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Last post 19 years ago by usahog. 73 replies replies.
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Can anyone explane this to me?????
EI Offline
#51 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
Posts: 5,069
Ps: OBTW Rick, the unholy three were either shot by jealous husbands or boyfriends of the women they were fornicating. Wives and family meant nothing to these whoremongers. So why should anyone give a CRAP who shot them.

"Oswald was a ****" Steven Baldwin in The Usual Suspects
Opps sorrry wrong thread
HockeyDad Offline
#52 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
A google search on the term "Flight 77 Conspiracy" yields over 30,000 sites. Many sites support the theory, many refute it. With so many google hits availbel for reading, this doesn't seem to be a topic that needs to be explained on a cigar board.

If you change the google search to "Flight 77 Conspiracy BBS" you still get 4,400 hits.

usahog Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
NeWcS, as it has been posted above...

Your Theory of the pentagon,

"Also, Not to start another who/what/when/where Isn't the Pentagon the most secure buidling in the US? Your telling me that the only camera anywhere near the Pentagon is one that only takes a pic ever second or so? And I wasn't trying to insult anyone, just wanted some input."
No Insults here... not starting anything!!!
"tipical answer!!! No thought at all! I know the truth hurts! How about instead of turning around on me, you explane it to me!" (It was explained Over and Over)
6” of Limestone….
8” of Brick…..
10” of concrete

and then your first postings and backlash LMAO!!!!

Did you ever make it home yet?? it's the 29th of September and it's now the 5th day, hope non of your family members put out an abby alert for you...

you've posted on a total of 7 threads.. 6 of them being of your own... 2 of those you came out slamming Bush and taken a beating on both.. you've also had your hand slapped on a another thread for rules violation...

this thread here your question was answered and you still want to argue the pointless point and you started this thread off to stir **** (Buck-Fush) by the bush supporters "PERIOD" and now try and retreat like your the innocent one being attacked here for asking a ditzy question like you did in the first place... your not looking for an answer (which was given by many) your looking to create turmoil over pointless issues...

be more creative... as I pointed out to you in an above post.. don't go into a bar swinging a pistol around and expect others to want to jump at buying you a round...

with all that said... Welcome to CBid forums...

NeWcS Offline
#54 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2004
Posts: 64
WoW, I didn't know you liked me so much that you did all this research on me.

I did bash Bush. I never said I didn't, I said I wasn't trying to insult anyone. If you support Bush than thats on you. And win or lose ill always be a Bush basher, He's a phucin puppet!!!


Martin2277 Offline
#55 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2004
Posts: 622
NO... I think the Plane did quite a bit of damage... See one of the links that show 1/6th of the Pentagon under reconstuction. Looks like it did more damage than you can see. I know you are talking about the picture that shows the one section that copalasped but there was more than that..... I really wish you would read that web site... Then answer my questions above... But then I guess that might be to much work for you...

Martin2277 Offline
#56 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2004
Posts: 622
Here is the picture I was taking about...

BTW the cranes used to fix the Pentagon are around 230 ft....
usahog Offline
#57 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
No IMPO... the Pentagon was built to withstand a nuclear hit, or so that was the theory when it was built... if you ever watch history channel "Modern Marvals" you could learn more about these things... the WTC were built to withstand a hit from a 727 flying at 500 mph (because that was the biggest aircraft flying at the time of their design... NOW IF YOU WOULD LOOK AT THE SITE Martin2277 pointed out

You would see just how much damage was basically done to the Pentagon...

would it stand to reason why all these pictures and a whole lot of talk about the Pentagon went under wraps (probably because this is the brain center for Our United States Military heads and some of this information about the facility isn't for public knowledge?) I can give that one to our leading officials...

Now as tailgator pointed out to you.
"Watch the video again.
The angle of the pictures lure you to believe what they say is true.
Look at the frame with the "Clean Hole" in the Pentagon wall. It has "Punched Out" written in spray paint next to it. What does that mean? It means that the rescue workers punched out the hole to make their efforts easier and/or more safe.
The plane did not make that hole."

and you still want to argue about a conspiracy or cover up? whats the point? something hit the Pentagon as I pointed out fruitless times in this thread.. what matters is it happened at the same time 4 other known Airliners were KNOWN to be Highjacked and 3 of the 4 using your theory were KNOWN to be used or attempted to be used as weapons... So again where the hell did flight 77 go? if not in the Pentagon?

now as far as me researching who the hell I'm discussing issues with, That is a military thing... It is always nice to see what to expect from the sourse it comes from.... then that can be labled and filed in memory so if it arises again, It can be refered to at the level it was recieved ;0)

CWFoster Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
there are things we will never know.

area 51

who killed john f kennedy

who killed robert kennedy

who killed martin luther king.

and a host of others.

if you spend time thinking about any of these including the host of others, all you can do is research and come to your own conclusion. instead of being someone interested in finding out things, you will be labeled a "conspiracy nut." f'em and do your own thing.


