6 trillion — depending on however it’s assessed — transformational spending package. When you’re at a 50-50 Senate and a handful of seat advantage in the House of Representatives, in what universe is Joe Biden supposed to be transformative? That’s one part of it. The other part of it is everything… I think you mentioned the reverse Midas touch, right?

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: Joe Biden has the reverse Midas touch, and we’re seeing everything turn to lead. If it wasn’t gold before, it’s gotten worse.

CLAY: The Bidas touch. Everything that Joe Biden touches turns to crap, and I try to think all the time in terms of… Maybe the lawyer in me, Buck. You have to think as if sometimes you have the losing hand. Every lawyer out there who’s listening to us right now, everybody who’s been involved in court cases, you’re supposed to defend to the best ability that you can, to advocate for your client.

And sometimes your client doesn’t have very good arguments, but you still have an obligation to do them to the best of your ability. If I step back right now and I try to make an argument for what Joe Biden in his first year has done well as an advocate, right? You come to me and say, “Clay, I’ll pay you a thousand dollars an hour — you’re an attorney — make the case phone number Joe Biden in a court of law right now that he’s done a great job in the first year.”

It’s almost impossible for me even to come up with an argument, Buck. You can maybe argue that infrastructure got passed, although I don’t know what the significance of the infrastructure bill was in general. You can’t argue anything positive about covid right now because cases are at all-time high. I guess you can argue but for the amazing effort of the Biden administration to get the vaccines out, millions of more people would be dead. But I don’t think most people buy that, right? That’s not an argument that has a sound, logical, scientific basis. Maybe you can argue that China hasn’t invaded Taiwan and that so far Russia hasn’t invaded Ukraine, but it’s almost impossible.

BUCK: I would add into that because of the approach of the Biden apparatus and the way that they’ve allowed Fauci to just go around haranguing everybody who doesn’t agree — to essentially oppress everyone, be wrong all the time — and then say, you know, “Shut up, peasants! I’m Lord Fauci.” The issue has not been access to vaccines. Anyone who wants to get a vaccine, at this point, if they know how to get to the grocery store and get food for themselves, they can get a vaccination.

Okay. No one really thinks that vaccine lack of access is what is driving this. It’s people who either have made the affirmative decision from early on they don’t want to take it, which is a position that I understand why they make that case or how they make that case. But beyond that, the Biden presidency has destroyed the U.S. for a lot of people in all this. So while they can say, “Oh, we have all these shots everywhere for everybody, that’s not really the problem.

The problem isn’t that they don’t have enough shots. The problem is that they don’t trust Joe Biden, and they don’t trust what’s been done in the name of the regime by the CDC and the rest of them. And when we see what’s going on right now with their refusal to just speak openly about the fact that stopping the spread was a massive failure, of course people are going to have questions. They’re right to have questions about how much they can trust people like Fauci, ’cause they keep lying to them.

Face it America, the Biden's are low rent drug abusing wannabee Kardashians without a tv show. Oh, they have some networks pushing their trash...just no formal show.
RayR Offline
#596 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
Bidas Caesar Augustus Progtardicus fiddles while his Build Back Better empire burns around him.Boo hoo!
Sunoverbeach Offline
#597 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,850
My parents raised me as an only child, which really pissed off my sister
DrMaddVibe Offline
#598 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735

Just like predicted waaaaaay back in Post 1 of this thread...

Joe Biden's Presidency is shaping up to be a historical disaster.

Barack Obama once said—allegedly but plausibly—that Democrats should never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to foul things up. Actually, he didn’t say “foul,” but this is a family publication. That caution went by the wayside in 2020, as Democrats rushed to embrace Biden as their partisan savior. For a flickering moment, it seemed like their confidence was vindicated.

Now, barely one week from the first anniversary of the Biden Administration, Obama’s warning has proven prophetic. Joe Biden has fouled things up badly. Name a disastrous American President across the past two centuries, and Biden will match and raise him. Woodrow Wilson banked on authoritarian technocrats to solidify his rule: Biden is right there with him. Herbert Hoover blundered through and worsened the defining crisis of his Presidency: Biden’s pandemic record has achieved the same end. Andrew Johnson’s governing ineptitude and arrogance squandered the confidence of his party: Biden is presiding over a comparable breakup of his own coalition. Jimmy Carter managed to plunge America into simultaneous economic stagnation and inflation: Biden has done in one year what he managed in four.

