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Last post 6 years ago by tailgater. 159 replies replies.
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NRA questions Obama's decision to allow bump stocks 7 years ago.
RMAN4443 Offline
#51 Posted:
Joined: 09-29-2016
Posts: 7,683
DrafterX wrote:
He does.. in exchange for fondling her boobs.. or so I heard.. they may take turns... Mellow

Take turns fondling her boobs?Scared .....or buying jr. mints?
DrafterX Offline
#52 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,639
Both.. she's really into herself.. Mellow
victor809 Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
RMAN4443 wrote:
Take turns fondling her boobs?Scared .....or buying jr. mints?

He meant take turns like "left boob 10 min, right boob 10 min"...
RMAN4443 Offline
#54 Posted:
Joined: 09-29-2016
Posts: 7,683
victor809 wrote:
He meant take turns like "left boob 10 min, right boob 10 min"...

That's not taking turns,that's more alternating left and rightThink
victor809 Offline
#55 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
I dunno... I think that's how drafter likes to have his boobs fondled...
DrafterX Offline
#56 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,639
I do like my boobs fondled.. Mellow
RMAN4443 Offline
#57 Posted:
Joined: 09-29-2016
Posts: 7,683
DrafterX wrote:
I do like my boobs fondled.. Mellow

Who doesn't????Confused
tailgater Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
I learned something today.

Calling somebody a racist in a discussion that was previously devoid of anything racial is NOT "playing the race card".


Sometimes I think victor even believes himself.
Which is just precious.

Oh, and he isn't influenced by the slanted main stream media.
His opinions just happen to mimic their biased hatred.
Pure coincidence.

If it wasn't for his fascination with Drafter's boobs I'd say he's gone off the deep end.

Thank goodness for Drafter's boobs.*

*not the first time I've typed that, I'm sure.

DrafterX Offline
#59 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,639
Maybe we should all pitch in and get Victor a set of boobs... Mellow
Ewok126 Offline
#60 Posted:
Joined: 06-25-2017
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DrafterX wrote:
Maybe we should all pitch in and get Victor a set of boobs... Mellow

I got a used blow up doll I can let you have for cheap. The left boob wont hold air well. I dress to the right so I was giving that one side hell. I figure with a bicycle tire patch it would be like new. horse
qmech Offline
#61 Posted:
Joined: 06-17-2016
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If a man gets hit by a bus and goes flying through the air does that make him Superman?
DrafterX Offline
#62 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,639
Is he wearing a cape..?? Huh
victor809 Offline
#63 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
tailgater wrote:
I learned something today.

Calling somebody a racist in a discussion that was previously devoid of anything racial is NOT "playing the race card".


Sometimes I think victor even believes himself.
Which is just precious.

Oh, and he isn't influenced by the slanted main stream media.
His opinions just happen to mimic their biased hatred.
Pure coincidence.

If it wasn't for his fascination with Drafter's boobs I'd say he's gone off the deep end.

Thank goodness for Drafter's boobs.*

*not the first time I've typed that, I'm sure.

Your posts are like a sad little cry for acceptance.
Even after my statement, the thread wasn't "racial".
You didn't throw a fit that I also called trump "evil", "narcissistic" and "a host of other negative qualities"....

but you have a fit that I also called him racist.

I think he's stupid too.... and orange. Have I made the thread stupidist and orangeist?

I stated states of being about our president as an aside, not part of the argument. You decided to latch on to them for some strange obsession. You could have dropped them. Or you could have addressed them as they were. But oh no... you had to pretend this was "victor playing the race card"...

Now look at you. There you stand on the same side of the argument as someone who literally has stated he moved to higher elevation to get away from black people.

Tail... this has been happening to you a lot recently. You're finding yourself on the side of an argument figuratively standing next to people wearing nazi armbands and chanting "jews will not replace us"....

You may want to rethink your decision making process.

