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Last post 13 years ago by jpotts. 102 replies replies.
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Here is how the right wing 'elites' are manipulating you.
#51 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
Ragin' Cajun

#52 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
about this job killing unconstitutional, over priced and guaranteed to destroy our economy, if people have preexisting conditions. too bad. they should have gotten insurance before their conditions.

and no insurance comp[any should be required to keep insurance when one of their customers gets sick or breaks a leg. the most they should be forced to pay is the amount of premium the customer paid or the cost of a no frills funeral, which ever is less,

they are not in business for the fun of it. they are not some non profit
organization, like churches.
Brewha Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,256
HockeyDad wrote:
It is time to negotiate the terms of FuzzNJ's surrender on this thread.

What is it with the French and surrendering, anyway?
DadZilla3 Offline
#54 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2009
Posts: 4,633
FuzzNJ wrote:
The plan calls for these new 'elites' to go on tv and radio to push the ideas relentlessly to make the 'masses' follow and do the more violent and dirty work the 'elites' wouldn't do.

Hey, it's a very effective tactic. That kind of media saturation by the liberals and their media apologists got a nickle-dime slick-talking community organizer elected president about two years ago.
Brewha Offline
#55 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,256
DadZilla3 wrote:
Hey, it's a very effective tactic. That kind of media saturation by the liberals and their media apologists got a nickle-dime slick-talking community organizer elected president about two years ago.

That's a bit weak from one who thought "W" was competent . . .
wheelrite Offline
#56 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
Posts: 50,119
Brewha wrote:
That's a bit weak from one who thought "W" was competent . . .

Obama makes "W" look like George Washington...
Brewha Offline
#57 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,256
wheelrite wrote:
Obama makes "W" look like George Washington...

Obama is our greatest living President. Even got a Nobel Prize for Peace – none of the others did.

“W” can not even speak when Cheney is drinking water . . .

Don’t be let it bother you. Someday the Rep’s will have a great President too. Like Sally Palin (LMFAO!!!!) – Sorry, I crack myself up some times . . .
leonardo Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 06-26-2007
Posts: 911
Brewha wrote:
Obama is our greatest living President.

True enough, but he's also our worst living President right? I mean, we only have one President, right?
Whistlebritches Offline
#59 Posted:
Joined: 04-23-2006
Posts: 22,148
FuzzNJ wrote:
First it was renamed 'death tax' to make it sound evil by Frank Luntz. Second it only applies to estates worth more than 5 million. That excludes the overwhelming majority of estates. When the time comes, my family is fortunate enough to have to pay it should it stay at that level.

Secondly, people can't pay taxes if they have no money. The top 1% of people in the country hold more wealth now than they ever have. The middle class hardly exists anymore. It's not because of the lack of hard work, it's because of public policy..


The inheritance/death tax is extremely hard on those that are simply landowners.......ranchers and farmers especially.Small ranches and farms of approx 5000 acres easily reach that threshold.....yet actual income from properties this size may be in the low 6 figures.Usually that is split among family members who provide the labor.How are they supposed to come up with the cash????????this exactly whats going on now.....Family farms and ranches are being didvided at an alarming rate due to this tax.Tell me how it's fair to anyone for this to happen.Some of this property has been held by the same families for over 100 years.Explain to me Fuzz why in America this is going on.

I'm really glad your family is so fortunate.I think you should donate all of it to the needy.Your life is too owe the poor.

Whistlebritches Offline
#60 Posted:
Joined: 04-23-2006
Posts: 22,148
about this job killing unconstitutional, over priced and guaranteed to destroy our economy, if people have preexisting conditions. too bad. they should have gotten insurance before their conditions.

and no insurance comp[any should be required to keep insurance when one of their customers gets sick or breaks a leg. the most they should be forced to pay is the amount of premium the customer paid or the cost of a no frills funeral, which ever is less,

they are not in business for the fun of it. they are not some non profit
organization, like churches.

Think of the death panels Rick......................

wheelrite Offline
#61 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
Posts: 50,119
Whistlebritches wrote:

The inheritance/death tax is extremely hard on those that are simply landowners.......ranchers and farmers especially.Small ranches and farms of approx 5000 acres easily reach that threshold.....yet actual income from properties this size may be in the low 6 figures.Usually that is split among family members who provide the labor.How are they supposed to come up with the cash????????this exactly whats going on now.....Family farms and ranches are being didvided at an alarming rate due to this tax.Tell me how it's fair to anyone for this to happen.Some of this property has been held by the same families for over 100 years.Explain to me Fuzz why in America this is going on.

I'm really glad your family is so fortunate.I think you should donate all of it to the needy.Your life is too owe the poor.


