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Last post 19 years ago by CWFoster. 14 replies replies.
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
A leader showed up; his name was Kerry

George Bush reiterated time and again last night that it was hard work to run this government. It was hard work to lead a country out of tyranny and into democracy. It was hard work to read casualty reports. The war was hard work. And he made it plain that talking with somebody about his record as president was the grueling, hardest work you could want.

He showed for all to see what a minor mind he goes around with. I looked at this guy Bush last night and thought about young people dying in Iraq because of him. And there will be more and more because he is a man sitting with a car full of people on the train tracks and he doesn't know enough to get off with the train coming. Watch the ages of the dead night after night, day after day - 21 ... 23 ... 19 ... 25 ... Anybody responsible for getting people this young killed is a national menace.

Dumb people always are.

And don't tell me he's not dumb. Yes, he was matched against an absolutely first-rate mind last night. But he could have done a little bit better at covering his helplessness than flusters of college boy anger.

He whined and brayed about consistency. He used that word so he could underline his famous "flip-flop" attacks on John Kerry. He said that by opposing the way the war in Iraq is going, Kerry was sending "mixed messages" and they are harmful to our troops. I, Bush, never change.

There were problems to this. One, Kerry cheated on him and turned a fine line: "Don't confuse the war with the warriors." Then in the middle of Bush's reiteration of dusty phrase after dusty phrase, we should remain as we are, was Ralph Waldo Emerson's, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen ..."

It was better than anything you are going to read from anybody from now to the end of the election, and you will see that Emerson quote come alive whenever Bush opens his mouth and starts the same old lines. George Bush writes in crayon.

The other problem for Bush was that the president on the stage last night was John Kerry. He was strong, articulate - I make him as plain and understandable and yet powerful as anybody we've had around for many years.

I don't know where Kerry has been for all this time. He made a speech at New York University the other day that was strong and I thought he was on the way. Then he disappeared again. It seemed like a campaign by George Bush of small, endless stupidities, delivered in country boy shirtsleeves, was going to win an election that could end this country as we know it.

If you have four more years of John Ashcroft and a Supreme Court backing him up, you watch the end of rights as you were raised to believe in.

That was the fear at the start of the night. Then they opened the night with John Kerry talking. He was strong, passionate, sending a fine intellect out into the night. And when he got tough, he looked like a guy who could kill somebody if he had to for the country. Again. And that wimp next to him looked like he would, again, flee to the dentist.
Intel Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 06-24-2002
Posts: 546
Cut and Paste is hard.

It takes a great mind to find these things others write.

#3 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

first: it is copy and paste

second: many people say many things and many people are to damn lazy to look for them, so i have appointed myself finder of information.

feel free to do the same.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Paul Weyrich
Monday, Oct. 4, 2004
I reluctantly agree with overnight polls that suggest that, by a plurality, voters believe that Senator John Kerry won his debate with President Bush Thursday night. Both candidates did well. But Senator Kerry got away with murder and that is why it is frustrating. To believe that Bush won you would need some knowledge about the issue of terrorism and the war in Iraq.

If you knew very little about the issues of the day, Kerry sounded convincing. George Bush created this mess in Iraq, said Kerry, and Kerry has a four-point plan to get us out of it. If only the President had made the Senator's voting record the focus of his rebuttals to Senator Kerry, he could have put Kerry's statement in context. Yes, Bush did say over and over that Kerry has changed his positions, but other than the $87 billion to support the war that Kerry voted against, after having voted to authorize the war, the other flip-flops were not highlighted. Kerry has had at least ten positions on Iraq. If the President had ticked off a few of those contradictions, and linked them to shifting politics in the USA, he might have blown Kerry away.

Kerry began with the assumption that voters watching knew little or nothing about the issues of terrorism and Iraq. Thus, he painted his own picture of what he is about. I wanted to scream when Kerry said he has had only one consistent view of Iraq that has never changed. That clearly is not so. Yet he was not challenged on that assertion.

President Bush began with the assumption that the American people have followed these issues and thus knew what he was talking about when he made assertions about Senator Kerry. I wish we had an informed electorate. If we did, liberals would be blown out of the water.

In addition to Kerry's having a plurality of those who watched the debate, the spin on the day after was predictable. The establishment media hawked the Kerry "victory." Much of talk radio has pushed the idea that Bush did well. We shall see now the power of the establishment media versus the alternative media. If Kerry's campaign really picks up momentum as the result of this debate then we will know that the establishment media has the upper hand. If, on the other hand, the Kerry campaign is not able to significantly capitalize on this "win," then we will know that the alternative media is doing very well indeed.

My own view is that because of this debate the race will tighten. The small but steady lead the President enjoyed through September will evaporate. We historically would expect subsequent debates to be watched by fewer people. This debate may cause more people to tune into the next debate. That is why the President in the next two debates has to be totally on the offensive with a focus on Senator Kerry's ultra-liberal voting record. If he hits the fact that the Senator, according to the non-partisan National Journal, is THE most liberal Senator in the Congress, he just might get the spin going his way. It will be his only chance to regain the lead.

I had suggested that if there were a clear-cut victory by Senator Kerry in this first debate, he would go on to be the next President. There were no body blows in that debate. Kerry's victory was with a plurality, not a clear-cut majority. I said, on the other hand, if the President scored a clear-cut victory, he could put the election away. Clearly that did not happen. I said if the debate were a tie, the race would tighten with Bush's narrow lead virtually evaporating. That is close to what happened Thursday night. Bush was not blown away. If the electorate understood what he was talking about, Bush pretty much held his own. But Kerry managed to be someone other than himself and that someone was rather decisive. That is what will make for a tight race.

