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Last post 8 days ago by DrMaddVibe. 1819 replies replies.
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Presidentin' Is...The Thing...You Know...The Thing!
RayR Offline
#601 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,032
The great divider's approval rating continues to tank as Biden Remorse Syndrome (BRS) sets in deeper amongst Democrats and Independents.

Tulsi tweets: "Biden promised to unite our country. Instead, he betrayed us, pouring fuel on the fire of divisiveness, tearing our country apart. Biden compares those who disagree with him to racists, traitors & enemies, & has his AG target Americans as domestic terrorists. Unfit to lead."

Tulsi Gabbard: Joe Biden ‘Has Betrayed Us All’

He has poured 'fuel on the fires of divisiveness'

Tulsi Gabbard has accused Joe Biden of going back on his promise to unite the country, saying he has “betrayed us all.”

In a video on Friday, Gabbard said:

“I supported Joe Biden, and millions of other Americans voted for Joe Biden because he promised to unite us.”

“Sadly, not only has he failed to do this, he has betrayed us all by pouring fuel on the fires of divisiveness that are tearing our country apart,” Gabbard said.

“Biden compares those who disagree with him to racist traitors, to enemies of bygone eras, and Biden now has his attorney general targeting millions of Americans as domestic terrorists,” she continued.

Sunoverbeach Offline
#602 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,866
I'm sorry and I apologize mean the same thing.... except at a funeral
DrMaddVibe Offline
#603 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
Biden Frees Alternate 9/11 Hijacker and Military Base Truck Bomb Plotter

Is there any Islamic terrorist too evil for Biden to release?

After Obama’s obsession with freeing as many Islamic terrorists from Gitmo as possible, the ones who remained were the absolute worst of the worst. Now Biden is setting them loose too.

5 Islamic terrorists, Al Qaeda and allies, have been scheduled for release from custody.

They include Osama bin Laden bodyguards and murderous terrorists with blood on their hands.

Zuhail al-Sharabi had been allegedly trained in “how to function in Western cities” and “reading airline timetables” alongside 9/11 hijacker Nawaf al-Hazmi. He also met Khalid al-Mihdhar who, along with Al-Hazmi, was part of the crew that hijacked American Airlines 77 for the attack on the Pentagon.

Al-Sharabi had been part of an expanded version of the September 11 attacks that would have targeted American planes in Southeast Asia; either blowing them up in mid-air or hijacking them to crash into American military bases. That part of the operation was cancelled by Al Qaeda.

As government documents note, “detainee and several other al-Qaida members were designated as suicide operatives in a plot to hijack US air carriers traveling across Southeast Asia” on September 11 and that "he traveled to Southeast Asia as part of the pre-planning for the hijacking plot” where he and his accomplices “gathered information about the security practices and defensive postures for U.S. air carriers".

Al-Sharabi functioned as the “Emir” of an Al Qaeda operation and ran “the al-Nibras guesthouse in Kandahar” where an Al Qaeda figure stayed “during a January 2001 visit to brief Osama bin Laden on the progress of the training for the 11 September 2001 hijackers.”

The report notes that Al-Sharabi had stated that, "the U.S. is going down" and warns that he "maintains his support for extremism and if released would reengage in hostilities".

While the United States had captured a number of the alternate Asia 9/11 hijackers, Obama had already freed three of them, including Dirty Thirty members Mohammed Al Ansi, Abdul Rahman Shalabi, and Abd al Malik Abd al Wahab. Biden is helping out the 4th alternate 9/11 hijacker.

Lee Wolosky, Obama's point man for freeing Jihadists from Gitmo (currently advising Biden on Afghan refugees), recently wrote an editorial falsely claiming that, “our longest war has ended, yet Guantanamo endures” and that "the world seemed to have moved on even more definitively from the era of the war on terror." Democrats may have moved on, but the terrorists haven’t.

Islamic terrorist plots continue to target Americans. While Biden pushes Afghan immigrants and gun control, the second largest mass shooting was carried out in an Orlando nightclub by Omar Mateen, the son of Afghan immigrants, who pledged allegiance to ISIS. Cholo Abdi Abdullah, a Kenyan member of Al-Shabaab, an Al Qaeda ally, will face trial later this year for plotting a 9/11 style attack that included hijacking a plane and crashing it into an American skyscraper.

The war isn’t over, but the Left desperately wants Americans to forget that it’s still going on.

And so Biden is not only releasing the fourth alternate 9/11 Southeast Asia hijacker, but Moath al-Alwi, another Osama bodyguard and member of the Dirty Thirty, whom U.S. documents note, has threatened to kill US personnel" and “made a threat to kill a US debriefer upon his release".

The media however emphasized that he took part in an art project, making sculptures that were displayed at the NYU Law School, which neglected to show off Hitler's watercolors next to them.

Biden is also releasing Mohammed Abdul Malik Bajabu, linked to the terrorist attack on the Paradise Hotel in Africa which killed three Israelis, two of them children, along with ten Kenyans, a missile attack on an Israeli plane, as well as a plot to "attack the Kenyan Anti-Terrorism Headquarters located in Nairobi, and the Mombasa Marathon,with the intent of killing Americans and Israelis”, not to mention, "potential attacks on US and Israeli Embassies".

But, according to his lawyer, Babaju “can quote Mohandas Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King like teenagers quote Taylor Swift.” Gandhi, King, and Swift could not be reached for comment.

Neither could the victims of the Paradise Hotel attack.

Also set to be released is Guled Hassan Duran, a member of Al Qaeda and a Somali Jihadist group whose successor organization turned into the infamous terrorist group Al-Shabaab.

An assessment noted that the reasons for detaining the Jihadist included the belief that he had "personally surveyed Camp Lemonier, headquarters of CJTF-HOA, for a potential truck bomb attack", and had "participated in the planning of bombings, robbing Ethiopian businessmen in Hargeysa, kidnapping Westerners in Somalia. and shooting down an Ethiopian Airlines jet liner."

The report noted that the Somali “may have assisted an al-Qaeda operative in bombing the Whitesands Hotel in Mombasa, Kenya, and the Coral Key Beach Hotel in Malindi, Kenya.”

Also, "Detainee has stated that he would fight until his death for the AIAI cause."

What are the reasons for releasing him beyond a love for terrorism and a hatred for America?

Camp Lemonier housed a joint task force of the United States Africa Command in Djibouti that was set up in response to the 9/11 attacks and hosted thousands of American and allied forces. A year after the United States set up the base, Duran "conducted reconnaissance of Camp Lemonier" and "expressed interest in seeing where the U.S. military was housed".

