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Planned Parenthood, The Auschwitz of the 21st Century...
wheelrite Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
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They target low income minority neighborhoods to buid their abortion mills.They kill over 300,000 yet to be born babies every year.They and the Obama Regime are now exporting Planned Parenthood to under deveolped countries

and the best part..

YOUR Tax dollars help pay for it !!!

very sad indeed...

Thanks Margaret Sanger and Barak !!
fiddler898 Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2009
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Hyperbole raised to an art form.
wheelrite Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
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Truth not hyperbole...
HockeyDad Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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You gotta give them credit for their success rate. Sometimes you gotta break a few eggs.
cbc812 Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 01-31-2007
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Misinformation raised to an art form and disseminated to eager recipients.

Willful ignorance can then be shouted from the mountaintops.
wheelrite Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
Posts: 50,119
what misinformation ?

It's all FACT.So,instead of being a barnacle on the bottom of the "Good Ship Liberal" look into it...
ZRX1200 Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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I get to disagree with cbc12 for the 1st time in awhile.
frankj1 Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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This painful decision is not liberal vs conservative as I am quite certain there have been many abortions chosen by people of all political beliefs, To approach this issue with the goal of minimizing or eliminating the decision to abort requires more than name calling. Personally, I am pro-choice but could never live with aborting a pregnancy. That's my choice. I do not wish to force my views on others by laws. Nor should the vast conservative majority here that rant and rail against too many laws invading their personal lives.

Calling pro-choice people "pro-abortion" is counterproductive.. It ends any chance of advancing your cause. It ends all intelligent exchange of ideas. I am pro-choice, and I am anti-abortion for my family. But I am not in a position to tell you what to do and I strongly resent being called anything other than what I am. This resentment does not enhance progress for your desires.

I would have tons of respect for you folks if you organized qualified families to work through adoption agencies in your communities instead of spouting questionable shock value statistics on cigar forums.

Don't drink and drive, mkay?

tailgater Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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frankj1 wrote:
This painful decision is not liberal vs conservative as I am quite certain there have been many abortions chosen by people of all political beliefs, To approach this issue with the goal of minimizing or eliminating the decision to abort requires more than name calling. Personally, I am pro-choice but could never live with aborting a pregnancy. That's my choice. I do not wish to force my views on others by laws. Nor should the vast conservative majority here that rant and rail against too many laws invading their personal lives.

Calling pro-choice people "pro-abortion" is counterproductive.. It ends any chance of advancing your cause. It ends all intelligent exchange of ideas. I am pro-choice, and I am anti-abortion for my family. But I am not in a position to tell you what to do and I strongly resent being called anything other than what I am. This resentment does not enhance progress for your desires.

I would have tons of respect for you folks if you organized qualified families to work through adoption agencies in your communities instead of spouting questionable shock value statistics on cigar forums.

Don't drink and drive, mkay?


Actually, Frank, Planned Parenthood is indeed "pro-abortion".
From the home page of their website, they offer:

Facts on:
-birth control
-morning after pill
-sexually transmitted diseases

What's missing here?
Oh yeah. ADOPTION.
It may be hidden within their site, but it's not front and center. And it's not encouraged.

I know too many people that had to mortgage their house and jump through hoops to adopt a baby, and then they ended up going over to China/Korea/etc to make it happen.
And even more appauling is when my cousin wanted to put her yet to be born child up for adoption. She contact planned parenthood and was told that "pregnancy is difficult. It will interfere with your life. You should consider abortion." or words to that effect.

Regardless of whether one is pro choice or life, the subject of this this thread, Planned Parenthood, is pro abortion.
I don't mean to "shock" anyone with this statement. I am merely printing the truth.
frankj1 Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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Well stated and well researched. This is the right approach and I learned from you, thank you. Obviously I do not support encouraging abortions, I would never be able to forgive myself if I had chosen that alternative (I have 3 grown children).

