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Last post 4 years ago by ZRX1200. 355 replies replies.
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victor808 Offline
#51 Posted:
Joined: 04-20-2005
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I don't think her followers are as small in numbers as one would think/hope. Ah well, takes all kinds I suppose. I'm going to bed.

g'night all
adroomi Offline
#52 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
Goodnight Victor.

Tomorrow we can talk about how Coulter was "pwned" on Canadian TV claiming how Canada sent troops to Vietnam (when in fact they didn't). Man, the look on her face as she realized she stepped on her transexual **** was hilarious. Later she went on MSNBC and lied about it. Then O'Reilly lied about it too.

Bunch of goofballs.
rugrunner Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2004
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Rick, I think Drathaar meant they couldn't attack her message so they atter her looks.
rugrunner Offline
#54 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2004
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Vicky, I see why they think you are Adroomi. In post 45 you question Drathaar's logic by setting up a set of "facts" and then drawing conclusions based on them.

It was reminiscent of the "god is love, love is blind, Stevie Wonder is blind, therefore Stevie is God" thing.

You spun it pretty well, but Adroomi is better at it.

I always wonder why liberals who base there opinions on emotion not thought think it proves how smart they are.
Drathaar Offline
#55 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
Posts: 4,933
Just like you doom...I mean spin my words. I said "liberal indoctrination", not "breeding grounds". Though I'm sure they do that too. Also, I never said a college campus was devoid of Republicans. I remember the ONE Republican professor at my junior college. He was shunnded by the rest of the professors.

When I moved on to St. Martin's College, there wasn't a College Republicans Club. So I started one. Its amazing how fast the students and faculty turn on you once you come out Republican. One of the funniest things I ever heard a libby say was at the Student Council meeting to approve my club. They couldn't deny me, but man could they yell! One idio...liberal...stood up and said "But this is a Liberal Arts college!" Fricken cracked me up!

So the point is doom...there I go again...vic, don't put words in my mouth. Isn't it funny how the both of you do that?

And finally (I think) you don't have to belive in God to be Right Wing. I don't know where you ever got that idea, but you couldn't be more wrong.
Drathaar Offline
#56 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
Posts: 4,933
Rick, Rug is correct. But I'm sure you knew that. I see doomi just doesn't quit. Its kinda comical and sad to watch him.
adroomi Offline
#57 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
Post #55:

That is the most clueless post I have ever read in my entire life. Talk about spinning one's OWN words.

Victor, quit using big words are REALLY screwing up this cats head.
adroomi Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
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Coulter attended a liberal university for her undergrad studies, and then went so far as to earn her Doctorate in another liberal university. As a lawyer no less.

How much liberal education does one need to have before they can start making fun of colleges and convincing dumb@ss people to condemn education and simply buy her books?
adroomi Offline
#59 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
Coulter has publically asked for the repeal of the right of women to vote. She also has stated that women have no business in the military since they "are not smart enough."

Let's see......holding down women.....that sort of sounds a bit too "Taliban-like" for me.
HockeyDad Offline
#60 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
Personally, I really like Ann Coulter. I admire her for the fact that she spotted a trend in the United States well before many others and she is profitting from it tremendously by catering to a specific audience. That's just good business and she's being rewarded. The beauty of it is in the simplicity of just telling people what they want to hear.

Now as for colleges being liberal breeding grounds, I have this vision of Berkenstocks, naked people frolicking in mud, and a general unshavenness. I am scarred now.

I prefer the fiscal conservative breeding ground image of suits, ties, and designer evening gowns.
victor808 Offline
#61 Posted:
Joined: 04-20-2005
Posts: 7,038
Hockey, you're right of course.
That's why I tried to mention that she was probably a very moderate conservative and laughing her way to the bank. No one is that stupid.

Drath, I'm bored of the adroomi thing. We both seem to be night owls, and we both think you are misguided. Deal with it.

