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Last post 4 years ago by izonfire. 47 replies replies.
Tipping point.
Speyside Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
Posts: 13,106
This isn't exactly politics, but it seems to be the best category to place this in. All great world powers through history reached a tipping point and were replaced by another great world power. Some of these world powers disappeared such as the Huns. Others were relegated to third world status such as Egypt. Others became part of a country such as Rome. Others still do quite well for themselves such as England. Is the United States at such a tipping point, or simply undergoing a period of upheaval such as Cromwells period in England. This is something I have been considering for some time.
USNGunner Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 05-17-2019
Posts: 4,402
Yeah, you are a bit behind.

We've been heading that way since the 60's. Rome did not fall in a decade. The hedonism took over and it was a self fulfilling prophecy.

If the liberals and democrats get their way? We as a nation are done. If we can stave the barbarians and hedonists off?

There is hope.

But, I am not holding my breath. There is little spine left in this country, at least in those making policy, and damned less in those coming up. Molly coddled sissies suckled at the breasts of participation trophies and "you're ok, but little Billy isn't because he has a ****?"

Frankly, I'm betting this place is freaking doomed. Too many snowflakes, not enough folks willing to gut it out.
Whistlebritches Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 04-23-2006
Posts: 22,155
USNGunner wrote:
Yeah, you are a bit behind.

We've been heading that way since the 60's. Rome did not fall in a decade. The hedonism took over and it was a self fulfilling prophecy.

If the liberals and democrats get their way? We as a nation are done. If we can stave the barbarians and hedonists off?

There is hope.

But, I am not holding my breath. There is little spine left in this country, at least in those making policy, and damned less in those coming up. Molly coddled sissies suckled at the breasts of participation trophies and "you're ok, but little Billy isn't because he has a ****?"

Frankly, I'm betting this place is freaking doomed. Too many snowflakes, not enough folks willing to gut it out.

I concur...…..and it's just **** ing scary how much we think alike.
izonfire Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
Posts: 8,738
USNGunner wrote:
Yeah, you are a bit behind.

We've been heading that way since the 60's. Rome did not fall in a decade. The hedonism took over and it was a self fulfilling prophecy.

If the liberals and democrats get their way? We as a nation are done. If we can stave the barbarians and hedonists off?

There is hope.

But, I am not holding my breath. There is little spine left in this country, at least in those making policy, and damned less in those coming up. Molly coddled sissies suckled at the breasts of participation trophies and "you're ok, but little Billy isn't because he has a ****?"

Frankly, I'm betting this place is freaking doomed. Too many snowflakes, not enough folks willing to gut it out.

Unfortunately, I too share your outlook. Just thankful I don't have kids. But I still care deeply about what's happening.
Frustrating as hell...
delta1 Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
Posts: 28,889
America is still the strongest nation, and will be around for many more generations beyond the passing of the participation trophy generation...our history of industrialization, innovation, education, self-governance, production, wealth and financial markets, global alliances, private enterprise, judicial system, military power, technological advancements, communications systems, social and cultural norms that value freedom and individual rights along with cooperative expectations, on and on, won't be undone by a few extremists among the wide spectrum of viewpoints and people in power...

those looking for reasons that America will soon crumble will be left behind and wondering what happened, like the people who expected the Apocalypse and openly pined for the Rapture at the beginning of GWBush's War and during the Great Recession...
izonfire Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
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I cling to hope Delta
frankj1 Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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delta1 wrote:
America is still the strongest nation, and will be around for many more generations beyond the passing of the participation trophy generation...our history of industrialization, innovation, education, self-governance, production, wealth and financial markets, global alliances, private enterprise, judicial system, military power, technological advancements, communications systems, social and cultural norms that value freedom and individual rights along with cooperative expectations, on and on, won't be undone by a few extremists among the wide spectrum of viewpoints and people in power...

those looking for reasons that America will soon crumble will be left behind and wondering what happened, like the people who expected the Apocalypse and openly pined for the Rapture at the beginning of GWBush's War and during the Great Recession...

we ain't going nowhere soon.

could have just as easily picked the recent surge in extreme far right movements all over the globe to moan and whine about as the beginning of the end.

izonfire Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
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frankj1 wrote:
we ain't going nowhere soon.

could have just as easily picked the recent surge in extreme far right movements all over the globe to moan and whine about as the beginning of the end.

