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Presidential Debates
1. Author: AbrignacDate: Thu, 5/16/2024, 9:18AM EST
So CNN has tapped Jake Tapper, Mr. Russiagate, as one of the moderators. This should be interesting.

In the end it could very well be an unintentional and proverbial gift on a silver platter to Trump. If Tapper’s past behavior is any indication of the future he’ll come out with both barrels firing against Trump and give Biden a pass. The diehard yellow-dog Democrats will love it but that does Biden no favors. They are going to vote for him regardless. But it will further turn off the crucial swing voters that Biden needs to win the election.
2. Author: RayRDate: Thu, 5/16/2024, 10:18AM EST
The clown show must go on.

Trump Dares Biden to Leave Home Turf to Debate Him, Adds New Challenge to 2024 Race

by Allison Anton, The Western Journal May. 16, 2024 9:45 am

Wednesday sure has been a day of unpredictable developments regarding the 2024 presidential election.

From Joe Biden finally challenging Donald Trump to a debate, to Trump accepting despite the Biden team’s stringent requirements, the day has been a whirlwind of a dizzying news cycle.

And now, Trump has issued Biden a challenge of his own.

Posting on his social media platform Truth Social, Trump told Biden, “Please let this TRUTH serve to represent that I hereby accept debating Crooked Joe Biden on FoxNews. The date will be Wednesday, October 2nd. The Hosts will be Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum.”

As reported in the The Guardian, Biden has yet to directly respond to, or accept, Trump’s invitation.

Though, considering the laundry list of demands Biden’s campaign presented before accepting any debate — including removing the audience, moving up the date historically early, and, crucially, only accepting moderators from friendly left-wing networks — it would seem only fair for Biden to join Trump for a debate on Trump-friendly territory as well.

However, Deadline noted that, while Biden himself has not answered directly, his campaign has.

Characterizing Trump’s offer as “playing games,” campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon declared, “No more chaos, no more debate about debates.”

“President Biden made his terms clear for two one-on-one debates, and Donald Trump accepted those terms,” she said.

Of course, why it was Biden who could create the terms and not any opponent has yet to be explained.

Typically, the only terms presidential candidates followed for debates were those set by the Commission for Presidential Debates, but the two bypassed the commission.

Why Biden has been allowed to call for all manner of historically unprecedented concessions for his degenerating health and mental state would probably be a question not even his campaign could answer.

3. Author: 8trackdiscoDate: Thu, 5/16/2024, 10:29AM EST
Abrignac wrote:
So CNN has tapped Jake Tapper, Mr. Russiagate, as one of the moderators. This should be interesting.

In the end it could very well be an unintentional and proverbial gift on a silver platter to Trump. If Tapper’s past behavior is any indication of the future he’ll come out with both barrels firing against Trump and give Biden a pass. The diehard yellow-dog Democrats will love it but that does Biden no favors. They are going to vote for him regardless. But it will further turn off the crucial swing voters that Biden needs to win the election.

Would have preferred almost anyone from News Nation in the moderator position.

The two wishes I would want ahead of that are….

Whatever time they are allotted to answer a question, they kill all the mics to the second.
The country can’t stay on a budget, neither can these gasbags.

Second, I’d like to see RFK Jr. there as well. Coke and Pepsi conspired to keep him out. A pathetic byproduct of there being no debate commission .
4. Author: JGRAZDate: Thu, 5/16/2024, 11:30AM EST
I think Trump fell for it. He should have held out for at minimum an audience. No audience in hostel territory for him. Biden will almost definitely have the questions up front. He's still a mumbling fool but the circumstances will still hold him in a better light.

And I'd agree with above, RC cola definitely belongs in the discussion
5. Author: JGKAMINDate: Sun, 5/19/2024, 8:54AM EST
It’ll be like a scene out of “Old School” with a team on standby quickly feeding the responses via an earpiece to sleepy Joe who will still fumble the response.
6. Author: Mr. JonesDate: Sun, 5/19/2024, 9:18AM EST
Jake Tapper is a obtuse rabid lefty blow hard....