Please explain the difference between "liberal indoctrination" and "liberal breeding grounds". If you have indoctrinated students into liberal thought you have created a liberal. Gee, isn't that the same as a metaphorical breeding ground? I thought you went to college. Of course, this doesn't happen at all colleges, you should of looked more carefully when choosing a college. Johns Hopkins was very conservative.

God and the right wing... I will say this, those on the right would never require that one believe in god. But their specific beliefs require that one believe in god in order to agree. As an example: "intelligent design" (and oxymoron, but we'll go with it), the concept that a soul is granted at conception (no god=no soul=just a cluster of cells), the idea that gay marriages are in any way destroying the sanctity of marriage (which has no sanctity if you don't believe in god). These all require god as a base to begin believing in them.

Amelia, since when have I based my opinion on emotion? in post 45 I simply took the very broad "facts" which Drath stated and showed that they must NOT be facts, otherwise individuals who are very clearly not "college liberals" would be labeled that way. I then went on to argue that if colleges were "liberal indoctrination (or breeding) grounds" then we would not have the large number of educated right wingers in gov't. Remember, if they are in congress, the supreme court, or the executive branch, they went to college for a number of years. That sounds like logic to me, not emotion.
donutboy2000 Offline
#62 Posted:
Joined: 11-20-2001
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Coulter has publically asked for the repeal of the right of women to vote. She also has stated that women have no business in the military since they "are not smart enough."

Is she a Muslim?
rugrunner Offline
#63 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2004
Posts: 10,089
Adroomi, does that mean we can hold you to every crazy racist thing you have said? I know you were being sarcastic (most of the time) but lets pretend you meant it all with as much honesty as you can muster.

rugrunner Offline
#64 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2004
Posts: 10,089
Also Adroomi, you have seen more "most clueless" post then Wellstone had proudest days. At least I'm off the hook. Still wondering why you liberals think think with your emotions makes you think you're smart....

Anyone... anyone.... droomi.....

I alway liked being ignored in these threads, shows me you have no answer. Tey does it better then you,that boy can never respond.
Drathaar Offline
#65 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
Posts: 4,933
vic/doomi, if you went to college you would never have typed this: "Of course, this doesn't happen at all colleges, you should of looked more carefully when choosing a college. Johns Hopkins was very conservative."

Anyone who went to college knows the correct term is "should have", not "should of". I remember vic posting about why he didn't jump into political threads. He said people got too mean and called names. Just look at him now! Its funny because he didn't start until I told his alias I didn't like him :)

Liberal indoctrination: Faculty & Staff training students to be good little liberals.

Liberal breeding grounds: liberals having sex (with God knows who or what).

There you go again. I did not say all college students are liberal, you did. Some of us are smart enough to see through the indoctrination process and think for ourselves. Most Republicans in college keep quiet. I was more outspoken. Coming out Republican in college can affect your grades, so I don't blame them. It only happened to me once and I fought back and won. They don't call us the Fighting Irish for nuttin'.

I think it was you who mentioned Horowitz earlier. You said he is trying to restrict freedoms in college. Funny way to read him. He's trying to make it an even playing field. Do yourself a favor and read "Why the Left Hates America" ~ Daniel Flynn. He gives a list of Republicans who have been attacked while trying to speak on campus. Himself included. I'm sure you saw the video of two liberals throwing pies at Ann Coulter. (The school didn't do anything to the students - hmmm, wonder why?)

I was watching an interview with her and the interviewer said something like "When those students hit you with the pies". He was interrupted by Ann who said "They didn't hit me. Fortunately they were liberals and threw like girls"! That woman cracks me up!

Drathaar Offline
#66 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
Posts: 4,933
doomi (gotta try and keep track of which alias I'm talking to): You aren't going to pull me into a shouting match. I stating my feelings about you in a way even you can understand. A man would take it and move on. Not you though. You want to start a war. Well have fun playing with yourself (I love a good double entendre! I know you think big words confuse me, but play along). Well forget it doomi, you just keep showing your true colors and I'll show mine.