Thanks a lot Frank, now I got that on my mind too...

frankj1 Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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never again...don't worry.
USNGunner Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 05-17-2019
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delta1 wrote:
America is still the strongest nation, and will be around for many more generations beyond the passing of the participation trophy generation...our history of industrialization, innovation, education, self-governance, production, wealth and financial markets, global alliances, private enterprise, judicial system, military power, technological advancements, communications systems, social and cultural norms that value freedom and individual rights along with cooperative expectations, on and on, won't be undone by a few extremists among the wide spectrum of viewpoints and people in power...

those looking for reasons that America will soon crumble will be left behind and wondering what happened, like the people who expected the Apocalypse and openly pined for the Rapture at the beginning of GWBush's War and during the Great Recession...

I am a member of the shining light on the hill generation. I pray to hell that you are right. However, most folks anymore seem far to willing to give up the hard fought for and earned rights and privileges that hey enjoy now, for "safe spaces and political correctness".

They are willing to relinquish personal freedom for not having to listen to contrary ideas? WTH?

They don't feel the need to accept personal responsibility for their actions? It's somebody else's fault?

Nope. It isn't, nor do I or anyone else owe them a damned thing.

Dude, I believe, and stood up and fought for America. I gave up 20 years of my life for her. Don't ever doubt my commitment to this country and what she "actually" stands for.

But I'll tell you right now, this pc bull****, with safe spaces, and all the other nonsense ain't it, and it will be the end of it. A nation without borders isn't a nation. Brick wall
USNGunner Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 05-17-2019
Posts: 4,402
Whistlebritches wrote:
I concur...…..and it's just **** ing scary how much we think alike.

We come from the same places, we've seen the same things. Too many folks have never walked the world and have no practical experience to back up what they pontificate about.

I laugh my buttocks off when somebody invokes another country as an ideal. "Really? Ever been there? I have. I'll tell you what. Go live there for 5 years. Then come back and tell me what you think. If you still feel that way, I'll pay for your travel."

I've yet to write a check. d'oh!
frankj1 Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,439
so, a one party system would solve the "problem".
got it.
izonfire Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
Posts: 8,738
Sitting on my covered balcony, smoking my cigar, deep in the woods.
I hear the fireworks going off all around me. A cluster and smattering of pops in repetition. An occasional heavy explosion.
I imagine being dug in, waiting for the inevitable attack. Eyes pealed. Heart pounding. Thinking “how the **** did I end up here???”
And then it happens. The utter chaos. Gunfire, rockets, explosions, screams. Sheer terror. Absolute hell. I can only imagine.

Thankfully, I can only imagine.
I have a few older friends who have been through it.
They have my utmost respect and admiration.

I have been through some nasty chit in my life. But not once have I felt sorry for myself. I know it could always be worse.
Many of them have been through the worst of it. Many did not make it back.

I support the brothers. I go to local functions. I go to vet services and rallys up in the northwoods.
Some are amputees. Some are permanently disabled. All have scars. I feel guilt for not enduring what they have.

There is not a day that goes by that I don’t give thanks to them.
For what I have. For what they have provided. For what they have suffered.
USNGunner Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 05-17-2019
Posts: 4,402
izonfire wrote:

I support the brothers. I go to local functions. I go to vet services and rallys up in the northwoods.
Some are amputees. Some are permanently disabled. All have scars. I feel guilt for not enduring what they have.

Good on ya Rich. They appreciate it, it helps.

There is no reason for guilt. If we all were military, there would be nothing to defend. ;)

We all pick a path. Some serve in the military, some serve as police or fire fire fighters, some serve keeping day to day society running. We need all that. As long as one walks the path honorably while doing no harm to others, it's a good path.

We need walkers everywhere buddy.
teedubbya Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
We are still the greatest country in the world. I don’t know if we always will be. History suggests otherwise but past performance doesn’t guarantee future results. And the industrial world is a different animal.

Pontificating on how much more your opinion has value because you somehow think your experiences carry more value than others experiences shows a huge blind spot which amounts to a weakness.

I know my opinion is my opinion and not automatically better that someone else’s because it’s me. I’ve traveled quite a bit. Some things in some countries are better than here. We can still learn. We are a young country.

