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Healing (9/11/01)
engletl Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 12-26-2000
Posts: 26,493
This was drawn by a twelve year old. I think the sketch speaks for itself...Todd
CL Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2000
Posts: 855
Wow, kid's got a better perspective on the situation than most adults.
Charlie Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
That kid is a great little artist! God Bless America.
badone96 Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 08-07-2000
Posts: 19
G-d bless the child who drew the picture and America
bluwater Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 10-02-2006
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lets not forget
drksdbubba Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 04-29-2006
Posts: 1,776
Awesome Todd, what CL said is so true . Never Forget ,

Semper Fi Bryan(Bubba)
engletl Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 12-26-2000
Posts: 26,493
Geez...I had forgotten all about this post.

Grampa Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 10-31-2006
Posts: 4,154
Blu thank you for topping this pic.

bloody spaniard Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
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^ Amen
Bluedevil Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2006
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Thanks Todd!
plinytheelder Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 10-24-2006
Posts: 8,838
Great drawing.

It kind of looks like the Statue of Liberty is giving the finger...
engletl Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 12-26-2000
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Lowman Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 12-03-2002
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How can I??? Every day when I see the NYC skyline, there's something missing... :o(

marge796 Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 04-09-2006
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happy1 Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-20-2006
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thats awesome
Goathead50 Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 01-22-2007
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and the Democraps want our forces to pull out. How quick they have forgotten!!!!!!!!!! Great pic.
pacman357 Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 02-27-2006
Posts: 42,596
#16 Yet another inane comment from the right. Some of the GOP wants us out, too. Along with plenty of independents, Iraqis, and other folks with brains.

I swear, you could post a pic of Mother Teresa saving someone here and some clown would spin it into an ad for the GOP.
Goathead50 Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 01-22-2007
Posts: 21,809
Not GOP Dilbert. American and tired of bleeding hearts who want to give our country away. Are you sitting on your brains?
pacman357 Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 02-27-2006
Posts: 42,596
"Are you sitting on your brains?" Thank you for that bit of Monday irony.

Who's in charge while we are dumping billions into an invasion of another country on grounds that turned out to be totally bogus?

Who was in charge when a Dubai company wanted to run major ports?

Who wants to give millions of illegal aliens the right to stay in the U.S., with some of them sucking up resources and dollars in benefits?

Who wants to let trucks in from Mexico, thereby imposing a burden on customs and our roads and users of the roads?

Who has tightened an embargo and travel on a small island nation famous for its cigars while continuing to permit Most Favored Nation trading status on the largest communist nation on the planet?

Who keeps giving billions of dollars to countries run by dictators?

Who continues to sign spending bills with billions in pork barrel spending?

Who continues to allow our national budget to run a deficit every year, despite inheriting a budget surplus?

In other words...who the F is giving away the U.S.? And how does calling back troops from a foreign land we had no business invading, to save the lives of hundreds or thousands of U.S. troops and civilians qualify as giving away the U.S.?

And who is sitting on his brains? Or was that something you just automatically spew forth, without any introspection or reasoning, like the comment in #16?
Goathead50 Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 01-22-2007
Posts: 21,809
You know pacman you may be right! we can save a bundle of money by just nucking their asses!!!!!!!!!!!

It wouldn't do for me to be Pres. day one their butts would have been a parking lot!!!! You think money is what matters, not taking up for yourself and telling the rest of the world to kiss our asses!!!!! I'm tired of people like you wanting to roll over when someone attacks. yes they attacked us or have you forgotten. That's how I mean giving our country away! You would just allow them to o as they please. Tell that to the men fighting over there for what they think is right. We pull out of there we get hit harder the next. What would you do if one ogf your family members is killed. just roll over I'm sure. Get some balls!!!!!!!!!!
pacman357 Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 02-27-2006
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"I'm tired of people like you wanting to roll over when someone attacks."

I've been saying for six years that we should have pursued bin Laden at all costs, rallied the world behind us, and focused our efforts on the people who actually attacked us. If we had been attacked by Canada, would you advocate invading Mexico?

Balls..brains. Make up your mind, dude. All we've done by attacking the wrong people is alienate most of the world against us and squandered lives and resources. If advocating that we attack those who attacked us means that, in your view, I like one or the other (or apparently, both), then save your breath. I can't follow whatever kind of idiotic logic you are trying to employee.

