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Biden Inflation
1. Author: Gene363Date: Mon, 5/20/2024, 10:07AM EST
2. Author: drglncDate: Mon, 5/20/2024, 10:39AM EST
Inflation or Greed?

McDonald's gross profit for the twelve months ending December 31, 2023 was $14.563B, a 10.26% increase year-over-year. McDonald's annual gross profit for 2023 was $14.563B, a 10.26% increase from 2022. McDonald's annual gross profit for 2022 was $13.207B, a 4.98% increase from 2021.

Yum - (Owners of Taco bell) CEO described Yum Brands' first-quarter unit growth as "robust," with over 800 unit openings, which led to 6% unit growth. The company is positioned to surpass 60,000 restaurants this year, he added.

Yum Brands' digital-sales mix also reached a new record during the quarter, exceeding 50% for the first time in the company's history, according to Gibbs

according to Technomic Ignite data, Chick-fil-A generated $21.58 billion in sales in 2023, a 14.7% increase over 2022's $18.81 billion and over 43% over 2021's $15 billion.

its almost like they are raising prices not because of associated costs but instead because they know people will still buy it and they can make more money... people just need to be more patient and wait for that trickle down...

3. Author: AbrignacDate: Mon, 5/20/2024, 11:09AM EST
drglnc wrote:
Inflation or Greed?

McDonald's gross profit for the twelve months ending December 31, 2023 was $14.563B, a 10.26% increase year-over-year. McDonald's annual gross profit for 2023 was $14.563B, a 10.26% increase from 2022. McDonald's annual gross profit for 2022 was $13.207B, a 4.98% increase from 2021.

Yum - (Owners of Taco bell) CEO described Yum Brands' first-quarter unit growth as "robust," with over 800 unit openings, which led to 6% unit growth. The company is positioned to surpass 60,000 restaurants this year, he added.

Yum Brands' digital-sales mix also reached a new record during the quarter, exceeding 50% for the first time in the company's history, according to Gibbs

according to Technomic Ignite data, Chick-fil-A generated $21.58 billion in sales in 2023, a 14.7% increase over 2022's $18.81 billion and over 43% over 2021's $15 billion.

its almost like they are raising prices not because of associated costs but instead because they know people will still buy it and they can make more money... people just need to be more patient and wait for that trickle down...

Considering the fact that approximately 50% of all of the outstanding shares of the company stock of publicly traded companies in America is owned by people like you and I through our 401k’s, 529’s, defined benefit plans, etc… it seems like we are already beneocrom the trickle down.
4. Author: HockeyDadDate: Mon, 5/20/2024, 11:36AM EST
I heard that inflation was just transitory.
5. Author: BrewhaDate: Mon, 5/20/2024, 12:32PM EST
I thought shameless profiteering was an American value.

Shouldn't people who complain about inflation just go and get a better job?

What's next - people crying for a "living wage"???

6. Author: drglncDate: Mon, 5/20/2024, 12:41PM EST
Abrignac wrote:
Considering the fact that approximately 50% of all of the outstanding shares of the company stock of publicly traded companies in America is owned by people like you and I through our 401k’s, 529’s, defined benefit plans, etc… it seems like we are already beneocrom the trickle down.

so what you are saying is by eating an overpriced cheeseburger or taco i am just investing in my future?
7. Author: HockeyDadDate: Mon, 5/20/2024, 12:42PM EST
Making a profit versus shameless profiteering….is there a threshold?
8. Author: BrewhaDate: Mon, 5/20/2024, 12:47PM EST
No aqui.
9. Author: drglncDate: Mon, 5/20/2024, 1:36PM EST
HockeyDad wrote:
Making a profit versus shameless profiteering….is there a threshold?

i would say when you are nearing record profits while people are complaining about inflation, you have crossed the threshold...

10. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Mon, 5/20/2024, 3:53PM EST
First of all I'd say quit consuming all of that fast food garbage.

Grow your own food, cook your own food. Buy local as much as possible.

As far as inflation vs greed, it's probably both.

11. Author: ChenoDate: Mon, 5/20/2024, 4:06PM EST
drglnc wrote:
so what you are saying is by eating an overpriced cheeseburger or taco i am just investing in my future?

