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Last post 21 years ago by rayder1. 34 replies replies.
Cigars & Pipes
mtsheron Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 04-29-2000
Posts: 528
Does anyone else here smoke a ipe as well as cigars? I took up a pipe about one years ago and find it is a good transition between the two for a different taste of tobacco. I may smoke a pipe once a month but it does not take away from my cigat appreciation in any way. I think it has enhanced my taste and ability to recognize the subtleness of a fine cigar. Any feed back is welcomed.
mtsheron Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 04-29-2000
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Just noticed all the typo's.....LOL.....I am not really that illiterate.....I think.
SteveS Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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I used to ... during college years, I smoked cigarettes, a pipe and an occasional cigar ... quit the cigs as a young adult, smoked the pipe regularly with cigars on a more frequent basis ... at one point, some years ago, I quit all smoking ... stayed quit for quite some time, too ... never once missed the cigarettes, and very quickly, did not miss the pipe ... the cigars were what I missed!

When I could no longer resist, I picked up a really nice looking maduro in a small shop ... no band, just a damn fine looking cigar. Smoked it and said 'ah, yes ... just as good as I remembered them being' ...

For me, the pipe was a transition of sorts ... during the time I smoked it, I learned a lot about tobaccos and gained an appreciation for quality as well as a taste for full-bodied tobacco that I have retained completely ...
xibbumbero Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2002
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Never smoked an ipe but I have chased snipes. LOL X
Fubar69 Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 04-02-2001
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Come on guys...mtsheron didn't say what he smoked in the pipe..If it is what I think it is that would explain all the typos. So instead of getting the leathery, nutty taste he would be getting the horse sh8t, skunky, or dirt taste.

Oh for the good old college days.....eerrr man, try this...sssssss..Oh Yeah...Primo...69 going sideways
goldengoose7 Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2002
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I have several pipes here on my desk including a Calibash! (Sherlock Holmes Pipe) I don't smoke them all that much these days due to the fact that I always seem to get the tip of my tongue raw from the spices in pipe tobacco smoke. I love the taste, but the burn and the juice down the throat on occasion isn't good for the health. I don't get that with cigars and thus the reason I prefer these stogies to my pipe.

Fubar69 Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 04-02-2001
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P.S. Rookie...I never done none of that stuff..I just read about it in books..Yeah..thats it...I read about it. Onest ossifer, want the rest of my burrito?
SteveS Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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Goose ... the problems you describe, particularly the 'juicy' problem, are generally attributable to the pipe burning too hot. You'll want to be sure to keep the 'soot' residue to a minimum and perhaps draw a bit less heavily on it ... the soot can build up so thick that it restricts the volume of tobacco you can put in the pipe and can cause it to burn so hot you can scarcely touch the bowl ... sorta the same problem as if you let your chimney build-up get to the point the heat lights the house on fire ...
rookie139 Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 03-02-2000
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Be careful Fubar..Mtsheron is in the same field as I am, except he's fed...Probably gets the good stuff to smoke..LOL
Fubar69 Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 04-02-2001
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Oh,Oh, mtsheron...the book belonged to someone else...I found it..yeah..thats it...69
GetYourOwn Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 04-05-2002
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I like to smoke a pipe once in a while. But with all of these dang cigars that keep showing up on my doorstep I can't keep up with them. Pipes give a huge volume of smoke but the tobaccos I have are quite mild compared to my cigars. Also they are higher maintenance while smoking. You have to pay attention to them more. But the flavors are a lot smoother than flavored cigars. I really like the cherry mixture that I have. When I can just sit and relax and there is no wind I like to smoke the pipe.
GG7, Are you buying pipe tobacco from COSCO or something? You should only get bitten if you packed it too lose or you are puffing too fast. The grocery store tobacco has some sort of acid that they use as a preservative. Always buy from a tobacconist.
goldengoose7 Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2002
Posts: 310
Thanks for the tips guys. The tobacco I use to buy was from The Tinderbox and they would dip into one of those big jars to get my bag filled. Can't remember what it was called now it has been so long...Some kind of cavendish though. Sweet aromatic stuff.
PMoreno349 Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 07-05-2002
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I used to smoke a pipe occasionally before I started smoking cigars. I was not knowledgable about tobacco and gain some experience with flavors from it.