Or just go all in and get yourself a white hood... I don't care.
RMAN4443 Offline
#64 Posted:
Joined: 09-29-2016
Posts: 7,683
victor809 wrote:
Your posts are like a sad little cry for acceptance.
Even after my statement, the thread wasn't "racial".
You didn't throw a fit that I also called trump "evil", "narcissistic" and "a host of other negative qualities"....

but you have a fit that I also called him racist.

I think he's stupid too.... and orange. Have I made the thread stupidist and orangeist?

I stated states of being about our president as an aside, not part of the argument. You decided to latch on to them for some strange obsession. You could have dropped them. Or you could have addressed them as they were. But oh no... you had to pretend this was "victor playing the race card"...

Now look at you. There you stand on the same side of the argument as someone who literally has stated he moved to higher elevation to get away from black people.

Tail... this has been happening to you a lot recently. You're finding yourself on the side of an argument figuratively standing next to people wearing nazi armbands and chanting "jews will not replace us"....

You may want to rethink your decision making process.

Or just go all in and get yourself a white hood... I don't care.

Tail,you could get one of those white suits like John Travolta,and then you could go to a Disco and dance all nite long....That'd be pretty coolAnxious
DrafterX Offline
#65 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,639
The new 'cool' is bad mouthing the POTUS... All the cool kids are doing it now.. Mellow
delta1 Offline
#66 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
Posts: 28,872
Just catching up. Some of you didn't seem to understand my post about the NRA's decision to support the banning of bump stocks. I thought we all knew that the NRA, an organization representing gun-owning citizens, also does most of it's political activism on behalf of the American gun manufacturing industry, often fighting court battles and promoting gun-related legislation for the industry. Most importantly, the NRA leverages its power by supporting like-minded political candidates and attacking those with opposing view-points, electing NRA supporters to positions of power. It goes without saying that although the NRA itself doesn't make any guns, it successfully speaks on behalf of a very profitable industry, arguably the most influential lobbyist ever.

The gun industry does enjoy protection from liability that is unique among American industries. In 2005, the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act was passed in Congress. It gives broad immunity to gun manufacturers and dealers in federal and state court. PLCAA prohibits civil liability claims from the criminal or lawful misuse of firearms or ammunition.

My third point is that the NRA is a very prominent political player in America. It, and it's supporters, exert great influence on the political response to American gun culture and events that impact the culture. It usually takes an immediate and opposing stance to any movement towards the regulation of the industry in the aftermath of incidents like LV.

But here, the NRA seems to support the outcry that bump stocks should be banned. Why the apparently big shift? After Sandy Hook and Orlando and San Bernardino, Roseburg, Charlottesville, Washington DC, Aurora, Binghamton, and all the other mass killing incidents, the NRA's response was the same: people are the problem, not guns.

It's because bump stocks are not a major component of sales in the industry and are not made by the big gun manufacturers who are the bosses of the NRA. Gun owners never embraced the devices because they were difficult to use accurately. So throwing them under the bus makes good political sense.
RMAN4443 Offline
#67 Posted:
Joined: 09-29-2016
Posts: 7,683
DrafterX wrote:
The new 'cool' is bad mouthing the POTUS... All the cool kids are doing it now.. Mellow

I'm pretty cool,ask anyone,and I don't do thatWhistle
DrafterX Offline
#68 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,639
delta1 wrote:

The gun industry does enjoy protection from liability that is unique among American industries. In 2005, the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act was passed in Congress. It gives broad immunity to gun manufacturers and dealers in federal and state court. PLCAA prohibits civil liability claims from the criminal or lawful misuse of firearms or ammunition.

Do you think maybe this was passed because it was common sense..?? Huh
tailgater Offline
#69 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
victor809 wrote:
Your posts are like a sad little cry for acceptance.
Even after my statement, the thread wasn't "racial".
You didn't throw a fit that I also called trump "evil", "narcissistic" and "a host of other negative qualities"....

but you have a fit that I also called him racist.

I think he's stupid too.... and orange. Have I made the thread stupidist and orangeist?