But to all those here that like to make white something or shut up already. You have millions like me that are for women's right to choose and hope for the choice of life, but you push us into defending positions we do not really represent. You approached my post with intelligence, not hysteria. Thanks for the respect.

My cousins were turned down for adoption at every turn, went to Guatemala as a last resort. They are well off but a bit old. But their now 5 year old boy may be the luckiest child in the world. And they are pro-choice.

I have heard from others that PP presented options for unwanted children (ashamed to admit I have not read their stuff) and they did not feel pushed toward abortion. Has anyone here ever actually sought their consultation, and what did you feel was their agenda?

Am I to believe that money can be made by PP?????
frankj1 Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,299
I also really resent the cavalier and inflammatory use of terms like Auschwitz here (and other Nazi terms regarding Israel) in these posts.
A little respect is in order.
ZRX1200 Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,733
Perhaps you should research the woman Wheel referenced and her writings/beliefs of Eugenics bro. Then you might get the reference...but in most your comments I do concur.
cbc812 Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 01-31-2007
Posts: 4,222
I thought that lower birth rates in low income, minority neigborhoods would make you guys happy. After all, these are the same people who grow up to pop out babies for thousands a month and drive their Caddys down to the welfare office to pick up their check, thereby stealing from hardworking Americans what should rightfully be stolen by the billionaires who own the politicians.

So, wouldn't anything that ends the scourge of "welfare breeding" be a good thing?

Or should the women have these babies they can't support and then just let them suffer and rot instead of allowing them to be a drag on corporate subsidies or tax cuts for millionaires?

Which is it? Are the anti-PP crusaders going to support those unwated babies? Are you ready to make voluntary contributins to the welfare system to back up your religious conviction here?

Please explain. This is terribly confusing.
jackconrad Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
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Unfortunatlley dey don't feed dem babies dey takes da moneys to buy dem some crak an den chases it down wit hooch! Baby still cryin, Can't affords da gas ta start da Caddy...

Pray fo dem !
HockeyDad Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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cbc812 wrote:
I thought that lower birth rates in low income, minority neigborhoods would make you guys happy. After all, these are the same people who grow up to pop out babies for thousands a month and drive their Caddys down to the welfare office to pick up their check, thereby stealing from hardworking Americans what should rightfully be stolen by the billionaires who own the politicians.

So, wouldn't anything that ends the scourge of "welfare breeding" be a good thing?

Or should the women have these babies they can't support and then just let them suffer and rot instead of allowing them to be a drag on corporate subsidies or tax cuts for millionaires?

Which is it? Are the anti-PP crusaders going to support those unwated babies? Are you ready to make voluntary contributins to the welfare system to back up your religious conviction here?

Please explain. This is terribly confusing.

The explanation is easy. You were wrong.
fiddler898 Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2009
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^#13, to expand on #14, you are wrong to believe that reason and logic have any place on the boards. Take your rational thinking elsewhere, it has little currency here.
HockeyDad Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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That wasn't reason, logic, or rational thinking.
wheelrite Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
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cbc812 wrote:
Misinformation raised to an art form and disseminated to eager recipients.

Willful ignorance can then be shouted from the mountaintops.

YOUR ignorance is showing.

Read and learn...

Margaret Sanger
Founder of Planned Parenthood

In Her Own Words

"The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."
Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race
(Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923)

Copyright © 2001 Diane S. Dew

Margaret Sanger (1883-1966)
On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people
On sterilization & racial purification:
Sanger believed that, for the purpose of racial "purification," couples should be rewarded who chose sterilization. Birth Control in America, The Career of Margaret Sanger, by David Kennedy, p. 117, quoting a 1923 Sanger speech.

On the right of married couples to bear children:
Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child, she wrote in her "Plan for Peace." Birth Control Review, April 1932

On the purpose of birth control:
The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2)

On the rights of the handicapped and mentally ill, and racial minorities:
"More children from the fit, less from the unfit -- that is the chief aim of birth control." Birth Control Review, May 1919, p. 12

Sounds like Auschwitz,yes ????