Rick, if you refuse to accept the Warren Commissions findings, why are you so prepared to accept the 911 Commissions findings that Saddam had no links to Al Queda?
EI Offline
#59 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
Posts: 5,069
now as far as me researching who the hell I'm discussing issues with, That is a military thing... It is always nice to see what to expect from the sourse it comes from.... then that can be labled and filed in memory so if it arises again, It can be refered to at the level it was recieved ;0)

know thine enemy, I am with ya on that
My bet is he is working for the DNC as a mole to post on forums all over the net trying to further their hopeless cause by stiring the pot
They have a like group of idiots calling radio talk shows all over the US

This guy is a ****ard, He is fun to play with for a while then its best to just flush him down the toilet with the rest of the turds

Get your harley/camper yet?
CWFoster Offline
#60 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
OK, explian to us how TWO large airliners hit TWO towers, and not ONE of FOUR wings was ever found! According to the genius on that website, the tail and wings should have sheard off! Why weren't they found on the street, or buried under the rubble? Why? because they crumpled and went inside the building, where they were consumed by the intense heat of a fire fueled by all those thousands of gallons of JP-5! By the way! no one was able to go into that part of the building for some time, because the fires (fueled by all that JP-5 that you don't beleive was there) were too intense to put out right away!
#61 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

where is it written: "if you refuse to accept the Warren Commissions findings, why are you so prepared to accept the 911 Commissions findings that Saddam had no links to Al Queda?"

i don't think i have commented on the 911 commission at any time.

surely you don't believe the warren commission report, do you.
#62 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

"They have a like group of idiots calling radio talk shows all over the US"

jeepers creepers,
they are called the freepers.
where did you get those eyes.

tornado Offline
#63 Posted:
Joined: 05-27-2004
Posts: 244

No, I believe it would cause the exact amount of damage that it did cause.

Rick, I love the fact that you have a plan for mitigating the beatings you take on this board every day. Really man, your grammar is unbelievably horrid. Couldn't everyone spend at least 2 seconds proof-reading their posts?
kccody Offline
#64 Posted:
Joined: 03-19-2007
Posts: 610

This kind of crap just pisses me off so I’ll come out of hiding long enough to put this one to rest.

Aside from all the other arguments like “What happened to flight 77” and what about all the widows and other family members who lost loved ones on that flight, I will present this one point.

Take a close look at this photo posted here and also shown on CNN…

Look at the first pic on the top of the page, which was also detailed very nicely on your “Michael Moore” style “conspiracy” video.

Do you notice the rather large “fire ball” in the center of the pic?

Do you also notice the rather large plumes of black smoke billowing from this fire ball?

This is not the type of reaction you would see from a missile or bomb. Despite the crap “your type” may be used to from watching way to many “Hollywood movies“, and despite what “your type” may be led to believe by these “Michael Moore” type videos, the simple fact remains that the explosive fireball seen in this photo can only be caused by one thing………..


Only large amounts of Fuel, like that carried by a 757 or other large aircraft, will make a fire ball like that. The clouds of black smoke prove that beyond any doubt.

The explosive entity, meaning the material loaded into all conventional missiles, rockets, ordnance, bombs, etc. does not contain petroleum based accelerants.

Only those of you who are used to the typical Hollywood movie, and the occasional Michael Moore spoof, would believe otherwise.

So unless we were storing several thousand gallons of fuel in the pentagon on that fateful day, there could only be one explanation…………..

A vessel carrying a large quantity of PEYTROLIUM BASED FUEL struck the pentagon at a high rate of speed and exploded on impact This vessel was traveling at such a high rate of speed and carried with it such a high volume of FUEL that it not only caused such colossal damage to the pentagon but it also vaporized/melted/eliminated most evidence of the vessel itself.

Keep in mind……

They never found any evidence of the aircraft that struck the twin towers either, but we all saw it……….


