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Last post 19 years ago by RussellKaufmann. 17 replies replies.
Report Card
AVB Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 05-21-2003
Posts: 995
United States Grammar School Interim Report to Parents
May 25, 2004
By Nancy Greggs

Dear Mr. and Mrs. G.H.W. Bush,

Once again, it is that time of year when we update the parents of our students on their child's progress, and we regret to inform you that your son, Georgie, is not doing as well as we'd hoped and expected when he embarked on his four-year program at our school.

As you are well aware, Georgie was installed as class president at the start of the school year, despite the fact that the majority of his fellow students did not vote for him. We foresaw problems immediately, but were assured by several school board members (who, as we understand it, are friends of your family) that this would not result in any real difficulty. Unfortunately, they have been proven wrong.

In the area of scholastic achievement, despite our best efforts, Georgie is still reading and speaking at a grade level far below our usual standards. At this point, we are not sure if his failure to learn is due to laziness and a lack of ability to apply himself to his studies, or if he simply lacks the intellectual capacity to improve in these areas.

His oral presentations to the class are particularly troubling; it is apparent that Georgie has not read the necessary materials, and he often simply fabricates facts to hide this shortcoming. In oral exams, he tends to repeat the same answers over and over, e.g. "The economy is good; jobs are on their way," indicating a profound failure to keep up with the Current Events portion of the curriculum.

Georgie also tends to fabricate elaborate stories about himself -- which, admittedly, can sometimes be very amusing. During a school celebration last May, he delighted his fellow students by coming to class in a little "flight suit" (just like the grown-ups wear!), and had everyone in stitches with his story about the family dog having eaten his report card from military pre-school!

On the whole, however, Georgie does not play well with other children. His "leadership" in the classroom continues to divide many students, one against the other. Other study groups, such as our French and German-language classes, are no longer willing to cooperate with Georgie's group, even though they have traditionally done so in the past.

Your son also displays a lack of taking responsibility for his failings and seems unable to appreciate the consequences of his actions. Although he was provided with the best textbooks on the subjects of the Economy, Job Creation, The Environment, et cetera, these books were damaged or completely destroyed within a matter of months. Georgie insists that he "inherited" these books in poor condition, despite all evidence to the contrary. (In fact, these same textbooks were previously used by one of our very best students, who actually returned them in better condition than he found them!)

During his first few weeks with us, Georgie quickly became part of a group of other "problem students". Despite warnings, he has consistently befriended children whom we consider to be "bad elements," such as Little Kenny Lay and a foreign-exchange student named Chalabi. Both of these youngsters have been expelled from other schools due to their involvement in cheating other students out of their lunch money. We feel that these kinds of relationships can only lead
to no good, and hope that you will advise your child accordingly.

Georgie often displays aggressive behavior in the schoolyard, and recently assaulted a student in another school district, completely unprovoked. When asked about this incident, Georgie insisted that the other child was armed and dangerous. When investigation into the matter proved otherwise, Georgie changed his story several times: he was just trying to "democratize" the other child, the other child's school was harboring gang members, and so on.
Quite frankly, his story on this topic has so changed from week to week; we simply can't trust his word at all anymore.

Georgie's friends, while not great in number, are very loyal, but tend to be over-protective. If any of the other students point out Georgie's failing grades, these friends simply shout them down and tell them not to speak at all. When Georgie was summoned to the principal's office several weeks ago, he insisted that his "best friend" come with him. We feel that it is in Georgie's best interest to learn to stand up for himself; failure to do so could seriously damage his ability to handle a leadership role in his adult years.

As you are aware, final exams will be held in November, and Georgie's past performance leads us to conclude that he will not be able to achieve the grades necessary to continue on with another four-year term at our institution.

Yours Truly,

Ms. J.Q. Public, Assistant Principal
usahog Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
LMAO!!!!! was this one of the other documents that was found at the rodeo grounds? under another pile of BullSh!t?? LMAO!!!!

AVB,RickMavan = Dan Rather CBS reporting... no need to leave the boards LMAO!!!!

RussellKaufmann Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 09-13-2000
Posts: 732
uummm, nobody won the majority of the vote. In case you didn't get that, "nobody" got enough votes to win the majority.