However, the pipe never caught my interest. In contrast, I am borderline obsesssed with cigars. Just something about the combination of craftmanship and complex flavors.
tailgater Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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I don't care for flavored cigars. Are all cigar tobaccos aromatic?
goldengoose7 Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2002
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You mean pipe tobaccos? Not all of them are but I would say most of the popular ones are.
Utz Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 07-10-2002
Posts: 15
I smoked a pipe for a year or so, and I did like it. But it was a real chore at times. Rotating the pipes out, caking the bowl and keeping it even, dealing with the excess moister...and when the wife saw the bill for a new pipe, she usually wasn't too thrilled.
tailgater Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Goose, yes I did mean Pipe tobacco. Thanks.
SteveS Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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good tobacco is good tobacco, whether it is rolled into cigars or processed for use in pipes, ... most of the pipe tobacco sold in drug stores is the equivilent of the cigars sold in drug stores and flavored pipe tobacco is even worse than flavored cigars ... cherry blend for pipes and swisher sweets cigars are cousins

If you go into a Tinderbox or a similar store anywhere, and purchase tobacco for a pipe, it is rare that you'd just get a bagful of tobacco from a single jar ... typically, they'd make you a blend using some of this and some of that ... the brand name tins you see on the shelves there are all blends ... the blends are 'aromatic' not because they're flavored, but because a good blend smells good ... it has a good aroma ...

Goose, next time you go into the Tinderbox for pipe tobacco, ask the guy to make a blend using a full, mature Virginia mixed with a bit of perique ('puh-reek') ... he might urge you to add a little latakia too, but tell him no ... be sure the cake in your pipe is scraped out pretty well (you DO want SOME, but if it's built up thicker than a nickle, its's TOO much ... a penny's worth of thickness is good) ... pack the tobacco firmly, but not tightly, light it evenly and after lighting, tamp it down lightly and re-light ... now, then ... don't smoke too quickly ... just as sucking on a cigar too heavily will make it burn hot, the same is true for your pipe ... draw frequently enough to keep it lit, but not enough that touching your cheek with the bowl feels too warm ... then let me know what you think ...
mhollowa Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2001
Posts: 517
I smoked burl pipes for years before our oldest was born, then gave it up. Ran into most of the problems goose and Steve described, even with good tobacco. Never used the inserts but knocked a lot of juice out of stems. You can pay too much for a pipe. I did once. Breaking a pipe in takes time because the layer of tar and ash you need around the inside of the bowl builds slowly. You need that layer so the pipe will smoke cool. There's never any place to put a pipe that it doesn't roll around and make a mess. I used to stuff them inside the button flap or pencil hole of the front pocket on my work shirts but I lost a couple before I wised up that they fell out unnoticed when I bent over to pick up a tool or lay down a chalk line. Pipes are hard to keep lit. It's a mystery. Most pipe tobacco I tried was dry and dead. Enjoyed Flying Dutchman, though. Most pipe tobacco is like a flavored cigar. Popularity of the Lord of the Rings trilogy might make 'em popular again. Enjoy what you got.
SteveS Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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Really good (translation; really expensive) pipes don't require that little metal gizzy in the stem ... those and other filters of that sort are indicative of a second class (or less) pipe ... in a good pipe the briar itself serves as a filter and absorbs juices, etc ... which is why it requires drying out ... smoke a pipe today, let it rest and smoke a different one tomorrow ...
CJBully Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 07-31-2002
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who says you can't learn anything on these threads... thanks for the insight guys!
tandem401 Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 03-01-2002
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I used to smoke a pipe only occasionally when my "tasting system" was not working too well. St. Bruno tobacco will deliver flavor even when you have a cold. There were always problems with harshness and bite. I just didn't want to waste a good cigar on a stuffy nose. But six years ago, when the price of cigars skyrocketed, I bought about 300 sticks, at a price that was the highest I would pay, and vowed that I would learn to smoke a pipe! I succeeded. There are a few things that I learned.

