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I am really sorry...
51. Author: Thunder.GerbilDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 6:07AM EST
It isn't about the cigars Slim.
52. Author: JohnE1000Date: Wed, 11/25/2009, 6:11AM EST
To Vankie:

"You can act like a man! [slap] What's the matter with you?"
53. Author: fishinguitarmanDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 6:20AM EST
54. Author: JadeRoseDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 6:28AM EST
If everyone would send me 10 cigars I would feel a lot better about this situation.

...or you could just send me $20...your choice.
55. Author: Rut-Ro!Date: Wed, 11/25/2009, 6:32AM EST
Man! I miss some good stuff around here. I must be involved in so much other stuff that I keep missing the drama.

I agree that we can get caught up in the trading, bombing, nothing but the best around here.

If you let that happen, you will go crazy, You will be fine young grasshopper! Oh! your human, welcome to the club buddy! Your NOT alone.

"And this too shall pass"
56. Author: bpulsDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 6:34AM EST
When i first started getting into smokin premium sticks,I got some really good ones. I thought it would be cool to hook up the guy who got me into the good cigars if I bombed him with a selection I thought was nice. I proudly handed him a ziplock with the cigars when I saw him. He accepted them gladly. A few weeks later I asked him how he liked the cigars. At which point he proceeded to go through my selection telling me "This one sucks," "That one sucked," I threw that one on the ground," or "I gave such & Such away."
That really hurt my feelings.
My point being, If I give someone cigars gratis, it is for their pleasure, and because it makes me feel good if they enjoy smoking it. If someone sells
smokes that I gifted them, doesn't like them or "Throws them on the ground," I take it like a slap in the face & certainly don't want to hear about it!!
57. Author: chiefburgDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 6:37AM EST
Too much drama.........this is supposed to be fun......

If I wanted this much drama I would have visited my family.......
58. Author: JebusDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 6:44AM EST
I'm gonna put what this guy did and how he's now sorry at the very top of my "Who Gives A **** List".....
59. Author: SlimboliDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 6:45AM EST
Thunder.Gerbil ... what did I miss here ???
60. Author: Thunder.GerbilDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 6:51AM EST

It's a long thread, but here:

There's even more to it on a different forum where most of those who gifted the cigars post.
61. Author: Thunder.GerbilDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 6:56AM EST
It's the dodgy behavior and and repeated lies that seemed to have chapped a lot of people, not so much the selling of cigars.

Being called out and then continuing to lie didn't help much either. The comming clean didn't happen until backed into the corner.
62. Author: tj2001cobraDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 7:12AM EST

"The only lie in this whole situation came from whether I was trying to sell the cigars I was gifted or if I bought them."

You are lying AGAIN! I dont think people give a damn what you do with your cigars. What pisses ME off is that you posted that you were selling your cigars to buy gifts for your family and specifically not your wife. So, seeing as though you have no kids, who the hell you buying them for?

You led people to believe that you had kids that you were wanting to buy presents for. Whether this is an outright lie or not could probably be debated, but it WAS deceptive and that is what pisses me off.

Go sell your damn cigars. Who cares, but dont **** try to get sympathy from me for something that doesn't even exist! That is the ULTIMATE DOUCHBAG thing to do, and YOU did it.
63. Author: Humpty DumptyDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 7:59AM EST
Hey Slim been along time since I've in the forums but the last time wasn't there something about beating a dead horse going around?? Hahahahaha.Humpty dumpty the old (Tinman) Life's to short guys and gals..
64. Author: daveincincyDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 8:30AM EST
along with an edit button on this forum, we also need those smilies. The one banging its head on the brick wall would be appropriate now.
65. Author: Thunder.GerbilDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 8:34AM EST
Ixnay on the edit feature. You install that feature here and the Misc forum WILL turn into a cesspool.
66. Author: DrafterXDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 8:50AM EST
^ and how would you describe it now..??
67. Author: cigarhewDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 9:23AM EST

If you did not read the above comments...many of us on the other board and many on here have met before...herfed together and know each other’s families. It is much, much more than just a chat forum. Which is why I came clean...I feel like I lied to my family...which feels like crap!