Fuzz lives in a Public Housing Project in New Jersey.So he detests the laned Gentry...
borndead1 Offline
#62 Posted:
Joined: 11-07-2006
Posts: 5,216
FuzzNJ wrote:

Like tax cuts for the wealthy, -- A progressive income tax is a key element of socialism

repealing health care -- Socialized medicine is a key element of socialism

and no 'death taxes' etc. -- State confiscation of wealth is a key element of socialism

But they have been convinced it is the 'moral' and 'patriotic' thing to do because it's labeled as socialist or worse communist. -- That's because it IS socialist.

Fuzz, have you ever really stopped to think about how the left manipulates people? Come on, man. The left has convinced you that you need government to take care of you, protect you from "the wealthy", educate your children, regulate use of "private" property, regulate what you eat, and a whole slew of other things championed by the left.

The left constantly accuse the right of racism, yet they advocate racial quotas and enact "hate crime" laws, both of which meet the definition of racism (any exception, exclusion, recognition, or assumption based on race).

The left claim to "fight for the little guy", but create legislation/regulations that only huge corporations can afford to comply with. Just look at the Los Angeles County "bacon dog" ban, or better yet, the food safety and modernization act that the democrats recently pushed through. This insidious piece of legislation is affectionately referred to as "the Monsanto bill". Ever do any research on Monsanto? They're a huge, greedy, evil corporation.

One of Obama's biggest campaign donors was Goldman Sachs. Do you know where Tim Geitner worked before he became Secretary of the Treasury? OMG! GOLDMAN SACHS. Remember Goldman Sachs? 12.9 billion in bailout money?

And don't even get me started on PETA. Here you go:

Wake up, Fuzz. YOU HAVE BEEN MANIPULATED. You have been conned. You are a brainwashed goon. You are the mirror image of that which you rage against.
FuzzNJ Offline
#63 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
borndead1 wrote:
Fuzz, have you ever really stopped to think about how the left manipulates people? Come on, man. The left has convinced you that you need government to take care of you, protect you from "the wealthy", educate your children, regulate use of "private" property, regulate what you eat, and a whole slew of other things championed by the left.

The left constantly accuse the right of racism, yet they advocate racial quotas and enact "hate crime" laws, both of which meet the definition of racism (any exception, exclusion, recognition, or assumption based on race).

The left claim to "fight for the little guy", but create legislation/regulations that only huge corporations can afford to comply with. Just look at the Los Angeles County "bacon dog" ban, or better yet, the food safety and modernization act that the democrats recently pushed through. This insidious piece of legislation is affectionately referred to as "the Monsanto bill". Ever do any research on Monsanto? They're a huge, greedy, evil corporation.

One of Obama's biggest campaign donors was Goldman Sachs. Do you know where Tim Geitner worked before he became Secretary of the Treasury? OMG! GOLDMAN SACHS. Remember Goldman Sachs? 12.9 billion in bailout money?

And don't even get me started on PETA. Here you go:

Wake up, Fuzz. YOU HAVE BEEN MANIPULATED. You have been conned. You are a brainwashed goon. You are the mirror image of that which you rage against.

Well, if I have been brainwashed, at least I can make my points calmly and rationally without insults. I'm not part of a mob that verbally attacks someone who disagrees with me and tells them they don't belong, calls them goon, f*g, etc.

My 'brainwashing' causes me to advocate for positions that help the overwhelming majority of Americans.

Democrats have sold out to corporations as well, there is no doubt about that. I do know about Monsanto and their seeds etc. They are pretty damn evil, glad you agree.

And just because some group like PETA is left, it doesn't mean I or most others who think like me agree with them, but I'm sure you knew that. pssst not all black people know each other either.
DadZilla3 Offline
#64 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2009
Posts: 4,633
DadZilla3 wrote:
Hey, it's a very effective tactic. That kind of media saturation by the liberals and their media apologists got a nickle-dime slick-talking community organizer elected president about two years ago.

Brewha wrote:
That's a bit weak from one who thought "W" was competent . . .

Yeah, the George Soros Marxist puppet who thinks that there are 57 states in the Union is a much better choice.

(Hint: there are currently only 50 states in the Union)
Ragin' Cajun Offline
#65 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2009
Posts: 835
Ragin' Cajun


Care to elaborate?
borndead1 Offline
#66 Posted:
Joined: 11-07-2006
Posts: 5,216
FuzzNJ wrote:
My 'brainwashing' causes me to advocate for positions that help the overwhelming majority of Americans.

But therein lies the con, Fuzz. Most legislation does not help the "overwhelming majority" of Americans. Funny you should use that phrase. It's straight out of the democrats' recent anti-tax cut speeches. Kinda like when all the right wingers on here started calling them "the democrat party" instead of "the democratic party" right after Bush started saying it.