Initial plans apparently included "hijacking an aircraft and crashing it into Camp Lemonier" in another 9/11 copycat operation or "conducting an attack against off-base US personnel."

The attack plan finally came around a truck bombing similar to those that had been used to attack American military personnel in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia.

The "operatives identified a dark red Isuzu water tank truck that delivered water to Camp Lemonier. Subsequently, in December 2003, they agreed on a plan to target Camp Lemonier with an explosives-laden water truck… Detainee stated that a powerful car bomb would be used to blow up a military compound or hardened structure.”

Had the truck bombing succeeded, the casualties could have been horrifying. The Iran-backed Beirut barracks bombings killed 220 Marines in Lebanon and the Iran-backed Khobar Towers bombing killed 19 Air Force personnel. Fortunately the Djibouti plot was disrupted.

Lee Wolosky, Obama’s point man on releasing the terrorists, accused America of racism for locking up these monsters. “If these detainees had been white and not brown or black, is there any realistic chance the United States… would imprison them without charge for decades?”

Duran’s “special group” had also been tied to the murder of Florence Chepkemei.

Chepkemei was an African aid worker. In Wolosky’s racial terms, a “brown or black” person. She was one of a number of aid workers murdered by the Jihadis, including anti-apartheid activists Richard and Enid Eyeington, who taught Nelson Mandela's children, and Annalena Tonelli

When the Jihadis finally faced justice, they were sentenced to death by an African court, which unlike American courts didn't hold them for decades while they pottered around with art projects, read up on Harry Potter, demanded more varied meals, and flirted with their NYU lawyers.

Their defense consisted of quoting the Koran and arguing that, "we should not be killed for killing infidels."

That is the racist genocidal mindset that the defenders of Al Qaeda terrorists collaborate with.

Duran is the first black site "high value" detainee being let loose on the world by the Democrats.

He won't be the last.

Lee Wolosky, Obama's point man on freeing the terrorists, urges Biden to show "the same resolve and leadership" that he had "demonstrated in extricating the United States from Afghanistan."

Biden is certainly doing that. Even while he abandoned Americans to the Taliban, he’s freeing some of the worst of the worst from Guantanamo Bay. It’s a degree of “resolve and leadership” that the Al Qaeda terrorists he is liberating to kill more innocent people can only applaud.

Is there any Islamic terrorist too monstrous and evil for even Biden to free? It’s still a long way to 2024 and there’s plenty of time for us to find out and for him to free them all.

The DNC isn't hard to figure out. They hate America.
HockeyDad Offline
#604 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,307
I hope those terrorists get their Covid vaccine before their release.
Stogie1020 Offline
#605 Posted:
Joined: 12-19-2019
Posts: 5,488
Give them a "Biden let us in" t-shirt, a ride to Juarez and point them north...
DrMaddVibe Offline
#606 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
They can pretty much just follow the footprints by now.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#607 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,866
What do you call an inexpensive circumcision?
A rip off
frankj1 Offline
#608 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,304
Lin Wood says if you believe in 9/11 you got played and Bush should be in jail!
So why sweat falsely accused "terrorists"?

Attorney Wood is more recently known for teaming up with Attorney Powell, who worked with Rudy and all worked for Trump claiming election fraud.

Seems like a cool guy.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#609 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
As Sleepy Joe waits in line for another ice cream cone he allows China to pass America by in the fast lane.

China Is Chipping Away At America's Influence In The Middle East

Its recent withdrawal from Afghanistan was only the latest in a string of moves from the U.S. that served to reduce its influence in the Middle East

As the U.S. has been withdrawing from the region, both Russia and China have been capitalizing on the power vacuum

In Beijing last week the Gulf Cooperation Council attempted to set up a Free Trade Agreement with China, a move that highlights China’s growing influence in the region

Last week saw a series of meetings in Beijing between senior officials from the Chinese government and foreign ministers from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, and the secretary-general of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). At these meetings, the principal topics of conversation were to finally seal a China-GCC Free Trade Agreement and “deeper strategic cooperation in a region where U.S. dominance is showing signs of retreat,” according to local news reports.

As has been highlighting for some time now, the U.S.’s influence across the Middle East has been in particular decline since the presidency of Donald Trump, in line with his comments to “get out of endless wars” and that the U.S. should no longer resolve “old conflicts in distant lands.” The repercussions of this broad policy idea found the greatest resonance in those countries already aligned to the U.S.’s primary global rivals for power – China and Russia. These included most notably Iran, Iraq, other states in the Shia crescent of power, and Syria, a shift that is analyzed in-depth in my new book on the global oil markets. Following the U.S.’s unilateral withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in May 2018, and the subsequent broad- and deep-ranging alliance between Iran and China as delineated in its 25-year comprehensive strategic agreement, it was Iran’s historical enemy, Saudi Arabia, that felt particularly vulnerable to a seemingly newly-reenergized Tehran, and looked to the U.S. for reassurances.

The problem at that point was that a series of events in the preceding years had undermined the core relationship between Saudi Arabia and the U.S. that had been formulated and formalized at a meeting on 14 February 1945 between the then-U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Saudi King at the time, Abdulaziz. This agreement was that the U.S. would receive all of the oil supplies it needed for as long as Saudi Arabia had oil in place, in return for which the U.S. would guarantee the security both of the ruling House of Saud and, by extension, of Saudi Arabia. However, facing the prospect of having its own oil industry – the only substantial revenue generator it has – marginalized by the then-nascent U.S. shale oil sector, Saudi Arabia launched the 2014-2016 Oil Price War to try to destroy the U.S. shale threat, or at least severely disable it. When that effort failed to have the desired effect – succeeding only in destroying Saudi Arabia’s own finances and those of its oil-producing neighbors as well – the U.S. changed the 1945 agreement in one key way. The new understanding was: the U.S. will safeguard the security both of Saudi Arabia and of the ruling House of Saud for as long as Saudi Arabia guarantees that the U.S. will receive all of the oil supplies it needs for as long as Saudi Arabia has oil in place and that Saudi Arabia does not attempt to interfere with the growth and prosperity of the U.S. shale oil sector. Shortly after that (in May 2017), the U.S. assured the Saudis that it would protect them against any Iranian attacks, provided that Riyadh also bought a huge quantity of weapons from Washington – US$110 billion immediately and US$350 billion over the next 10 years. However, the Saudis then found out that none of these weapons were able to prevent Iran from launching successful attacks against its key oil facilities in September 2019, or several subsequent attacks.