DrMaddVibe Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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There is a large portion of this movie that tackles her roots in Eugenics, the Nazi/Arab cling to them and Planned Parenthood.

This also details where critical thinking and questioning the political motives of others can make your professional career come to a crashing halt.

Most people didn't even take the time to see this insightful documentary. Most SHOULD!
rfenst Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,608
Am I missing something huge here?

I thought SCOTUS ruled that abortion is LEGAL...
kcrazeynate Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2011
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I think as soon as 0 bama can show a real birth certificate then we should start doing what he says but till then he should get the hell out of the white house thats just me though
DrMaddVibe Offline
#22 Posted:
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rfenst wrote:
Am I missing something huge here?

I thought SCOTUS ruled that abortion is LEGAL...

Yeah, I think you did miss something here.

Let me start with this question though...Is abortion murder in your eyes?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#23 Posted:
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kcrazeynate wrote:
I think as soon as 0 bama can show a real birth certificate then we should start doing what he says but till then he should get the hell out of the white hose thats just me though

The white hose is for loading and unloading only.... was a lobbing ball that I had to smack. I couldn't help
DrMaddVibe Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735 there?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#25 Posted:
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Ok, here's where I'm going with this Robert...can't wait forever for a yes or no reply.

The Declaration of Independence clearly states...""Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". Nowhere does it state "Death, Slavery and the pursuit of Morose".

If we're to take the "liberties" for granted then what right do I have to break them? Because I'm "free", I can?

Now, I want to flash forward to the Roe vs Wade decision.

If you believe abortion is murder (seeing as how it's the total cessation of a human form and all) then why are my taxpaying dollars being used to fund this killing floor? The world gasped and was ashamed at how the Nazis perfected their killing ways of "undesirables" and vowed it would NEVER happen again.

Look at what PP is doing.

The only thing missing is the baton and long leather trenchcoat.

Sorry, murder is murder. You want a "medical procedure" for something a condom or other form of birth control would've prevented and that's a decision that should cost the "consumer" not EVERYONE!
cbc812 Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 01-31-2007
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Obviously, it would be much easier for everyone if BOTH abortion AND low-income minorities were outlawed, right boys?

But then.....there would be fewer red herrings for the propaganda machine to toss out to the frothing masses to keep them voting against their own best interests. Hmmm....quite a conundrum here.
jackconrad Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
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If we suppress the Cowardly Liberal Left wing and their crony Media hand Puppets the problem will take care of it's self..
tailgater Offline
#28 Posted:
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cbc812 wrote:
Obviously, it would be much easier for everyone if BOTH abortion AND low-income minorities were outlawed, right boys?

But then.....there would be fewer red herrings for the propaganda machine to toss out to the frothing masses to keep them voting against their own best interests. Hmmm....quite a conundrum here.

I think your tongue-in-cheek baiting is falling flat.

You losing your touch?
tailgater Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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frankj1 wrote:
I also really resent the cavalier and inflammatory use of terms like Auschwitz here (and other Nazi terms regarding Israel) in these posts.
A little respect is in order.

I'm curious where these terms have been used in a disrespectful and inflammatory tone.
Please be more specific.
Or should terms like "Auschwitz" be stricken from our language save for historical texts?

I'm not trying to provoke, but rather to understand how someone could (or should) be offended.
HockeyDad Offline
#30 Posted:
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cbc812 wrote:
Obviously, it would be much easier for everyone if BOTH abortion AND low-income minorities were outlawed, right boys?

I'm not sure that would be easier. If Planned Parenthood is successful and can shut down low-income minority breeding, your problem with the minorities would be fixed in one generation.

Of course now I'll have to import more illegals to make up for the hit to the workforce in low end jobs or else we'll have labor cost inflation.
tailgater Offline
#31 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
I'm not sure that would be easier. If Planned Parenthood is successful and can shut down low-income minority breeding, your problem with the minorities would be fixed in one generation.