Sure explains what sort of people gave Dubbya another four years, however. Jesus, maybe before the next election we implement a law that you have to be able to tie your own shoes before you step into the booth and make a decision that will affect the way the country is run.

BTW, I'm not sure what "nucking" someone means, but I'm sure it's a brilliant and manly ideal, since you espouse it. Nice to see you got in on the sale on exclamation marks, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pacman357 Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 02-27-2006
Posts: 42,596

Damn, short on time and not spell-checking.
Goathead50 Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 01-22-2007
Posts: 21,809
Dude. Lets get out of there and see what happens. You are an intellectual wonder. Why was Iraq the wrong place. I do agree Georgie went in too soon. But in your infinite knowledge can you please tell me how many more Americans needed to die on our soil? Can you really deny that Iraq was not funding the strikes? No, and I know that it has not been proven that they were. There are other factors involved other than Bush being a war monger. Reasons even your emince brain can not imagine. Short of the GOP making a war for oil, seems to me your concern is financial. I believe the concern now is to protect our self and our way of life. The Mexican trucks being allowed to cross our borders should stop. But, who will stop it. Do you think Democrats will? No. GOP will not either. TOO much money involved for either party to stop it. I live in a state that has been taken over by the Mexican workers. I'm an IBEW member and in my trade, in a right to work state we hold maybe .5% of the market.
As far as giving countries favored statues tell me if it matters if it was a Democrat or GOP President that would have changed things. No it would not.
It does not matter what party holds office they will sell us out. You, me and everyone else as long as they make a buck.
It all comes back to money. If we leave from over there then you can count on being hit here severely, and what would that do to the economy? Thank you for being such an intellect and God bless.
cbc812 Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 01-31-2007
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"Why was Iraq the wrong place. I do agree Georgie went in too soon. But in your infinite knowledge can you please tell me how many more Americans needed to die on our soil?" Can you really deny that Iraq was not funding the strikes?"

We were not attacked by Iraq or Iraqis - we were attacked by Al Qaeda. Fifteen of the highjackers were Saudis. Why didn't we attack Saudi Arabia? No Americans have died on American soil because of Iraq or Saddam Hussein - nearly 4,000 have died on Iraqi soil, though, because of this monumental blunder. Can you understand that just because Iraqis have brown skin it doesn't make them guilty in the 9/11 attacks? Or does that hurt your brain too much? Maybe we should attack Australia, so we don't have to fight the Aussies "over here". Go ahead and prove to me that Australia didn't fund 9/11. The clock starts now.
pacman357 Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 02-27-2006
Posts: 42,596
#24 Well said. See my comments re Canada and Mexico.

"Lets get out of there and see what happens."

This is the basic fallacy of the argument for staying now. Those of us who opposed the invasion in the first place are now being tasked with solving the mess created against our will. Mrs. Pacman will back me if asked...when Colin Powell went before the UN and offered the bogus "evidence" I was barking at the TV about what a load of crap it was, and calling him a whore for selling the party line when he knew it was crap. He's a very intelligent man who used to have my respect...he lost that when he took the Dubbya sales pitch to the UN (and no, I don't think he would care about what I think, I'm still just utterly dismayed that he didn't call it what it was and resign, rather than go peddle that garbage).

"Can you really deny that Iraq was not funding the strikes?" I not only deny it, I challenge you, as a proponent, to back the claim. I have yet to see proof. The 9/11 commission reached the same conclusion, as I recall (you can download and read their report, which is available online).

"There are other factors involved other than Bush being a war monger. Reasons even your emince brain can not imagine." Enlighten me, Obi-Wan.

"The Mexican trucks being allowed to cross our borders should stop. But, who will stop it. Do you think Democrats will? No. GOP will not either." Great, so then we both agree both parties are a bunch of ineffectual nitwits.

"If we leave from over there then you can count on being hit here severely, and what would that do to the economy?" Right, we're fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here. And if you're not with us, you're against us. And every rose has its thorn, and every cowboy sings a sad, sad song. And love is like oxygen, you get too much you get too high.

Spouting sound bites from an administration that can't support them with proof does not make one credible. Iraq had no present plans to attack the U.S. that anyone has demonstrated. The WMD's which were supposed to prove that haven't been unearthed, and even Dubbya finally admitted that. All he has done is increase animosity towards the U.S. and increase recruiting for terrorist groups.