Mainly, match the condition of the tobacco with the way you personally smoke. I'm a very slow smoker, a 6x42 corona will last me 50 minutes. I found that I like the tobacco to be drier than would be normal. This allows it to burn at the rate that I want to smoke. The fineness of the cut, how much it is rubbed out and how firm it's packed all contribute to the burn rate. Excess juice means the humidity in the tobacco is condensing rather than evaporating. The result is a fluid that leaches flavors from the unburned tobacco, like getting a small dose of Red Man, washes sludge into the smoke and delivers a dose of steam to your tongue. Ouch, that bites! And it’s probably being smoked hotter just to keep it going.

Other tips include allowing the pipe to dry out for six hours before resuse and following the false lighting regimen. That means overlighting the pipe in the beginning then tamping it down so that it is evenly packed on the top and goes out. After relighting, it will burn then burn down instead of up.

The good part is that pipe tobacco provides a much broader range of flavors than cigars do, albeit without the subtlety. More to the point of the original post, with pipe smoking it’s possible to learn the characteristics of individual tobaccos. Trying different Virginias then adding a dose of Perique is more instructive than smoking different Dominican cigars whose ingredients are not really disclosed. How do they make it taste of chocolate and leather and is that good?

The best part is that if something is not right about the tobacco, you can add more of what you like or take out what you don’t. SteveS wrote, sometime back, that Flor De Florez was lacking something. Yes they are. Flor De Florez are like pipe tobacco on a stick with false high notes. If it was actually pipe it could be fixed.
tandem401 Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 03-01-2002
Posts: 112
SteveS, how do you put paragraphs in the text?. After carefully formatting my last post for readability I found that all my efforts were removed.
BMW Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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I like my wife to smoke my pipe, but she prefers a good torpedo. LoL

tandem, use the "less than" bracket,br, then the greater than bracket to make paragraphs. sample with brackets for illustration [br]
tandem401 Offline
#25 Posted:
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rayder1 Offline
#26 Posted:
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rayder1 Offline
#27 Posted:
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I Like a good pipe now and again. I used to smoke a pipe exclusively when I has a very boring graveyard job. Learned a lot about keeping a bowl going. Pipe cleaners were the rule to get rid of the gurgle. Usually came with a cold bowl and moist tobacco. The dryer stuff didn't gurgle. Steve gave an excellent idea for a neat blend.

My old tobacco shop (long gone) had excellent blends. John hand made his own Briars and I have a few of them. Showed me how he heated amber stems in whale oil to get them soft to form them to fit the high end pipes he made.
rayder1 Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
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Okay..I need a paragraph lesson as well. Sheesh.
jjohnson28 Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
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tandem401 email me at Bikenic at Netscape dot com

I just learned myself.Jim
jjohnson28 Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
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oops didn't read BMW post before I posted. LOL
tandem401 Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 03-01-2002
Posts: 112
Ok, I really need help on this one. Cigar tobacco is much stronger when you smoke it through a pipe. Why?

Here's my test. I'm smoking a medium strength cigar, a La Habanera, as I'm typing this. There are about four inches left. It's a nice smoke. Now I took a pipe that is just about the same ring gauge and stuck the unlit end into the pipe. So I'm just using the pipe as cigar holder and the cigar is still the same size. Now the smoke is strong and harsh. No kidding! But why?
GetYourOwn Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 04-05-2002
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Cause the tars have built up at the end and that is what is harsh. I chopped up a cigar that was broken and put it in my pipe. It burned very mild and produced a lot of smoke. It did not taste the way it would have as a cigar.
Try putting a longer cigar in the pipe and test it that way. Then you should have a "holder". You have to be wearing a lab coat and pocket protector to insure valid results. Have fun!
jjohnson28 Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
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You pipe suggers are a sick bunch! LOL

Everybody knows hand-rolled is the only way to go! LOL
rayder1 Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
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Remember, cigar tobacco graded from one end of the cigar to the other to equalize the quality of the smoke. This is to compansate for the tar and nicotine which accumulates towards the end of the cigar while being smoked. The wrapper and binder are "supposedly" well matched to the cigar to provide a reasonably predictible quality for the type of cigar being made. Pipe tobacco is normally of a uniform type. No wrapper or binder grade tobacco and the leaves are not normally de-veined. I don't think I would want to mush a cigar into my pipe. You can buy a half pound of pipe tobacco for the price of a good cigar.
rayder1 Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
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I usually don't smoke pipes anymore, but it is the only tobacco smell my wife really doesn't gripe about.
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