If you dig deep enough, you will find corporate interests behind an overwhelming majority of legislation, whether pushed through by the "right" or the "left". The propaganda machine of the left has convinced you that they work "for the people" and "against big business and corporate interests" when nothing could be further from the truth. Just like the propaganda of the right has convinced many of our BOTL on here that the republican party is "the party of small government" when nothing could be further from the truth. The republican party is only the party of small government when it comes to letting corporations do whatever the hell they want. When it comes to issues of personal liberty and privacy, they are the party of all-powerful moral authority government.

Here's how the genius of "the left" works: They convince you that they are "for the little guy", "making the rich pay their fair share", "holding big business accountable", "creating a safety net", "helping small businesses", "for the children", "against the war", etc. etc. But behind the scenes, it is these same huge megacorporations who mold, influence, and sometimes even write the regulations that the democrats push. Let's take the old "tax cuts for the rich" mantra, for instance. Democrats wanted income taxes to return to the old level for anyone making over 250K per year, right? Do you consider 250K per year to be "wealthy"? I don't, but anyway, people who make 250K per year are lumped in with those making 250 million per year. Here's the deal: one of the main ways that the uber-mega-super wealthy stay wealthy is by keeping other people from becoming wealthy. Now let's say, for the sake of argument, that Lord Richington Diamondworthy III pays his full tax burden on his 250 million per year income (I argue that most super wealthy people do NOT pay their full tax; they find ways to weasel out of it - more on that later). So he pays 39% of 250 million. He's left with a measly 152 million. Boo f**king hoo, right? Now say a husband and wife together make 250K and pay 39%. They are left with 152K. That's a big hit. But to Lord Richington Diamondworthy III, he doesn't even feel it because he already has more money than he could ever spend. He could use $1,000 bills for toilet paper and never run out of money. So the democrats have most folks convinced that "the rich will pay their fair share", and Lord Diamondworthy is sitting back, smoking a Gurkha His Majesty's Reserve, twirling his evil moustache and laughing. The democrats help the wealthy and powerful stay wealthy and powerful by keeping other people from becoming rich. And they help huge megacorporations by enacting regulations that only megacorporations can afford to comply with. And they handed big pharma endless taxpayer-funded profits with the health care bill. It's no coincidence that Obama got more campaign contributions from big pharma than McCain did.

Ask yourself: Why would huge corporations like BP, JP Morgan Chase, Exxon Mobil, Goldman Sachs, Lockheed Martin, etc. donate millions upon millions of dollars to democrats who state outright that they will raise their taxes and put stricter regulations on them? Why is Harry Reid the biggest recipient of campaign donations from AT&T, Goldman Sachs, Time Warner, and Morgan Stanley? Why is Charles Shumer the biggest recipient of campaign donations from Lockheed Martin and Citigroup? Because with the help of "the left", they are slowly gaining monopolies on their respective industries, or in the case of Goldman Sachs and the like, they got...well...I'm sure you remember.

#67 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
Ragin' Cajun

not really. as i have said repeatedly, i avoid any political discussions 64% of the time
Ragin' Cajun Offline
#68 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2009
Posts: 835
Ragin' Cajun

not really. as i have said repeatedly, i avoid any political discussions 64% of the time

Ooooooook Rick. I reviewed a few of your posts. I agree, you avoid political discussions. You only post inflammatory remarks and run. If you decide to have a grown-up discussion about the specifics of this law, let me know.
FuzzNJ Offline
#69 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
borndead1 wrote:
But therein lies the con, Fuzz. Most legislation does not help the "overwhelming majority" of Americans. Funny you should use that phrase. It's straight out of the democrats' recent anti-tax cut speeches. Kinda like when all the right wingers on here started calling them "the democrat party" instead of "the democratic party" right after Bush started saying it.

If you dig deep enough, you will find corporate interests behind an overwhelming majority of legislation, whether pushed through by the "right" or the "left". The propaganda machine of the left has convinced you that they work "for the people" and "against big business and corporate interests" when nothing could be further from the truth. Just like the propaganda of the right has convinced many of our BOTL on here that the republican party is "the party of small government" when nothing could be further from the truth. The republican party is only the party of small government when it comes to letting corporations do whatever the hell they want. When it comes to issues of personal liberty and privacy, they are the party of all-powerful moral authority government.

