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Last post 7 months ago by RobertHively. 6 replies replies.
NewsGuard aka Big Brother
MACS Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,015
Good news! Thinking for yourself is no longer necessary.

The new heroes of the Internet will do it for you—companies you’ve never heard of, but who are watching out for your best interests.

Meet one of them. They call themselves NewsGuard. A perfect name. Because that’s what they do. They “guard” the news.

They make sure you only get the good stuff. The stuff you can trust. Best of all, NewsGuard is backed by Big Pharma, Big Tech, the teachers' unions, and even the government. So, if Newsguard says something isn’t safe to read, you know you should scroll on. I mean, if you can’t trust the government who can you trust?

Wait … you don’t like what I just described? Sounds more like a nightmare than the world you want to live in? You like to do your own thinking? You’re perfectly capable of figuring out which sources are credible, and which aren’t.

That, you say, is the right and obligation of a free citizen in a free country. If so, welcome to my world. We’re fighting against companies like NewsGuard every day. We didn’t pick the fight. They did.

We have our own take on the events of the day and on the events of yesterday. We’re happy to have you make your own judgment on whether we’ve got it right or whether we’ve got it wrong. But there are many organizations that don’t have that attitude.

Like the aforementioned NewsGuard.

Let’s look a little more into this company which, by the way, is a for-profit enterprise. PragerU is a 501c3, a non-profit. We’re big fans of profit. Profit makes the world go round. But if your business is, say, promoting COVID vaccine efficacy, and your biggest client is the public relations firm for Pfizer, it’s fair to ask whether you would be completely unbiased when judging a story questioning the safety of COVID vaccines.

But that doesn’t trouble NewsGuard. They’re convinced their judgments are free from any taint. Just ask them. They’ll tell you. But who are “they”?

Their co-founder and CEO is a Democratic party loyalist. He’s on record dismissing the Hunter Biden laptop as likely a “hoax . . . maybe even . . . perpetrated by the Russians.” The NewsGuard staff, not surprisingly, is mostly comprised of left-leaning activists and ex-journalists.

And guess who they don’t like?

Yeah, they really don’t like PragerU, The Daily Wire, Breitbart, The Federalist, and other news and opinion sources that are not on the left. But let’s not be too harsh. If you stray from NewGuard’s way of seeing things, they will give you a chance to redeem yourself.

Here’s how it works.

Out of the blue, they’ll send you a list of accusatory questions on some hot-button issue. Could be Covid, global warming, or the World Economic Forum. If you play their game and respond they’ll ignore your answers and then pose new questions. If you don’t respond, well, that just confirms NewsGuard’s judgment that you’re not a reliable source.

Heads they win, tails you lose.

If you fail their test—and you will—NewsGuard informs their clients—PR firms, ad agencies, major corporations—that you’re toxic, and they should run in the opposite direction.

For news and opinion operations like Breitbart, The Daily Caller, or American Greatness that live largely on advertising, that can get very expensive, very fast.

It might drive you out of business … if you don’t comply. But, of course, that’s the plan.

Mark Hemingway, an editor at The Federalist, went through this inquisition. He calls NewsGuard “an extortion racket.”

Having also lived through this experience, I can confirm that assessment.

NewsGuard works in another insidious way:

Big Tech titans don’t like taking grief from the public or from politicians who complain that their companies are censoring non-left viewpoints. Now, thanks to NewsGuard, an enterprise Big Tech funds, they have a place to hide.

They say “We didn’t make any judgments. We hired this third-party fact-checker, and they told us this story, or that website can’t be trusted.” In short, NewsGuard enables them to censor speech without leaving any fingerprints.


And now the government has gotten into the act. The Defense Department paid NewsGuard over $700,000 to monitor “misinformation” trends online, which is an Orwellian way of saying information that the Defense Department doesn’t like.

Same thing for the teachers’ unions. One of the largest, the American Federation of Teachers, has made a deal with NewsGuard to screen content that comes into classrooms. It’s hard to get more left than the AFT. No need to guess what perspective they’re counting on NewsGuard to screen out.

So, if you don’t want to think for yourself anymore, NewsGuard has got you covered.

But if you do want to think for yourself, you’ve been warned.

If NewsGuard has red-flagged a source, all you need to know is that the left doesn’t want you to read it, watch it, or hear it.

And what does that make you want to do?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
If The Federalist is against it...then it's a scourge of information. There are multiple websites to use as a "clearinghouse" and almost every single one I choose to use has The Federalist as a source they use.

Just remember to re-read "1984" again. "Brave New World" as well...maybe watch "Idiocracy"'s a documentary now. I remember when it was just a comedy.
RayR Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
Ah yes, NewsGuard, founded in 2018, a division of the establishment Ministry of Truth, staffed with Progressives (Neocons and Left-Liberals) to eke out the truth amongst the sea of disinformation so you don't have too.

'What a scam!' Elon Musk calls for self-described 'media watchdog' NewsGuard to be disbanded

Elon Musk wants the for-profit anti-disinformation company disbanded after reports resurface of ratings bias and censorship. The company has boasted of its collaboration with government agencies.

By Steven Richards
October 20, 2023

Some reading from the early years...

NewsGuard: A Neoconservative Contrivance Which Promotes an Establishment View
By Philip Giraldi

American Herald Tribune
January 30, 2019

This Is Why You Can't Trust the Fact Checkers
By Whitney Webb
The Last American Vagabond

May 18, 2020

New Thought Police NewsGuard Is Owned by Big Pharma
By Dr. Joseph Mercola

January 25, 2020

New App ‘NewsGuard’ Promises To Stop Fake News. Have A Look At Who Owns & Funds It
By Joe Martino
Collective Evolution

January 14, 2019
RobertHively Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,976
That's double-plus-good, gents
RayR Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
Not supringly, Newguard declared as hotbed of "disinformation." Another feather in their cap I'd say.

The NewsGuard Scam

Ryan McMaken

In recent years we've all become familiar with the center-left disinformation campaigns known as "fact checking" web sites. Much of the time, fact-check articles are little more than thinly veiled op-eds masquerading as "neutral" reporting on various controversial matters. The authors of their pieces select a handful of sources they find ideologically attractive, and then present that information as the undisputed truth. Anyone who contradicts this "truth" is thus spreading "disinformation."

An extension of this effort is the web-site-rating service known as "NewsGuard." NewGuard, run by pro-establishment elites like Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales and the Wall Street Journal's Gordon Crovitz, ranks web sites based on how closely their editorial positions mirror the establishment's party line. The company's advisors include a variety of high-ranking government agents from intelligence agencies. For example: Michael Harden, former CIA director general; and Tom Ridge, former head of the Dept of Homeland Security, and one of the architects of the Bush administration's post-9/11 spy state.

Of course, the company doesn't actually describe itself this way. The company promotes itself to advertisers, search engines, and social media platforms as some sort of neutral arbiter of "accurate" information online. The idea here is that advertisers and media sites want to avoid being associated with sites that promote "disinformation" and NewsGuard will help identify the "good" sites. In reality, the organization works to deprive anti-establishment sites of advertising dollars and high rankings in search engines. This, in turn, helps to silence anti-establishment voices published by independent media. NewsGuard's Matt Skibinski has admitted NewsGuard performs the same function as government censorship. (Of course, when misinformation supports the regime narrative, NewsGuard looks the other way. NewsGuard, for example, has never censored any group for repeating the now debunked story that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian conspiracy.)

RobertHively Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 1,976

Being anti-war, pro free market is dangerous, and wont get us to the apocalypse in a timely manner.

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