MACS Offline
#65 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,027
After reading this thread and a lot of the posts contained therein, I have come to the conclusion that if you guys are high school graduates, we are in desperate times, because none of you can spell and you're all making fun of each other for the fact that you can't spell.

If you're college graduates, go demand a refund.

#66 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

i take no offense at being called a "bad grammerer,"
but i would certainly like to see some quotes. i'm not being snotty, i would really like to see, say, 3.

thank you
stutzmas Offline
#67 Posted:
Joined: 08-24-2004
Posts: 22
I figured I'd add my two cents to this post. I've not read all the comments but I think MAC summed up a lot for me :) Lol. But here's a few thoughts that I doubt have been considered.

IMHO, I find it incredibly hard to believe the damage to the Pentagon could be anything other than that 757 plane. The reason being the type of damage it inflicted versus any other mentioned means. Consider a truck bomb or any other sort of bombing device. That type of explosion is spherical causing only a limited amount of damage in a certain area. Specifically a truck bomb similar to OK City causes severe exterior damage but little interior. Given the photos and extent, the damage would have been reduced to one area. Contrastingly, this wasnt the fact damaging extended into the inner rings of the Pentagon. A truck bomb or any other sort of bombing device couldnt have cut through the building quite in such a pattern. The distrubution would be even throughout. Secondly, a missle is unlikely unless coming off a humvee or off the shoulder. Even still, missles of this size are not capable of the extent of damage seen at the pentagon nor the depth into the building. A larger style missle such as off battleships or larger like scuds wouldn't fit either considering the trajectory. Those missles shoot up and come down in an arc form and would never come blazing into the side of the Pentagon..but rather the top. Again the explosion would be spherical unless specially altered. But given the types of photos given, it's about as likely as me walking on water. Also, given the size of missle that would be needed to cut through the side and speed...I doubt there would be anything left of that wing of the Pentagon.

Now dont get started on flying UFOs and little green men. I dont believe them and never will. They can come and get me and I'll punch em in the nose...
snowwolf777 Offline
#68 Posted:
Joined: 06-03-2000
Posts: 4,082
What kcody said. I can't believe there is even a debate on this. These simps must spend their summers at Camp Area 51.
EI Offline
#69 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
Posts: 5,069
has anyone else noticed that NeWcS is missing in action???

Hummmmmm I wonder why?

EI Offline
#70 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
Posts: 5,069
has anyone else noticed that NeWcS is missing in action???

Hummmmmm I wonder why?
"Can anyone explane(sp.explain) this to me?????

snowwolf777 Offline
#71 Posted:
Joined: 06-03-2000
Posts: 4,082
I can. I do not have a shpo. I will report three times a week.
tornado Offline
#72 Posted:
Joined: 05-27-2004
Posts: 244

i take no offense at being called a "bad grammerer,"
but i would certainly like to see some quotes. i'm not being snotty, i would really like to see, say, 3.

thank you

Examples from a single reply in this thread:

now, i have read most of the respenses. a lot of name caling, some info that NeWcS may not have goten to yet or doesn't acept,and nothing more then the blathering and semiler posts to anything thay dont agre with.
1) respenses = responses
2) caling = calling
3) goten = gotten
4) acept = accept
5) semiler = similar
6) agre = agree

Your posts would get a much more positive response if you took a moment to fix silly misspellings like this. I wasn't trying to make you feel bad, just to point out that with a little effort, you wouldn't take nearly so much flak from everyone.
tornado Offline
#73 Posted:
Joined: 05-27-2004
Posts: 244
After reading this thread and a lot of the posts contained therein, I have come to the conclusion that if you guys are high school graduates, we are in desperate times, because none of you can spell and you're all making fun of each other for the fact that you can't spell.

If you're college graduates, go demand a refund.


Yes, I pointed out that many people don't proofread their numerous errors. However, I didn't misspell anything in my post either. So, I'll just let KU keep its money :-0
usahog Offline
#74 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
"Yes, I pointed out that many people don't proofread their numerous errors."

That would be me ;0)

many on here who read the forum give me **** all the time for my spelling... Oh Well I get mY PoiNt AcroSs and it SticKs with THem wheN thAy Read It... ;0)

caN I Use the excuse I only Gots a G.E.D. wit som College credets?

tornado, Losen up the Tie and welcome to CBids Misc. Forum LOL...

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