At around the same time as the U.S.’s assurances of its security were proving of limited worth to Saudi Arabia, Riyadh was also trying to raise money to plug the huge holes in its finances that had been caused by the 2014-2016 Oil Price War by doing an initial public offering (IPO) for its oil and gas giant, Saudi Aramco. The additional problem in this respect for Saudi Arabia was that whenever oil prices rose to or above the level where it could make a profit (US$84 per barrel of Brent was its budget breakeven price for a couple of years after the end of the 2014-2016 Oil Price War), the U.S. told it and its OPEC brothers to pump more because it was damaging the U.S.’s economic prospects. Specifically, before the latest disconnect between oil and gas prices, the longstanding rule of thumb was that for every one cent that the U.S.’s average price of gasoline increased, more than US$1 billion per year in discretionary additional consumer spending was lost. The U.S. – and every other Western country – refused to allow Aramco to undertake any part of its listing on their respective benchmark stock exchanges for a wide range of reasons, thus limiting Saudi’s ability to begin to repair its own finances, but China was ready, willing, and able to provide a solution for the Aramco IPO problem.

China’s willingness to do this – and more importantly from the personal perspective of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) to allow him to save face over the IPO – was another major milestone in the shift of Saudi towards China. The solution was that China would simply buy the entire stake – at that time 5 percent was the stated amount to be offered – in a straight private placement. This would have the twin huge benefits for MbS of firstly, raising the money that Saudi Arabia needed immediately, and secondly, not requiring any public disclosure of the offer price per share. This latter factor would allow MbS to assure the senior Saudis, who by that time were skeptical of his abilities to lead the country when the time came, that he had managed to hit the US$2 trillion valuation for the whole of Aramco that he had publically set as a benchmark for IPO success.

Although the offer was eventually declined, the fact that China had offered itself as a backstop bid for MbS’s most important public project to that point was not forgotten, and nor were the corollary desires of China to forge closer links with Saudi Arabia going forward. Shortly after the offer was made, China was referred to by Saudi Arabia’s then-vice minister of economy and planning, Mohammed al-Tuwaijri, as: “By far one of the top markets” to diversify the funding basis of Saudi Arabia and that: “We will also access other technical markets in terms of unique funding opportunities, private placements, panda bonds and others.” These comments came at around the same time as the visit of high-ranking politicians and financiers from China in August 2017 to Saudi Arabia, which featured a meeting between King Salman and Chinese Vice Premier, Zhang Gaoli, in Jeddah and, during the visit, Saudi Arabia first mentioned seriously that it was willing to consider funding itself partly in Chinese yuan, raising the possibility of closer financial ties between the two countries. At these meetings, according to comments at the time from then-Saudi Energy Minister, Khalid al-Falih, it was also decided that Saudi Arabia and China would establish a US$20 billion investment fund on a 50:50 basis that would invest in sectors such as infrastructure, energy, mining, and materials, among other areas. The Jeddah meetings in August 2017 followed a landmark visit to China by Saudi Arabia’s King Salman in March of that year during which around US$65 billion of business deals were signed in sectors including oil refining, petrochemicals, light manufacturing, and electronics.

With Russia having already positioned itself as being vital for the efficacy of any future OPEC policies and deals in the aftermath of the 2014-2016 Oil Price War, China through its ‘One Belt, One Road’ (OBOR) program – with all of its associated investment – was and remains ideally placed to pick-up influence across the region as the U.S. eases back. Moreover, for the oil-producing countries of the Middle East, China is not a threat to their positions in the global oil sector, as the U.S. is through its shale oil sector, but rather remains a notable end consumer. The fact that the OBOR-related investments made by China come with considerable caveats allowing Beijing to secure key strategic tracts of land or sea in lieu of debts owed or investments made - including Iran’s major airports and naval ports under the 25-year deal with China, Sri Lanka’s Hambantota Port, and Djibouti’s Doraleh Port – may be regarded by these Middle Eastern states as being little different to the conditions attached to U.S. investment since the end of the Second World War. For the U.S., though, news just before Christmas that Saudi Arabia is now actively manufacturing its own ballistic missiles with the help of China, may not be regarded as part of a reasonable rebalancing of power in the Middle East, especially in light of Washington’s current and ongoing efforts to address Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

Lefty soooo wanted Trump to be compromised by Russia...but it was all their guys getting the money. Being bought and paid for is easy to see. Like son. 10% up to the "Big Guy".
rfenst Offline
#610 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,685
This is nothing new.
Speyside2 Offline
#611 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,519
How much petroleum does the United States import and export?
In 2020, the United States imported about 7.86 million barrels per day (MMb/d) of petroleum from about 80 countries. Petroleum includes crude oil, hydrocarbon gas liquids, refined petroleum products such as gasoline and diesel fuel, and biofuels (including ethanol and biodiesel). Crude oil imports of about 5.88 MMb/d accounted for about 75% of U.S. total gross petroleum imports in 2020, and non-crude oil petroleum accounted for about 25% of U.S. total gross petroleum imports.

In 2020, the United States exported about 8.50 MMb/d of petroleum to about 174 countries and 4 U.S. territories. Crude oil exports of about 3.21 MMb/d accounted for 38% of total U.S. gross petroleum exports in 2020. The resulting total net petroleum imports (imports minus exports) were about -0.63 MMb/d in 2020, which means that the United States was a net petroleum exporter of 0.63 MMb/d in 2020.

Sourced from EIA.

Stop it with the oil gasslighting fear mongering. As we export more oil than we import we have no need to be dependant on middle east oil. Therefore we do not need to be power brokers there anymore. In fact it is rather un American. Keep our money in the American economy. That would be good for us. All we need to do is stop exporting the amount of oil that we import. We still would be a net positive for exporting oil.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#612 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,866
Today was a rough day. My ex got hit by a bus, and I lost my job as a bus driver
Stogie1020 Offline
#613 Posted:
Joined: 12-19-2019
Posts: 5,488
Anyone watch the press conference today?

I swear the times Biden actually got a non scripted question you could see him waiting for the earpiece to give him the answers...

My fairly apolitical wife looked up from what she was doing and said "this guy is the President??"
RayR Offline
#614 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,032
Haven't watched the Biden clown show yet. Did he say his first year in office was the greatest ever?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#615 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
He made it a year!

STUDY: How the Networks Buried One Year of Biden’s Disasters, Failures and Controversies

Over the last year, the three network evening newscasts have done their best to hide Joe Biden's policy disasters, such as Afghanistan and the border. They have ignored controversies involving Hunter Biden, as well as extremist nominees picked by the President.