I've been saying this since the invasion of Iraq was contemplated...we can't stomp out terrorism completely. However, we could have made huge strides towards reducing it when we had the sympathy of most of the world after 9/11. Dubbya could have taken that support and goodwill, and said, "we know Al-Quaeda and bin Laden were behind this. They've admitted it, and we have a pretty good idea where they are. Please help us stamp out this horrible problem which we all share and let's go get the bastids."

He could have taken that horrible event and turned it in favor of the U.S., banded together with our allies, made more allies, and together we could have gone there and snuffed enough of them to really make a difference. Moreover, I believe the prevailing world sentiment would have then been to keep an eye out for them and for one another and work together in cooperation to stop further attacks. We'll never know now, but we know what Dubbya tried sure as Hell didn't work. Some victims in London and Madrid could vouch for that fact, too.

For a "uniter, not a divider", he has united alright...united most of the world against us. His had been one of the most divisive administrations in this country's history.
Goathead50 Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 01-22-2007
Posts: 21,809
Hell let's take them all out. I gree Saudi Arabia should go too.
cbc812 Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 01-31-2007
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The clock is still ticking. Please provide some proof that Australia did not help to fund the 9/11 attacks. Because if you can't prove that they didn't, an attack must be launched immediately, so that we don't have to fight them over here.

Or do you want your kids to grow up eating Vegemmite and drinking Fosters, calling you "mate"? I'm sure you do, you liberal pantywaist. I bet you would personally hand over the White House to those Aussie cretins, because you have no balls.

Support our troops! Attack Australia now!!!!
Goathead50 Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 01-22-2007
Posts: 21,809
You are ridiculous. Good thing we aren't speaking German. If you would have been around in WWII I hate think where we would be. Go ahead a sit on your ass and live the life you have and spit in the faces of all the GI's that have provided this for you. There are worse places in the world for you to live. Where are your balls?
cbc812 Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 01-31-2007
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No - I am asking where your balls are, sir. Prove to me that Australia wasn't funding the 9/11 attacks, because if you can't, we need to act now. Do you want Americans to die on American soil as bombs rain down on us from down under? Where is your honor, your sense of patriotism?

I think the real reason that your posts make no sense is that you are an Australian who is directly involved in their plans to launch a devastating attack on our homeland. I can almost hear you screaming "Crikey! Death to America, mate!"

The clock is still ticking. Where is the evidence that Australia wasn't funding the 9/11 attacks. And where is the irrefutable proof that Australia doesn't have WMDs that they are planning to use on us?

Until you can prove these two negatives, I would say that you are demonstrating a nearly treasonous disregard for the safety of your fellow Americans. Disgusting.
cbc812 Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 01-31-2007
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"Go ahead a sit on your ass and live the life you have and spit in the faces of all the GI's that have provided this for you."

Sorry, but I can't help myself. This line of thinking is the most moronic that I believe I have ever encountered. Facing the reality that the Iraq war was a mistake to begin with, and that the current administration has neither the vision or political will to get it right in Iraq, does not constitute an insult to our fighting men and women, period. What IS insulting to them is to keep them delpoyed indefinitely because the president can't admit his mistake and wants to "punt" this problem to the next administration. If I don't want any more Americans killed in the name of Bush's hubris, how am I spitting in their faces, huh?

Maybe if you had the capacity for independent thought this would be easier to understand for you. Spouting slogans and attacking anybody who thinks that after four years of failed occupation a shift in strategy is necessary reveals you as either emotionally disturbed or too intellectually inept to be allowed to breed. Your ilk and the elements advocating war without a plan in Iraq have more to damage the US military than I could ever do. YOU can count yourself responsible for the death and dismemberment of your fellow citizens, all in the name of George Bush saving face. If your conscience allows that, then go ahead. But you have no right to accuse those of us that want some sanity injected into this debate of dishonoring our troops.

You are truly beneath contempt.
Goathead50 Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 01-22-2007
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hoyodude Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 07-17-2000
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Wow....the goathead yawns....what a revelation! I now see everything he has been espousing. It's all clear now that we should send more troops to Iraq.

why didn't you say that before, goathead? it makes your case so very clear and well reasoned now......

typical right wing response -- when the debate starts to show how clearly wrong you are you either ignore or deflect. works everytime...
Goathead50 Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 01-22-2007
Posts: 21,809
What may have been originally a war of choice is now a war of necessity. So we must stop all this destabilizing talk about withdrawal. To withdraw to some timetable divorced from reality on the ground would grant militant Islam a huge victory, and Arabs who want to democratize and modernize would know they could not count on America to stand by its friends. Whatever the cost of our staying may be, the cost of retreat would be much higher. It would hardly persuade Zarqawi and his fellow terrorists to stop pursuing Americans around the globe. For those who think it was a big mistake to go in, it would be a bigger mistake to quit now.