Of course now I'll have to import more illegals to make up for the hit to the workforce in low end jobs or else we'll have labor cost inflation.

And don't forget how many cops would lose their jobs, since there would be virtually zero crime.

Thank god for those illegals.
DrafterX Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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HockeyDad wrote:

Of course now I'll have to import more illegals to make up for the hit to the workforce in low end jobs or else we'll have labor cost inflation.

why not just take the jobs to them..?? Huh
HockeyDad Offline
#33 Posted:
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DrafterX wrote:
why not just take the jobs to them..?? Huh

That is my preferred approach......globalization and whatnot but that doesn't help Cbc812's minority problem.
DrafterX Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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Think Think
DrMaddVibe Offline
#35 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
That is my preferred approach......globalization and whatnot but that doesn't help Cbc812's minority problem.

See, I thought he was doing a rather poor job of being a Globalist. It was all wrong in the delivery and came across like some bad Catskills comedian. It lacked the panache and magnitude of your handiwork.

jackconrad Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
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If only Liberals have Abortions we will all be Conservatives in the END !+! SWEET VICTORY ! HAHAHAHAHAH!
Papachristou Offline
#37 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
You gotta give them credit for their success rate. Sometimes you gotta break a few eggs.

a lot of those eggs would only have become like their parents, a drain on the system. one of my friends 21 year old daughter came home the other day and said she didnt need them anymore and didnt have to work at their restaraunt because she was pregnant from her unemployed boyfriend and can get money from the government!
Papachristou Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 10-20-2010
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and i will add that PP helped me and my girlfriend when we were young, we knew we needed to be responsible and put her on birth control but she was afraid to ask her parents or DR so we went there. they covered most of the cost and were discreet. prevented us from ruining our lives at an early age.
cbc812 Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 01-31-2007
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^ #38

The quality of your life doesn't matter. The quality of the lives of unwanted babies doesn't matter.

What matters is that opponents of abortion and birth control stay outraged enough to keep voting against their own best interests.

Please try to keep your logic, reality, and relevant personal experiences to yourself. They have no place here.
topper7788 Offline
#40 Posted:
Joined: 06-21-2006
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Discussion on this issue is all but impossible. As a Pro-Choice conservative I have learned the Pro-life people in general have NO desire for debate on the issue. While I truly understand the Pro-life arguments I just don't agree with them.

Wheel, using Auschwitz as a comparison is disgusting on so many levels I wont even dignify it a reply to it.
tailgater Offline
#41 Posted:
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Papachristou wrote:
and i will add that PP helped me and my girlfriend when we were young, we knew we needed to be responsible and put her on birth control but she was afraid to ask her parents or DR so we went there. they covered most of the cost and were discreet. prevented us from ruining our lives at an early age.

I think it's great that PP helped you out, but how aweful for you and your girlfriend that she was "too afraid" of both her parents and even her doctor.
I couldn't imagine having such a fearful life. It must have been aweful for her.

But most importantly, I feel pity for you if you truly believed an unplanned pregnancy would "ruin your life".

It may ruin your plans.
Or change your lives.

But ruin your lives?
I couldn't imagine going through life with such a cynical view.

Thank goodness you were intelligent and responsible enough to take proper precautions.
I'd hate to see the kind of life a child would have lived with parents who felt their lives were ruined.
HockeyDad Offline
#42 Posted:
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On a scale of 1-10, what quality of life does an aborted baby have?
teedubbya Offline
#43 Posted:
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daveincincy Offline
#44 Posted:
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Papachristou wrote:
and i will add that PP helped me and my girlfriend when we were young, we knew we needed to be responsible and put her on birth control but she was afraid to ask her parents or DR so we went there. they covered most of the cost and were discreet. prevented us from ruining our lives at an early age.

I'm sure they were glad they could help you before there was any unwanted pregnancy. I would think that selling people on birth control doesn't weigh as heavily on the mind as selling abortions, even though both are probably pretty good at selling themselves.

