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Last post 22 years ago by JBG. 29 replies replies.
So Sorry
BJLM1970 Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 11-04-2000
Posts: 86
Yea me too. GWB is a post turtle!
#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
post turtle? what is that picture all about?
#3 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
i forgot, WELCOME!
BJLM1970 Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 11-04-2000
Posts: 86
The pic speaks for it self , but a post turtle is something special. Rick have you ever driven down an old country road and there was a fence running along side and you spot a turtle up on a post, now you know he did'nt get there by himself and your damned sure he is'nt going to do anything while he's there so you just plain feel sorry for the litle bugger and you help him down. And when this turtle's term is up I will be first in line to help him get of the post.
Thanks again RICK
Charlie Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
It is just a shame that you Florida voters cannot follow directions and vote like the rest of the nation! Maybe you wouldn't have so many problems haunting you! You guys make a great alliance, since you are the only two who understands your banter! Charlie
#6 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
char, i'll bet you are just as smart or smarter than most. i can understand your viewpoints, why can't you understand mine.
jcrimmins Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2000
Posts: 787
Because your viewpoint is wrong Rick. Charlie is a smart man. He's the voice of sanity. Listen to him!!!
BJLM1970 Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 11-04-2000
Posts: 86
He's the voice of sanity, listen to him! just more bullying and name calling. Its great!
jcrimmins Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2000
Posts: 787
It is great. Glad to see your coming around BJ. You can help us bully Rick now that you're on our side. Welcome to the fold!! LOL
Charlie Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Jack, you will offend him by telling him welcome to the fold, and that constitutes name calling! It is ok to post crap like this picture that the Lawnmower Man posted, but don't dare question his reasoning (if any)!
BJLM1970 Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 11-04-2000
Posts: 86
Hey CharBroil since you seem to be GWB's head cheerleader let me ask of all the posts on these boards how many have been positve things your boy has done or is doing, you want to talk facts lets talk about an odd obsession with missle defense or the Increased millitary spending or the stalled tobbaco lawsuit.
tailgater Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Hey LF (BJ), it is FAR easier to complain and pick on items that you deem faulty. If the president does a perfect job you shouldn't notice it. Things just hum along with no problems. You seem to be against our military, so I assume you wouldn't mind a take-over by another country, or perhaps you enjoy the potential threat of a nuclear missile by some country not covered by the existing treaties. As for the tobacco lawsuit, what are you saying? Don't beat around the bush, (pun not intended, but I like it) What About the stalled tobacco lawsuit????
BJLM1970 Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 11-04-2000
Posts: 86
Read the post again I want to hear the republican side of these issues, since apparently the info I get is just DEMOCRATIC HYPE and If you dont know about all the isssues surrounding your (our) pres. try reading some of the stuff that may not make the nightly news.
Charlie Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
To the LawnMower man! Not sure if I am a head cheerleader, I just don't think it is really proper to sit and throw rocks at the President and accuse him of every wrong doing that was started during the Clinton regime! It would seem that you are blaming GWB on the current economic downturn, that began last year, and now the Tobacco lawsuits? Do you happen to smoke cigars or are you just on this site to stir things up? I live in California, one of the nuttier states in the country, and the home of the self serving Democrats who think that it is my best interest to tell me I cannot smoke a cigar in a cigar bar or a resturant that was built to accomodate smoking cigars and fine dining! This is a problem to me and the outlandish taxes we pay (sin taxes) on alcohol and tobacco that is supposed to go to schools and medical research and gets tied up in red tape.......yes, Jed Clampett, California is the place to be! It is easy to throw the Liberal Left mud and not do anything positive. Why don't you send your refund to one of those organizations that you seem to endorse......ACLU, Rainbow Coalition, DNC! Charlie
gdurfor Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2001
Posts: 288
So Mower you are against the military, for tobacco lawsuits, against protecting our country with a missile
shield. The hell with protecting ourselves this is such an utopian world we live in. There are terrorists and wacko dictators in the world. Yeah sue sue sue the tobacco industry for our discision to smoke. Give me a break. Take NO personnal responsibility. Get a lawyer/bloodsucker to blame someone else.
I agree with Char. mail your rebate back to Kennedy/Gephardt they know what's best for you better then you do.