Here's how the genius of "the left" works: They convince you that they are "for the little guy", "making the rich pay their fair share", "holding big business accountable", "creating a safety net", "helping small businesses", "for the children", "against the war", etc. etc. But behind the scenes, it is these same huge megacorporations who mold, influence, and sometimes even write the regulations that the democrats push. Let's take the old "tax cuts for the rich" mantra, for instance. Democrats wanted income taxes to return to the old level for anyone making over 250K per year, right? Do you consider 250K per year to be "wealthy"? I don't, but anyway, people who make 250K per year are lumped in with those making 250 million per year. Here's the deal: one of the main ways that the uber-mega-super wealthy stay wealthy is by keeping other people from becoming wealthy. Now let's say, for the sake of argument, that Lord Richington Diamondworthy III pays his full tax burden on his 250 million per year income (I argue that most super wealthy people do NOT pay their full tax; they find ways to weasel out of it - more on that later). So he pays 39% of 250 million. He's left with a measly 152 million. Boo f**king hoo, right? Now say a husband and wife together make 250K and pay 39%. They are left with 152K. That's a big hit. But to Lord Richington Diamondworthy III, he doesn't even feel it because he already has more money than he could ever spend. He could use $1,000 bills for toilet paper and never run out of money. So the democrats have most folks convinced that "the rich will pay their fair share", and Lord Diamondworthy is sitting back, smoking a Gurkha His Majesty's Reserve, twirling his evil moustache and laughing. The democrats help the wealthy and powerful stay wealthy and powerful by keeping other people from becoming rich. And they help huge megacorporations by enacting regulations that only megacorporations can afford to comply with. And they handed big pharma endless taxpayer-funded profits with the health care bill. It's no coincidence that Obama got more campaign contributions from big pharma than McCain did.

Ask yourself: Why would huge corporations like BP, JP Morgan Chase, Exxon Mobil, Goldman Sachs, Lockheed Martin, etc. donate millions upon millions of dollars to democrats who state outright that they will raise their taxes and put stricter regulations on them? Why is Harry Reid the biggest recipient of campaign donations from AT&T, Goldman Sachs, Time Warner, and Morgan Stanley? Why is Charles Shumer the biggest recipient of campaign donations from Lockheed Martin and Citigroup? Because with the help of "the left", they are slowly gaining monopolies on their respective industries, or in the case of Goldman Sachs and the like, they got...well...I'm sure you remember.

I agree with you. The Democrats are barely better than the Republicans when it comes to dealing with corporate power. I'm glad you are concerned about it, you are talking like a liberal. It's why Obama is not a marxist, he's too far to the right to be one, hell he's too far to the right to be an actual liberal. I've said before, I don't support parties or people, I support policies. Unfortunately there is only one major party that's close, I wish it was closer, to my principles.

As far as the 250k and the tax issue is concerned, it is a difference of 3% that was being discussed and it was going to go back to the level it was under Clinton. The economy seemed to be doing fine then compared to the last 5 years. It would have been better had the economy created more permanent jobs under Clinton, but it did create jobs. There was much given to big business then as well. Of course your numbers are not correct as there are still ways to deduct for those in the highest income bracket as there are for everyone, but I get the point.

I'm surprised to read your posts ion this thread to be honest. You really are talking like a liberal, not a party person and thinking about the issues, rather than just going into defense mode, well, except for the goon comment.

This conversation has strayed from the original post, as they usually do, but good stuff.
borndead1 Offline
#70 Posted:
Joined: 11-07-2006
Posts: 5,216
My broader point was to highlight the fallacy of the "left/right" paradigm. I see no difference between the 2 major parties when I follow the money.

You're right. Obama is not a Marxist. He is a puppet of global totalitarianism, just like Bush was before him.

The reason the economy was better under Clinton is because the effects of NAFTA hadn't really started to manifest.

For the record, I'm a socially liberal, fiscally conservative Libertarian.
FuzzNJ Offline
#71 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
borndead1 wrote:
My broader point was to highlight the fallacy of the "left/right" paradigm. I see no difference between the 2 major parties when I follow the money.

You're right. Obama is not a Marxist. He is a puppet of global totalitarianism, just like Bush was before him.

The reason the economy was better under Clinton is because the effects of NAFTA hadn't really started to manifest.

For the record, I'm a socially liberal, fiscally conservative Libertarian.

I do see a difference, but it's not all that great a difference, which sucks.

What I see as important is to advocate for positions, not party or people.

Your self defined political position reminded me of a site that has a fairly decent questionnaire that positions your political beliefs on a scale, not just a two dimensional scale either. I'll have to find it and post it.
FuzzNJ Offline
#72 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
And Bill Hicks said it best.

I think the puppet on the right has my best interest in mind.

No, I think the puppet on the left is thinking about me and my family.

Wait a damn minute, there's one guy holding both puppets!
donutboy2000 Offline
#73 Posted:
Joined: 11-20-2001
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Game QB ratings

Rodgers 136.8

Ryan 69.0
DrMaddVibe Offline
#74 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735 quote Bill Murray from "Stripes"..."I Gotta Party With You!"