Ann Coulter uses sarcasm to get her point across. If you don't understand that you probably shouldn't be having adult conversations. Taking one-liners out of an article and not giving the whole picture is sophomoric.
rugrunner Offline
#67 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2004
Posts: 10,089
don't they got lots of softmoricks at liberal colagees?

And I hope you ontondrey gets better. Never heard of getting that tawice thow. owch!
victor808 Offline
#68 Posted:
Joined: 04-20-2005
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Amelia, I didn't ignore you. I posted specifically in response to your question about "thinking with emotions". None of these statements have any emotional basis, in fact one could argue that a generalized statement (such as "all colleges are liberal indoctrination grounds") is much more emotional.

I asked you to stop with the vic/doomi thing. We all had a little giggle over it. We are separate individuals and I have never met Adroomi. There is a good chance that there are many things we would disagree on.

I don't believe I was in any way mean to you. If I hurt your feelings, I'm sorry. However, your experience in college was different than mine. I have attended two colleges, both which had outspoken college republican organizations: Johns Hopkins University and The University of Wisconsin, Madison. Just because you felt marginalized at St Martin's college, does not mean that all colleges are grounds of liberal indoctrination. I really doubt that Bringham Young University could be considered liberal. My point was, if being in a school which had a large number of republicans in the student body was important to you, perhaps you should have chosen a different college. (By the way, which St. Martin's is this, I got a number of returns when I did a search).

Now on to vocabulary, I hate that our discussion has been reduced to this but:
breeding ground: n.
A place where animals breed.
A place or set of circumstances that encourages the development of certain ideas or conditions: a laboratory that is a breeding ground for new inventions.
Therefore, both statements are identical. True, you did not state that all college graduates are liberals. However, assuming that colleges are "liberal breeding grounds" (note above, same thing, I prefer it because it flows better) then one must assume that some sort of special "anti-liberal resistance" is required to come out of college right wing. If this is the case, then fewer than 50% of all college graduates would be republican (running on the idea that 50% went in and not every one could "resist").

This would lead to fewer republicans in all aspects of educated careers, including politics. Democrats would win outright in that case. Since this isn't happening, we have to assume that there isn't any sort of indoctrination going on.

Its funny, but I never felt indoctrinated. Lets see, in all my classes we never discussed politics: Biochem, Chem, Organic Chem, Calc, Multivariable Calc, Genetics, Devel. Bio, Russian Language (multiple years), Physics and various seminars on Biophysics and Biochemistry... nope, never got indoctrinated. In fact, I can tell you that none of those professors listed above would have given a rats a$$ what your political leaning was. You either know the answer to the question or you don't.

Drathaar Offline
#69 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
Posts: 4,933
vic, its more than coincidence between you and doomi. You do everything the same. Using alias' to back oneself up on a message board is as old as message boards. It doesn't get any less sad though.

Your logic is flawed. "If this is the case, then fewer than 50% of all college graduates would be republican (running on the idea that 50% went in and not every one could 'resist')."

You went on to say "This would lead to fewer republicans in all aspects of educated careers, including politics. Democrats would win outright in that case. Since this isn't happening, we have to assume that there isn't any sort of indoctrination going on."

Where your logic fails is people vote. It only takes one Republican to challenge a Democrat. Then the voters take over. Nice try though.

I went to two schools as well and it was the same at both. Furthermore, I gave you the name of a good book to read on the subject. You can also go to David Horowitz's website for more examples. The St. Martin's I attended is in Lacey, WA.

You never felt indoctrinated eh? Maybe because you're already a leveral. That's like me saying I don't feel out of place at a Country bar.
victor808 Offline
#70 Posted:
Joined: 04-20-2005
Posts: 7,038
sigh... I tossed you a softball there drathhy

The point I tried to make when listing all my courses is that POLITICS NEVER CAME UP. What self respecting biochemistry professor is going to start jabbering on about the current state of politics? They don't have enough time to teach everything they currently have to teach. How is a biochemistry professor going to give a lower grade to a student because of their political beliefs? A student's political beliefs do not change the laws of science.

