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The first Presidential debate...
1. Author: rfenstDate: Sun, 5/19/2024, 12:51PM EST
What are your thoughts?
2. Author: AbrignacDate: Sun, 5/19/2024, 1:11PM EST
All over the place. I

I see Biden getting served a bunch of slow pitches about chest high. I doubt he’ll get asked any tough questions that put him on the defensive. If I had to guess his campaign will get a list of questions before hand to help prepare him. Regardless he’ll probably seem fairly robotic.

On the other hand, I’m guessing Trump with be grilled relentless from start to finish in an attempt to frustrate him so he will be portrayed as mean or arrogant. Tapper will no doubt focus on Trump’s legal issues instead of Presidential duties.

Those who have already committed to voting for Biden because he is a Democrat or because the hate Trump will think Biden was the the clear winner. But that’s really not relevant since the debates are a tool that campaigns use to sway the undecided. Someone who is already committed to the cause isn’t going to change their vote based on a candidate’s debate performance. So I don’t really see an upside for Biden.

In my opinion Trump has more to gain than Biden. It’s his opportunity to make a run for the undecideds. If the moderators treat Biden with kid gloves but grill Trump I think shows the swing voters that Biden isn’t up to the task.
3. Author: HockeyDadDate: Sun, 5/19/2024, 2:07PM EST
rfenst wrote:
What are your thoughts?

I thought Biden looked pretty good. Sharp as a tack. I like how he pushed all his accomplishments from the last three years.
4. Author: MaduroJorgeDate: Sun, 5/19/2024, 4:20PM EST
is DJT asking for a drug test and bug scan ?
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