I'm about to be rich then!
12. Author: RayRDate: Wed, 5/22/2024, 8:02AM EST
HockeyDad wrote:
Making a profit versus shameless profiteering….is there a threshold?

There are a bunch of Marxists around here, advocates of Bidenomics I suppose who don't know that the "shameless profits" of the bourgeois are worth a lot less than they used to be because of inflation. They also don't know that the proletariat customers who buy overpriced cheeseburgers or tacos are getting poorer because of inflation.
13. Author: drglncDate: Wed, 5/22/2024, 8:52AM EST
RobertHively wrote:
First of all I'd say quit consuming all of that fast food garbage.

Grow your own food, cook your own food. Buy local as much as possible.

As far as inflation vs greed, it's probably both.

In general i would agree, i live in a pretty rural area surrounded by farms and co-ops. i get 96% lean GB for about $3 per pound cheaper then the grocery store by buying from the source. we also have a pretty good farmers market every sat and a co-op for veggies and other products. quality is usually better and the prices are better.

unfortunately those that live in more urban areas with denser population don't usually have those options. it used to be that buying a fast food meal would be cheaper then buying the ingredients and making it yourself, that isnt the case anymore but unfortunately many don't have access to affordable ingredients either.

add in the time investment of shopping, sourcing locally, prep and cooking and many also do not have the time. with most households needing to be duel income just to make a decent life, add in things like after school activates for the kids and that time commitment and all the other life things that take time and fast food becomes ever more enticing to ease some of the burden.

14. Author: AbrignacDate: Wed, 5/22/2024, 9:52AM EST
drglnc wrote:
so what you are saying is by eating an overpriced cheeseburger or taco i am just investing in my future?

Not at all. In the past you’ve made clear that you’re on the left side of the center regarding politics. I took oaths both as a member of the armed services and as a law enforcement officer to protect the rights of all Americans. So even though I may disagree I still respect your right to a different opinion.

That said the left has always held the notion of trickle down economics in contempt. I was simply pointing out that in the example you mentioned that trickle down economics was providing a benefit to the average American.

As far as what you eat, again that is your right to choose. But if you want my recommendation I’d advise against eating any fast food. Like Robert H. I would suggest you grow your own or at least eat from the bounty of local farmers. Oh, and skip the 93% lean ground beef. That chit is tasteless. I’d recommend ground chuck as a much more tasty alternative.
15. Author: MACSDate: Wed, 5/22/2024, 11:14AM EST
Why is it greed to want to keep your own money, but not greed to want to take someone else's money?

Business owners put up their own money, taking on all the risk. You fools wanting a living wage from a HS job that requires no skill and very little effort don't seem to understand how the economy works. Frying pan
16. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Wed, 5/22/2024, 11:24AM EST
Well, I'm against paying for someone else's education that I receive zero benefit from.

They signed up to go to college, they signed up for the college loans...there isn't a good reason for anyone else to pay off those loans. NONE!

So...stay a barista or fry cook all you want.
17. Author: RayRDate: Wed, 5/22/2024, 12:45PM EST
MACS wrote:
Why is it greed to want to keep your own money, but not greed to want to take someone else's money?

Business owners put up their own money, taking on all the risk. You fools wanting a living wage from a HS job that requires no skill and very little effort don't seem to understand how the economy works. Frying pan

Blowhard Joe says having your money confiscated by the regime to be redistributed to parasitic entities of the regime's choice is patriotic.
Blowhard Joe also says inflation is not caused by endless fiat money printing to feed the glutinous swamp monsters, it is caused by corporate greeeeed!

People are crazy that believe Blowhard Joe. 🤪

18. Author: jeeblingDate: Wed, 5/22/2024, 12:55PM EST
Agreed. I’m not rich, not even “comfortable” as they say. But how can anyone determine “fair share” when the government doesn’t stay within a reasonable budget and continues to print money to spend on walking trails, Fauci, Ukraine, transvestite classes for K-12, Covid “spending”, assuming student debt for kids that come from households that earn far more money than I do???
19. Author: HockeyDadDate: Wed, 5/22/2024, 3:07PM EST
“We already spent the money, we have to raise taxes” is a lot easier than asking for a tax increase so we can increase government spending.