The point I tried to make, which seemed to go over your head, was that you choose your studies and company. Particular courses/professors who Horowitz goes after are "women's studies" or other politically charged courses where a specific doctrine IS being taught. So? the students enrolling in these courses know what the curriculae consists of, just as students attending a college are aware of the student body makeup. To put it simply, I would not saunter into a redneck bar and demand that they stop playing country-western.

"But victor, ALL the colleges are liberal and NONE of them have courses which have a conservative bent!!" Stop, whining. We both know this is not true. There are specific colleges founded with a right wing slant to them (BYU) and there are other colleges where specific departments are known for their conservative thoughts. As an example, economics taught at a number of schools varies from liberal to conservative economic thought. An example would be the Chicago school of economic thought, taught at the University of Chicago and well known for a very libertarian economic message.
victor808 Offline
#71 Posted:
Joined: 04-20-2005
Posts: 7,038
Oh, and true. It only takes one republican to challenge the democrats. Are you suggesting that the current political system consists of one educated republican for each slot, supported by an entire populace of highschool educated voters?

I think that some of your colleagues might take umbrage to your suggestion that they are not educated.
victor808 Offline
#72 Posted:
Joined: 04-20-2005
Posts: 7,038
Oh, and true. It only takes one republican to challenge the democrats. Are you suggesting that the current political system consists of one educated republican for each slot, supported by an entire populace of highschool educated voters?

I think that some of your colleagues might take umbrage to your suggestion that they are not educated.
adroomi Offline
#73 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
Isn't St Martin's a Catholic school? Just how liberal is a school that was based upon the ideals of Catholic Monks?

Drathaar, did you attend the campus as a resident, or did you attend satellite courses on a military base?

What did you major in?

What degree did you earn?

I'm asking this because I'm trying to figure out where you are coming from.

So far, the only thing I can get from your discussion, is that you attended a few night courses, and you're only view of college life is what you read in some slanted perceptionists book.
adroomi Offline
#74 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
Rug, me out here.

Coulter makes her living stating "facts" as Drathaar calls them about liberals. She puts these "facts" along with her thoughts into books that people read, and accept as the "truth." Don't believe that, look at Drathaars post.....he literally swallows her "facts" hook, line, and sinker, and then regurgitates them as fact to others.

One of the "facts" she states in one of her books is that women should not be allowed to vote because they are not smart enough. She also states that women should not be in the military.

When I bring this up, you tell me to "disregard" this as some sort of joke that she didn't mean to say, and that she really didn't mean. A slip of the tongue so to speak. A slip of the tongue? It was printed in a book! Why didn't the editors catch that slip, and why didn't she put a disclaimer in there saying..."hey, I was joking about the women not voting thing."

Am I supposed to believe everything Coulter puts in her books, or just certain things? Which one's are the one's to believe? She states everything as fact.

I read Coulter, and I see a marketing genius that has used her Doctorate to enable her to research things just well enough to put random thoughts into well-versed "stories" that fools looking for answers will suck up like sugar. Add to that a great set of legs (that she makes a point to show off) and a vagina between her legs and she is the dream child money-making machine that her publisher fantasized about all these years! She sells BOOKS by golly, and she's good at it. She has a HOOK I tell you. Poor Drathaar is already dying to read her latest work before it is even released. Why I bet he's even already ordered one! Mo Money! Mo Money! Mo Money! (as Daman and Keenan used to say).

The woman is releasing her book and using "666" as a selling point. Motley Crue, Black Sabbath, Ronnie James Dio all did that too. Good marketing. The only difference was, the Christians were offended. With Coulter, they're sucking it up.

Wow, Christians dying to buy a book because it's published on "666." Go figure.