Indeed, a withdrawal would be presented across the Arab world as a defeat of the American infidels by the jihadists who would inflate the glory of victory and attract many new followers. It would also undermine our strategy of hitting terrorists hard abroad, while loyal allies and new friends around the world would find themselves leaderless in the global struggle against Islamist radicalism. A loss of nerve and a humiliating retreat would seriously undermine America’s role in the world. Indeed, what a foolish time to talk of getting out, just when we are getting our act together with the accelerated and improved training of Iraqi troops, and just before an election when Shiites and Sunnis are working to form the sort of institutions required to build a nation and quell the low-level civil war. After all, the insurgency is not destined to succeed. They are not fighting for a clear ideology; they lack any great power backing; they lack a positive agenda; they lack a charismatic leader; they have no territory of their own; they lack the support of the Shiites and the Kurds, as well as a significant portion of the Sunni population.

When America has prevailed in foreign ventures, it has been in the places where it stayed–in places like Bosnia, Kosovo, East Timor, Afghanistan, never mind Germany, Japan, and South Korea; in the places where America left too soon–Haiti, Somalia, and Vietnam–the results speak for themselves.

I hope thhis can clear up my view. Can't we all just get along.

Lowman Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 12-03-2002
Posts: 6,982

As usual... another nice post ruined...


hoyodude Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 07-17-2000
Posts: 4,395
ya ruined it, goathead. when you said "yawn" you were makin' a heck of a lot more sense. but now......not so much.
engletl Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 12-26-2000
Posts: 26,493
Goathead...thanks for effing up a post that was about those that died that day. Not some political statement.

diverbelow72 Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 10-31-2005
Posts: 3,513
I agree with Lowman in post 34. A great tribute ruined starting with post 16. This was a special tribute to those that were lost on that terrible day. It was actually posted ten days after that fateful day, long before we went into Afghan or Iraq.
Please let this tribute do what it was meant to and take your aggression out elsewhere.
Goathead50 Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 01-22-2007
Posts: 21,809
I apologize. I was defiantly wrong.
engletl Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 12-26-2000
Posts: 26,493
Not wrong in your beliefs...just chose the wrong place to state them.

On a different thread there would have been no problems from me.

Goathead50 Offline
#40 Posted:
Joined: 01-22-2007
Posts: 21,809
You are absolutely correct. It was the wrong thread. I'll use better discretion in the future.

engletl Offline
#41 Posted:
Joined: 12-26-2000
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I look forward to agreeing/disagreeing with them in the future

wstakelin Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 12-08-2007
Posts: 746
The picture is amazing!

Liberalism IS a mental disorder!!!!!!!

God Bless the USA!!!!

Take this one back to the top^^^^^^^

engletl Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 12-26-2000
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Never Forget!
Goathead50 Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 01-22-2007
Posts: 21,809
Please never forget!!!
Buckwheat Offline
#45 Posted:
Joined: 04-15-2004
Posts: 12,251
Nothing healing about this thread. Picture is OK.
f16devils Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 05-07-2005
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I know I won't. I certainly hope that no one ever does.
MiamiJosh Offline
#47 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2006
Posts: 2,302
Great picture for so many reasons
Gene363 Offline
#48 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
Posts: 30,935
Hats off to engletl for posting and then topping this.
Sardious Offline
#49 Posted:
Joined: 05-18-2006
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7 years thursday. My wife flys home thursday. Somber thoughts when we seen that she is flying on 9/11 we thought of the poor people that thought they were just going to work and went to work in the towers and the people who thought "just another plane ride" getting on the plane. Sad day indeed. & years later, have we learned from it? Are we making ourselves, our communities or a country better from what we leared? I do not know. I think we should try to do something good to honor the innocent that died because of some peoples bad.
daveincincy Offline
#50 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2006
Posts: 20,033
#45....ahhh, nevermind.

....and a child shall lead them.
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