It's like having:
Steve Bannon or Roger Stone as the moderator in comparison...

7. Author: rfenstDate: Sun, 5/19/2024, 9:21AM EST
Abrignac wrote:
So CNN has tapped Jake Tapper, Mr. Russiagate, as one of the moderators. This should be interesting.

In the end it could very well be an unintentional and proverbial gift on a silver platter to Trump. If Tapper’s past behavior is any indication of the future he’ll come out with both barrels firing against Trump and give Biden a pass. The diehard yellow-dog Democrats will love it but that does Biden no favors. They are going to vote for him regardless. But it will further turn off the crucial swing voters that Biden needs to win the election.

Which version of CNN are you familiar with?
8. Author: rfenstDate: Sun, 5/19/2024, 9:23AM EST
8trackdisco wrote:
Would have preferred almost anyone from News Nation in the moderator position.

The two wishes I would want ahead of that are….

[h]Whatever time they are allotted to answer a question, they kill all the mics to the second ...these gasbags.

Second, I’d like to see RFK Jr. there as well.

I agree.
9. Author: AbrignacDate: Sun, 5/19/2024, 9:56AM EST
rfenst wrote:
Which version of CNN are you familiar with?

The one aka Cable News Network.

What’s your point?
10. Author: Speyside2Date: Sun, 5/19/2024, 10:54AM EST
RFK Jr. should be included.
11. Author: RayRDate: Sun, 5/19/2024, 11:03AM EST
Speyside2 wrote:
RFK Jr. should be included.

For all their stupid talk about saving duhmacracy, having 3rd party candidates excluded from debates is pretty undemocratic, ain't it?
12. Author: rfenstDate: Sun, 5/19/2024, 11:34AM EST
Abrignac wrote:
The one aka Cable News Network.

What’s your point?

Just because he is from CNN? His personal views could have nothing to do with his journalistic duty of fairness. I hold out hope until I see otherwise. I think the whole evening and people's view of his neutrality could hinge on Trump not interrupting and staying within the rules and time limits.
13. Author: jeeblingDate: Sun, 5/19/2024, 12:37PM EST
RayR wrote:
For all their stupid talk about saving duhmacracy, having 3rd party candidates excluded from debates is pretty undemocratic, ain't it?

14. Author: jeeblingDate: Sun, 5/19/2024, 12:39PM EST
rfenst wrote:
Just because he is from CNN? His personal views could have nothing to do with his journalistic duty of fairness. I hold out hope until I see otherwise. I think the whole evening and people's view of his neutrality could hinge on Trump not interrupting and staying within the rules and time limits.

I do not believe Tapper has professional attributes of journalistic duty. I think his biased anti-Trump stance has sealed the deal on this.
15. Author: rfenstDate: Sun, 5/19/2024, 12:47PM EST
I may be naivete, but I hope for the best for all of us.
16. Author: MaduroJorgeDate: Sun, 5/19/2024, 1:15PM EST
Tapper's duty of fairness??? Keep hoping.
That high level of journalism ended with
Cronkite, Severeid etc.

Maher would be a more impartial moderator.
17. Author: AbrignacDate: Sun, 5/19/2024, 1:35PM EST
rfenst wrote:
Just because he is from CNN? His personal views could have nothing to do with his journalistic duty of fairness. I hold out hope until I see otherwise. I think the whole evening and people's view of his neutrality could hinge on Trump not interrupting and staying within the rules and time limits.

Tapper’s neutrality based on whether or not Trump interrupts him? How about Tapper’s neutrality being based on his own actions, not the actions of someone else?

It has absolutely nothing to do with him being from CNN. I saw the way Tapper covered Trump when he was the CNN Whitehouse correspondent when Trump was the President. There was nothing neutral about it. One example is how Tapper continued pushing the Russiagate narrative long after it was debunked.
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