Only the unique failings of Richard Nixon and James Buchanan have eluded the Biden Presidency to date, but give Joe Biden time. He has three more years.

In his Inaugural Address just a year back, Biden said, “I understand that many Americans view the future with some fear and trepidation.” He meant it as a condescending line toward his political opposites, but as sometimes happens with this President, he was accidentally right. Many Americans do view the future with some fear and trepidation—because he’s in charge. Just look at the record of the past twelve months: an American war shamefully lost, inflation roaring at the highest level in forty years, a pandemic still unbeaten despite every promise, national division soaring, and more. All that in the first year. What’s next?

Americans aren’t waiting to render judgment on this Administration. The collapse in confidence is already well underway. On January 12, Quinnipiac—well-regarded but also chronically left-leaning—released its latest poll on Presidential performance. The results for Joe Biden and his Administration are, in a word, catastrophic.

The President’s job-approval rating is underwater by 20 points, with only 33 percent of Americans approving of him. Now, it should be noted that this figure by itself isn’t historically unprecedented. What is historically unprecedented is when it is happening within the Presidential term. Every President of the modern era who sunk to these depths in job-approval ratings has done so at the end of his term—usually on the verge of failing to secure reelection. Only Joe Biden has managed to get here at the end of year one.

It’s a historic Presidency, but not in the way he envisioned.

It gets worse when you dig into the numbers. Democratic aspirations for long-term electoral dominance are pinned in part on the youth vote. Quinnipiac finds that 18-34 year olds—encompassing Gen-Z and Millennial cohorts—disapprove of Biden’s performance by an even larger margin than the general population. Americans in general disapprove of him by 20 points; Americans 18-34 disapprove of him by 28 points. Only 24 percent of respondents in that age bracket like Biden. It’s again a 28-point disapproval gap, with only 30 percent approving, for the next bracket up, 35 to 49.

What about another core aspirational Democratic constituency, women voters? Biden is underwater there too, by thirteen points, with only 38 percent approval.

Or what about the racial and ethnic groups upon whom Democrats rely for their electoral prospects? Among African Americans, Biden finally commands majority approval — but only at 57 percent, which is unusually low for a Democratic President. In that same group, 27 percent disapprove. Whites disapprove of him by a margin of twenty-five points, with only 32 percent approval, nearly the same as the general-population number. It is among Hispanics where we see the most extraordinary collapse: only 28 percent approve of the President, putting him underwater by 23 points.

Now the real revelatory point. Quinnipiac’s poll script gathered all these negative assessments of the President, and then followed up with this question: “Would you say that Joe Biden is doing a better job as president than you expected, a worse job, or about what you expected?” Setting aside self-identified Republicans, every single group— whether by age, sex, race, or ethnicity—has a plurality or a majority saying he’s doing “as expected.”

Joe Biden at the end of year one is a disaster. Barack Obama predicted it. The American people recognize it. And the American people are also saying, now, that it’s pretty much what they expected.

All this is bad enough, but there’s one thing that makes it worse: he has three years to go.

What did you expect?
RayR Offline
#599 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,009
Braindead President calls for censorship of free know, what he calls "misinformation and disinformation".
He also said “Please wear a mask. I think it’s part of your patriotic duty”, even though even the CDC has known for a long time that cloths masks are ineffective at mitigating COVID transmission.

Biden Makes Plea to Media Outlets, Social Media to ‘Deal With the Misinformation’: ‘It Has to Stop’

By Jackson RichmanJan 13th, 2022, 11:56 am

President Joe Biden on Thursday made a plea to social media companies and media outlets to stop the spread of disinformation about the coronavirus.

“Unfortunately, while our military is stepping up as they always do, there others sitting on the sidelines and we’re standing in the way,” said Biden during remarks at the White House. “If you haven’t gotten vaccinated, do it. Personal choice impacts us all, our hospitals, our country.”

He continued, “I make a special appeal to social media companies and media outlets — please deal with the misinformation and disinformation that’s on your shows. It has to stop.”


bgz Offline
#600 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
RayR wrote:
Braindead President calls for censorship of free know, what he calls "misinformation and disinformation".
He also said “Please wear a mask. I think it’s part of your patriotic duty”, even though even the CDC has known for a long time that cloths masks are ineffective at mitigating COVID transmission.

Biden Makes Plea to Media Outlets, Social Media to ‘Deal With the Misinformation’: ‘It Has to Stop’

By Jackson RichmanJan 13th, 2022, 11:56 am

Too much covid is bad for you.
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