I stated states of being about our president as an aside, not part of the argument. You decided to latch on to them for some strange obsession. You could have dropped them. Or you could have addressed them as they were. But oh no... you had to pretend this was "victor playing the race card"...

Now look at you. There you stand on the same side of the argument as someone who literally has stated he moved to higher elevation to get away from black people.

Tail... this has been happening to you a lot recently. You're finding yourself on the side of an argument figuratively standing next to people wearing nazi armbands and chanting "jews will not replace us"....

You may want to rethink your decision making process.

Or just go all in and get yourself a white hood... I don't care.

Now victor is mad because I didn't call his post "orangeist".

As for being on the same side of an argument?
I hear you share similar anti-Trump viewpoints with Kim jong-un. So I guess you're birds of a feather. Maybe fly over to NK with Rodman next time he wants his 15 minutes again.

Weak, weaker, victor809.
In that order.

And you DO luvs you some race baiting.
I call you out for it and now I wear a white hood.
That's Main Stream Media and Social Justice Warrior 101.

Such a free thinker.

victor809 Offline
#70 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
Your posts have degenerated into some sort of cry for acceptance.

You want to have your opinion on the world and you want us to accept it.
If we don't we must be race baiting, or have been mind controlled by the main stream media, or it's because we're "social justice warriors"....

Grow a pair and own it. At least cacman doesn't try telling me that it's the evil mainstream media telling me to be disgusted by his opinions... he at least owns them.

We've had this discussion in a number of threads, and you seem so dissatisfied that every time the word "racist" is written in a thread, even as a throwaway adjective which could be completely ignored, you decide to jump on it and get all defensive.... for trump. It's very strange behavior, and leads me to think you want to hear something you aren't hearing. But I don't find that sort of neediness attractive in girlfriends, I'm sure as h3ll not going to be amused in this case. The truth of the matter is I find a lot of the words you use and the positions you've chosen to take very troubling and indicative that you have a set of morals which I find incompatible with the definition of a decent human being. That's fine. That doesn't require some weird confrontation between us where you try to tell me that I only think badly of you because the mainstream media tells me to. I have never told you what to think or how to act, You're acting out like a child and then telling me (and others) that we need to think your beliefs are good because we just don't understand everything you do. It's asinine.
DrafterX Offline
#71 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,639
Well Victor, maybe instead of proclaiming Trump a 'racist' you might try saying something like, 'Trump said something that might've hurt my overly sensitive black friend's feeling's.. then we could discuss what was said.. flat out calling someone a racist isn't good for starting a conversation... Mellow
MACS Offline
#72 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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I found it ironic that everything you said about Joe could be applied to you. Think
victor809 Offline
#73 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
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MACS wrote:
I found it ironic that everything you said about Joe could be applied to you. Think

You can find it ironic, but you wouldn't be using the term correctly.

I do not try to justify other's opinions of me or the things I say or do. Or even the opinion they may have of a third party. Have you ever known me to care what people's opinions are of me here? I sure as hell would act differently if that were a concern.
Ewok126 Offline
#74 Posted:
Joined: 06-25-2017
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TITLE SAYS NRA questions Obama's decision to allow bump stocks 7 years ago.

and here we are again people falling for the "general misdirection" ploy and another forum post being lead astray off into the wild blue yonder. You all do know its a deception tactic right? It amazes me how well it works lmaooooo. Brick wall Brick wall Brick wall Brick wall
victor809 Offline
#75 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
Ewok126 wrote:
TITLE SAYS NRA questions Obama's decision to allow bump stocks 7 years ago.

and here we are again people falling for the "general misdirection" ploy and another forum post being lead astray off into the wild blue yonder. You all do know its a deception tactic right? It amazes me how well it works lmaooooo. Brick wall Brick wall Brick wall Brick wall

To be fair, this thread started with Tail asking "why is trump so evil". He was spoiling for this sort of stupidity.
Ewok126 Offline
#76 Posted:
Joined: 06-25-2017
Posts: 4,356
victor809 wrote:
To be fair, this thread started with Tail asking "why is trump so evil". He was spoiling for this sort of stupidity.