Charlie Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Glenn, I would say the DNC would like for us to be a nation of sheep! Too damn docile to do anything to defend themselves, dumb enough to believe the party line and to buy into their big spend policies, and think that we don't need a military for defense but damn well sue big business, especially the evil tobacco companies! They will next go after the cigar smokers with the same tenacity that they have hit the cigarette smokers with! If I am to damn dumb to know that smoking is bad for me, then I should be able to sue at will and collect millions for my stupidity! That is the Democrat line of crap that some of our Liberal and do gooder friends buy into! Charlie
#17 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
char5353, gdurfor and strangely enough tailgator: yous guys are trying to read between the lines of a
single spaced post. because a taxpaying citizen believes the govt is wasting money for any
reason and is against it does not mean he is against where the money is going. i don't like the
idea of those $600. toilet seats, therefore i am against the military. no, you are being illogical
that animal is blue. that animal is a cow. therefore all cows are blue or all blue animals are
cows? play with that, it's not political. i'm not sure which overpriced airplane, i believe it is the
stealth, the super duper can't be tracked by radar, can sneak in to "enemy territory", and came in
at double budget, is trackable by cell phones. this star war bs has gotten the world angry at us
and this little **** has brought back the cold war, except now everbody hates us, not just the
russians. incidentally one of my grandfathers was from russia and his parents got him to america
to escape the pogroms. my grandmother got out of Hungary for the same reason. (era late
1800's) just a little info which has nothing to do with my posts or politics. might have something
to do with my obsession with cigars. i don't remember him buying cigars. he always lit the same
short stubb every morning and came home from work with the same one. good teachers always
try to interject some little story to keep the class's attention. cigarettes. ashcroft, a name that will
also live in infamy, is trying to help the industry that produces the most insidious drug, marketed
to children letting them off the hook for the judgement levied against them . no adult starts
smoking for peer aproval. kids are hooked and hooked for life. cigarettes are the only
consumable product that is treated by the govt as neither a food or a drug. they should and will
be regulated here (only as far as children are concerned. adults can make their own decisions.),
but they are not in third world countries which is why they have set up shop overseas. this is
getting too long. i will return. and i won't keep getting in and out of the boat until they get a good
Charlie Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Hey Joe (Tailgater) I guess you are not quite as "rude" as the rest of us from the "Right"! Rick, calm down, you are going to have us worrying about you and your heart again! It sure is nice to live in a country where you can call the President a stupid name like "little ****", "stupid" or any of the other names you have used on President Bush! I wonder what you would be saying about Al Gore......probably about the same! You need to get your facts right before you begin a "rant"! No every other country in the world depends on us saving their ass when they get into a scrape, they may hate us now, but they will love us as soon as a problem arises! Glad to see you are so anti military in your viewpoints.........I really don't believe that you are and that was a joke...calm down! I haven't seen many blue cows, I have seen some Pink Elephants in days past! Charlie
BJLM1970 Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 11-04-2000
Posts: 86
Charbroiler, you still dont get it my post answered your question but you did not answer mine. I dont blame Bush for anything, but if the state of our econimics were different right now are you telling me he would not be breaking his own arm patting himself on the back and telling us what a good job he is doing? I am not agianst our millitary in any way my question concered the excess spending and I am not throwing stones I am asking simple questions 328.9billion and looking for an extra 18.4 billion on top of that? Even if the millitary has equipment 30 years old its still far more advanced than anything else that any other counrty has. And spending money on technology that doesn't work? The sophisticated anti-missle interceptors that can't stop primitive wobbly missles from rouge nations or germ warfare from terrorists. Oh yea and the smoking lawsuit was thrown in to piss you off, I personaly think it is crap, but I like seeing the flames jump off the screen. But it seem I scare you because the only responce you all seem to have is to poke fun at my choice of careers does it make you mad that I am totaly independent and need no help from my state or government, I have never needed any type of assistance or aid in any form and have never even collected an unemployment check in my life and I pay more than my fair share in taxes, if i were waiting for GWB to make my life better I would be a dead fish on the pier of life and the gulls would be picking at my carcase. I dont know any of you and dont need to prove anything to you just to my family which I love very much they are what drives me to get me up and drag myself to my buisness 6 days a week 10-11 hour a day so that everthing I have is mine and I worked hard to get it, Like I said I dont Know you or what you do I personally dont care you have no affect on my life but you seem to be a hostile person maybe you need anger managment calm down smoke a cigar!