Being the greatest country in the world (and I would say in History but I’m biased) doesn’t make us perfect. We have much to learn if we allow it. That can’t happen if we proclaim ourselves all knowledgeable and all dissent simply uninformed.

We are young, growing and having pains as a result. I do still believe our best days ahead of us despite the reactionary crowd that has an artificially amplified voice at the moment.

And get off my lawn.
frankj1 Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,439
some good posts above...

I think of my father quite often, I think of his service more so on the 4th and on Memorial Day.

I think of what it must have been like for him to go into the Army during WWII at age 27, to be sent to Europe.
To have been atop phone poles repairing broken wires and electrical things (they made him a specialist in these electrical things) to keep the information flowing, with some kind of gun on his hip.
He must have been frightened, but never spoke of that part.

He came back, married my mother, I was born several years later when he was 38. Many of my opinions and views are his, including traits that I can only hope to emulate when it comes to the respect toward and treatment of other human beings. He was the best kind of man.

He always said that he served so others could live in peace with the freedom to be wrong.

He was a liberal. as am I.

and he knew it was a funny line. Truth in jest I guess.
teedubbya Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
Salute and props to your dad frank. Every day I try to make the same impact in my kids that your dad did to you.

I also hope you got the tripod gene from his side of the family. It would be a shame if it was wasted on the maternal side... or um well you know what I mean.
frankj1 Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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I do know what you mean.
izonfire Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
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teedubbya wrote:
And get off my lawn.

This is no longer your lawn.
It has been annexed by the state.

Move along...
Phil222 Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2017
Posts: 1,911
teedubbya wrote:
Pontificating on how much more your opinion has value because you somehow think your experiences carry more value than others experiences shows a huge blind spot which amounts to a weakness.

I know my opinion is my opinion and not automatically better that someone else’s because it’s me.

USNGunner Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 05-17-2019
Posts: 4,402
frankj1 wrote:
some good posts above...

I think of my father quite often, I think of his service more so on the 4th and on Memorial Day.

I think of what it must have been like for him to go into the Army during WWII at age 27, to be sent to Europe.
To have been atop phone poles repairing broken wires and electrical things (they made him a specialist in these electrical things) to keep the information flowing, with some kind of gun on his hip.
He must have been frightened, but never spoke of that part.

He came back, married my mother, I was born several years later when he was 38. Many of my opinions and views are his, including traits that I can only hope to emulate when it comes to the respect toward and treatment of other human beings. He was the best kind of man.

He always said that he served so others could live in peace with the freedom to be wrong.

He was a liberal. as am I.

and he knew it was a funny line. Truth in jest I guess.

Good on your Father Frank. Much respect. Those guys did one helluva job, not an ounce of backup in them. A debt that can never be truly repaid, only honored and carried forward.

I think you misunderstand my point though. I'm not a my way or the highway guy, nor do I think that my military experience makes me more qualified as "the supreme right answer". Frankly I agree with your father. The whole point is protecting everyone's right to make up their own mind and have their own educated opinion.

I have no issue with any of that. Key word there being educated or at least actually informed on the topic. And that means both sides. Myopia is never a good thing.

Hell, I'm fine with liberals. As long as they actually not only believe the issues they espouse and want to make law, but live their lives that way accordingly. If someone is practicing what you preach, more power to them. In that case, while I may not agree with their position, I'll respect it as they do live and honor their beliefs. But if they just want to impose that on everyone else? Yeah, not so much.

My issue is with those that a. have no perspective, they just regurgitate talking points, b. espouse beliefs and positions that everyone else should have to live by but they do not do so in any way shape or form, c. when presented with a viable counter-position or argument simply shout it down and rile the mob to continue to do so, and d. not be willing to have an actual constructive discussion.

I can't take someone screaming to the heavens about global warming seriously while they're flying around on a private jet. horse

And that cuts every single political party out there.

When I reference my experiences, it's because I've been to these other countries, a lot, and walked the ground interacting with the folks and observing their processes and life styles. For years. Not just a week or two holiday or business trip. I have witnessed and experienced the cultures and life styles, firsthand. There are some great places out there for sure, but none I would want to live in.