Oh it is absolutely fair, I never said where the general misdirection ploy took place. ThumpUp
tailgater Offline
#77 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
victor809 wrote:
To be fair, this thread started with Tail asking "why is trump so evil". He was spoiling for this sort of stupidity.

Uh, it's called "sarcasm".

tailgater Offline
#78 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
victor809 wrote:
Your posts have degenerated into some sort of cry for acceptance.

You want to have your opinion on the world and you want us to accept it.
If we don't we must be race baiting, or have been mind controlled by the main stream media, or it's because we're "social justice warriors"....

Grow a pair and own it. At least cacman doesn't try telling me that it's the evil mainstream media telling me to be disgusted by his opinions... he at least owns them.

We've had this discussion in a number of threads, and you seem so dissatisfied that every time the word "racist" is written in a thread, even as a throwaway adjective which could be completely ignored, you decide to jump on it and get all defensive.... for trump. It's very strange behavior, and leads me to think you want to hear something you aren't hearing. But I don't find that sort of neediness attractive in girlfriends, I'm sure as h3ll not going to be amused in this case. The truth of the matter is I find a lot of the words you use and the positions you've chosen to take very troubling and indicative that you have a set of morals which I find incompatible with the definition of a decent human being. That's fine. That doesn't require some weird confrontation between us where you try to tell me that I only think badly of you because the mainstream media tells me to. I have never told you what to think or how to act, You're acting out like a child and then telling me (and others) that we need to think your beliefs are good because we just don't understand everything you do. It's asinine.

Do I have to spell it out?

When a thread or a post has nothing to do with race, and a person (you) decide to call someone a racist, then yes. That is race-baiting by it's pure definition.

For instance:
Me: Hi Victor. How's the weather?
You: Hot as a black person's hide after a day picking cotton on your slave-driven farm, you racist.


Own it.

tailgater Offline
#79 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
victor809 wrote:
Your posts have degenerated into some sort of cry for acceptance.

You want to have your opinion on the world and you want us to accept it.
If we don't we must be race baiting, or have been mind controlled by the main stream media, or it's because we're "social justice warriors"....

Grow a pair and own it. At least cacman doesn't try telling me that it's the evil mainstream media telling me to be disgusted by his opinions... he at least owns them.

We've had this discussion in a number of threads, and you seem so dissatisfied that every time the word "racist" is written in a thread, even as a throwaway adjective which could be completely ignored, you decide to jump on it and get all defensive.... for trump. It's very strange behavior, and leads me to think you want to hear something you aren't hearing. But I don't find that sort of neediness attractive in girlfriends, I'm sure as h3ll not going to be amused in this case. The truth of the matter is I find a lot of the words you use and the positions you've chosen to take very troubling and indicative that you have a set of morals which I find incompatible with the definition of a decent human being. That's fine. That doesn't require some weird confrontation between us where you try to tell me that I only think badly of you because the mainstream media tells me to. I have never told you what to think or how to act, You're acting out like a child and then telling me (and others) that we need to think your beliefs are good because we just don't understand everything you do. It's asinine.

And just to be clear, you're talking out of your battle-weary azz.

I haven't told you that my beliefs are good.(if I have, point it out. It was not my intent). I just call you out when you inaccurately call people racists.
I haven't even called you a name. I'm just pointing it out.

Then I laugh.

RMAN4443 Offline
#80 Posted:
Joined: 09-29-2016
Posts: 7,683
Aha......that's why Drafter has a "black dog" as his avatar. .......hmmmm
Very interesting,but crazy
DrafterX Offline
#81 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,639
I had the avatar before calling people racist was cool... Mellow
scorpio Offline
#82 Posted:
Joined: 08-18-2017
Posts: 1
Aren't Bumpfire stocks Black?
frankj1 Offline
#83 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,296
DrafterX wrote:
I had the avatar before calling people racist was cool... Mellow

is this my fault?
Ewok126 Offline
#84 Posted:
Joined: 06-25-2017
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frankj1 wrote:
is this my fault?