Drathaar Offline
#75 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
Posts: 4,933
Sigh...doomi says that. Go figure.

vic, I know you had to take General courses your first two years. After that it CAN get better, but not always. If you think teachers don't bring politics into non-political classes you don't watch the news. Remember the Geography teacher in Colorado? Granted, that was High School, but its a recent example.

Horowitz wants equality in education, period. He wants the discrimination against Republicans stopped. He wants accurate text books. You have a problem with that? Of course you do, you're a liberal and liberals don't like an even playing field. They tend to get whipped when that happens.

Tell me, how many "Right" colleges are there? You are talking about a handful of schools vs hundres of Lefty schools. Don't try to equate them.
Drathaar Offline
#76 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
Posts: 4,933
doomi, the answer to all your questions can be found on these very boards. Look it up. But never did I say I attended a few night courses. I DID say I worked nights while going to school. Your reading comprehension needs work...among other things.
Drathaar Offline
#77 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
Posts: 4,933
doomi, many people have tried to dispute Ann's facts. All have failed. If you actually pick up one of her books (instead of copying and pasting a review by some liberal) you will notice something about her sources. She actually names them. Read a book by a liberal and try to find the source. You usually end up with "He said, She said".

Its why she is attacked so much. They can't get her on the facts, so they get personal. And nobody gets personal like the "peaceful" democrats.
adroomi Offline
#78 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
Okay...then I'll ask the questions again. As I said, I'm trying to understand where you are coming from:

1. Did you attend the campus as a resident, or did you attend satellite courses on a military base?

2. What did you major in?

3. What degree did you earn?

4. Isn't St Martin's a Catholic school?
adroomi Offline
#79 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
"If you think teachers don't bring politics into non-political classes you don't watch the news."

That's a really silly thing to say. What news? O'Reilly, who gets paid to say things like that? You must be mistaking "commentary" for "news."

Why would one need to watch the news in order to establish whether or not politics is brought into the classroom? Why not just sit in a classroom a while and see for oneself?
adroomi Offline
#80 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
I DO read Coulters books. It's what good researchers and well-rounded folks do....they look at things from ALL perspectives and then make a judgement based upon education, experience, morals, and "feeling."

You said:

"many people have tried to dispute Ann's facts. All have failed. If you actually pick up one of her books (instead of copying and pasting a review by some liberal) you will notice something about her sources. She actually names them. Read a book by a liberal and try to find the source. You usually end up with "He said, She said"."

So, are you agreeing with me that she states "women should not be allowed to vote and they should NOT be in the military?" If so, then are you also disagreeing with Rugrunner who claims this statement of hers to NOT be a fact?

Coulter "selectively" backs up her facts. Most of them are very crude and misleading. Only a fool would NOT see the attention grabbing ploys she uses.

"In fact, her footnotes do a poor job of supporting the assertions she makes. Many assertions go unfootnoted; many others are not supported by the footnote cited. Still others show signs of selective quotation, where once the entire article or quotation is examined, it implacably points in some direction other than what Ms. Coulter would like us to think."

"My conclusion is that one of her books has 780 footnotes for the main purpose of having 780 footnotes. They're pure ballast. How else to explain, e.g., this: She asserts that Hollywood celebrities and trial lawyers make large donations to the Democratic Party. No one really doubts this. But she adds a footnote anyway. The footnoted article is about contributions by Disney executives to the Senate campaign of Hillary Clinton. The article says nothing about the Democratic Party, Hollywood celebrities or trial lawyers. True, Clinton is a Democrat, Disney is in the entertainment business, and the article mentions that lawyers (never singling out "trial lawyers") have been generous to Clinton. But the article simply does not support the global assertions about the Democratic Party, etc. It is absolutely incredible that Ms. Coulter could not have found a supporting citation if she had looked. Instead, she just cited the first article she found on Lexis/Nexis that was even in the right ballpark. Or so it seems to me."