Your posts on this thread are sheer genius.
HockeyDad Offline
#75 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
borndead1 wrote:
My broader point was to highlight the fallacy of the "left/right" paradigm. I see no difference between the 2 major parties when I follow the money.

You're right. Obama is not a Marxist. He is a puppet of global totalitarianism, just like Bush was before him.

The reason the economy was better under Clinton is because the effects of NAFTA hadn't really started to manifest.

I love the smell of global totalitarianism in the morning. It's the smell of victory.
#76 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
Ragin' Cajun

not true in both respects. i am not used to
anyone asking real questions, i am more used to
stupid remarks, your coffee pot is dirty, you made
a poopie, get more meds, get less meds.

i would be happy to start a new thread with you,
but i will need to overlook your preconceived
notion, starting with "You only post inflammatory
remarks and run.

how do i respond to the above remarks when i
post a serious political opinion or a copy and
paste written by someone else who i agree with.

i will post a ping for you. understand i am a
progressive and in some instances a
conservative, but this board is not a serious place
so i do look to arouse the folks with little to say
except rick made a poopie.

cu on the flip side.

HockeyDad Offline
#77 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
Ragin' Cajun

this board is not a serious place

The is a cigar board. We take cigars very seriously. For example, the Tatuaje Fleur le Fleur.
Ragin' Cajun Offline
#78 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2009
Posts: 835
Rick, believe me I understand. I quickly tired of political discussion boards as they stopped being about honest discussion and became more about insults. Sadly, too many people have fallen prey to their respective party rhetoric and believe the opposing side is subhuman because they disagree. I intentionally avoided mentioning politics when I brought up a few points relating to the healthcare legislation as I wanted to avoid the typical backlash. I think many people would find there is no easy answer to most of our current political issues, and if all were open-minded enough to see past party rhetoric, there is much more agreement or acceptable compromise within reach.
jackconrad Offline
#79 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
Posts: 67,461
What kind of inferior thinking reasons that we should tax Hard earned success or An inheritance that someone worked decades to make for his children or Grandchildren?

Talk about Counter Productive !

HockeyDad Offline
#80 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
They're dead. They can't fight back or protest. There really is no better target to tax except maybe smokers.
jpotts Offline
#81 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
FuzzNJ wrote:
What's sad is people end up supporting policies that work against their own interests. Like tax cuts for the wealthy, repealing health care and no 'death taxes' etc. The masses that carry signs and rally for these things are not going to benefit from these things, and in most cases they will be hurt by them. But they have been convinced it is the 'moral' and 'patriotic' thing to do because it's labeled as socialist or worse communist. It's tragically and pathetically sad.

First, I found nothing wrong in the original post. The fact is that the right wing is on the correct side of every issues, anywhere from the economy, to morality, to just about anything else.

And it is no big surprise that Fuzz thinks that by pursuading people in the middle is somehow wrong.

I fail to see how tax cuts for the "wealthy" (I must be wealthy as I have directly benefitted from the Bush tax cuts), and repeal of the estate tax (a tax on an estate that was taxed during its formation) is going against my own interests.

It is the folly of an envious mind that assumes that people who have something more than someone else are somehow evil and do not deserve such things. These are usually the types who are easily pursuaded to storm the walls so that left-wing elites can use them as cannon fodder.

Lets face it: guys like Fuzz outright hate people who have more of something than him. Whether they worked for it or not is irrelevent in the mind of Fuzzy Wuzzy. They don't deserve it. Period.

Typically, peiople like Fuzz are never satisfied with brining down giants, mainly because it is usually too much work. After some effort, they usually go after easier the neighbor next door, or the guy who owns the dry cleaners down the street.
jpotts Offline
#82 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
FuzzNJ wrote:
Well, if I have been brainwashed, at least I can make my points calmly and rationally without insults. I'm not part of a mob that verbally attacks someone who disagrees with me and tells them they don't belong, calls them goon, f*g, etc.

No. You just make fun of their wives and kids, and other associated family.

You're such brave,"man" there Fuzz.

jpotts Offline
#83 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
jackconrad wrote:
What kind of inferior thinking reasons that we should tax Hard earned success or An inheritance that someone worked decades to make for his children or Grandchildren?

Talk about Counter Productive !

Jack, Jack, Jack...

...if Fuzz can't get his greasy little fingers on someone else's cash, than no one should!
FuzzNJ Offline
#84 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
jpotts wrote:
First, I found nothing wrong in the original post. The fact is that the right wing is on the correct side of every issues, anywhere from the economy, to morality, to just about anything else.

And it is no big surprise that Fuzz thinks that by pursuading people in the middle is somehow wrong.

I fail to see how tax cuts for the "wealthy" (I must be wealthy as I have directly benefitted from the Bush tax cuts), and repeal of the estate tax (a tax on an estate that was taxed during its formation) is going against my own interests.