On the occasion of his first anniversary in office, MRC analysts looked at the most neglected Joe Biden stories in year one to see just how little broadcast network evening newscast coverage they got. Here they are:

Hiding Hunter’s Scandals and His Sketchy Connections to Joe

During the 2020 presidential elections, the networks did everything they could to hide the evidence of Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings with Ukraine and any connection to Joe Biden. For the first year of Biden’s presidency, Hunter’s alarming art sales to unknown individuals and his dealings with China, they were all buried by the networks.

From January 20, 2021 to the present, ABC’s World News Tonight allowed just 57 seconds on the multiple Hunter Biden scandals. The CBS Evening News offered an equally pathetic 60 seconds and the NBC Nightly News managed a slightly higher 191 seconds. All totaled, that’s just 308 seconds, slightly higher than 5 minutes, in one year.

The last mention of Hunter on the network evening newscasts came on the July 12 NBC Nightly News. There, anchor Lester Holt chided the “secret art sale by President Biden’s son.” He warned, “The asking price? Up to half a million dollars per painting. But ethics watchdogs are blasting the arrangement.”

Yet, when five prints of the painting sold in October for $75,000 each ($375,000 total), NBC and the other corruptly ignored it. As the New York Post explained: “It’s unclear who purchased the reproductions — which cost a fraction of the top price of $500,000 for an original piece by President Biden’s scandal-scarred son — or if any more were sold after the LA show opened.”

Finally, in the last year, there were no mentions of Hunter allegedly using the N-word or of a second stolen laptop. (For more on those scandals, see an October 2021 study by MRC Director of Media Analysis Geoff Dickens.)

Total World News Tonight coverage for year one of Joe Biden’s presidency: 57 seconds
Total CBS Evening News/Weekend News coverage for year one of Joe Biden’s presidency: 60 seconds
Total NBC Nightly News coverage for year one of Joe Biden’s presidency: 191 seconds

Burying Biden’s Border Crisis

In 2021, the number of migrants apprehended at the southern border was the highest in 20 years, repeatedly shattering records, but the evening newscasts did their very best to drop the story whenever possible. In December, ABC and CBS allowed less than a minute combined: 17 seconds on World News Tonight and 20 seconds on the CBS Evening News.

The NBC Nightly News did slightly better, managing a still unimpressive 3 minutes and 43 seconds. Shockingly, this combination of 260 seconds is better than November. But anything would be superior to November as the three evening newscasts offered zero minutes and zero seconds that month.

Unlike some of the other stories on this list, the border saw spikes in coverage. In March of 2021, there were 173,283 incidents on the border and 113 minutes of coverage. That number dropped to 44 minutes in April and 26 minutes in May. After a brief spike in June, back up to 54 minutes, it dropped to just 4 minutes of coverage in July.

And keep in mind, many of the months the networks abandoned the border were periods of new records. July’s spike to 212,672 apprehensions is quite the contrast to four minutes of coverage.

Here’s the last six months of border crisis coverage (on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts). Note the spikes in September and October, but otherwise the networks buried the ongoing disaster:

July total coverage: 4 minutes and 20 seconds. August total coverage: 6 minutes and 28 seconds. September total coverage: 54 minutes and 10 seconds. October total coverage: 17 minutes and 36 seconds. November total coverage: ZERO. December total coverage: 4 minutes and 20 seconds.

The Media Made Sure You Never Heard of These Radical Biden Nominees

During the 2020 presidential campaign, a compliant media sold Joe Biden as a “moderate.” Yet, in 2021, he nominated a slew of radical nominees to all sorts of positions. As shocking positions of these individuals leaked out, how did the three nightly newscasts react? They didn’t. They simply censored the revelations.

Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra is as radical as they come. As noted in August by The Federalist’s Kylee Zempel, he “refused to call for free and fair elections in Cuba after meeting with dictator Fidel Castro,” supports open borders, gun control, he sued the nuns of the Little Sisters of the Poor while he was Attorney General in California.

Becerra is a radical on abortion, supporting partial birth abortion. He prosecuted pro-life activist David Daleiden. Yet, the networks suppressed any hint of controversy on his nomination. On the March 18, 2021 World News Tonight, anchor David Muir offered this: “The Senate today confirming Xavier Becerra as secretary of Health and Human Services by a vote of 50-49.” That’s it.

Total coverage on the CBS and NBC evening newscasts for the controversial confirmation of Xavier Becerra: 0 minutes and 0 seconds.
Total coverage on the ABC evening newscasts for the controversial confirmation of Xavier Becerra: 0 minutes and 8 seconds.

In November, Saule Omarova faced hearings in her bid to become Comptroller of the Currency, a branch of the Treasury Department. According to, “The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency charters, regulates, and supervises all national banks. It also supervises the federal branches and agencies of foreign banks.” It’s not some obscure, unimportant position.

Yet, the fact that Omarova said of some oil and gas companies “We want them to go bankrupt,” the fact that she complimented the Soviet Union on Twitter, a regime that murdered millions, resulted in no coverage on the networks. Omarova ultimately withdrew her nomination.

Total ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts coverage of Saule Omarova’s nomination: 0 minutes and 0 seconds.

Does the name Tracy Stone-Manning ring a bell? Probably not because the networks don’t talk about the extremist director of the Bureau of Land Management. She was nominated in April and confirmed in July, but the evening newscasts hid her radicalism. In an op-ed for the Arizona Republic, Congresswoman Debbie Lesko and former lawmaker Steve Pierce wrote of her support for population control, her connections to the radical Earth First organization, as well as accusations that she was involved in a form of eco-terrorism called tree spiking.

Lesko and Pierce concluded, “The U.S. Senate has an opportunity to ensure an extremist like Tracy Stone-Manning is not at the helm of an agency as important as the Bureau of Land Management..”

Total coverage on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts for Stone-Manning’s nomination: 0 minutes and 0 seconds.

Abandoning Afghanistan as soon as the Networks Could

Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan in August of 2021 spiraled into a disaster for the country, the world and for the President politically. From the Taliban seizing control of city after to city, to a suicide bombing that killed 13 member of the military, to Americans stuck in the unstable country, the month saw one disaster after another. The network evening newscasts actually covered the nightmare. But what happened after August?

MRC analysts examined every single evening newscast from the pivotal time period of August 1, 2021 to August 31 2021. In order to see how quickly the story disappeared, they then looked at the same broadcasts from October 1, 2021 to October 31 2021. The contrast between the two periods, separated by only a month, is stark. In August, the networks covered every angle of the botched withdrawal, amounting to 409 minutes and 12 seconds. In October, that number plummeted to just 16 minutes and 22 seconds.