This means that the footnotes are worse than useless, they are misleading. Don't be misled.

She a fraud, a sideshow, and a moneymaking machine that is no different than a man selling cure-all hair tonic in a travelling circus.

There's a sucker born every minute, and you are a big one it appears.

8trackdisco Offline
#81 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
'..I DO read Coulters books. It's what good researchers and well-rounded folks do....'

Do you have to stretch before you pat yourself on the back, or are you naturally nimble?

'..a fraud, a sideshow, and a moneymaking machine..'

You make that much?!

'..There's a sucker born every minute, and you are a big one it appears..'

A senseless (but predictable) personal attack.

I hate driving in Schaumberg.
adroomi Offline
#82 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
Hey 8track,
you're fouling up the waters again....

Why don't you stay out of conversations that you have nothing constructive to add to?

Either agree with my post, disagree, or add something of value.

Quit stirring up trouble. You're starting to become a pest.
#83 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
if you believe her, then you believe bush and vice versa.

it shows a definite mind set.
8trackdisco Offline
#84 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
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I quote you, and I'M fouling the waters.

Better check your personal PCP readings.

"becoming a pest" is better than being called a pest. Good thing too. It would have been your third personal attack of the evening.

That's not being very well rounded.

I still scratch my head at the reason you waste all this time and effort painting your vision of the world and propaganda on a discount cigar message board.

Isn't there a Egomaniacs Anonymous or an Aviators Without Borders where this information could be better used or acted upon?

(Is this were you are going to tell the great unwashed rabble how you are trying to edge-jew-kate us?)
HockeyDad Offline
#85 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
The cool thing about Ann Coulter having a new book coming out is that some publishing company is going to score big time! I see that as a potential investing opportunity, especially in an election year. Sure, Ann already got her $3 million or so in advance fees but now its time for the publisher to cash in.

So Ann's book is published by some little no-name called Crown Forum. This looks real promising until I see they're owned by the much bigger publisher named Random House. I'm thinking that still has some merit until I discover that Random House is actually owned by Bertelsmann AG. Bertelsmann AG is a huge German media company and Random House is less than 10% of their revenue. Oh well, Ann's book is just a blip on their balance sheet.

Just another fine American company sold out to fer'ners and they're profiting off Ann Coulter. I applaud them.
victor808 Offline
#86 Posted:
Joined: 04-20-2005
Posts: 7,038
General courses? Now you are the one being insulting.
I have a BA in Biology, independent research in Biochemistry, two years of post graduate studies in Biochemistry and an MBA. I went beyond general courses 10 years ago.

Earlier this wasn't about "what's in the news" this was about your particular feelings that you were being persecuted as a republican. Now you have resorted to "I heard in the news". What is in the news is likely Horowitz's activities (regarding Universities at least) and is immediately suspect. I have a few things to ask you, if you think this is really a problem.
1) What about existing textbooks is inaccurate? (there are of course inaccuracies, but I would like to know which ones are anti right-wing)

2) How would liberals get whipped on an even playing field if the point of the exercise is the learn? Assuming we are in a college course, and the goal of the course is to learn what the professor is teaching and show that we have learned it (through tests and essays)... how is this biased against republicans? This is as bad as people saying that the SATs are biased against blacks (yes, I said it... I don't believe that BS either)

3) Identify one instance where a student with a right-wing bent has sucessfully (or even slightly sucessfully) shown the professor discriminated against them and gave them a lower grade than they deserved. And keep in mind, this has to be more sophisticated than "Professor X doesn't like me and gave me a bad grade!!" That didn't work for me in grade school, and shouldn't work for adults in college.

I would argue that the best universities have people from both schools of thought. As I said before, JHU had a strong right wing contingency. As do most of the ivy league schools. As long as we are talking about private universities, they will have the philosophy which their market demands. If there are more "liberal" colleges than conservative, this may be because more people who go to school are demanding this of their university and are willing to pay for it.