Kerry had a tall order. He had to reintroduce himself to the American people. He managed to do that only because the format allowed him to get away with bald-faced lies. He had to look Presidential. Again, it pains me to say this but he looked more Presidential than did the President. The President looked tired, especially in the second half of the debate. In fact, in the last 15 minutes of the debate, I kept looking at the clock. Bush's articulation became less clear. I was worried about the President. We have a President who goes to bed early and who gets up very early and is ready for work. This debate went to a later time than the President is used to. It showed. Probably Kerry's mother made him stand up straight, because he looked authoritative.

Bush looked as if he were slouching at times. Kerry had to show a more human side. I am not sure he accomplished that. I understand he practiced smiling and he did smile a lot, albeit inappropriately as Bush was making a serious point. He was careful in how he attacked the President but I don't know that he came across as more human. Jim Lehrer threw the President a curve ball by asking him if there was anything in Senator Kerry's character that should be of concern. Bush correctly identified this as a loaded question and went on to say nice things about Kerry, which, coupled with the answer to the question about whether the war has been worth it, showed Bush's human side. I don't think Kerry took a similar opportunity.

I had hoped against hope that the President would have been able to dominate this debate and thus would have increased his margin. My major concern isn't just the Presidential race, but the U.S. Senate races as well. With an extremely close Presidential race (or if Kerry is able to turn this debate into a clear lead), it will affect the Senate and very possibly either President Bush or John Kerry will be looking at a Democratic Senate.

The worst outcome on election night would be a squeaker Bush victory with a Democratic Senate. He would have such a miserable second term he might well wish he didn't win. If Kerry wins and the Senate goes Democrat it will give the President real leverage in doing away with tax cuts. And of course, a President Kerry would then be able to name and get confirmed the worst liberal activists to the federal judiciary.

In summary, Bush is a nice guy. He doesn't have it in him to go for the jugular. He could have hung Kerry's record around his neck. He didn't. His performance didn't hurt him with his base. He was hurt with voters who are not locked in. I know that some people may expect me to claim that Bush was the big winner of the debate. I can't do that. I hope I am wrong but it may be possible we are now looking at a renewed Kerry lead. If I am right on this, it would be hard for the President to regain the lead again, unless there is some event which occurs that would cause the voters to turn to the President. It will be a tough Fall.
Cigarick Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 07-28-2002
Posts: 3,078
Bush wasn't only tired (just back from surveying the damage in Florida), but I think he was over-rehearsed. I was really hoping they'd let him go in cold so some of that smart-ass Texas frat-boy could come out. Bush just looked stunned that Kerry would attack him like that. Kerry was confident and articulate, but so is your average used-car salesman. Just because you're a good talker doesn't mean you'll be a good leader. Kerry is nothing more than an example of bald-faced ambition.
#6 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
gee, no one has mentioned the earpiece bush uses.
JonR Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
Yo Rick:

Your statement:

"first: it is copy and paste

second: many people say many things and many people are to damn lazy to look for them, so i have appointed myself finder of information."

My retort:

I agree with your right to copy/paste, but come on Rick, copy and pasting from jimmy breslin a proven "LIAR" and "DRUNKIN SOT". A man that interviews people then deletes "their" words and puts in "his own" words. A man whose own editor is in the process of disciplining him for "LYING". A man who once was a decent writer but now isn't even capable of writing a script for a porno flick.

Rick your credibility for posting "facts" at best is weak, don't weaken it further by cutting/posting the ravings of a hasbeen, liar, drunkin sot, hack writer.


Charlie Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751

You continue to amaze me! LMAO! Substance for Kerry should be zero!

usahog Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
"second: many people say many things and many people are to damn lazy to look for them, so i have appointed myself finder of information."

Rick, your right so is Intel... so from here on out I'll just post the link to the article.. I started paisting the articles because allot of the news links close them out after about a week and if someone stumbled along the thread and couldn't read the article then it would become a waisted thread...

But I do find that Some are too lazy to read the link and IMO 99% of them are democrats and they don't know what their reading anyway LOL

mattmelcher Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2004
Posts: 96
I was watching cnn (i think) and they had an interesting thing that showed, going back to 1984, the winner of the first presidential debate has never won the election.
#11 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

i try to read ecery thing posted as a link.

you know-----"know your enemy"
CWFoster Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
"I don't know where Kerry has been for all this time."

Considering his record in the Senate for the past twenty years, neither does anyone else!
rayder1 Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
Posts: 2,226
Again useless information from a poor news source. No original thought. Referring to any president as a "menace" is bullisht.

What a work of crap Breslin is....

drjothen Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 10-17-2003
Posts: 319
Hallelujah Clive! Somebody finally brought out the truth behind Kerry. He has no firm positions because he never has needed any. As one of his Democratic Senate partners stated, "He has the most non-eventful and lack of impact tenure of anyone currently in the senate".

I loved SNL last night doing a parody of the debates when the Kerry impersonator said "I have not changed positions". "I told a group of anti-war people I was against the war". "I told a group of pro-war people I was in favor of the war". "That is not changing positions, it's telling them what they want to hear".

Hate the war but love paying taxes!
Vote John Kerry
CWFoster Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
Of course David! Why do you think the Kerry campaign immediately jumped on the Vietnam warwagon? Because he hasn't done anything meaningful (good or bad) since then!
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