In August, that came out to 165 minutes and 1 second on ABC, 124 minutes and 12 seconds on CBS and 119 minutes and 59 seconds on NBC. The biggest drop-off came from ABC, which fell to 67 seconds in October. NBC managed 345 seconds and CBS 570 seconds.

It’s not as though October lacked for newsworthy disasters in Afghanistan. Here are just a few examples: By the end of that month, there were still hundreds of Americans stuck in the country. October saw young girls fighting to go to school under the Taliban’s rule. It was revealed that the U.S. would pay families for the deaths of loved ones after a botched drone strike (in response to the murder of U.S. service members) actually killed civilians and children instead.

On October 27th, NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt allowed just 182 seconds to this chilling revelation:

A new warning about the terrorist threat from Afghanistan. A senior Pentagon official says ISIS-K could regain the ability to attack the U.S. in just six months with U.S. troops now gone from Afghanistan.

October is representative of the overall disinterest the networks now show to Afghanistan. As of January 11, 2022, there are still 80 Americans trapped in Afghanistan, according to CNN. Do the journalists at the big three networks care about their fellow citizens?

A New Years' resolution for ABC, CBS and NBC would be to cover Afghanistan and all other Biden disasters and controversies.

Total ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscast coverage of Afghanistan in August: 409 minutes and 12 seconds
Total ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscast coverage of Afghanistan in October: 345 seconds

You don't have to be Columbo to put this together.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#616 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,866
I've stopped telling my brother COVID jokes. They flu over his head
DrMaddVibe Offline
#617 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
Stay tuned to Catch A Falling Dullard...

Biden’s Approval Rating Drops to New Record Low

Dissatisfaction with his handling of the economy key as inflation soars.

Joe Biden’s approval rating has dropped to a new record low, with just 33 per cent of Americans supporting the president, a massive drop of 11 points from last month.

A Quinnipiac University poll found that 53 per cent disapprove of the job Biden is doing, while around 13 per cent are not sure about him.

According to the survey, 49 per cent believe Biden is dividing the country, thereby breaking his inauguration promise, while 42 per cent believe he is working to unite it.

Meanwhile, with Trump expected to run again in 2024, a YouGov poll found that the former president was more admired than Biden or the Pope.

A poll conducted Redfield & Wilton Strategies at the end of December found that Trump would beat Biden by 6 points if the election were held now.

Record COVID cases, spiraling crime rates and a continued failure to secure the borders certainly aren’t helping Biden.

However, the economy is clearly the primary driver behind the dissatisfaction, with 57 per cent of poll respondents disapproving of Biden’s handling of it.

Inflation hit a 39-year high in December, with supply chain and worker shortages causing the cost of staples such as food, rent and cars to skyrocket.

While Americans are being told the official rate of inflation is 7 per cent, the actual percentage rise of products and services is far higher.
Stogie1020 Offline
#618 Posted:
Joined: 12-19-2019
Posts: 5,488
As an aside, does anyone know anyone who graduated from Quinnipiac University? It seems like all they have is a single class on political polling. It must be a good class because it's always being cited.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#619 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
Think of them more as an outsourced polling company much like AP is for news. Except AP is now larger than most newsrooms due to cutbacks...sooooo.
RayR Offline
#620 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,032
Biden's LGB Band
rfenst Offline
#621 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,685
Stogie1020 wrote:
As an aside, does anyone know anyone who graduated from Quinnipiac University? It seems like all they have is a single class on political polling. It must be a good class because it's always being cited.

Been around for years and is generally relied on by most news agencies, one way or another.
Speyside2 Offline
#622 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,519
There is a Quinnipiac poll that shows 98.2% don't answer you.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#623 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,866
What do you call it when somebody makes too many dumb jokes?
A pundemic
frankj1 Offline
#624 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,304
Stogie1020 wrote:
As an aside, does anyone know anyone who graduated from Quinnipiac University? It seems like all they have is a single class on political polling. It must be a good class because it's always being cited.

I knew a guy in high school who went there, might have been Quinnipiac College back then (1971).
It was considered a "safety" school then (not an insult), middle of the pack ranked kids from around here applied there hoping to get into UMass, Uconn, URI etc.

I believe it has moved up in status quite a bit since then.

Lots of great pizza near the Q
tonygraz Offline
#625 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
Posts: 20,386
I know a teacher and I worked with a graduate of the Q. Way back I went fishing a few times in Clark's pond which might now be part of the campus. I was born a couple of miles from what is now the campus. The really good pizza is on Wooster street in New Haven - Pepe's, Modern, Sally's and the Spot (not sure they are all still open)
DrMaddVibe Offline
#626 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
Peter Schweizer: No Question China Invested Financially In Biden Family Knowing His Influence

Detailed in his book "Red-Handed"
RayR Offline
#627 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,032
Where's the outrage over the Biden Crime Family and Chicom Collusion? Think
This has been known for a long time.

I guess if the name was Trump it would be a different story.
MACS Offline
#628 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,053
Ahem. Nothing to see here... they're democrats... move along.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#629 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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CBS Panel Stuns Host Saying Nothing Is Better After One Year of Biden, Things Are Actually Worse

CBS host Margaret Brennan is shocked, shocked, at the responses from her middle America panel when asked for an update on how their lives have been made better by the occupant of the White House. Brennan tries to carry water for the Biden administration but fails miserably.

Curiously, and again feeding actual data that rises above the officially sponsored national propaganda, four of the six panelists are not vaccinated. Three voted for Biden, and three are identified as Trump supporters. However, all six panelists say their lives have gotten worse under Joe Biden.

All of the panelists agree their #1 issue is rising prices and the astronomical inflation that is hitting them hard. Specifically, the out of control food prices are mentioned. All of the group also agree that Biden’s covid policy is a hot mess of conflicting gibberish that doesn’t make sense, and the spending on masks and home tests is ridiculous and of no value.

It is an interesting discussion to watch.


RMAN4443 Offline
#630 Posted:
Joined: 09-29-2016
Posts: 7,683
Stogie1020 wrote:
As an aside, does anyone know anyone who graduated from Quinnipiac University? It seems like all they have is a single class on political polling. It must be a good class because it's always being cited.

My Physical Therapist and his wife have Quinnipiac University diplomas hanging on the wall...
Stogie1020 Offline
#631 Posted:
Joined: 12-19-2019
Posts: 5,488
OK, so it's a real school... Allegedly.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#632 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,866
What's yellow and can't swim?
A school bus full of children
tonygraz Offline
#633 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
Posts: 20,386
Stogie1020 wrote:
OK, so it's a real school... Allegedly.

They even have basketball and hockey teams.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#634 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
Lefty says this is unifying!