Keep in mind, if you are equating liberal with "not accepting hook line and sinker the right-wing agenda" then almost every college is liberal. The idea behind a university is that no one's ideas are irrefutable. This is acceptable in most liberal views, and therefore not disputed by liberals.
Homebrew Offline
#87 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
You Know,
I think Anns work, is great entertainment. She says some inflamitory things, that are sensationalized to the max. Though her citations, are just an example of what she describes, but really doesn't do much to support her entire arguement. If you want the news, find another source. If you want entertainment, then read Anns book. Don't look for concrete facts, but she does have some interesting things to say, and she will make you think. I myself enjoy her books, but I always enjoy a conspiracy theory. I look at her the same way I look at Rush Limbaugh, or Al Franken, from the opposite end of the spectrum.
I see where Drathaar posted that Liberals don't use citations, or footnotes, but I just pulled a liberal book at random, it was Al Frankens "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. (A Fair and Balenced look at the right.)" Wow a 12 page bibliography. So much for that theory. I found that book to be an intertaining read, with some interesting, cited theories. But it is just entertainment. But I will be at the bookstore this week, and will buy Anns' new book. I love a good read, and she does a good job. But anyone who takes what she, or Al Franken, writes, as the truth, is out of touch with reality. Thanks for alerting me to its' release, I can't wait to pick it up.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
adroomi Offline
#88 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
Senator Paul Wellstone (one of those liberal college professors that teach politcal science at none other than Carleton College), has been referred to as "the most liberal man in America."

He is one of Random House's biggest sellers of liberal books that he authors.

Wow.....Ann Coulter herself is colleagues with the liberal media master. I wonder if they tip glasses of Krug together at publishing parties as they dip their crackers in caviar and toast the middle class that buy their books?

One day I hope to get invited to a Random House publishing party. So far, I've never been, but I have been to a party thrown by McGraw Hill.

I have a friend that uses Random House.....I'll ask him to invite me to their next shindig. I sincerely will give it my best effort to toss a root at Ms Coulter and give her a good old fashioned shagging out in the flower garden where we'll sneak off to smoke a joint.

That'd be pretty cool.
Drathaar Offline
#89 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
Posts: 4,933
I see your true colors
Shining through....

So doomi, you read Coulter do you? I guess that's why you can only copy and paste reviews...and use AL FRANKEN as a source! You think I haven't seen that "review" of her facts before? Wow, you really do think I'm dumb. Good, that works to my advantage. You misunderestimate me :)

The footnote controversy is overblown to say the least. There were 2, count them - 2, minor errors in the footnotes. That's what happens when you listen to Frankin.

So what Coulter books have you read? I'm going to quiz you. I have all of them, one's even autographed.
Drathaar Offline
#90 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
Posts: 4,933

Don't be so daft. Everyone has to take General Courses their first two years in college.

So you don't watch the news eh? Your loss. And as usual doo...vic, you are wrong. Earlier this thread was about Republicans getting the shaft in college, not just me. I used me as an example.

1. History. The national average for Republicans in college History Departments is 0. Zero. Who writes the books? The professors. If you haven't read one lately, pick one up at any college bookstore.

2. Elections.

3. I already did, and it was my English teacher. She tried to fail me after I joined the College Republicans. Luckily I kept all copies of all my work. Then she tried to blame it on attendance. I was late twice and missed a grand total of 2 classes. I missed the classes because I had to be in court to fry a drunk driver who hit me (a pedestrian) in a parking lot and drove off. Valid excuse.

Oh, and Godless isn't be published on 6/6/06. Its being released on that date. (doomi, #74)
adroomi Offline
#91 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
I don't read Franken. I never have. I also don't watch commentary programs on the news. I don't consider them to be news. You see, I'm out in the world...the global world. I don't have sirius, nor teevo (or whatever it's called), and I don't watch reality tv. I'm in the global economy, and I watch the "news." I read on airplanes since I travel. My world is not near as shallow as yours I don't think.