Lmaoo How in the heck would it be your fault Frank lmaooo
frankj1 Offline
#85 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,296
I dunno. I decide to help out X and root for OSU and the Cowboys lose...I must be a jinx.
Everything I touch lately goes south.
RMAN4443 Offline
#86 Posted:
Joined: 09-29-2016
Posts: 7,683
DrafterX wrote:
I had the avatar before calling people racist was cool... Mellow

I didn't know it was cool, I just thought I was being! Cool
Ewok126 Offline
#87 Posted:
Joined: 06-25-2017
Posts: 4,356
frankj1 wrote:
I dunno. I decide to help out X and root for OSU and the Cowboys lose...I must be a jinx.
Everything I touch lately goes south.

Mental Note, make sure to tell the ladies to never let Frank touch the boobies and keep him away from my pee pee. Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you
RMAN4443 Offline
#88 Posted:
Joined: 09-29-2016
Posts: 7,683
scorpio wrote:
Aren't Bumpfire stocks Black?

I've seen brown ones Whistle
victor809 Offline
#89 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
tailgater wrote:
Do I have to spell it out?

When a thread or a post has nothing to do with race, and a person (you) decide to call someone a racist, then yes. That is race-baiting by it's pure definition.

For instance:
Me: Hi Victor. How's the weather?
You: Hot as a black person's hide after a day picking cotton on your slave-driven farm, you racist.


Own it.

You're not being smart. The statement that trump was racist had nothing to do whatsoever with my answer. It literally was not part of the answer to your question and could have been ignored by you without anyone making a comment. You chose not to ignore it because you thought it was important to try to defend the president from being called racist, despite the fact it had nothing to do with your question.

So in your example above it would be like :

Tail: Hi Victor. How's the weather?
Not tail: Hot. You racist.
victor809 Offline
#90 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
tailgater wrote:
And just to be clear, you're talking out of your battle-weary azz.

I haven't told you that my beliefs are good.(if I have, point it out. It was not my intent). I just call you out when you inaccurately call people racists.
I haven't even called you a name. I'm just pointing it out.

Then I laugh.

You're always trying to tell me why I think the way I think about your statements.

"Oh you only think this statement is racist because the MSM says so!"
"Oh you only think this statement is racist because you're the type of person who counts how many black friends he has!"

(and on and on).

If you don't think that's trying to justify a thought by discounting contrary thoughts... aw fug it. Who cares.

Seriously... I don't have to agree with you on what's racist.
I bet you cacman and I don't agree on what's racist. Why do you spend so much effort trying to convince me that I'm inaccurately calling someone a racist? doesn't matter. I'm going to think they're being racist based on the morals I have. You aren't going to think they are based off the morals you have.

I will judge the morals you have based on the morals I have... It isn't like I don't get judged here all the time. Suck it up and deal.

fugging snowflake.
Ewok126 Offline
#91 Posted:
Joined: 06-25-2017
Posts: 4,356

victor809 wrote:

fugging snowflake.

Well guess that answers the question of "Hows the weather?" Huhhh

Tune in tomorrow for Tails Reply.

and Que: music
tailgater Offline
#92 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
victor809 wrote:
You're not being smart. The statement that trump was racist had nothing to do whatsoever with my answer. It literally was not part of the answer to your question and could have been ignored by you without anyone making a comment. You chose not to ignore it because you thought it was important to try to defend the president from being called racist, despite the fact it had nothing to do with your question.

So in your example above it would be like :

Tail: Hi Victor. How's the weather?
Not tail: Hot. You racist.

I wasn't defending Trump. I was exposing your race baiting.
If I were defending Trump I would have taken exception to your comments about his evil orangeness.