Biden calls Fox News' Peter Doocy a 'stupid son of a b----' after question about inflation

The president lashed out against the White House correspondent during a meeting focused on the economy

Biden calls Peter Doocy a ‘stupid son of a b----’

White House correspondent Peter Doocy reacts to the incident on ‘The Five.’

President Biden lashed out at Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy for attempting to press him on inflation.

Biden met with the Competition Council and members of his cabinet Monday to discuss ways to lower prices for American families.

Following his prepared remarks, near the 8-minute mark of the live stream, members of the press began shouting questions, hoping for the president to take a few before they were shown the door by White House staff.

Biden knocked the first reporter, who asked about the administration's call with European leaders as tensions between Russia and Ukraine rise.

"The only reason I don't like doing is this because you never report on why it's called a meeting because you never report on why I've called a meeting, and this is important" Biden said. "I had a very, very, very good meeting, totally unanimity with all the European leaders will talk about it later. Thank you."

"Will you take questions on inflation then?" Doocy then asked. "Do you think inflation will be a political liability ahead of the midterms?"

As Doocy and the other reporters were being shooed away, Biden took a swipe at the Fox News correspondent.

"That’s a great asset, more inflation. What a stupid son of a b----," Biden said to his cabinet.

Doocy laughed off Biden's comments moments later on "The Five," saying "Yeah, nobody has fact-checked him yet and said it's not true,"

Last week, Biden similarly lashed out at Fox News White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich for attempting to press him following his controversial remarks at his press conference about the escalating Russia-Ukraine conflict.

"Why are you waiting on Putin to make the first move, sir?" Heinrich asked.

Biden chuckled, softly replying, "What a stupid question."

The White House later walked back Biden's comment.

Early in his administration, Biden warned his staff to show colleagues and members of the press with respect.

"I’m not joking when I say this: If you’re ever working with me and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect or talk down to someone, I promise you, I will fire you on the spot — on the spot. No ifs ands or buts," Biden said. "Everybody is entitled to be treated with decency and dignity."

Whatever Mr. Dog faced pony soldier. Have an ice cream and STFU Nero.
drglnc Offline
#635 Posted:
Joined: 04-01-2019
Posts: 763
Well, it WAS a stupid question… both of them. And douchie is a stupid some of a… so I fail to see the problem. Biden his just trying to appeal to more of the trump base in his handling of the press I guess…
HockeyDad Offline
#636 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,307
drglnc wrote:
Well, it WAS a stupid question… both of them. And douchie is a stupid some of a… so I fail to see the problem. Biden his just trying to appeal to more of the trump base in his handling of the press I guess…

Now that’s some high quality H2O
DrMaddVibe Offline
#637 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
drglnc wrote:
Well, it WAS a stupid question… both of them. And douchie is a stupid some of a… so I fail to see the problem. Biden his just trying to appeal to more of the trump base in his handling of the press I guess…

Big wiff there slugger.

Your boy is a LOSER!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#638 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
Kickboxing and margaritas for all, but for Lefty...just stick to the drinking.

Biden's regulatory bender is crushing the US economy

By so many measures, Joe Biden's presidential administration falls at the bottom of the scale. But there is one metric by which Biden is tops — in fact, the very tops in all of history. That is the regulatory costs his administration has imposed on the nation in a single year.

The American Action Forum, a conservative think tank that tracks government regulation, has tallied up what government agencies estimate their regulations cost. The Biden administration has now imposed $201 billion in regulation — more than three times the cost that President Barack Obama's very left-wing administration imposed on families and businesses in its first year.

What's more, Biden's new regulations are forcing more than 100 million hours of annual paperwork on the nation, far more than either the Obama or Trump administration.

For a presidential administration that has basically failed in every important area — on COVID, on the border, on Afghanistan, on the economy — Biden certainly knows how to succeed when it comes to imposing new costs.

The single most expensive rule change, by far, is a requirement that automakers meet an unrealistic 55 mile per gallon fleetwide average by 2026. But this is only one of many expensive new rules that stand to sap the bank accounts and energy of entrepreneurs and families.

This is one of the many areas in which we are already missing the Trump administration. For all his faults, Trump made a point of repealing at least one regulation for every new one put into effect. This was a revolutionary idea that actually reduced costs. It was one factor that helped usher in prosperity and unprecedented low levels of unemployment prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Biden is now crushing the life out of the economy with his regulatory frenzy. And unfortunately, he's only just gotten started. The new infrastructure bill that he signed will impose many additional regulations and billions in added expenses. And matters will only get worse going forward. With the failure of his legislative agenda and Democrats' impending loss of Congress in this year's elections, Biden is likely to follow Obama's example and govern with his pen and his phone, using regulation where he is unable to pass laws.

From the very beginning of his presidency, when he prevented needed pipelines from being constructed and blocked oil and gas exploration on federal land, Biden has been working to make big government bigger and individuals poorer. His administration is filled with far-left ideologues who know nothing about the daily realities of making ends meet or running a business.

The new president who takes power in 2025 will need to think carefully in advance about how to undo all the damage Biden is doing right now.

Drink up boys.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#639 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
Instead of "Let them eat cake"'s been replaced with "Let them die. Science"

Without Notice FDA Revokes Monoclonal Antibody Treatments for COVID, Promote Difficult to Find Pfizer and Merck Pills as Replacements

This is some next level sketchy, borderline evil, stuff from the U.S. medical establishment. The FDA has revoked the authorization status of monoclonal antibody treatments [Announcement Here], effectively shutting down the treatment option for patients exposed to COVID-19.

The FDA gave no advanced notice of their arbitrary decision; they just issued a press release Monday evening and immediately revoked the Emergency Use Authorization.

The result was that no states were given any time to prepare for the shutdown or cancel the scheduled appointments of their patients.

On the surface the FDA justification is essentially that monoclonal antibody treatments are “unlikely to be active against the omicron variant,” so the monoclonal treatment option is revoked. However, below the surface it looks like the FDA reason for the revocation is to push the Pfizer and Merck pills as the primarily authorized therapeutics. The problem with the pills is they are hard to find and in short supply.

Literally, a few hours before the FDA shut down monoclonal antibody treatments to push the pills, CBS writes an article about how difficult it is to find therapeutic pills {SEE HERE}. But we are supposed to believe these decisions are about public health, right? This is absurd, I mean, seriously, think about it.

If public health was really the driving factor, why wouldn’t federal public health officials make every effort to have all treatments available, and then let your doctor decide which is right for you?

The state of Florida Health Department is not happy and being forced to close all monoclonal antibody treatment sites. They issued the following statement:

The mandates will stop when YOU stop complying.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#640 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
It just won't go away...even with the media's help.