Abortions are BIG business.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#45 Posted:
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topper7788 wrote:
Wheel, using Auschwitz as a comparison is disgusting on so many levels I wont even dignify it a reply to it.

Actually the more you study Eugenics and the birth, er the beginning of the movement to where it went during wouldn't say that.

They took the pages right out of her "playbook" and mechanized it to a killing machine. One that the world abhors but one we employ now under the guise of Planned Parenthood.

See, they're not alone though...seems EVERYONE is in on it!

Abortions...they're not just for breakfast anymore.

daveincincy Offline
#46 Posted:
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but it's legal.... Anxious
DrMaddVibe Offline
#47 Posted:
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I'm going to go get 5 today.

Stock up for the Winter!
Stinkdyr Offline
#48 Posted:
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End Welfare Breeding.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#49 Posted:
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House votes to defund Planned Parenthood - By: David Nather and Kate Nocera
February 18, 2011 02:35 PM EST

The House just approved Rep. Mike Pence’s amendment to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood, checking off a hot-button social issue even as it set up a bigger showdown over defunding the health care law.

The vote was 240-185 with 11 Democrats voting for the amendment, and seven Republicans voting against. One member voted present. A group of Republicans on the floor applauded when the vote hit 218.

That amendment managed to suck up three hours of often emotional debate time Thursday night, which is a big part of the reason the health care law defunding votes got pushed into today.

Pence, of Indiana, touched off a vicious back-and-forth Thursday night in which Republicans insisted the organization is too aggressive about performing abortions and several Democrats charged that the GOP was waging a “war on women.”

Pence said the amendment captures a rough public consensus that they accept legal abortions, but don't want to pay for them.

He did get House Majority Leader Eric Cantor to weigh in on his side, declaring, “The time has come to respect the wishes of the majority of Americans who adamantly oppose using taxpayer dollars for abortions.”

Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler called the amendment a “bill of attainder”- saying it was unconstitutional as such because the legislation was targeting a specific group.

“[An attainder is] a legislative enacted penalty, in this case no funding, directed at an identifiable person or organization to punish them for something. Article I Section 9 says ‘no bill of attainder or ex post facto should be passed.’ Fundamental foundation of constitutional law. If Planned Parenthood or anyone else is doing terrible things and ought to be punished, that’s up to the courts,” said the California congressman.

A longtime anti-abortion crusader, Pence has three times previously tried to cut off legislative funding, called Title X, for any group that provides abortions.

The money cannot be used to pay for abortions, and Pence has not argued that Planned Parenthood has used the funds to do so.

But he argues that cutting off support for millions of women’s health clinics would cut off their ability to perform the procedure.

“We should end the day when the largest abortion provider is the largest recipient of [Title X] federal funding,” he said.

“What’s clear to me, if you follow the money, you can actually take the funding supports out of abortion. We then have a much better opportunity to move forward to be a society that says yes to life.”

Planned Parenthood estimates it received a quarter of the $317 million in Title X funds appropriated last year. They use the money for pelvic exams, breast exams, safer-sex counseling and basic infertility counseling, among other things.

Pence took his fight against Planned Parenthood to the next level after the release of a series of videos by the group Live Action –videos that they say show Planned Parenthood employees advising actors posing as pimps on information on how to get abortions, STD testing and birth control for their underage prostitutes.

Cantor said last night that Planned Parenthood had been caught “red-handed.”

Anti-abortion Democrat Stephen Lynch of Massachusetts said last night that in spite of his beliefs, he supports the organization.

“This is about the ability of Planned Parenthood to conduct women's health care, to offer services that are deeply needed in many communities where no other source of health care is available…. I don't have many friends in the Planned Parenthood community. They don't support me. I am pro-life. But I respect the good work that they do,” he said.

About damn time. We can gut PBS now too!
HockeyDad Offline
#50 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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They're trying to abort Planned Parenthood's funding!

Now they're gonna have to raise prices.
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