Charlie Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Nobody is poking fun at your choice of careers as we don't know what to call you with the alphabet soup 1970 username! You want me to call you Alphabet or something else, as I sign my posts with my name (Charlie) and I probably do need to take an anger management class to deal with some of the junk that goes on day to day! I will consider such a move! I just don't care to see folks poking fun at the President and blaming him for all the crap pushed under the table by the Clintons and their pack of thieves! I believe we need a strong military, good schools and a strong health care system...whoa sounds like a Democrat, huh! I don't think that we can force these issues and I certainly am against all the ambulance chasers that sue over everything! I will go smoke a LaGloria and have a Martini! Charlie
#21 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
tailgator: "so I assume you wouldn't mind a take-over by another country" we have been by corporations, an invention that allows a group of people to do anything they want to do to make money and not be held personally accountable.
#22 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
BJLM1970: the "lawnmower man" is really a term of friendliness. but notice how you are opening the minds of those that were wildly against you and are now listening a little. i wish i could have done that but the results are starting to take root. (do you like the reference?"
BJLM1970 Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 11-04-2000
Posts: 86
To help weed through the problems my name is Jason, the lawnmower man thing doesent bother me if it sticks it sticks I know how these things work. I dont hate our president in any way I just dont agree with him 100% of the time and lots of republicans I talk to say the same. I hope there is no anamosity, I like the open discussion and hope it can continue. Thanks
Oh yea Rick congrats on your long marriage thats great to here. I hope we can all get toghter with a nice ISOM and drink of our choice and maybe I will go watch a sun set instead of a sun rise. Thanks again.
Charlie Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Jason, that is the point of open discussion to air ones opinion! No, we don't always agree with the President! Charlie
gdurfor Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2001
Posts: 288
Jason, I don't agree with the president on everything.
I fact he's a little to liberal for me but better then the other choice we had. He's not assertive enough for me on education(vouchers), larger tax cuts(no capital gains tax), immigration(stop it), and abortion(end it). As for Rick's comment about missile defense getting other countries mad at us I'd say in diplomatic terms F***'em.
We have to look after ourseleves.
Charlie Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
I agree with Glenn 100%. Cahrlie
tailgater Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Jason. Hmmm. I thought BJLM1970 was "Been Jerking Like Mad since 1970". (That's for you, RM). Anyway, what are you asking? You cry about military spending so we assume you don't want our superior technology. Do you think we'll stay advanced if we don't continue to spend? You see, the US Military does indeed spend WAY too much. But unlike education or welfare, the military shows results from this overspending. Remember Desert Storm? We kicked their ass with ease. That wasn't because we are tree huggers. That was because of our Military. Are you angry because Dubya wants to dis the treaties? Don't you realize that the REAL nuclear threats of today are from rogue groups that are not represented by ancient treaties? Wouldn't you want a means to prevent that? So you see, although you can sharpen a blade, you haven't been able to accomplish that feat with your wit.
BJLM1970 Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 11-04-2000
Posts: 86
Nice one Tail that one did make me laugh, but how about Big Johnson Long Member 19"X 70 guage? sorry had to try and top what you typed. Like your own statment says the real treat right now is rouge nations but are you telling me that they are equipped with far more advanced equipment then us at this point? I know that the only way to continue to grow is to spend that is like any buisness. Does the millitary still sell its old equipment to other countries so the next conflict we can fight our old worn out stuff? I truly like the statment excess spending in education shows no results, what excess spending my kids are stuffed into classes of 25-30+ kids and have to share some of there books with other kids in the class and when the classrooms are all full they just put some portables out in the fields that they would normally play on. I am thinking of home schooling but will wait and see how this year shakes down. I dont consider myself a tree hugger but I do think we need to save the rain forest I guess that is tree hugging, what ever. As for being sharp witted I thought I was bringing some sharp content to a dull board! Ok the puns are killing me!
tailgater Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
The rogue nations do not need superior technology to launch a nuclear missle, but we will need superior technology to defend such an attack. This isn't about shooting SCUDS over in the desert. This is about REAL threats to our soil. Why wait until it's too late? The best offense is a good defense, and the "Star Wars" program has the most merit. The Federal government needs to head the military, but education should receive the bulk of it's funding from the State and Local level. It's apples and oranges. By the way, who is Big Johnson, and how did you find out about his member?
JBG Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 01-21-2001
Posts: 145
hey, hey, hey Charlie....not all us "Florida voters" had problems on election day...sigh..I guess it's my lot in life to forever be associated with that nonsense..but I can be realistic...there were better Repub candidates in my opinion (Alan Keys was one of my favorites). But if Bush is the least, he is still my pick of Gore..
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