Oh don't give us that BS. That is NOT the reason you finally admitted it. You admitted it because you were cornered with no way out, and no one believed you. That's how liars work. Their opportunistic. Now, you're trying to take advantage of people and talk your way out again by playing the sympathy card.

And for the 10000th time, I don't believe the issue is even with selling the cigars at all. PPL need to read everything before they bump in and say "oh wth is the problem, it's his cigars to do whatever he wants with."

The reason I'm so heated by this is because you took advantage of fine generous BOTL's. The same ones that got me and a lot of others started on a very enjoyable hobby.

As much as it is none of my business, I just can't sit back and watch the rest be played like a violin.
68. Author: cigarhewDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 9:24AM EST
41 was from VankieC7
69. Author: JohnE1000Date: Wed, 11/25/2009, 9:27AM EST
cigarhew is right on the point.
70. Author: DrafterXDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 9:31AM EST
37. Author: JohnE1000
^ I believe you Vankie.
71. Author: JebusDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 9:32AM EST
HAAAAAAAA!!!! count it!
72. Author: cigarhewDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 9:33AM EST
*innocent until proven guilty*

He was proven guilty!

Better than being a dumbass and disbelieving for no solid proof.

Eventually, the truth will come out!
73. Author: JohnE1000Date: Wed, 11/25/2009, 9:38AM EST
How long it took you to dig this out
74. Author: Ram27Date: Wed, 11/25/2009, 9:42AM EST
75. Author: tj2001cobraDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 9:43AM EST
Good job topping this one, Ram!
76. Author: VankieC7Date: Wed, 11/25/2009, 10:22AM EST
#62 - Please tell me why I would continue to lie at this point. I fessed up to everything...and everything being that I lied about which cigars I was selling. Now you are making things up when it comes to why I was selling the cigars. Yes I was selling them for Christmas money, No I wasn't selling them for gifts for my wife and I. No I don't have kids...but I have a lot of other family that I buy gifts for, such as for gift exchanges and all that fun jazz. I have parents to buy for, siblings to buy for, aunts and uncles to buy for. So before you start spouting off about how I am still lying, how about you know the truth before you speak. My thread speaking about selling my cigars was not to look for other buyers...plain and simply I was curious if anyone else had been in the same situation. So many people are making more out of this than it is. It just happened that people were interested if I had anything left after I sold to my friends from church. I said if I have anything left I would let them know. Some may say I was fishing...but that was just a misconseption based on the difference between how my words sounded in my head to what others read them as.
77. Author: duwanDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 10:27AM EST
Like sands through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives.
78. Author: VankieC7Date: Wed, 11/25/2009, 10:29AM EST

I took advantage of nobody here, not one person. I don't know where you are getting that. I participated on this board and others just how anyone else did and has in the past. I have created a lot of friends on the other site and a few so far on this one. It just happened to be that I hit a brick wall financially so I decided to sell the cigars that people gifted me. Then I lied about whose they were. All of the other lies and deception are things that OTHERS are making up. I came completely clean on everything. Whether you want to believe that or not, is up to you. And by no means did I confess because I was backed into a corner. If that were the case I would have probably just left both sites and moved on with my life. Why on earth would I confess these things and say that I will make it up over time if I was ONLY a scumbag that wanted to fool people into giving me cigars. I would just take my antics somewhere else. So that IS NOT the case. I confessed because I know I messed up...and I want to start over...and I know that will be a hard road but I am willing to travel it. I don't want sympathy from anyone... I just want to fix this mess that I got myself into.
79. Author: duwanDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 10:35AM EST
This is becoming rather monotonous.
80. Author: DrafterXDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 10:36AM EST
Vankie, do yourself a favor and let this die....
81. Author: pool-cueDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 10:37AM EST
Vankie, I've read that you need money and all, correct me if I am wrong, but I haven't read anything from you stating that you or your wife lost job or there were job changes that cost your income to be lower. If no change of income why all of a sudden you need more money for Holidays? Should this be planned through out the year, I mean you did stated that you are 27 and I assume this isn't your first Christmas where you need to spend money. As for the Student loan, it's something you and your wife knew a long time, once again it should of been planned for.