It is the folly of an envious mind that assumes that people who have something more than someone else are somehow evil and do not deserve such things. These are usually the types who are easily pursuaded to storm the walls so that left-wing elites can use them as cannon fodder.

Lets face it: guys like Fuzz outright hate people who have more of something than him. Whether they worked for it or not is irrelevent in the mind of Fuzzy Wuzzy. They don't deserve it. Period.

Typically, peiople like Fuzz are never satisfied with brining down giants, mainly because it is usually too much work. After some effort, they usually go after easier the neighbor next door, or the guy who owns the dry cleaners down the street.

If you will be inheriting an estate worth more than 5 million dollars, then it wouldn't effect you at all, it does, however, effect me and my family. Now how in the hell does that make me envious of you?

The thing is there are a great deal of people who actually don't work for that money, it's inherited, it's old money. The entire 'work hard and you can make it' story is mostly bs. Sure, there are exceptions and some actually do get lucky, but most people work their asses off and get screwed over and over. Their 401k's and other retirement accounts get wiped out by people who play fast and loose with the money they invest. The housing market gets hosed because of Wall Street con games wiping out the equity in their biggest investment. And right wing politicians want to put their social security in the market, or cut it completely.

I don't hate people who have more than me, not at all. I have more than most, and thankful for it. The statistics show that the top 1% have more wealth than they have ever had before in this country and it's because of our public policy. The middle class no longer matters, and that is not productive for a democratic society. And yes, voting for people who support policies that keep it that way is voting against your own interests.
FuzzNJ Offline
#85 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
jpotts wrote:
No. You just make fun of their wives and kids, and other associated family.

You're such brave,"man" there Fuzz.

You sure whine a lot for someone who is a 'pull themselves up by their bootstraps' kind of guy. It's always someone else's fault. The school system, the teacher, your boss, the government, etc. Rarely have I seen you actually take responsibility for yourself. Strange that.

jpotts Offline
#86 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
FuzzNJ wrote:
You sure whine a lot for someone who is a 'pull themselves up by their bootstraps' kind of guy. It's always someone else's fault. The school system, the teacher, your boss, the government, etc. Rarely have I seen you actually take responsibility for yourself. Strange that.

At the very least, I'm not the not advocating picking someone else's pocket there Fuzz.

And, for the record, I've done more bootstrap pulling - and been sucessful at it - than you have. I guess that's probably the reason why I don't envy the wealth of others. I make things happen.

You, on the other hand...
jpotts Offline
#87 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
The irony of Fuzz compaling about my whining, when this guy's original post is whining about right-wing "elites" is kinda funny.

I'm sure Fuzz will be a fine adult one day...when he grows up...
FuzzNJ Offline
#88 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
jpotts wrote:
At the very least, I'm not the not advocating picking someone else's pocket there Fuzz.

And, for the record, I've done more bootstrap pulling - and been sucessful at it - than you have. I guess that's probably the reason why I don't envy the wealth of others. I make things happen.

You, on the other hand...

Ah yes, ignore the words in my posts that refute your presuppositions and just keep going with your narrative. And might I suggest a spell checker?
donutboy2000 Offline
#89 Posted:
Joined: 11-20-2001
Posts: 25,000
98.2% of house husbands envy the wealthy.
jpotts Offline
#90 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
FuzzNJ wrote:
Ah yes, ignore the words in my posts that refute your presuppositions and just keep going with your narrative. And might I suggest a spell checker?

Fuzzy, Fuzzy, Fuzzy...

You could suggest a spell-checker. I might suggest you purchase a few I.Q. points. You're sorely lacking in that department. Then again, snotty remarks about my spelling is usually the first indicator that you're out of intellectual ammo, and are reduced to throwing rocks.

As for my "presuppositions", any presupposition is an assumption that I had that may or may not have been congruent with the facts. Since I agree with a HUGE portion of your original post - the stuff you think is so shocking - your claim that I am "denying" your "revelations" (which, I might add, are laughable) is idiotic.

So, I'll use a spell checker when you decide to pull your head out of your a**. Seriously, Fuzz, do you have any clue as to the meaning of the words you use, or do you just throw them out there thinking that everyone is going to be impressed with the fact that you can use words that are longer than five letters?

Really Fuzzy, when it comes to weighty matters like politics, you should leave that to the adults. You're a little out of your depth.
jpotts Offline
#91 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
So, let's see what Fuzz advocates:

1) Taking stuff from people who work for a living if Fuzz decides they make too much.

2) For public school teachers to harass and run down little children, especially if they one day disagree with Fuzz.

3) Bringing illegal substances into his house for purposes of relaxation.

4) Making fun of of Autistic people.

5) Hating conservative women.
FuzzNJ Offline
#92 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
jpotts wrote:
Fuzzy, Fuzzy, Fuzzy...