New Senate Report Confirms Hunter Biden's Biz ties to CCP, Raises Troubling Ties to Kremlin

We covered Hunter Biden’s business ties to the Chinese Communist Party and Ukrainian energy companies extensively in the weeks leading up to this year’s general election, reporting on evidence showing that Hunter’s ties were more extensive and long-lasting than previously known, and now a Senate report compiled by two committees is providing additional confirmation.

Both Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), through the Senate Finance Committee and the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, are conducting ongoing investigations into Hunter Biden’s business activities in China and Ukraine. The two committees released a joint report, including documents such as emails, text messages and business memos provided by Biden family business associate Tony Bobulinski. Bobulinski previously confirmed that he is cooperating with both the FBI and Senate investigations into Hunter Biden.

According to Just the News:

Specifically, the committees’ evidence traces business deals discussed between Hunter Biden, Bobulinski and an American businessman close to the Biden family named Rob Walker. The senators released an email in which Walker described himself as “being a surrogate for H or Jim when gauging opportunities.” The committee said that in the email “H appears to refer to Hunter Biden, and Jim appears to refer to Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden.”

And, Biden’s relationship with Ye Jianming, head of CEFC China Energy, is particularly problematic. The report cites that companies affiliated with Ye wired millions of dollars to the U.S. accounts of Hunter’s associates during 2017 and that:

“Ye had established ties to the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese military, the People’s Liberation Army” and worked with Hunter Biden and his associates to pursue energy deals around the globe, including in Oman, France and Russia.

At the same time, the Committees found that Ye had business dealings with “Kremlin-controlled companies and Kremlin-aligned businessmen,” and served as “China’s unofficial bridge to Russia on energy.” As an example:

As noted in the Committees’ September 23, 2020 report, in September 2017, CEFC announced its intention to purchase a 14.2 percent stake in the Russian state-owned energy company, Rosneft, for approximately $9 billion.”

Documents attached to the report show that Hunter was in close communication with Ye during that time period and was absolutely aware of the potential Rosneft deal and even that Hunter was helping Ye “on a number of his personal issues (staff visas and some more sensitive things).”

As many conservative commentators and Republican officials have said, Hunter Biden’s business ties create a massive national security risk. The Senate committees agree:

“These new records confirm the connections between the Biden family and the communist Chinese government, as well as the links between Hunter Biden’s business associates and the Russian government, and further support the Committees’ September 23, 2020 report’s finding that such relationships created counterintelligence and extortion concerns.”

And, the issue is not going away, thankfully. Sen. Johnson told Just the News:

“Our report obviously raised serious questions and broke a logjam of information, and now we have whistleblowers coming forward with new information showing even more troubling ties back to the Chinese government, Russia’s Rosneft and possibly the People’s Liberation Army,” the senator said. “… These are the people that Hunter Biden associated with and Joe Biden knew full well his family was engaged with.”

Root. It. All. Out.

Lefty still whines "Orangeman bad" while wiping the ChiCom out of their mouth.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#641 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
Gather 'round everyone...storytime is about to begin...Once upon a time...

Biden’s mask has slipped

It was, in a way, a refreshing moment of mental alacrity from President Joe Biden. Asked if he thought inflation was a ‘political liability’, the Commander-in-Chief, the man who has apparently brought dignity back to the Oval Office, replied: ‘No. It’s a great asset. More inflation. What a stupid son of a bitch.’

In his sarcasm — we hope it was that; we can’t be 100 per cent — the President at least acknowledged that inflation was a genuine worry. His administration had spent months dismissing the issue as merely a ‘transient’ concern.

All things are transient, I suppose. Take Joe Biden’s much-lauded decency; that quality which apparently most distinguished him from Donald Trump. This is the man, remember, who came to office telling his staff: ‘I’m not joking when I say this: If you're ever working with me and I hear you treat another with disrespect, talk down to someone, I promise you I will fire you on the spot… On the spot. No ifs, ands, or buts.’

In that case, he probably needs to fire himself after yesterday’s outburst. But he won’t. Because for all the blather about his integrity, Biden isn’t really a great guy.

Let’s not be too prim ourselves. Nobody really cares about swears these days and Biden apparently rang the Fox reporter last night to say ‘It’s nothing personal’. But Biden can’t have his decorum cake and eat it, too. It is once again worth trying to imagine what might have happened if Trump had uttered such a phrase towards a journalist. CNN would have made it a lead news item for a week. Pundits would have said that he was ‘threatening‘ journalists, endangering free speech and so on.

People in Washington do like Joe, it’s true. He has always been able to cultivate friends on Capitol Hill — until recently, anyway. But Washington isn’t a place where genuine and amiable people get on and Biden has always propped up his nice-guy persona with sometimes quite shocking rudeness — long before age made him the cranky near-octogenarian we see today.

Biographical profiles of Biden tend to dwell on his heroic struggles against adversity, his folksy humanity in the face of the many family tragedies, and his ‘empathy’.

Some truth in that, no doubt. Yet these accounts border on hagiography. A lot less time is spent focusing on his more unpleasant qualities, even though they are perfectly evident to anyone willing to look. Nice guys don’t spend four decades obsessively trying to become the most powerful person in the world, as the former Biden staffer Jeff Connaughton knows all too well.

Connaughton, who joined Biden’s office in the 1980s and worked for him for over a decade, published a bitter memoir in 2012 in which he described Biden as an ‘egomaniacal autocrat’ who was ‘determined to manage his staff through fear’. Apparently Biden liked to call staffers ‘dumb ****’ when he couldn’t remember their names. ‘His ambitions,’ wrote Connaughton, ‘were mainly about himself’.

Another young staffer once got into Biden’s car holding a list of names and phone numbers and said, ‘OK, Senator, time to do some fundraising calls’. ‘Get the **** out of the car,’ Biden allegedly replied. Charming.

Biden’s ego is very sensitive to slights — more so, perhaps, than even the notoriously thin-skinned Donald Trump. Much was made of the ‘bromance’ between Vice President Biden and President Barack Obama. But in reality, the relationship between the two men was prickly, to put it mildly. Obama found Biden’s loquaciousness and many gaffes frustrating. Biden felt insecure that Team Obama didn’t take him seriously.

‘My manhood is not negotiable,’ he reportedly said when negotiating how much power he ought to have as vice president.

The mask becomes the man, but an ill-fitting mask tends to slip. And Biden’s reputation as just a clubbable old geezer, a Silent Generation guy with nothing but heart, is so wrong that it should have been debunked years ago. Now, as the strains of the presidency tell, we are seeing more of the real man, potty mouth and all.