Do I need to say it again?
#4 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

i believe you are incorrect, now go away.
#5 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

oh, that i had the gift to write that well.
if you wrote it, brilliant. if you didn't, great find.
CWFoster Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
Rick, I believe YOU are incorrect in believing RusselKaufman is incorrect. Fla. had a 500+ vote majority for Bush, that was counting votes from people who voted for Gore in NY, and FLA! (estimated to be in the THOUSANDS!) This also counts votes illegally "bought in other states (I've covered the incidents ad nauseum elsewhere, no need to re-hash it again) and NOT counting Bush ballots that were punched on ballots pre-punched for Gore (double votes, thrown out). So give the whole issue a rest! The supreme court simply kept Clinton from serving a third term while the Democrats forced recounts in every precinct in the country!
AVB Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 05-21-2003
Posts: 995
Technicly it is true that Gore did not have the "Majority" of votes as shown by the definitions below. He did have the plurality though.
n. pl. ma·jor·i·ties

1. The greater number or part; a number more than half of the total.

2. The amount by which the greater number of votes cast, as in an election, exceeds the total number of remaining votes.

3. The political party, group, or faction having the most power by virtue of its larger representation or electoral strength.

Total vote count by state.
JonR Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
Oh youse guys are funny. While youse guys are arguing about who had what votes, al gore has been busy partying and eating up half of Americas food supply (did you not see the picture post of al).


Ps. OBTW gore LOST get over it. LOL
RussellKaufmann Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 09-13-2000
Posts: 732

Telling me to go away is so typical. Can't handle the truth?

OK, let me give it to you directly from the Federal Eelection Commission.

Al Gore 48.38%
George Bush 47.87%

Neither of them got the majority. A majority would be over half. You know, you can look that up in your dictionary.

You see, there were more than two people running for President. There was this guy named Nader, and about a dozen more that garnered votes.

You see, if you did some research, you would not have to act like you do when having discussions. I would really love some good counter points that involve more than saying that I am wrong. Back it up with some research.

usahog Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Russ, I hope you don't hold your breath for some of that backed up research.... LMAO!!!

RussellKaufmann Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 09-13-2000
Posts: 732
LOL - yeah, I kind of figured I wouldn't get it. It is so much easier to pull a Rather.
#12 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

good man. don't take any of rickamaven's ****. he tends to overstate whennecessary.

however, and a big however, the election was in fact decided in florida, and the supreme court screwed up by over ruling the florida satate supreme court in violation of states rights. i don't think that is refutable.

i also think that it is impossible to dispute kathleen harris the republican hit woman and her felony list, that disinfranchised so many black voters that were eligible to vote.

the house had a number of signatures to request a hearing on the matter, and needed at least one senator to sign off on the matter. not one of the democratic senators, sob's would sign. the democrats are wimps.
RussellKaufmann Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 09-13-2000
Posts: 732

If you want respect, then you don't overstate and you don't tell people to go away because you don't understand the definition of certain words.

The election was decided across the country. If Gore had taken his home state, then it would have been different. It would have been different if any of the states were different. Florida just happened to be the last one and it was freaking close. You can wail all you want about the courts (thank you Al for suing to try to be president) and all about old people that can't punch holes, but no matter how many time the vote was counted, W always won.

Making excuses about history does not matter, anyways. This is about this election. It is all spilt milk no matter who knocked it over.

"the democrats are wimps." Your point is?
#14 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

if i wanted respect, i could post a lot of crap on the cigar board about how cigars taste like leather, mocha, hints of vanila, touches of spring and the faint aroma of a human in heat.

i could sing the praises of w, cheney, the entire clan. i could talk about the good old days and the brilliance of regean and the dirty old man clinton and his bj in the white huse. how the dem's left the white house vandalized, with broken desks, destroyed computers, and broken phones.

i could be the leading pack dog, and talk about how kerry shot himself three times and got his 3 purple hearts.

i could explain about the records that are missing and why george w bush kicked ass in the last election and won the election hands down.

if i wanted love, i could kiss the ass of those in front of me kissing the ass of those in front of them all looking for a bush ass to kiss, while someone kisses my ass.

i think i'd rather hit myself in the balls with a baseball bat rather then wimp out and look for respect and love that way.

usahog Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
"i think i'd rather hit myself in the balls with a baseball bat rather then wimp out and look for respect and love that way."

Damn Rick... Then how would you have that Group Sex thing going on with you and Toby??? ;0)

#16 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

it's a fantasy only.

but in 1954 in japan, well, that's a different story.
usahog Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Well thats Japan... ;0)

My Thrill came and went in Panama... Ahhhhh those Latin Women LOL....

RussellKaufmann Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 09-13-2000
Posts: 732

You know, I love your comments. Drive on.
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