America is still, for now, the greatest country on Earth. But if these policies of open boarders, free everything for everyone continue unchecked it won't be. The free health care in Europe and Canada gets tossed around a lot. Yeah, they have that, but nobody ever mentions that tax loads. The VAT tax is insidious.

And those nations do not live and operate anything like we do. No one also ever brings up "in the black" which is essentially "under the table". If you really need immediate good health care, you are either paying for your own private insurance on the side, which gets you head of the line as paying patients go first, or you have a doctor you pay "in the black". I have great friends in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Norway, it's the same everywhere.

That is not supposition, that's simply my actual observations.

We as a nation did not get to be the great power and country that we are on socialism. That's not how it works. I will oppose that to the day my wife gets her insurance check. That I'm" paying for.

So I believe what I believe, based on my life's experiences. Other folks have different ones based on theirs. OK, that's how it works. I'm more than happy to discuss mine, and why I think what I do with folks. In a civil conversation and exchange of ideas. But I'll not be shouted down, or shunted, or shamed into being quiet about them. When that starts the conversations are over, I'm not much on lectures either.

Again, that cuts all parties. We, as a nation, need to regain civility, intellectual honesty, honor and character. It all matters.

When all of a nation's political representation are talking out of both sides of their mouths depending on day and audience, that is the recipe for the end. A representative republic is not meant to be mob rule, nor are politicians supposed to be bought.

So yeah, there are big problems in this country, and I'm not in denial about them. I honestly believe that if we don't get back on track, well the Brits and the Roman senate never saw it coming either. But they aren't the worlds big cheeses anymore either. History, it's either learned and respected, or repeated.

Always has been, always will be.
teedubbya Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
Don’t assume someone’s inexperience compared to your experience because they disagree with your factual observations. Again it’s a blind spot.

You’d be surprised how many of them think you are the one just regurgitating talking points with no context or actual observations or experiences. There’d be wrong about you right? Perhaps you are wrong about them. Your assumptions are flawed by your filter. It’s a huge mental weakness.

Blindness isn’t mutually exclusive to any partisan circle. It’s also often very convenient.
frankj1 Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,439
USNGunner wrote:
Good on your Father Frank. Much respect. Those guys did one helluva job, not an ounce of backup in them. A debt that can never be truly repaid, only honored and carried forward.

I think you misunderstand my point though. I'm not a my way or the highway guy, nor do I think that my military experience makes me more qualified as "the supreme right answer". Frankly I agree with your father. The whole point is protecting everyone's right to make up their own mind and have their own educated opinion.

I have no issue with any of that. Key word there being educated or at least actually informed on the topic. And that means both sides. Myopia is never a good thing.

Hell, I'm fine with liberals. As long as they actually not only believe the issues they espouse and want to make law, but live their lives that way accordingly. If someone is practicing what you preach, more power to them. In that case, while I may not agree with their position, I'll respect it as they do live and honor their beliefs. But if they just want to impose that on everyone else? Yeah, not so much.

My issue is with those that a. have no perspective, they just regurgitate talking points, b. espouse beliefs and positions that everyone else should have to live by but they do not do so in any way shape or form, c. when presented with a viable counter-position or argument simply shout it down and rile the mob to continue to do so, and d. not be willing to have an actual constructive discussion.

I can't take someone screaming to the heavens about global warming seriously while they're flying around on a private jet. horse

And that cuts every single political party out there.

When I reference my experiences, it's because I've been to these other countries, a lot, and walked the ground interacting with the folks and observing their processes and life styles. For years. Not just a week or two holiday or business trip. I have witnessed and experienced the cultures and life styles, firsthand. There are some great places out there for sure, but none I would want to live in.

America is still, for now, the greatest country on Earth. But if these policies of open boarders, free everything for everyone continue unchecked it won't be. The free health care in Europe and Canada gets tossed around a lot. Yeah, they have that, but nobody ever mentions that tax loads. The VAT tax is insidious.

And those nations do not live and operate anything like we do. No one also ever brings up "in the black" which is essentially "under the table". If you really need immediate good health care, you are either paying for your own private insurance on the side, which gets you head of the line as paying patients go first, or you have a doctor you pay "in the black". I have great friends in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Norway, it's the same everywhere.

That is not supposition, that's simply my actual observations.

We as a nation did not get to be the great power and country that we are on socialism. That's not how it works. I will oppose that to the day my wife gets her insurance check. That I'm" paying for.