You could suggest a spell-checker. I might suggest you purchase a few I.Q. points. You're sorely lacking in that department. Then again, snotty remarks about my spelling is usually the first indicator that you're out of intellectual ammo, and are reduced to throwing rocks.

As for my "presuppositions", any presupposition is an assumption that I had that may or may not have been congruent with the facts. Since I agree with a HUGE portion of your original post - the stuff you think is so shocking - your claim that I am "denying" your "revelations" (which, I might add, are laughable) is idiotic.

So, I'll use a spell checker when you decide to pull your head out of your a**. Seriously, Fuzz, do you have any clue as to the meaning of the words you use, or do you just throw them out there thinking that everyone is going to be impressed with the fact that you can use words that are longer than five letters?

Really Fuzzy, when it comes to weighty matters like politics, you should leave that to the adults. You're a little out of your depth.

I had no doubt that you would agree with the original post. I do find it interesting though that you wouldn't be offended that the right wing elites think they can insult your intelligence like that, you have an opportunity to read it and you think it's just fine. But then again, I have not known you to have many original thoughts.

And I am lmao at the 'intellectual ammo' remark considering you were the one to bring up a year old issue in your first foray into this thread.
jpotts Offline
#93 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
FuzzNJ wrote:
I had no doubt that you would agree with the original post. I do find it interesting though that you wouldn't be offended that the right wing elites think they can insult your intelligence like that, you have an opportunity to read it and you think it's just fine. But then again, I have not known you to have many original thoughts.

And I am lmao at the 'intellectual ammo' remark considering you were the one to bring up a year old issue in your first foray into this thread.

Me bringing up a year-old issue? Crap, Fuzz, I posted one time on the THH - not even directed at you - and you went off all frothing-at-the-mouth because you still haven't somehow gotten over me yet.

You, sir, are the last one to talk about picking at scabs. You've been nursing an open wound for a long time now. Which is why - after claiming you've "sworn off" this place - you're back posting your same idiotic drivel.

Second, said remarks were not my first foray into this thread, dumba**. Now, in addition to a poor grasp of the English language, you can't quite count either.

What does insult my intelligence is lack-wits like you who run around claiming that we need to "take" from someone because they have "too much" of something. Not to mention your moronic concept of corporatism. It is not only juvenile, it is part of the sordid human condition that has been fostered for thousands of years.

Face it Fuzz, you're worse than the people who are always trying to keep up with the Joneses. Instead of making more and spending more, you pull down the Joneses to that they have as much or less than you. And you want the rest of us to respect you? Pffth! My eleven-year old has more depth and dignity than that.

Were it not for the fumes in the fuel tank that powers that thing you call a brain, you'd probably stop breathing.
FuzzNJ Offline
#94 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
jpotts wrote:
Me bringing up a year-old issue? Crap, Fuzz, I posted one time on the THH - not even directed at you - and you went off all frothing-at-the-mouth because you still haven't somehow gotten over me yet.

You, sir, are the last one to talk about picking at scabs. You've been nursing an open wound for a long time now. Which is why - after claiming you've "sworn off" this place - you're back posting your same idiotic drivel.

Second, said remarks were not my first foray into this thread, dumba**. Now, in addition to a poor grasp of the English language, you can't quite count either.

What does insult my intelligence is lack-wits like you who run around claiming that we need to "take" from someone because they have "too much" of something. Not to mention your moronic concept of corporatism. It is not only juvenile, it is part of the sordid human condition that has been fostered for thousands of years.

Face it Fuzz, you're worse than the people who are always trying to keep up with the Joneses. Instead of making more and spending more, you pull down the Joneses to that they have as much or less than you. And you want the rest of us to respect you? Pffth! My eleven-year old has more depth and dignity than that.

Were it not for the fumes in the fuel tank that powers that thing you call a brain, you'd probably stop breathing.

Potts, you do realize that THH has a search feature, right? In the first 5 pages of a quick search I found 4 thread you started where you were complaining that either the school system of you place of employment were 'against' you for some reason or another. There were scores of other pages to search through. I do have a memory my friend.

Lmfao at keeping up with anyone as I have absolutely no desire to do anything resembling such a thing. Nothing can be further from the truth.
FuzzNJ Offline
#95 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
jpotts wrote:
So, let's see what Fuzz advocates:

1) Taking stuff from people who work for a living if Fuzz decides they make too much.

2) For public school teachers to harass and run down little children, especially if they one day disagree with Fuzz.

3) Bringing illegal substances into his house for purposes of relaxation.

4) Making fun of of Autistic people.

5) Hating conservative women.