You're going to quiz me on books? Gee that's grand. And to think I did 5 years of post-graduate thesis research in an extremely demanding Doctoral program......all so that I could be quizzed by a guy with a couple of night classes under his belt. I could've saved $200K in student loans! After you're done quizzing me, can I quiz you on Søren Kierkegaard's published works on Existentialism? It makes about as much sense as you quizzing me on some silly money-making fiction authors books.

Why don't you post a list here for us all on ALL of the books you have read recently?

You should send a contribution to Ms Coulters website. She needs some new short skirts, and your just the type that will help her to buy them.

You are one silly silly cat do you know that?
allbidness Offline
#92 Posted:
Joined: 03-13-2005
Posts: 1,031

Never try to persuade someone who is sure they are right.
It's a waste of time.
adroomi Offline
#93 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
Okay...... :(

(dang! another voice of reason taking away all my fun!)
rugrunner Offline
#94 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2004
Posts: 10,089
Maybe the news hasn't made it out yet globally Adroomi, but Wellstone died just over 4 years ago in plane crash. Maybe if you watched the news once in while instead just being "out in the world globally" you would know that.

If you do get to meet him at a party, I wouldn't shake his hand. At this point it's likely to come off. Maybe you can come to my ring of fire party this October, we have it every year in his honor. Kinda.

How do you know about Coulter lying on MSNBC and O'rielly lying about the same thing if you've never watched? The crap on those blue blogs is only useful if you stay there. If you take it out in the real world (globally or not) you might be asked for the truth.

As far as you 200,000 in sudent loans goes, I'd want a refund. You cant keep up with me, much less a guy that took some night classes.
Drathaar Offline
#95 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
Posts: 4,933
Wow doomi, why don't you just admit you never read one of Ann's books? You don't get to quiz me because I never said I read a book when I didn't. You want my degrees doomi, look them up. As I said before, its posted here. I don't look anything up for you anymore because you NEVER back anything up. You aren't worth the time.

So now you're saying if someone doesn't travel the world their world is shallow? Wow. You're more egotistical (and shallow) than I thought. You are, and I mean this politely, - ok, I had to backspace. Suffice it to say you are a waste of space.

So Mr. World Traveller Ladies Man, I have a question for you. If you're so busy being the World economy, travelling and picking up all these women you paid to take...I mean you asked to take pictures with, how is it you have soooooooo much time to spend on a message board? Most of us are married and stay home. You are single and should be payin...I mean picking up women for dates.

Hey I just thought of something. You're over 30, dress well, and single. According to Seinfeld, you're gay. Have you come to grips with it yet? Oops, grip is probably the wrong word to use eh?
Drathaar Offline
#96 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
Posts: 4,933
Oh, and do you even look at the source when you're copying and pasting? You quoted Al Franken. Damn, you do need a refund.
rver Offline
#97 Posted:
Joined: 01-21-2006
Posts: 53
Adroomi, thanks for trying. Allbidness is right.

This thread has ruined my day. You'd think that today of all days, some people might have something other than hate in their hearts.

I think I'll stick to the bid boards and smoke my cigars in peace.

rugrunner Offline
#98 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2004
Posts: 10,089
Well, bye...

How did the thread ruin your day? You didn't read it if you saw hate on anyone's part but Adroomi and friends.
8trackdisco Offline
#99 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
'..91. Author: adroomi Date: 04/16/2006 01:39 AM Reply
I don't read Franken. I never have. I also don't watch commentary programs on the news...'

Then lets lets go to the Way Back machine (post #80, same thread).

80. Author: adroomi Date: 04/15/2006 10:52 PM Reply
I DO read Coulters books. It's what good researchers and well-rounded folks do....they look at things from ALL perspectives

Guess adroomi isn't as well rounded as he claimed to be earlier in the same post.

Guess things change.

HockeyDad Offline
#100 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
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