So I believe what I believe, based on my life's experiences. Other folks have different ones based on theirs. OK, that's how it works. I'm more than happy to discuss mine, and why I think what I do with folks. In a civil conversation and exchange of ideas. But I'll not be shouted down, or shunted, or shamed into being quiet about them. When that starts the conversations are over, I'm not much on lectures either.

Again, that cuts all parties. We, as a nation, need to regain civility, intellectual honesty, honor and character. It all matters.

When all of a nation's political representation are talking out of both sides of their mouths depending on day and audience, that is the recipe for the end. A representative republic is not meant to be mob rule, nor are politicians supposed to be bought.

So yeah, there are big problems in this country, and I'm not in denial about them. I honestly believe that if we don't get back on track, well the Brits and the Roman senate never saw it coming either. But they aren't the worlds big cheeses anymore either. History, it's either learned and respected, or repeated.

Always has been, always will be.

I highly doubt you and I would ever have a problem getting along in person.

I would love to see some thoughts about that other party it cuts regarding civility, intellectual honesty, honor and character with the same fervor and fears of where it could lead if left to fester and bloom as was so clearly stated about the left.

I'm pushing your buttons, clearly, cuz that's what we do here sometimes. But I meant that we'd be cool together.
izonfire Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
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frankj1 wrote:
I'm pushing your buttons,

If you’re talkin clittoral warship, I’m on board!!!
frankj1 Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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I wasn't.
izonfire Offline
#26 Posted:
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frankj1 wrote:
I wasn't.

Abandon ship!!!
Speyside Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
Posts: 13,106
Gunner, interesting and well stated. Rather astute also. IZON, when you stated clitoral you weren't being litoral, were you.
izonfire Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
Posts: 8,738
Speyside wrote:
Gunner, interesting and well stated. Rather astute also. IZON, when you stated clitoral you weren't being litoral, were you.

That ship has sailed. From the fine port of Green Bay.
Stimulating intense worship
ZRX1200 Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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I don’t think found it.
frankj1 Offline
#30 Posted:
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ZRX1200 wrote:
I don’t think found it.

what is up with that?
RMAN4443 Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 09-29-2016
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ZRX1200 wrote:
I don’t think found it.

It's there, just get in there and poke around....Anxious
RMAN4443 Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 09-29-2016
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it's not really "in" there, but you get the idea...
ZRX1200 Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Well if you knew your anatomy you’d know that only 10-20% is exposed the rest is the G spot. But RMan doesn’t like super soakers I guess.
RMAN4443 Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 09-29-2016
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ZRX1200 wrote:
Well if you knew your anatomy you’d know that only 10-20% is exposed the rest is the G spot. But RMan doesn’t like super soakers I guess.

I know, I know I'm a dumbazz, your not the first person here to tell me that....Brick wall Brick wall
ZRX1200 Offline
#35 Posted:
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ZRX1200 Offline
#36 Posted:
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frankj1 Offline
#37 Posted:
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save yourself.
it's too late for me...
RMAN4443 Offline
#38 Posted:
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ZRX1200 wrote:

she says I'm a silver tongued devil...Flapper
frankj1 Offline
#39 Posted:
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RMAN4443 wrote:
she says I'm a silver tongued devil...Flapper

forked tongue is more satisfying.
ZRX1200 Offline
#40 Posted:
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Ever give her the “minivan”?
frankj1 Offline
#41 Posted:
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ZRX1200 Offline
#42 Posted:
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The minivan is 2 in the front 5 in the rear.
RMAN4443 Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 09-29-2016
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Hmmm, I wonder if that's what she meant when she told me I should get a minivan....that confused the hell out of me, we weren't even looking for a new vehicle at the timeThink Think
frankj1 Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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the maxivan is the tipping point.
stay on topic!
izonfire Offline
#45 Posted:
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frankj1 wrote:
what is up with that?

Man overboard!!!
izonfire Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
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RMAN4443 wrote:
she says I'm a silver tongued devil...Flapper

You’re s’pose ta take the spoon out first
izonfire Offline
#47 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
Posts: 8,738
frankj1 wrote:
the maxivan is the tipping point.
stay on topic!

I’d go straight to the tractor-trailer.
Git er done boy!!!
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