So entertaining. Especially number 2 since you are the one who still suffers from this day from teacher who called you stupid 35 years ago. All of these are so damn wrong it's hilarious.
DadZilla3 Offline
#96 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2009
Posts: 4,633
donutboy2000 wrote:
98.2% of house husbands envy the wealthy.

Specifically, they envy the women who have more wealth than the particular woman who owns them...Dancing
HockeyDad Offline
#97 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
FuzzNJ wrote:
If you will be inheriting an estate worth more than 5 million dollars, then it wouldn't effect you at all, it does, however, effect me and my family. Now how in the hell does that make me envious of you?

The thing is there are a great deal of people who actually don't work for that money, it's inherited, it's old money. The entire 'work hard and you can make it' story is mostly bs. Sure, there are exceptions and some actually do get lucky, but most people work their asses off and get screwed over and over. Their 401k's and other retirement accounts get wiped out by people who play fast and loose with the money they invest. The housing market gets hosed because of Wall Street con games wiping out the equity in their biggest investment. And right wing politicians want to put their social security in the market, or cut it completely.

I don't hate people who have more than me, not at all. I have more than most, and thankful for it. The statistics show that the top 1% have more wealth than they have ever had before in this country and it's because of our public policy. The middle class no longer matters, and that is not productive for a democratic society. And yes, voting for people who support policies that keep it that way is voting against your own interests.

The first paragraph say you don't envy and the third paragraph says you don't hate. The middle paragragh, however, sounds like hate, envy, jealously and a motive for revenge. Regardless of whether it is old or new money, you still have no right to double tax it just because someone died. It soulds like it is more about payback than a right. You know, Wall Street, housing market, fast and lose, etc.

The unspoken reality is you never get a shot at death taxing old money or even any new money in significant amounts. The big money sets up charitable trusts and foundations and then transfer and will almost all the money to those fine institutions who then hire friends and family to run the fundation. You get income tax on their large salaries going forward but you didn't get the death tax on the bulk of the estate. The ones you get to nail are the ones that are just a little over the threshhold but not large enough or sophisticated enough to set up foundations.
daveincincy Offline
#98 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2006
Posts: 20,033
FuzzNJ wrote:
As far as health care is concerned, the bill helps small businesses afford to give their employees health care, it allows children to remain on their parents policy longer which is great because the job market sucks and most starting jobs don't offer health care. And it stops insurance companies from dropping someone for whatever reason they want. Plus, more people with insurance makes a bigger pool. This is intended to reduce bankruptcies due to medical bills, the number one reason for bankruptcies in this country.


As a small business, insurance premiums have only gone up and UP (usually by 20 - 28% EVERY YEAR). I don't expect that to change anytime soon even if Obamacare stays in place. In fact, I think premiums went up more than usual because of Obamacare. One reason (of many) it probably went up is because you can now allow your "child" of 27 (or 28) years of age to stay on the plan.
Lumpa Offline
#99 Posted:
Joined: 03-04-2009
Posts: 377
#97 Bingo.

I think Fuzz has revealed his self loathing.
He is looking at inheriting a small fortune he did nothing to earn.
By the way, there is relatively little old money going around these days, what with the cost of end-of-life care these days and everything, including potential for bad investments. It's not like the robber baron days when "the rich" accumulated enough wealth to provide a teat for multiple generations, and it was then just put aside to live off. Sure, it happens, and we all can get the names of most of the people who accomplish it with a quick google search. But the fact that we can find "them" doesn't mean that they are "the rich". That group encompasses far far more people whose circumstances and lives are and were much more like yours and mine. Probably more like yours, actually since I won't be inheriting a share of $5 million.

Nowadays "rich" includes what is really the upper end of a middle class that barely existed before the '50s. The generational transfer of this wealth generally only gives the next generation some better choices. Failure to continue the accumalation will typically result in the elimination of the nest egg.
Relatively few of "the rich" have enough wealth to completely support a single generation, let alone multiple (and ever expanding) generations. Classifying "the rich" as those people who own multiple named mansions, private jets, etc., is like saying all professional athletes make the same kind of money as Tiger Woods, when the reality is there is one Tiger, vs hundreds of thousands of golf pros, minor league baseball and hockey players, 2 bit fighters, etc., etc.

I think Fuzz, in his heart, knows most of "the rich" didn't "win life's lottery". I think he knows what it takes to accumulate wealth. What he doesn't know is whether he has what it takes, and is very afraid of being judged as coming up short.

hank56 Offline
#100 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2008
Posts: 13,167
One often overlooked issue of estate/death tax is farmers. Should they be considered rich because they are fortunate enough to own a hundred or so acres, a hundred head of dairy cows and expensive farm equipment? All that is factored in estate taxes.

Not many dairy farmers are rich IMO but they'd be taxed to death so to speak.

Just one of many possible examples...
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