Now Biden wants to massively raise capital gains taxes. You turn a profit, Biden wants half.
20. Author: DrafterXDate: Wed, 5/22/2024, 3:08PM EST
That Bassard..!! Mad
21. Author: RobertHivelyDate: Wed, 5/22/2024, 5:48PM EST
drglnc wrote:
In general i would agree, i live in a pretty rural area surrounded by farms and co-ops. i get 96% lean GB for about $3 per pound cheaper then the grocery store by buying from the source. we also have a pretty good farmers market every sat and a co-op for veggies and other products. quality is usually better and the prices are better.

unfortunately those that live in more urban areas with denser population don't usually have those options. it used to be that buying a fast food meal would be cheaper then buying the ingredients and making it yourself, that isnt the case anymore but unfortunately many don't have access to affordable ingredients either.

add in the time investment of shopping, sourcing locally, prep and cooking and many also do not have the time. with most households needing to be duel income just to make a decent life, add in things like after school activates for the kids and that time commitment and all the other life things that take time and fast food becomes ever more enticing to ease some of the burden.

Busy or not, urban or not, children or not, poor or not, fast food usually isn't the answer.

I eat a lot of cheap, healthy, whole food that nearly everybody has the time to cook and can afford, even if they live in an apartment in a city.

Peanut butter sandwiches
Cottage cheese
Protein powder
Beans in the crockpot

There isn't a stoplight or a single full on grocery store in this county, so I am in a food desert just like those in the poorest of urban areas. The closest grocery store is 29 miles one way, the closest Dollar General is 10 miles one way.

I do have good, flat land and not everybody has 44 acres. BUT both of my gardens combined are only 4,266 sq feet, which comes out to 1/10th of an acre. A 1,750 sq foot area can hold up to 1,400 corn plants.

So anybody that lives in the burbs, and most people that live in a town or city, could have a nice sized garden, if they stay away from a HOA neighborhood.

Working the land isn't a picnic, it's real work. It's a lot easier to complain about the price of a can of corn or green beans than to get sweaty and dirty growing it and canning it yourself.

Whether it's greed or inflation, my take is that people are pissed off at the price of fast food because most of them are lazy and have become accustomed to being entitled to easy, cheap "food".

It's not like if fast food companies charged pre "pandemic" prices they wouldn't make money, I get that. They just wouldn't make as much bc of 2024 inflation (End the FED). I understand their goal is to make as much as possible. Ultimately their greed isn't the problem. McDonalds isn't forcing anybody to buy an 18 dollar Big Mac meal. If their customers quit being lazy and said "no" then McDonalds would have to change their prices or go out of business.

22. Author: RayRDate: Sat, 5/25/2024, 8:28AM EST
Governments' love affair with inflation.
The truth about Tariffs, central banking, and tax credits.

Peter Schiff: Biden Brags About Raising Taxes

May 24, 2024

This week Peter’s back to discuss new economic data, Powell’s recent remarks in the Netherlands, and the Biden administration’s new tariffs. More and more signs point to economic stagflation, but Biden, Powell, and their cronies continue to deflect the blame and increase everyday Americans’ taxes.

The Dow may have traded above 40,000 this week, but that doesn’t necessarily mean Americans are wealthier:

“Inflation creates an illusion of prosperity, an illusion of wealth. That’s another reason that government loves inflation so much. They’re really partners. The government derives all sorts of hidden benefits from inflation, but it never wants to admit this. It never wants to say this out loud. But everything the government does is supported by inflation. … They kind of worship inflation, but they never speak its name— not in the context of what they’re using it for, right? And so when the public gets upset that prices are rising a lot and their living standards are falling, then the government will talk about inflation. But it’ll talk about it as if it’s this exogenous event that is completely beyond their control.”

Contrary to what progressives believe, inflation is not a result of capitalism:

“Everything is more expensive because of the government debasement of our money. That’s why we have inflation. It’s not an accident, and it’s not a natural byproduct of capitalism. Capitalism does the reverse! I’ve pointed this out, but the CPI from 1800 to 1900 lost 50% of its value. Prices fell for a hundred years! That’s what capitalism does. Now in the following hundred years, prices skyrocketed. That’s what socialism does. That’s what government does. That’s what central banking does.”

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