I really don't care one way or another that you are selling cigars, but does the reasoning of why you are selling sound? If you think it is a sound reasoning, what did you sell last year to pay for Christmas presents?

82. Author: csiegelsDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 10:37AM EST

You were done after post #1.
Just end it and move on.
83. Author: nabentrothDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 11:05AM EST
^81 - Sometimes you just spend too much money and it catches up with you. My incomes hasn't changes in the last six months, but what I have spent it on certainly has.

Anyhow....let this die
84. Author: fishinguitarmanDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 11:10AM EST
I agree....I think he's been beat up pretty good....

Now it's just a dead horse ....
85. Author: Ram27Date: Wed, 11/25/2009, 11:20AM EST
Here is your ' dead horse ' !!

Happy Turkey Day All !!!!!!!!!!!!

86. Author: JadeRoseDate: Wed, 11/25/2009, 11:28AM EST
Thanks for topping this thread Ram
87. Author: Humpty DumptyDate: Thu, 11/26/2009, 1:54PM EST
Yepper Ram thats the one LMAO...HD
88. Author: bajaboundDate: Thu, 11/26/2009, 4:30PM EST
Soap opera, enough already!

Jack Conrad, please post some lovlies
89. Author: greg6326Date: Thu, 11/26/2009, 4:49PM EST
when your wife finds those gifts for your mistress the real drama begins....
90. Author: tonyt722Date: Wed, 4/6/2011, 1:13PM EST
Cant forget this one either lol
91. Author: DrafterXDate: Wed, 4/6/2011, 1:34PM EST
DrafterX wrote:
37. Author: JohnE1000

^ I believe you Vankie.


forgot about this....

92. Author: tonyt722Date: Thu, 4/7/2011, 1:06PM EST
Did CROS ever have a post like this?
93. Author: DrafterXDate: Thu, 4/7/2011, 1:11PM EST
no... CROS just up and left... Sad

I'm afraid someone hurt his feeling or somethin... Mellow
94. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Thu, 4/7/2011, 1:43PM EST
I thought he went to live with the Bigfeets up in the NW territory or got abducted by a UFO that Elvis was flying?Think
95. Author: DrafterXDate: Thu, 4/7/2011, 1:49PM EST
he's done both of those things..... he gets around.... Mellow
96. Author: hvega1986Date: Fri, 4/8/2011, 1:19AM EST
what a crazy post I have stumbled upon.
97. Author: derfladnarDate: Fri, 4/8/2011, 9:46AM EST
So I will be upfront....

I retired in March 2011 and still haven't received any pension checks.

So I thought that if everyone who posted to this thread sends me a c-bid 5er which is anywhere between 8-50 cigars I could make enuff cash to get me through until the checks start rolling in.

Since I don't want to pay the postage to send the cigars either, this is how it works.

Everyone who posted a thread here, lists the c-bid 5er that you will be sending me. Then anyone who wants to bid on any of the cigars can post the amount they want to pay.

It will be like an auction the cigar goes to the highest bidder..The winning bidder sends me the cash and I PM the person who donated the cigar and send him the winning bidders address.

I know with the generosity of the people here on c-bid I will be stuff with cash before the end of the month.

Who's first
98. Author: tonyt722Date: Fri, 4/8/2011, 9:50AM EST
I have a 5er of PI's
99. Author: tonyt722Date: Fri, 4/22/2011, 5:26PM EST
Take notes Rah...this is how you apologize LOL
100. Author: n00bDate: Sat, 4/23/2011, 10:50AM EST
tonyt722 wrote:
I have a 5er of PI's

I bid a nickel (shipping included)

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