Any questions?
tonygraz Offline
#642 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
Posts: 20,386
Yes. What the hell is wrong with you ?
Sunoverbeach Offline
#643 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,866
Did you hear about the Pillsbury doughboy?
Died of a yeast infection
MACS Offline
#644 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,053
Nah, he just got really fat...
DrMaddVibe Offline
#645 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
No, please take my mask...

Buffoon King Bidas turns Breyer's big announcement into a not ready for primetime amateur Henny Young man act.

Lefty is so proud of their man.
Sunoverbeach Offline
#646 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2017
Posts: 14,866
Opt 1: Let's eat grandma.
Opt 2: Let's eat, grandma.
There you have it. Proof that punctuation saves lives
MACS Offline
#647 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,053
Punctuation and capitalization matter...

Opt1: Helping your uncle jack off a horse.
Opt2: Helping your Uncle, Jack, off a horse.
tonygraz Offline
#648 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
Posts: 20,386
MACS has a freak uncle Jack.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#649 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,743
#ReleaseTheTranscript Trends After CNN Starts Deleting Damaging Reports on Joe Biden’s Ukraine Call

As RedState reported Thursday evening, Joe Biden’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky apparently didn’t go well. With Russia continuing to amass forces on the Eastern European nation’s border, the White House has publicly called an invasion imminent while Ukraine has attempted to defuse tensions by projecting strength and confidence. The contrasting styles, with Biden essentially conceding to Vladimir Putin while Zelensky insists it’s not a done deal yet, led to friction as the situation continues to escalate.

Well, that was the story anyway, at least until CNN’s Jake Tapper began to delete his reporting on the call after the White House complained it was based on “false leaks.” Shortly after, CNN’s Jim Scuitto, a former Obama administration official, began his clean-up attempt.

Natasha Bertrand, who was one of the chief purveyors of the Russian collusion hoax, eventually deleted her tweet making the original point. The behavior by a supposed “news” organization is stunning. Under no circumstances did CNN ever backtrack on its reporting when the Trump administration claimed a leak wasn’t true. Instead, you would get a defiant response about standing by their sources. Here, though, the moment the White House complained, CNN jumped into action to do their bidding.

Comparisons to Trump’s “perfect phone call” with Zelensky are being made, a call that eventually led to the former president’s first failed impeachment. In that case, just as is happening now, both sides claimed nothing untoward happened. Despite that, Democrats jumped into action at the time, demanding the transcript be released.

You won’t see those calls now, though. The White House is hunkering down, refusing to provide evidence that Biden didn’t say what he was reported to have said. And with a media outlet as compliant as CNN, why would they even feel any pressure to be transparent? What Democrats demanded during the last administration, they now refuse to do. That’s not a shocking development, yet that doesn’t make the hypocrisy any less noticeable.

Still, even forgetting the phone call for a moment, as I mentioned prior, the US State Department had said multiple times that an invasion of Ukraine by Russia is “imminent.” One has to wonder exactly why the administration is so gung-ho about conceding such a point? Why bolster Russia’s standing on that front, including the morale of its troops, instead of holding the line that an invasion will not be allowed to take place? I understand the arguments from the right and left about not getting militarily involved, but at this point, diplomacy is the name of the game. The administration’s messaging just seems moronic and counter-productive.

All of the opaqueness of the situation and questionable ethics of CNN’s behavior got #releasethetranscript trending, with major GOP figures such as Rep. Elise Stefanik joining the call. That is almost certain to not happen. The rules are different now that a Democrat is in the White House, and the shameless news media doesn’t even pretend that’s not the case.

You know this wasn't a "perfect call"!


Ukraine's president told Biden to 'calm down' Russian invasion warnings, saying he was creating unwanted panic: report

Biden and Zelensky spoke by phone Thursday about the threat of Russia invading Ukraine.

Biden told Zelensky that Russia may invade in February, the White House said.

Zelensky told Biden to tone down his predictions as they were creating panic, a Ukrainian official told CNN.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told President Joe Biden to "calm down the messaging" about the threat of a Russian invasion because it was stirring panic, CNN reported, citing an unnamed Ukrainian official.

Biden and Zelensky spoke by phone Thursday amid rising tensions between Russia — which is amassing tens of thousands of troops at Ukraine's border — Ukraine, the US, and NATO.

Biden told Zelensky on Thursday that a Russian invasion could happen as soon as February, when the ground freezes over, tweeted Emily Horne, White House National Security Council spokesperson.

However, Zelensky told Biden in the call that Ukraine did not agree with the US assessment, and that it was bringing panic that could later bring economic hardship to Ukraine, CNN reported, citing a senior Ukrainian official.

Zelensky also told Biden to "calm down the messaging," CNN reported, citing the official.

The White House did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.

The official White House readout of Biden's call did not mention Zelensky's reported concern.

The official told CNN that the call "did not go well." The White House told the network that characterization was false and that anonymous sources were "leaking falsehoods."

The White House also disputed a claim by Alexander Marquardt, CNN's senior national security correspondent, who tweeted Thursday that Biden told Zelensky during the call that Kyiv could be "sacked" by Russian forces.

Horne, the NSC spokesperson, tweeted: "This is not true. President Biden said that there is a distinct possibility that the Russians could invade Ukraine in February. He has previously said this publicly & we have been warning about this for months. Reports of anything more or different than that are completely false."

Biden said Tuesday that the US would personally sanction Putin should Russia invade Ukraine. Russia repeatedly denies that it is readying an invasion.
'Don't worry, sleep well'

Ukraine's military leaders, meanwhile, have played down the threat of invasion.

"As of today, there are no grounds to believe [Russia will invade]," defense minister Oleksii Reznikov told parliament Tuesday, the Associated Press reported.

"Don't worry, sleep well," he said. "No need to have your bags packed."

The US and UK have repeatedly warned of an imminent Russian invasion, though officials in Ukraine, France, and Germany appear less convinced.

The split suggests "a gap in assessments of Russia's likely courses of action," Keir Giles, a senior consulting fellow on the Russia and Eurasia program at Chatham House, previously told Insider.

"There is a history of the US trying to convince its European partners that the threat is imminent, based on the sources and intelligence it has, and they apparently do not," he said.

The conversation between Biden and Zelensky came days after the US decision to tell families of US embassy personnel in Kyiv to leave the country.

On Wednesday, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken went one step further, urging Americans in Ukraine to leave.

Amazing the contrast of the AP and the NY Times reporting.

You be the judge.
Speyside2 Offline
#650 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,519

This is from CNN today. Though not exactly the same it seems very similar.
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