Do try to keep up.

tailgater Offline
#93 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
victor809 wrote:
You're always trying to tell me why I think the way I think about your statements.

"Oh you only think this statement is racist because the MSM says so!"
"Oh you only think this statement is racist because you're the type of person who counts how many black friends he has!"

(and on and on).

If you don't think that's trying to justify a thought by discounting contrary thoughts... aw fug it. Who cares.

Seriously... I don't have to agree with you on what's racist.
I bet you cacman and I don't agree on what's racist. Why do you spend so much effort trying to convince me that I'm inaccurately calling someone a racist? doesn't matter. I'm going to think they're being racist based on the morals I have. You aren't going to think they are based off the morals you have.

I will judge the morals you have based on the morals I have... It isn't like I don't get judged here all the time. Suck it up and deal.

fugging snowflake.

Of course you use your own morals to judge. I've got no issue with that, until you start calling me racist. And you have. And all kidding aside I do have an issue with that. And now I'm just pointing out that you are a media driven race baiter. It's odd that this bothers you, because it's quite obvious. I would think you'd embrace it. I even provided proof by citing examples. While you use some self derived metrics to indiscriminately call people racist simply because you don't agree with them, and you refuse (or can't) provide support for your blathering.

So I admit that I don't "Know" that you count the number of black friends.
But it's a safe bet that you do. Because things like that are important to people like you. People who judge somebody else to be racist and when asked why answers with "doesn't matter".

MACS Offline
#94 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,003
frankj1 wrote:
I dunno. I decide to help out X and root for OSU and the Cowboys lose...I must be a jinx.
Everything I touch lately goes south.

This is not true, my friend. You touched me this year (not inappropriately, of course)... and I had one of the best fishing seasons EVAH!
victor809 Offline
#95 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
tailgater wrote:
I wasn't defending Trump. I was exposing your race baiting.
If I were defending Trump I would have taken exception to your comments about his evil orangeness.

Do try to keep up.

Claiming someone is judging something based on reasons completely external to their own morals is defending. You don't understand that. I can't make you understand that. This closes this conversation. You don't believe you were defending Trump. I believe you were. We will never agree.
DrafterX Offline
#96 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,639
frankj1 wrote:
I dunno. I decide to help out X and root for OSU and the Cowboys lose...I must be a jinx.
Everything I touch lately goes south.

Actually I blame my boss for that loss... He went to the game.. but I haven't told him it's his fault yet... Mellow
victor809 Offline
#97 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
tailgater wrote:
Of course you use your own morals to judge. I've got no issue with that, until you start calling me racist. And you have. And all kidding aside I do have an issue with that. And now I'm just pointing out that you are a media driven race baiter. It's odd that this bothers you, because it's quite obvious. I would think you'd embrace it. I even provided proof by citing examples. While you use some self derived metrics to indiscriminately call people racist simply because you don't agree with them, and you refuse (or can't) provide support for your blathering.

So I admit that I don't "Know" that you count the number of black friends.
But it's a safe bet that you do. Because things like that are important to people like you. People who judge somebody else to be racist and when asked why answers with "doesn't matter".

Your statement is devoid of logic. You have no issue with me using my morals to judge, yet you have an issue when those morals have judged you and caused me to call you racist. When I have I have given the reasons to do so. Yet you simply have chosen to believe and state that I'm only doing so out of some knee jerk reaction.

But that's fine. I'm not going to tell you why you are judging me on my actions. That's your right. If you want to be a snowflake I can't stop you, nor do I really care to. Seems to me this conversation is also closed as unresolvable.
DrafterX Offline
#98 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,639
So, now you're going to re-define 'snowflake'..?? Huh
victor809 Offline
#99 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
Dude gets butthurt when he's judged on his words and/or actions. Doesn't sound like I'm redefining snowflake.

...added bonus ... he's trying to make the world whiter...
(That's a joke)

DrafterX Offline
#100 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,639
Like Dove..?? Huh
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